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00:00 [Générique]
00:05 [Voix off] Some people think Rick Latimer shouldn't be a teacher.
00:09 [Rick] All right, bring him up. Linda, I want you to wear it in a parada class.
00:13 [Linda] Rick, grow up. [Rick] I'm trying.
00:15 [Voix off] And now, he's been promoted to the bottom of the barrel.
00:19 A war zone called "Grandel High".
00:23 His job? Principal.
00:26 [Rick] Who do you think you are? Dirty Harry or somebody?
00:29 [Rick] So you're the new principal?
00:31 [Rick] Yes. I must be the captain of the debating team? No.
00:37 [Rick] You come from all over the district.
00:39 [Rick] You even come with your own customs and traditions.
00:42 [Rick] Burglary, weapons, druids. All them nice things.
00:46 [Rick] I want you guys to be comfortable here.
00:48 [Rick] I want you to think of the school as a home away from prison.
00:51 [Rick] Man, do you know who you are?
00:53 [Rick] Haven't you heard what they say about this school?
00:56 His opposition? Everybody.
00:58 [Rick] No more gay intimidation, arson, robbery, rape or whatever the hell you've been majoring in here.
01:05 [Rick] No more!
01:06 [Rick] You talk too much.
01:08 [Rick] Can you tell me what class this is for?
01:10 [Rick] Any class Victor Duncan tries to kill me in.
01:12 [Rick] This school here is my school.
01:15 [Rick] I make the rules.
01:17 [Rick] I want these guys put on temporary payroll security guards.
01:20 [Rick] But they're teachers!
01:22 [Rick] They're big teachers.
01:23 His allies? Just one.
01:25 [Rick] I'm glad you're here.
01:27 [Rick] No, I know you're glad.
01:28 [Rick] You'd be dead by now.
01:30 They want to keep him out.
01:32 [Rick] If you're trying to reach me, I'd just cut your hand off.
01:38 [Rick] I got another one.
01:39 He wants to keep them in.
01:42 [Rick] Give me five, I'll buy.
01:43 [Rick] Come on, on the side.
01:45 [Rick] Down low.
01:46 [Rick] Too slow.
01:47 [Rick] You can't just teach the easy ones and throw the rest in the garbage.
01:49 [Rick] You're not the principal here anymore!
01:51 [Rick] And if you come back tomorrow and you try, you're going home with a body bag!
01:54 James Belushi
01:55 [Rick] I'll be here tomorrow.
01:56 Louis Gossett Jr.
01:57 [Rick] Hey Rick, I'll be here too, man.
01:59 In The Principal.
02:03 Sous-titrage FR : VNero14
02:08 Merci.