الشفع والوتر مع دعاء القنوت للشيخ د. ماهر المعيقلي ليلة 15 رمضان 1445هـ من #respect #Dua #coranenfrançais #family #islam #foryoupage #VoiceOfQuranSoutAlQuran #Ramdhan2024 #Ramzan2024

  • 6 months ago
الشفع والوتر مع دعاء القنوت للشيخ د. ماهر
المعيقلي ليلة 15 رمضان 1445هـ من
#respect #Dua #coranenfrançais #family #islam #foryoupage
#VoiceOfQuranSoutAlQuran #Ramdhan2024 #Ramzan2024
00:00 [Quran Recitation]
00:02 [Quran Recitation]
00:04 [Quran Recitation]
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00:12 [Quran Recitation]
00:14 [Quran Recitation]
00:16 [Quran Recitation]
00:18 [Quran Recitation]
00:20 [Quran Recitation]
00:22 And your meeting is a right thing.
00:24 And the Garden is a right thing.
00:26 And the Fire is a right thing.
00:27 And the Hour is a right thing.
00:29 And the Prophets are a right thing.
00:30 And Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, is a right thing.
00:35 Oh Allah, we have submitted to You, and in You we have believed, and in You we have relied.
00:41 And to You we turned, and to You we disputed, and to You we judged.
00:46 So forgive us our past and our future, and our secrets and our promises.
00:52 You are the One who puts things in the past and You are the One who puts things in the future.
00:55 There is no god but You.
00:59 Oh Allah, make us swear by Your fear, which You use to protect us from our disobedience.
01:05 And by Your obedience, which You use to take us to Your Paradise.
01:09 And by the certainty which You use to make us feel the hardships of this world.
01:14 And grant us, O Allah, to enjoy our hearing, our sight, and our strength.
01:20 Never leave us.
01:22 And make him a inheritor of us.
01:24 And make our wrath upon those who wronged us.
01:27 And help us against those who are our enemies.
01:30 And do not make our misfortune in our religion.
01:33 And do not make this world a greater burden for us, nor the extent of our knowledge.
01:39 And to the Fire is not our destination.
01:41 And make, O Allah, Paradise our home and our abode.
01:47 By Your mercy and Your bounty and Your generosity and Your favor, O Most Merciful of the merciful.
01:52 O Allah, we ask You for Paradise and for all that is near to it, both in speech and in action.
01:58 And we seek refuge in You from the Fire and for all that is near to it, both in speech and in action.
02:03 O Allah, we ask You for all that is good.
02:06 Your servant and Your Messenger Muhammad asked You for it.
02:12 And we seek refuge in You from all evil.
02:14 Your servant and Your Messenger Muhammad asked You for it.
02:20 O Allah, live and exist.
02:23 By Your mercy, we seek refuge.
02:25 Correct for us all our affairs.
02:28 And do not leave us to ourselves a blink of an eye.
02:31 There is no god but Allah, the Great, the Forbearing.
02:36 There is no god but Allah, the Lord of the Great Throne.
02:42 There is no god but Allah, the Lord of the heavens and the earth and the Lord of the Noble Throne.
02:50 O Allah, relieve the afflicted from the Muslims.
02:54 And purify the afflicted.
02:56 And take the debt from the debtors.
02:59 And heal our sick and the sick of the Muslims.
03:02 O Allah, relieve our brothers who are weak in every place.
03:07 O Allah, relieve our brothers who are weak in Palestine.
03:13 O Allah, be to them a helper and a helper.
03:20 O Allah, they are weak, so strengthen them.
03:25 Poor, so enrich them.
03:27 Poor, so carry them.
03:29 Poor, so cover them.
03:31 Hungry, so feed them.
03:33 O Allah, they are oppressed, so help them.
03:38 O Allah, be to them your enemy and their enemy.
03:41 O Powerful, O Mighty.
03:43 O Owner of Majesty and Honour.
03:46 O Allah, O Hearer of supplication.
03:48 O Owner of Grace and Grant.
03:50 O Owner of Majesty and Honour.
03:52 Grant our Imam the servant of the two holy shrines, for what you love and are pleased with.
03:58 O Allah, grant him success and his friends and his companions.
04:02 For what is good for Islam and Muslims.
04:05 O Allah, protect them from Islam and Muslims.
04:10 O Allah, protect these countries, their security and their safety.
04:16 And their leadership and their stability.
04:19 O Allah, who wants us and our countries and the countries of the Muslims to be in trouble.
04:24 So make his destruction a destruction upon him.
04:28 O Powerful, O Mighty.
04:29 O Owner of Majesty and Honour.
04:32 O Allah, grant our security men success.
04:35 O Allah, grant our borders and our throats the success of our allies.
04:40 O Allah, cover their opinions.
04:43 O Allah, cover their spears.
04:45 O Allah, return them to their people, safe and unharmed.
04:50 Victorious, O Lord of the worlds.
04:54 O Allah, we seek refuge in your pleasure from your arrogance.
04:57 And in your protection from your punishment.
05:00 And in you, we do not count as praise upon you.
05:04 You are as you have praised yourself.
05:07 O Allah, you are Forgiving.
05:09 You love Forgiveness, so forgive us.
05:11 O Allah, you are Forgiving.
05:13 You love Forgiveness, so forgive us.
05:16 O Allah, you are Forgiving.
05:18 You love Forgiveness, so forgive us.
05:21 O Allah, send blessings and peace upon your servant and messenger Muhammad.
05:26 And upon his family, his companions, and his followers.
05:30 And upon those who follow them with good till the Day of Judgment.
