Dev কে চ্যালেঞ্জ! কত দম দেখে নেবো! পিংলায় হুঁশিয়ারি হিরণের

  • 6 months ago
দলীয় কর্মীর দেহ উদ্ধার ঘিরে চাঞ্চল্য। পিংলায় প্রতিবাদ মিছিল বিজেপির। মিছিলে নেতৃত্ব ছিলেন হিরণ।
00:00 The police were shooting at the door and shooting at the door, and shooting at the door.
00:10 And outside, a movie star was seen with his face covered.
00:14 In the middle of the strike, the BJP's body was found in the Pingla police station in the Ghatal Lok Sabha Centre, in the area of Uddar.
00:23 The family of the deceased was murdered in a tragic manner.
00:27 The CBI's investigation found the murder to be a murder of a BJP officer, Hiran Jatopadha.
00:33 The deceased BJP officer's name was Shantanu Ghorui.
00:36 The family's accusation was that the police refused to take the accusation when they went to the police station to file a murder charge.
00:43 Even in the evening, the police did not take the accusation.
00:46 Later, the police took the accusation under the auspices of the BJP leadership.
00:50 And in response to this incident, the Mongol Bar called the deceased family along with the BJP officers.
00:56 On this day, everyone joined the Michil with a umbrella in their hands.
01:00 And the leader of the Michil was the BJP leader of Ghatal, Hiran.
01:04 On this day, the leader of the Michil, Deepak Prarthi Dev, started shouting against the officer.
01:10 [Deepak Prarthi Dev shouting against the officer]
01:37 [Deepak Prarthi Dev shouting against the officer]
01:50 [Deepak Prarthi Dev shouting against the officer]
02:04 [Deepak Prarthi Dev shouting against the officer]
02:23 [Deepak Prarthi Dev shouting against the officer]
02:39 [Deepak Prarthi Dev shouting against the officer]
03:08 [Deepak Prarthi Dev shouting against the officer]
03:22 [Deepak Prarthi Dev shouting against the officer]
03:51 [Deepak Prarthi Dev shouting against the officer]
04:02 [Deepak Prarthi Dev shouting against the officer]
04:18 Bureau report, One India, Bangla.
