• 7 months ago
00:00:00 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:00:03 The legend of the Bodine brothers
00:00:06 has etched itself into frontier history in the last quarter
00:00:09 of the 19th century.
00:00:11 Morgan, two persons, Bodine captured by the Cheyenne
00:00:14 and freed eight years later by the army.
00:00:17 Quentin Bodine, a young doctor from San Francisco.
00:00:20 Across thousands of miles from the Missouri
00:00:23 Breaks to the Canadian River, from the Rockies
00:00:25 to the high plains, both joined together
00:00:27 in a search for their sister, Patricia,
00:00:30 still a captive of the Cheyenne.
00:00:31 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:00:35 The legend of the Bodine brothers, this is their story.
00:00:48 This is the quest.
00:00:50 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:00:53 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:00:56 What's the matter, Santus?
00:01:20 Never seen a little mare give you that much fuss.
00:01:23 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:01:27 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:01:30 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:01:34 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:01:37 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:01:41 Quentin!
00:02:06 What is it?
00:02:08 I know that brand.
00:02:10 Lazy H, a man I used to know, lives here.
00:02:13 Who is he?
00:02:14 A ranch man named Hatcher.
00:02:16 Morgan, I wanted to get into Red Bluffs by this evening.
00:02:18 We can still make it.
00:02:20 Come on.
00:02:21 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:02:24 How do you know this man, Hatcher?
00:02:30 Well, it is a long story, but I will never forget that brand.
00:02:34 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:02:37 Six horses, five bucks a head.
00:02:59 $30.
00:03:01 I don't want five bucks a head from you, Mr. Hatcher.
00:03:03 That's what I charge the other ranchers.
00:03:06 You take it.
00:03:09 You fixin' to be so independent,
00:03:10 now don't do me no favors.
00:03:11 I don't suppose you changed your mind about Quentin.
00:03:22 I ain't changed my mind.
00:03:27 Then the devil take you.
00:03:31 What do you young men today know about loyalty?
00:03:34 Spend years with a man and then spit it out the window
00:03:37 like I wanted to back her.
00:03:38 All you got right now is two wranglers and me,
00:03:40 Mr. Hatcher.
00:03:42 And I figured maybe if I go, it'll
00:03:43 stop you from killing yourself.
00:03:45 Running out on me for my own good, huh?
00:03:47 Is that it?
00:03:48 You and that crazy rude, no one takes
00:03:50 a herd through the bad lands.
00:03:52 And you've had too many bad years to pull it off.
00:03:55 You're jinxed.
00:03:56 You ain't the end of the world here.
00:03:58 I could be another ramrod, another man.
00:04:01 With what?
00:04:02 You can't afford to pay like the other ranchers anymore.
00:04:05 And it is too late in the season to move cattle.
00:04:07 Clark, why don't you sell out and sit down a few years?
00:04:11 You could use a rest.
00:04:12 I'll rest when I'm in my grave.
00:04:15 Mr. Hatcher, I hope it is later rather than sooner.
00:04:18 Matthew Hatcher.
00:04:28 Huh?
00:04:31 Two persons.
00:04:33 Two persons?
00:04:35 From Chief Houghton's band.
00:04:37 Not that skinny little, toe-headed kid
00:04:43 with freckles and Adam's apple that always looked
00:04:45 like he was eating something.
00:04:46 I never thought of myself in those ways, but yes.
00:04:49 I'll be.
00:04:51 You sure changed some since I last seen you.
00:04:53 Tell me, how long has it been?
00:04:55 I was 10 years old then.
00:04:56 How's Houghton?
00:04:58 You know, I was thinking on him just two, three days ago.
00:05:00 He is dead, Mr. Hatcher.
00:05:02 Horse soldiers.
00:05:05 Seems we're reaching the age when news of old friends
00:05:09 dying comes too often.
00:05:11 Mr. Hatcher, this is my brother, Quentin Bodine.
00:05:14 Seem to recall mention of him, but everyone
00:05:18 thought you was dead.
00:05:20 Well, it took a few years, but I finally caught up with him
00:05:22 and proved otherwise.
00:05:23 Well, I'm sure glad you did.
00:05:25 Glad to meet you, Quentin.
00:05:27 Hey, wasn't there a sister, two persons?
00:05:29 She is still with the Cheyenne, Ironhawk's band.
00:05:32 Ironhawk?
00:05:33 Tough as his name.
00:05:35 Are you two planning on bringing her back?
00:05:36 Because if you are, he'll put up a hell of a fight.
00:05:40 We'll fight if we have to.
00:05:42 We think we know where they made camp,
00:05:44 but we're headed that way now.
00:05:45 Well, look, look, hold on a moment.
00:05:47 I got a herd going out in a few days up to Pueblo.
00:05:50 Colorado.
00:05:51 If I could use some good men.
00:05:53 Most others have signed on with other outfits and gone north.
00:05:55 Look, I can pay $20 and a share.
00:05:59 That could work out pretty good at the other end.
00:06:02 Any other time, Mr. Hatcher.
00:06:03 Thank you.
00:06:04 Well, I sure could use you.
00:06:06 We plan to spend the night in Red Bluffs
00:06:09 and then leave first thing in the morning.
00:06:11 It is important.
00:06:12 We just stopped to say hello.
00:06:15 You're sure?
00:06:16 Yes.
00:06:17 Thank you.
00:06:18 But if you should happen to be in town tonight,
00:06:21 we could have food together.
00:06:22 Ah.
00:06:25 Thanks, just the same.
00:06:26 Hey, mister.
00:06:47 I curved, fed them horses, gave them brand new shoes.
00:06:51 You owe me $0.50 a piece more.
00:06:54 Here's two bits.
00:06:57 Go buy yourself five beers.
00:06:59 Mister, I'm a peaceable man.
00:07:03 But you ain't making it easy.
00:07:05 Thank you.
00:07:22 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:07:25 Not to be, but I just saw.
00:07:29 Would you mind doing that again?
00:07:36 For a price, I might do anything.
00:07:40 How much to board them overnight?
00:07:41 Two bits in advance.
00:07:43 So I don't have to do to you what I did to them.
00:07:47 And that's each.
00:07:48 That's a little bit high, isn't it?
00:07:50 They'll get grooming and a measure of grain.
00:07:53 I'd say they need it.
00:07:55 More than I do, friend.
00:07:57 Oh, he threw his right front shoe.
00:08:00 Come on.
00:08:01 [GRUNTS]
00:08:02 You know, I'm so hungry, I don't know whether to eat first
00:08:09 and then take a bath or vice versa.
00:08:11 Here it is.
00:08:17 This is the one I did today.
00:08:19 Tom.
00:08:22 Tom, it's so lifelike.
00:08:25 It's a whole story here.
00:08:27 And that man, you can just feel him hurting,
00:08:31 wanting to be free.
00:08:34 Do you really see all that in there?
00:08:37 Uh-huh.
00:08:39 Oh, Bess.
00:08:41 Bess, you're so beautiful.
00:08:43 Hold it.
00:08:44 I wouldn't go no further if I was you, Wakely.
00:08:48 I've heard that speech before, and I know
00:08:50 just what you're leading up to.
00:08:51 Now, Bess might think it fine to marry you,
00:08:53 but I see it different.
00:08:54 Papa--
00:08:55 Quiet!
00:08:56 Pretty pictures never put no food on the table.
00:08:59 He can't even take care of himself,
00:09:00 much less a wife or a baby.
00:09:01 Oh, wait a minute, Bess.
00:09:05 Wakely.
00:09:07 You take your paper and your pencils,
00:09:09 and you find yourself a job.
00:09:10 Oh, you fellas still here?
00:09:17 No, there ain't no doctor in this town
00:09:19 in case you catch pneumonia.
00:09:21 Well, I happen to be a doctor, and you don't catch pneumonia.
00:09:25 I'm taking a bath.
00:09:26 Yeah, my arms ache so bad from catching them hauling.
00:09:31 Telling you there ain't no Sunday picnic
00:09:34 hauling this boiling water.
00:09:36 Hey, now, look, son, there's no need for you to do that.
00:09:41 [GUNSHOT]
00:09:41 Oh!
00:09:46 [SIGHS]
00:09:51 Whew.
00:09:52 Well, you sure made a mess, didn't you?
00:09:59 Suppose I have to clean up after your little target practice.
00:10:04 There's nothing like a man who's grateful.
00:10:07 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:10:10 [LAUGHTER]
00:10:13 I hear tell that any buster worthy of salt
00:10:15 can break a green horse while calmly rolling a cigarete.
00:10:19 Oh.
00:10:20 Well, that's rap, my friend.
00:10:22 But when he's finished, he lights up and has a smoke.
00:10:24 [LAUGHTER]
00:10:26 Can an Irishman get a drink around here?
00:10:28 Come on, Doug, give me a whiskey.
00:10:30 For those of you who don't know me, the name's Hatcher.
00:10:39 I got 1,500 head needing to move up to Pueblo.
00:10:45 I can pay $20 in a share.
00:10:46 That's short up front and long in the end.
00:10:51 Any takers?
00:10:52 Amos?
00:11:01 Mule?
00:11:04 How do you like working for that foreflush of Ames?
00:11:06 We're sorry, Mr. Hatcher, but we're offered
00:11:07 a better job working for him.
00:11:10 I always give you fair treatment.
00:11:12 We know that.
00:11:13 Mr. Ames offers more pay.
00:11:15 Well, you tell Mr. Ames next time you see him
00:11:17 to keep out of my way, see?
00:11:18 I suppose you're going over to Ames too, huh?
00:11:32 Yes, because you push everyone too hard.
00:11:35 I don't push anyone any harder than I push myself.
00:11:38 And that is too hard.
00:11:39 No one will work for you anymore, old man.
00:11:46 Anybody else talks to me that way, I kill them.
00:11:49 I think the bath first was a good idea.
00:11:56 I'm not so sure.
00:11:56 Let's eat.
00:12:03 Mr. Hatcher?
00:12:07 Two persons.
00:12:08 When?
00:12:11 You came after all.
00:12:13 Well, I'm not what you call fed company tonight, two persons.
00:12:17 But you're welcome if you want to sit down.
00:12:19 You have something to eat with us?
00:12:22 I've had something.
00:12:24 Thanks, Doug.
00:12:25 What do you have?
00:12:26 I have a beer and supper for both of us.
00:12:28 Eats are over there, and I'll fetch you the beer.
00:12:31 I'll get it.
00:12:32 Go ahead and visit.
00:12:33 I just lost my ramrod to another wrench.
00:12:41 Oh, Mr. Ames.
00:12:42 I figured you'd show up sooner or later.
00:12:51 You drunk or just looking for trouble like always?
00:12:55 I'm drunk enough to stand for all of my men
00:12:57 being hired away by you.
00:13:00 You're dead, Hatcher, only you don't know it yet.
00:13:02 Why don't you go and find yourself a hole and lay in it?
00:13:05 Mr. Hatcher.
00:13:10 You're a mess.
00:13:11 Morgan!
00:13:15 Get out of here.
00:13:20 I was only protecting myself.
00:13:21 Everybody here will touch them.
00:13:23 Looks like he's finished.
00:13:23 No, he's not.
00:13:25 I'm a doctor.
00:13:26 Get everybody out of here.
00:13:27 Get back.
00:13:29 Give me my gun.
00:13:30 I'll give this to the sheriff.
00:13:31 Now get out of here.
00:13:32 Come on, come on, come on.
00:13:39 Give me a couple of tables under that light.
00:13:41 That's deep enough.
00:13:45 Give me some pressure here.
00:13:46 It's bleeding too much.
00:13:47 Easy, easy.
00:13:49 Give me the bistri.
00:13:50 The bistri.
00:13:51 Which one is it?
00:13:52 I'm sorry. It's the flat one.
00:13:53 Thin flat one.
00:13:55 Come here.
00:13:55 How did it happen?
00:14:06 He and Ames got into it.
00:14:07 I'll kill Ames for this.
00:14:08 The sheriff is taking care of it.
00:14:10 You know Mr. Hatcher?
00:14:15 How many years?
00:14:17 You can stay around if you're going to be useful.
00:14:18 Hold him down.
00:14:20 I can't risk him waking up and moving.
00:14:22 Give it a probe.
00:14:23 Will he live?
00:14:31 I don't know that.
00:14:34 The bullet entered his left side, and it's right next to his spine.
00:14:38 Now if I can get it out, and if I don't paralyze him doing it--
00:14:44 You got to--
00:14:44 So don't talk to me right now.
00:14:45 [music playing]
00:14:48 Yeah.
00:14:49 [music playing]
00:14:52 [music playing]
00:14:55 Yeah.
00:14:56 [music playing]
00:14:59 Yeah.
00:15:00 [music playing]
00:15:03 [music playing]
00:15:06 I don't think he's going to make it.
00:15:07 [music playing]
00:15:10 [music playing]
00:15:13 I don't think I would like to be a doctor.
00:15:17 You should live with one.
00:15:20 Bartender, get me a tablecloth that's clean, something we can use for rags.
00:15:24 Make sure it's clean.
00:15:25 Tearing the strip's two inches wide.
00:15:26 [music playing]
00:15:30 [music playing]
00:15:33 [slicing]
00:15:35 [slicing]
00:15:36 [music playing]
00:15:38 Well, your ticker sounds all right.
00:15:40 I think you're going to make it.
00:15:41 I thought you two boys was all fired set and getting north.
00:15:46 We were, until you got yourself into trouble.
00:15:50 Yeah.
00:15:51 Guess I was out of order.
00:15:54 One of these days, my tempers want to get me buried.
00:15:57 [footsteps]
00:15:59 Sorry sight of us seem to you this way, two persons.
00:16:03 [footsteps]
00:16:05 Not like the man you met when--
00:16:07 [footsteps]
00:16:09 --when he was 10.
00:16:13 No.
00:16:16 The man I met when I was 10 would never
00:16:21 have felt sorry for himself.
00:16:23 Well, who's got a better ride?
00:16:26 No.
00:16:28 What you've seen today is all that's left of me, my life.
00:16:32 [music playing]
00:16:35 A shot, a battered, a rule of a bat,
00:16:44 and a ranch ain't no better.
00:16:47 The laudanum is taking effect.
00:16:49 Just let yourself go to sleep.
00:16:50 [music playing]
00:16:53 10 years, 15 years ago, we was the best in the territory.
00:17:04 Had me my missus then and my boy, and the whole world
00:17:13 outside my doorstoop.
00:17:15 Where are they now, Mr. Hatcher?
00:17:17 [music playing]
00:17:21 Buried.
00:17:22 [music playing]
00:17:25 Outside my doorstoop.
00:17:27 [footsteps]
00:17:30 Last day of fall, winter of '68, November the 11th, 640 PM.
00:17:40 Son Carl was next.
00:17:43 I was teaching him to brand a steer.
00:17:47 Got his head stolen.
00:17:50 They ain't no good for nothing.
00:17:52 [music playing]
00:17:55 He was only nine.
00:17:56 [music playing]
00:18:01 Shot that steer six times, crying all the time.
00:18:09 [music playing]
00:18:12 [footsteps]
00:18:16 How did things get so bad, Mr. Hatcher?
00:18:19 After my family died, I sort of went to seed.
00:18:22 By the time I come out of it, I was too far gone.
00:18:26 Drove too hard, was too scared.
00:18:28 No way to make up for it.
00:18:32 The bank's gone with me as far as it'll go.
00:18:35 If I don't make this drive, then I'll lose everything.
00:18:38 The ranch, that's the end of me.
00:18:40 You can bury me out there with my wife and son.
00:18:42 My life will have gone for nothing.
00:18:46 Mr. Hatcher, I do not know much about cattle.
00:18:51 But maybe we could find others who do.
00:18:54 And we could help you on this drive.
00:18:57 Only thing is, you know how far I got when I tried to hire men.
00:19:01 Well, there must be men who need work.
00:19:03 I will find them.
00:19:04 Could I talk to you for a second?
00:19:06 Outside?
00:19:07 What are you thinking about?
00:19:16 That's two months work at least.
00:19:17 When I was 10 years old, we had a very bad--
00:19:19 I don't want to hear your past history.
00:19:21 There was no game finally, even for the wolves.
00:19:23 I'm not gonna like this.
00:19:24 Everyone went to sleep hungry and cold.
00:19:26 And some of the old people and children began to die off.
00:19:29 I think I began to die with them.
00:19:31 And one day this man came in on a horse and 12 steers.
00:19:35 And he warmed his hands by our fire, and then he rode away.
00:19:39 He never even asked for a payment or thanks.
00:19:42 All he said was, "I near froze to the saddle getting him up here.
00:19:47 Do not aim to take him back down."
00:19:50 You don't figure I evened that score up by patching him up.
00:19:54 I will only offer myself.
00:19:57 Quentin, I have to do what I can to help him.
00:20:00 Would you even like me if I did otherwise?
00:20:06 No.
00:20:08 There.
00:20:09 We'll try.
00:20:18 Mr. Hatcher, you cannot think of anyone that will work for you?
00:20:24 Not since Santos left me.
00:20:26 Unless we're forced to scrape the bottom of the barrel.
00:20:31 I think we are.
00:20:32 Well, there's the smithy at the stables, Tucker.
00:20:36 He's older now, but maybe he had it once anyway.
00:20:42 I hear Walter Lucas is back in town, and there's the janitor of the bathhouse, Cooler.
00:20:50 I don't want to think anymore I'm getting depressed.
00:20:57 I can see that you know and you care about horses, but do you know anything about cattle?
00:21:04 Cattle?
00:21:06 I'm probably the best black cowboy that ever rubbed his legs raw in a drive.
00:21:12 Believe it or not, it's all up to you.
00:21:16 Where'd you do all this cowboying?
00:21:20 A ranch in Texas.
00:21:22 I was born there.
00:21:24 After that great, wonderful war that they talked about, I took my freedom and went where I wasn't a black man.
00:21:33 That was on the trail drive.
00:21:35 And I worked hard, but I become the best there is.
00:21:40 Now, I don't pay much attention to this black and white business, but it's always nice to have the best.
00:21:46 How would you like to come along?
00:21:48 Now, the pay's not much out front, it's only $20, but with a share, by the end of the drive, you could do real good for yourself.
00:21:55 Maybe $50.
00:21:57 $50? Are you running stolen cattle or what?
00:22:01 No, no. It's Hatcher's drive.
00:22:03 You mean old man Hatcher?
00:22:05 Yeah, they say he's a jinx or something. Now, if that worries you...
00:22:08 A jinx?
00:22:10 All you gotta do is step out on the trail.
00:22:13 Luck and God kiss you goodbye.
00:22:16 A man can get stampeded, drowned, dragged, gored, stomped, frozen, and fried all in one day.
00:22:24 Jinx.
00:22:25 Every day is a jinx.
00:22:27 Hey, he's having trouble finding men, ain't he?
00:22:32 What makes you think that?
00:22:34 You're asking me, ain't you?
00:22:37 You're figuring I'm too old?
00:22:39 I'm asking you, ain't I?
00:22:42 I'll go. I'll show these people around here I ain't no stable boy.
00:22:48 Mr. Lucas!
00:22:55 That's right.
00:22:57 Can we talk?
00:22:58 I've got more important things to do, boy.
00:23:00 This is important.
00:23:02 I usually only say things one time.
00:23:06 It is about Matthew Hatcher.
00:23:10 He gonna live?
00:23:12 I think maybe so, yes.
00:23:14 Come on up, boy.
00:23:15 I wasn't planning on no spectacle.
00:23:17 Yeah, I don't pay you to talk, Fran. Get up.
00:23:21 Come on.
00:23:23 Oh, want a drink, boy?
00:23:40 I ain't refusing.
00:23:42 Mr. Hatcher says that 12 years ago you were the best wrangler on his ranch.
00:23:48 I was.
00:23:50 Then I left Hatcher and I signed on one of them outfits in a range war.
00:23:57 Killed a couple people on the line of duty, I guess you'd say.
00:24:01 Now it never seems to stop.
00:24:03 Last kid trying to prove himself was 17, 18 years old, I guess.
00:24:08 Well, if there's nothing more, I got me a close personal relationship with Hatcher.
00:24:12 Mr. Hatcher needs help.
00:24:14 Boy, I can't even help myself.
00:24:19 He is taking 1,500 steers on the drive.
00:24:23 And no one will help him.
00:24:26 Yeah.
00:24:28 I heard he's had a bad run of luck.
00:24:31 A long run.
00:24:33 Mr. Lucas, he needs you bad.
00:24:38 Say, uh, Matthew ever tell you how he helped me?
00:24:47 He wouldn't. He's not the type.
00:24:51 He's the one man in the world I owe something to.
00:24:55 Where's this drive end up, anyway?
00:24:58 Pueblo.
00:25:00 Pueblo. That's on the way to Chicago.
00:25:03 Mm-hmm.
00:25:05 Let's go.
00:25:12 [♪♪♪]
00:25:15 Well...
00:25:20 Sorry, Fran. Guess I'm out of the mood.
00:25:23 Well, I ain't.
00:25:25 Here you go, girl.
00:25:31 Take care of yourself.
00:25:33 [gunshots]
00:25:40 [gunshots]
00:25:42 Well, I guess it's time I quit playing a bad guy...
00:25:54 and went on back to see my family.
00:25:57 Mr. Hatcher said that you used to ride chuck wagon?
00:26:05 I used to do a lot of things.
00:26:08 Would you be interested in going on another cattle ride?
00:26:12 Well, it was some of the best outfits of my time...
00:26:15 when I was paid real proper, too.
00:26:18 Of course, I had a lot of dignity back then.
00:26:24 Before the bottle got to me.
00:26:27 An old age.
00:26:29 But drunk or sober...
00:26:31 I can free the man and keep him happy.
00:26:35 [♪♪♪]
00:26:38 We need a cook.
00:26:42 Or do you have to stay sober?
00:26:45 I'll give it a try.
00:26:51 [♪♪♪]
00:26:55 [♪♪♪]
00:26:58 Sweetheart, you ready?
00:27:15 Yeah.
00:27:16 Hurry up!
00:27:18 I've never looked before.
00:27:20 Neither have I.
00:27:22 I got just a few things.
00:27:24 We don't have time for all this stuff.
00:27:26 Give me your hand.
00:27:28 You're taking everything you own?
00:27:30 You don't expect me to hold more than I want, do you?
00:27:33 Yes, I do.
00:27:35 What's going on here?
00:27:37 Nothing, Father.
00:27:39 Is this what I think it is?
00:27:41 No.
00:27:42 Winkley, is that you out there, you no-good-for-nothing squirrel?
00:27:45 Where's my gun?
00:27:47 Father, don't shoot him! I love him!
00:27:49 Oh, Father, don't!
00:27:51 [♪♪♪]
00:27:54 Mr. Hatcher!
00:28:06 You have your drovers.
00:28:08 Bring 'em over.
00:28:10 Come on in, fellas.
00:28:14 There they are.
00:28:19 Well, there, Tucker.
00:28:21 Mr. Hatcher.
00:28:22 Cooler.
00:28:24 Looks like it's been a long time.
00:28:27 Yeah, longer. Longer for me than you, I reckon.
00:28:30 Is this all you've got?
00:28:34 Well, there are two more, but they will join us on the trail.
00:28:37 So, you're all gonna do me a big favor by going on the drive, are you?
00:28:43 Let me tell you something.
00:28:45 You ain't doing me no favor.
00:28:47 I'm going to a new one.
00:28:49 All of you have been on drives before, but you most likely forget what they was like.
00:28:54 A thousand miles of nothing...
00:28:56 except dirt and grit and hate and sore bottoms...
00:29:01 and aches and places you wish you didn't have.
00:29:04 I said we wasn't going to do one another no favors.
00:29:10 Well, maybe I was wrong about that.
00:29:14 But yesterday, at this time, I wouldn't have given myself a chance in hell of ever getting this drive going.
00:29:19 And now, looking at you...
00:29:23 I figure we're all gonna make it.
00:29:27 Because we gotta make it.
00:29:29 Because we got nothing to look forward to except the end of the drive in Pueblo.
00:29:33 And 'cause there ain't nothing here for any of us.
00:29:37 Nothing.
00:29:40 Sign 'em up.
00:29:42 [ "San Francisco" ]
00:29:45 - Uh, Mr. Hatcher? - Huh?
00:30:02 I'm Wakely. Remember me? I was sketching over at the Corral the other day.
00:30:06 - Yeah, I remember you. - Thomas R. Wakely, Jr.
00:30:09 I would sure appreciate it if you'd take me along with you on your drive.
00:30:13 - The sooner, the better. - [ Chuckles ]
00:30:16 Well, Mr. Thomas R. Wakely, Jr., judging by your dress...
00:30:20 you wouldn't know the hind end of a cow from the druther.
00:30:23 - What makes you think you're a cowboy? - Well, I'm a real hard worker.
00:30:27 There's no reason why I can't dress differently.
00:30:31 I learn real fast. After all, I am a Yale man.
00:30:37 Well, Mr. Yale man, whatever that is, put your signature on the book...
00:30:41 - and let's see if it's legible. - Yes, sir.
00:30:45 What's that, cooler? What do you got here?
00:31:04 - I thought we had a deal. - You saw me driving a wagon.
00:31:07 - You broke your promise. - I haven't been soaking in 20 years.
00:31:11 - Clean hands. - Now, wait a minute.
00:31:14 Hey, now, wait a minute! Wait a minute!
00:31:17 Wait a minute! I don't take care of this when I soak.
00:31:21 - I don't go to the bathhouse. - This is the bathroom.
00:31:24 Wait a minute! Wait a minute! My boots!
00:31:27 - I'll get you a-- - You take care of that hat now.
00:31:30 - You understand? - Wait a minute! Wait a minute!
00:31:34 - We don't have time for this. - Whoa!
00:31:41 It's worse than I remembered.
00:31:57 You're getting better.
00:32:00 A saddle on two persons pony.
00:32:08 I never thought I'd see the day.
00:32:15 Guess we'll take some getting used to, this cowboy.
00:32:19 - Nice pair of shafts, Quentin. - Yeah.
00:32:25 Yeah.
00:32:27 Who's in charge here?
00:32:30 We heard in town that you're taking out a drive.
00:32:37 - Can you stand? - You hear what the pay is?
00:32:40 Yeah, we heard.
00:32:42 You had any experience?
00:32:45 As much as anyone around here has.
00:32:47 You wanted for anything?
00:32:50 Well, in these parts, it's usual not to ask questions like that, but I'll answer you.
00:32:56 We ain't wanted, and we're not running, and we'll cause you no trouble.
00:33:00 What we want is the work.
00:33:03 - Just? - That's right. We need the pay.
00:33:07 You sign up for Mr. Hatcher. He's in the house.
00:33:17 I know. But we do need them.
00:33:21 [ Music ]
00:33:24 [ Music ]
00:33:53 You all right?
00:33:56 Fancy pants don't make a cowboy, Harbuckle.
00:34:02 I'd rather brand Billy Don's hind end than a sear.
00:34:06 You wanna try again?
00:34:09 I'm gonna have some work with him. He had no cause to do that.
00:34:14 I think Wakely can take care of it himself. He just does not know that yet.
00:34:18 Well, now, maybe you don't wanna try again.
00:34:22 [ Music ]
00:34:25 - All right. - All right, McKinnon.
00:34:28 Let's get this straight right now.
00:34:30 You want me to take you apart in front of all these men?
00:34:33 Now, you knew it, Harbuckle, but I wanna tell you, it hurts when Billy Don hits.
00:34:37 I think you're all mouth, McKinnon.
00:34:40 - Now, you stand up. This is between him and me. - Yeah, he's right. He's right.
00:34:44 - Let's go. - He ain't nothing but a city slicker.
00:34:47 Come on, let's go now.
00:34:50 - Come on, Billy Don. - That's it, Wakely.
00:34:53 - That's it, Wakely. - Come on, Billy Don.
00:34:56 - Don't just look at him. Hit him. - Let's do it.
00:34:59 - Come on. - Come on, Wakely.
00:35:02 Come on.
00:35:05 - That's it. - I've never seen anybody fight like that.
00:35:10 That's what you call boxing.
00:35:13 Come on, Billy Don.
00:35:16 - Get him up. - Come on, do it.
00:35:19 - Get him on his feet, Wakely. - That's it. Come on.
00:35:22 - Come on, Wakely. - Come on.
00:35:25 - Come on, Wakely. - Get up, Wakely.
00:35:28 - Get him on his feet. - Use your left.
00:35:31 - Jab him. - Jab him, Wakely.
00:35:34 - Come on, Billy Don. - I hit him.
00:35:37 - Wakely, use your left. - Hit him.
00:35:40 Come on. Box him.
00:35:43 Come on.
00:35:46 - That's it. - Get up, Billy Don.
00:35:51 Don't just lay there.
00:35:54 Get up. Get up.
00:35:57 Is that enough? Is the fighting over now?
00:36:09 Good. You have work to get back to.
00:36:12 Almost there.
00:36:23 - Come on. - It hurts.
00:36:28 - Hey, McKinnon. - Yeah?
00:36:37 Let me ask you something.
00:36:40 What's that?
00:36:43 Arbuckle. What's it mean?
00:36:46 I ain't gonna call you no more.
00:36:53 I ain't gonna call you no more.
00:36:56 - All right, come on. Give it to me. - Put these back here.
00:37:11 Wait a minute. I've only got two hands.
00:37:14 Hatcher wants to have Mr. Brannady Mavericks on the trail.
00:37:17 Calm down, Cooler. Look at it this way.
00:37:20 I could have been bitten by that snake my brother shot.
00:37:23 Either way, the snake would have done it.
00:37:48 You all right?
00:37:51 Yeah. Got a rash.
00:37:54 It'll take a few days to get over, but meanwhile, Quentin has some sap.
00:37:59 Sounds wonderful.
00:38:03 [ Dramatic Music ]
00:38:06 How you feeling?
00:38:24 Let's get one thing straight. I don't want you around, nursemaiden.
00:38:28 You're here to push cows, not to push me.
00:38:31 What I tell you to do, I won't push you.
00:38:34 I got you an extra supply of laudanum and some bullets for you to bite on.
00:38:39 I don't need no bullets as long as I got this.
00:38:42 We're gonna head northeast.
00:38:45 Join the good night, loving trails to the Colorado Badlands.
00:38:50 Then straight up to Pueblo.
00:38:53 - Do we have to cross them? - Yeah, I've been up to them badlands.
00:38:56 I swore I'd never go back.
00:38:58 - I've heard they can kill you. - They can, but we're not gonna let 'em.
00:39:02 We're up in Indian uprisings.
00:39:05 When we go around the extra 300 miles, we'll miss the market...
00:39:09 and none of us will get any shares.
00:39:12 I ain't a quitter. I don't want to hear no talk of quitting from you neither.
00:39:17 You'll learn fast out there. You'll prove up.
00:39:21 You'll show 'em.
00:39:24 Well, what are you waiting for? Get these beans moving!
00:39:29 - Yee-haw! - Yee-haw!
00:39:32 - Let's go! - Come on, folks.
00:39:34 - Lucas, move that thing. - Stay around.
00:39:37 - Go! - Go, go, go!
00:39:40 Look out!
00:39:46 - Go! - Go!
00:39:49 Go!
00:39:51 Go!
00:39:55 - Go! - Go!
00:40:02 Push it! Push it!
00:40:17 Help him! Help him!
00:40:20 Pull it! Pull it!
00:40:26 - There's a tear over that way. - Pull it, Campbell.
00:40:29 Go! Go, Campbell!
00:40:32 Mr. Hatcher! Mr. Hatcher!
00:40:41 Mr. Hatcher!
00:40:46 Hold up, cooler.
00:40:48 Stop, go! Stop, go! What do you want?
00:40:52 - What are you doing here? - I have an amulet.
00:41:00 - What's that? - Jinx cannot harm me.
00:41:03 An amulet?
00:41:08 I suppose you got drunk.
00:41:11 You spent all that 30 busting dollars on some stove-up woman.
00:41:16 - You coming? - Someone has to be there to bury you.
00:41:22 We'll see who buries who.
00:41:24 What are you doing standing there? Get to work.
00:41:27 Amulets.
00:41:33 Move, Campbell. Move, Campbell.
00:41:36 Go! Go!
00:41:38 Now, let's go.
00:41:41 Go, Campbell. Go, Campbell.
00:41:44 Go, Campbell.
00:41:47 Come on, hold it up.
00:41:54 Come on, boy. Come on.
00:41:57 Go, Campbell.
00:41:59 Go, Campbell.
00:42:01 Pull it up.
00:42:03 Pull it in.
00:42:06 Come on, pull it in.
00:42:08 Pull it up.
00:42:10 Go, Campbell.
00:42:12 Go, Campbell. Move up.
00:42:15 Get him off here.
00:42:19 It blew up there. Move it across.
00:42:34 - Let it go, Campbell. - Let him stop.
00:42:37 Let him out.
00:42:39 - Mr. Cooler, smells real good. - Yeah.
00:42:41 Open some of those airtight cans.
00:42:43 - Get corn and tomatoes. - Just give me a little more.
00:42:46 It'll be here when you come back. Will you do what I tell you?
00:42:49 - Yes, sir. - All right. Come on.
00:42:51 - I can't point it out to you. - When you get your thumb out of your food...
00:42:55 - Great scout. - Stay tuckered.
00:42:57 You ever been on a drive before?
00:43:00 Yeah.
00:43:02 How many drives you been on?
00:43:04 Two or three.
00:43:07 - That was before. - Before?
00:43:10 Yeah, before I started using my gun.
00:43:13 I had my wife then, and I dragged her and the kid from place to place.
00:43:19 No roots, nowhere.
00:43:21 My wife was getting near the end of the line when I got slapped in jail for two years.
00:43:28 I got out.
00:43:30 I heard that she'd been working.
00:43:33 Being friendly to men.
00:43:36 Supporting the kid, you know.
00:43:39 Once Hatcher had found out, he paid her fares back to Chicago.
00:43:46 And I've never been able to catch up since.
00:43:50 Is that why you took this job?
00:43:53 Yeah.
00:43:55 You might say it's a new start.
00:43:59 You know, Tucker, I've been thinking...
00:44:02 If this here drive ends up in Pueblo, there ain't no reason why I can't make a go of it in Chicago.
00:44:08 I'd get my wife and daughter back, and I'd never leave again.
00:44:12 I'll tell you that. I'd never leave again.
00:44:15 She wouldn't be lonesome like she was before.
00:44:18 I'd get me a house, be with civilized folks and have friends over.
00:44:24 Don't you think that'd make her happy?
00:44:27 I don't see how it wouldn't make anyone happy.
00:44:30 Nothing fancy, mind you, but just a nice house in town.
00:44:36 Now, me, I got my eyes on a piece of old land in New Mexico.
00:44:42 I can get it real cheap.
00:44:44 Worst piece of land in the country. Nobody wants it.
00:44:48 That way, everybody will leave this old boy all alone.
00:44:53 [Chuckles]
00:44:56 Amen, brother. Amen.
00:45:01 Lay it down.
00:45:20 Time it just right, little brother.
00:45:23 When the hair grows back, we can put on our own brand.
00:45:28 We done about a dozen, Jeff.
00:45:35 Now, ain't that enough? We're looking so scared.
00:45:38 I know lots of big ranchers started out this way.
00:45:41 Yeah, Pappy got himself killed starting out this way.
00:45:45 Men like Hatcher steal a few cows from each other, and it's okay.
00:45:49 They call it enterprising 'cause it's amongst friends.
00:45:53 Pappy wasn't their friend, so they hung him.
00:45:58 Better trial than nothing.
00:46:01 We're gonna cold-brand a couple dozen more.
00:46:04 Pull out quiet one night, put our own brand on them beefs.
00:46:09 And they ain't never gonna prove Russell none of us.
00:46:12 Come on, let's go.
00:46:14 You just gotta be a little smarter than everybody else, Billy Don. That's all.
00:46:17 Come on, cattle.
00:46:20 Come on, cattle.
00:46:23 Hold it. Hold it.
00:46:26 Come on, cattle.
00:46:29 Come on, cattle.
00:46:32 Come on, cattle.
00:46:35 Break it.
00:46:38 Hey, bunch of glitter, I'll get you back.
00:46:42 Moving forward.
00:46:46 Come on.
00:46:49 Get up here.
00:46:54 Rider down.
00:47:07 Come on.
00:47:10 (cattle mooing)
00:47:13 (cattle mooing)
00:47:16 (cattle mooing)
00:47:19 (cattle mooing)
00:47:22 (cattle mooing)
00:47:25 (cattle mooing)
00:47:28 (cattle mooing)
00:47:31 (gunshot)
00:47:34 (cattle mooing)
00:47:37 (cattle mooing)
00:47:40 (cattle mooing)
00:47:43 (gunshot)
00:47:46 (cattle mooing)
00:47:49 (cattle mooing)
00:47:52 (cattle mooing)
00:47:55 He's dead. His neck's broken.
00:47:58 (cattle mooing)
00:48:01 (cattle mooing)
00:48:04 (cattle mooing)
00:48:07 Bang him!
00:48:10 (cattle mooing)
00:48:13 (cattle mooing)
00:48:16 (cattle mooing)
00:48:19 (cattle mooing)
00:48:22 I don't believe in jinxes.
00:48:25 This is an awful way to start off.
00:48:28 This is just the beginning, Quentin.
00:48:33 (cattle mooing)
00:48:36 (cattle mooing)
00:48:39 (cattle mooing)
00:48:42 (cattle mooing)
00:48:45 (cattle mooing)
00:48:48 (cattle mooing)
00:48:51 (cattle mooing)
00:48:54 When we get to Trublow,
00:48:57 I will send Lucas' wife and daughter to share.
00:49:00 (chuckles)
00:49:02 Not much consolation, though, is it?
00:49:05 (cattle mooing)
00:49:08 (cattle mooing)
00:49:11 It's strange to think you'll never enjoy anything again.
00:49:16 A cup of coffee, a woman, a sunrise.
00:49:23 I have the feeling that Lucas would rather have had it like this
00:49:30 than be shot down in an alley somewhere.
00:49:33 (cattle mooing)
00:49:35 Yeah.
00:49:38 (men shouting)
00:49:47 (man shouting)
00:49:49 (whistle blowing)
00:49:51 (whistle blowing)
00:49:53 (men shouting)
00:49:56 (whistle blowing)
00:49:59 (men shouting)
00:50:03 Hey, two persons?
00:50:05 Got another double A?
00:50:07 Put it in with the others. I'll tell Hatcher.
00:50:12 All right.
00:50:14 William.
00:50:19 You didn't have nothing to do either, huh?
00:50:26 Got any complaints?
00:50:28 I always got complaints.
00:50:31 (cattle mooing)
00:50:34 Jess, my brother still on watch out there?
00:50:38 He's out on it now.
00:50:40 You ever think about going back out yourself?
00:50:42 I'm thinking about it.
00:50:44 Mr. Hatcher, you brought in another double A stray today.
00:50:48 Remember Dalton Ames, the man which shot me
00:50:54 and hired all my hands away?
00:50:57 Mm-hmm.
00:50:59 He's a double A.
00:51:01 His boys brought a herd through here
00:51:03 about two months ago, early in the season.
00:51:05 Keep 'em with ours.
00:51:07 I'll sell 'em in Pueblo.
00:51:09 I want to see his face when I give him the money.
00:51:12 Set 'em for my commission and aggravation.
00:51:14 After what he did to you, you will do him this favor?
00:51:17 Two persons just 'cause I hate his guts.
00:51:20 Don't mean I don't have no honor.
00:51:23 Where were you, McKinnon? It's your watch.
00:51:26 You get away after a good time.
00:51:28 I thought you were going to join the fun.
00:51:30 Save some pie for you.
00:51:35 Hey, look at this.
00:51:42 You know, Wakely, if I had your talent,
00:51:52 I sure wouldn't be out here nursemaidin' cattle.
00:51:57 You say that,
00:51:59 but there's something about this kind of life
00:52:02 which I've never experienced anything like it.
00:52:04 What I hope to do with these drawings
00:52:07 is show the city people what it's really like out here.
00:52:10 I mean, it's hard, the grimness of death,
00:52:14 but also...
00:52:16 all this open space.
00:52:19 The feeling of freedom.
00:52:24 Anyway, that's what I'm trying to get in these pictures.
00:52:27 I don't know.
00:52:29 I've seen a lot of photographs of dead men before,
00:52:32 but they all look like they were asleep.
00:52:35 That picture shows your death.
00:52:38 You can feel it.
00:52:40 Thanks, Tucker.
00:52:42 You know, son, you're right.
00:52:44 There ain't a cowboy worth his spurs
00:52:46 that'd want to end up on a boot hill or a cemetery.
00:52:49 He'd want the open spaces.
00:52:53 The sky for a blanket.
00:52:55 Old man Hatcher's taking it pretty hard.
00:52:59 He always has. I was with Hatcher on his last drive.
00:53:02 At the footing place on Asolado, we lost most of the herd.
00:53:05 The water was bad. The cattle drank and died.
00:53:08 And on the way home, two men were struck by lightning.
00:53:12 You're still riding with him?
00:53:14 Yes, why do you suppose that is, Santos?
00:53:17 Why are you here?
00:53:19 I have my reasons. I owe him a lot.
00:53:22 So do I.
00:53:24 I promised myself I'd never ride with Hatcher again, but here I am.
00:53:28 He pushes too hard. He yells at you.
00:53:31 He tells you you aren't worth anything.
00:53:33 And you can hate him, but you go along.
00:53:36 Maybe it's because he went so badly to make it.
00:53:39 Or maybe it's because he needs you,
00:53:41 but doesn't know how to say it.
00:54:02 [SHOUTING]
00:54:05 Come on, boys.
00:54:12 Come on, boys.
00:54:14 All right, now.
00:54:19 Come on, give it up.
00:54:23 Come on.
00:54:28 Didn't I tell you?
00:54:45 I know.
00:54:47 They have been following us for days.
00:54:52 Why aren't you up there talking to them?
00:54:55 Because it is not yet the time for talking.
00:54:57 I know them, and for now we wait.
00:54:59 Just let the herd move on ahead.
00:55:01 I ain't just gonna sit here and let them pick us off.
00:55:04 Hey, we could take them easy.
00:55:07 I say we just wipe them out.
00:55:09 Make one move for that rifle, and I will shoot you myself.
00:55:13 Look.
00:55:18 Arapaho.
00:55:21 Keep still.
00:55:23 It's just their way of testing us, a display of strength.
00:55:27 You're sure they're not trying to spook the cattle?
00:55:35 No. It is us they're trying to scare.
00:55:38 I think it's working.
00:55:47 I'd rather warn you now. Put her away.
00:55:55 Just wait. We wait.
00:56:01 [SHOUTING]
00:56:20 Up.
00:56:44 To all outfits, this man is a good Indian.
00:56:53 Treat him right, and you will have no trouble driving through his land.
00:57:00 Dalton Ames.
00:57:03 Two persons.
00:57:05 Cut out them cows with the double A brand.
00:57:08 [LAUGHING]
00:57:11 Hey, cooler.
00:57:15 Imagine Ames' face when he finds out he's feeding a whole tribe of Arapaho this winter.
00:57:20 What are you waiting around for, cooler? Get moving.
00:57:24 [SHOUTING]
00:57:56 [SHOUTING]
00:58:09 Get off. Get off.
00:58:17 What's happening, cooler?
00:58:22 What the hell are you doing? I'm doing the best I can.
00:58:26 Hey, look what's here.
00:58:31 Look what's behind us.
00:58:36 Why get in trouble?
00:58:43 [SHOUTING]
00:58:48 [SHOUTING]
00:59:16 [SHOUTING]
00:59:19 Get out of the way. Hurry up.
00:59:26 Keep it steady, cooler. I'm tied off now, Morgan.
00:59:42 That's it now. Come on, cooler. Keep it steady.
00:59:45 [SHOUTING]
00:59:48 Hurry, Tucker. Hurry.
00:59:57 Keep the horses straight.
01:00:00 [SHOUTING]
01:00:14 Tucker!
01:00:16 You all right, Tucker? Stay down. Stay down.
01:00:29 I need some water. He needs his back.
01:00:32 Tucker, your back is hurting. Now lay down.
01:00:42 Let me rest.
01:00:45 I'll be all right.
01:00:48 All right.
01:01:05 Is that too hot?
01:01:09 No, I feel fine. What does it do?
01:01:13 He never knows, but it always works.
01:01:16 Might even grow some hair on your head.
01:01:19 When we started out, I didn't give a hoot and a holler about any of you.
01:01:27 But you've proved up. You're all good men.
01:01:30 I think you're beginning to know it now.
01:01:32 You helped me get my herd through, your shares are doubled.
01:01:36 - Thank you, sir. - Thanks, Mr. Hatcher.
01:01:39 - Mr. Tucker. - Yeah?
01:01:41 I just want to thank you for what you've done for me today.
01:01:44 You're welcome.
01:01:46 Mr. Cooler, where's my coffee?
01:01:48 We're waiting for the snow to fly.
01:02:05 Give me the coffee.
01:02:08 Go do some doctoring.
01:02:11 Stay and have a dollop yourself.
01:02:24 How many years we known each other?
01:02:34 Too many.
01:02:37 Just a minute. I ain't through with you yet.
01:02:42 I remember the first time I seen you.
01:02:48 You was hanging onto your mama's skirts and...
01:02:51 bawling your eyes out like I was going to eat you alive.
01:02:54 If I'd have been smart, I would have run away then.
01:02:57 About five, six years or whatever.
01:03:00 All kids look the same to me.
01:03:03 Is this going somewhere or can I go back to work?
01:03:06 Your mama worked me 15, 20 years.
01:03:09 I brought you up with my boy.
01:03:12 I always treated you like a son, didn't I?
01:03:16 Yes, you treated us both the same, but I forgave you.
01:03:21 Damn it! Why are you so smart-alecky?
01:03:23 It's only out of self-defense.
01:03:26 Oh.
01:03:28 Well, what I'm trying to get at is...
01:03:32 my ranch is the only home you've ever known.
01:03:35 And what I'm also trying to get at is...
01:03:38 I ain't going to live forever.
01:03:40 Now, what I'm saying is, when this drive is over...
01:03:43 will you come back with me and...
01:03:46 be part of my house?
01:03:48 I didn't hear that.
01:03:50 When I'm dead, the ranch will be yours.
01:03:53 That's the first time I ever seen you with your mouth shut.
01:03:59 Huh?
01:04:01 Well?
01:04:04 I would like that.
01:04:08 I didn't hear you.
01:04:10 I said yes.
01:04:12 Now go on, get out of here.
01:04:14 And don't go telling everybody what we're talking about.
01:04:16 I wouldn't want them to know I had a half-breed for a son.
01:04:19 [Birds Chirping]
01:04:22 [Dog Whimpering]
01:04:32 [Whistles]
01:04:34 [Laughs]
01:04:36 You gotta pull out soon, Jess.
01:04:42 Don't worry.
01:04:44 We'll get over before you die.
01:04:47 [Horses Whinnying]
01:04:49 [Laughs]
01:04:51 [Whistles]
01:05:03 [Laughs]
01:05:05 Go on, get up.
01:05:14 [Whistles]
01:05:16 There's a waterhole ahead.
01:05:33 Three men camped by it.
01:05:35 No, that's squatters.
01:05:37 Happens every drive I take.
01:05:39 Some no-good, worthless scum...
01:05:41 Stakes out a waterhole and tries to charge you for it.
01:05:44 I ain't never paid them, and I ain't going to now.
01:05:46 What do you want to do about it?
01:05:48 You better go back to the herd and hold them there.
01:05:50 They mustn't get a smell of that water,
01:05:52 or they'll trample themselves trying to get to it.
01:05:54 Bring them up a hundred at a time.
01:05:56 Kohler and I will go ahead and take care of the squatters.
01:05:59 I'll send Quentin to help you.
01:06:01 [Horse Whinnying]
01:06:03 I ride ahead of the first hundred to make sure there's no trouble.
01:06:10 Leave me alone, Kohler.
01:06:12 All right.
01:06:14 [Laughs]
01:06:26 They're only kids.
01:06:28 Don't let that fool you.
01:06:30 We can shoot better than most grown men.
01:06:32 This is free land.
01:06:34 No more, it ain't.
01:06:36 Costs $20 to water here.
01:06:38 $20?
01:06:40 Well, if that ain't the bulls behind.
01:06:43 I don't want to talk to you no more. Give me your father.
01:06:45 We ain't got none, and if you don't talk to me,
01:06:48 you don't talk to no one.
01:06:50 I ought to blow all of you young ones clean apart.
01:06:53 You won't.
01:06:55 A man like you ain't got the heart to shoot children.
01:06:58 We might shoot you.
01:07:02 You're bluffing. You're squatting on this land.
01:07:05 Show him we mean business.
01:07:08 [Gunshots]
01:07:10 Now, those men there might not shoot you, little man,
01:07:21 but I will.
01:07:23 Go on, drop 'em.
01:07:33 That's right. We was just coming along.
01:07:35 We found this here old waterhole.
01:07:37 We needed money, so we squatted.
01:07:39 You got no family? Ain't no place to go?
01:07:42 We had our pa till a month ago.
01:07:44 He went to bring supplies and never come back.
01:07:46 Either he ran off on us or got himself killed.
01:07:50 That don't make no never mind.
01:07:52 We can always get by.
01:07:54 That's what worries me.
01:07:56 Can't lock us up in jail. We're too young.
01:07:59 You're right about that.
01:08:01 Sure hate to turn you loose on the world.
01:08:04 Don't see as you have much choice, do you?
01:08:07 Seems to me we ain't got no choice.
01:08:10 You'll take my advice.
01:08:12 You'll stick to the legalities from now on.
01:08:14 No. I thank you for your advice, sir.
01:08:17 You know, it seems to me like, uh,
01:08:20 you might give us some money for our traveling.
01:08:23 Seems how we are, poor orphans.
01:08:27 They are just wolf pups now.
01:08:48 I can't imagine them in five or ten years.
01:08:54 We shouldn't have left the herd, Jess.
01:08:57 They're gonna miss us.
01:08:59 Will you shut up with your belly aching?
01:09:02 That herd's all awful jumpy.
01:09:07 What with them wolves.
01:09:09 By the time anyone comes to take over watch, we'll be long gone.
01:09:13 Hatcher's short-handed as is.
01:09:15 He won't trail out after us for the sake of a few head.
01:09:19 I just don't like what we're doing.
01:09:22 I mean, Hatcher and them, they've all been real good to us.
01:09:25 Put that iron down, McKinnon.
01:09:27 Now, Quentin.
01:09:29 Yeah?
01:09:30 You heard him, Jess. Put it down.
01:09:32 Now, two persons, look.
01:09:34 Now, look, I ain't gonna make no excuses for what we've done here.
01:09:37 Just let us go.
01:09:39 No, I cannot do that.
01:09:41 You signed on with Hatcher.
01:09:43 You're gonna talk to Hatcher.
01:09:45 I don't aim to be the guest of honor. No hangin'.
01:09:47 Jess, wait!
01:09:48 Jess, no!
01:09:49 Don't fire that gun!
01:09:51 Don't fire that gun!
01:09:53 Where'd they go?
01:10:06 In the gate.
01:10:08 Help me!
01:10:15 Help me!
01:10:17 Jess!
01:10:41 Jess!
01:10:43 Jess!
01:10:45 Jess!
01:10:47 Jess!
01:10:50 Jess!
01:11:16 Jess!
01:11:18 Jess!
01:11:34 Jess!
01:11:36 Their shotgun's six ways to Sunday.
01:11:40 It's gonna take us at least a day to round them up.
01:11:43 I know. There are at least a hundred scattered to the east.
01:11:46 Let's keep moving.
01:11:48 There's another one, Mr. Hatcher.
01:11:53 Jess!
01:11:55 Oh, Jess.
01:12:21 (coughs)
01:12:23 I found my brother.
01:12:33 There wasn't much...
01:12:39 much left...
01:12:41 to bury.
01:12:45 (soft music)
01:12:47 Let's take these in.
01:12:55 Feelin' better?
01:13:03 Just gettin' better.
01:13:05 That axle grease seems to work.
01:13:07 Looks like we got two doctors in the family.
01:13:10 Sure do.
01:13:12 (grunts)
01:13:14 Hey, Sallis.
01:13:18 How is it?
01:13:20 Eight horses still missing, and mine's worn out.
01:13:24 Never seen the like.
01:13:26 Goin' from bad to worse, right on down the line.
01:13:29 Say, ain't you got one of them patron saints...
01:13:33 that take care of things at times like this?
01:13:36 I've been thinkin'.
01:13:38 Maybe we're all being tested, you know?
01:13:41 The saints...
01:13:43 they don't like to interfere in these things.
01:13:46 Well, either I'm a great doctor or you're a piece of leather.
01:13:57 Hatcher.
01:13:58 Yeah?
01:14:00 Jess McKinnon is dead.
01:14:04 Oh.
01:14:07 Stampede.
01:14:10 (horse snorts)
01:14:12 The fact is, Mr. Hatcher,
01:14:19 Clinton and two persons caught me and Jess cold-branded.
01:14:23 Jess wouldn't have it any other way but to shoot it out.
01:14:28 That's what started the stampede.
01:14:31 I'll do anything I can to pay you back.
01:14:34 I...
01:14:37 I'll finish the drive with no pay.
01:14:40 Hmm.
01:14:42 Never in my life worked a man without pay.
01:14:45 Sorry about your brother.
01:14:47 Well, it wasn't you, Mr. Hatcher.
01:14:50 The rustlin'.
01:14:52 He just had all... all this hate in him...
01:14:55 ever since they hung Pappy.
01:15:03 Go get yourself some food or Kool-Air will get insulted.
01:15:07 Yes, sir.
01:15:10 I'll join you.
01:15:12 Wakely?
01:15:20 He's still riding hurt.
01:15:24 I haven't seen him around. I'm afraid we've lost him, too.
01:15:30 Nobody knew it yet.
01:15:32 (horse whinnies)
01:15:34 It's not time yet.
01:15:46 Mm-hmm.
01:15:48 Go on in. The food is still warm.
01:15:51 I'm all right.
01:15:53 Not from where I sit.
01:15:55 You didn't sleep.
01:15:57 Yes, I did. A few minutes.
01:15:59 Go on in.
01:16:02 (door opens)
01:16:04 I know you're thinking you can't go another step today.
01:16:09 Maybe you're wondering about tomorrow as well.
01:16:12 Well, I'm saying you can go another step.
01:16:15 And another, and another after that.
01:16:19 You can go as far as you have to.
01:16:22 Because I'm saying it.
01:16:25 And it's gospel.
01:16:27 I don't want to hear no bellyaching.
01:16:29 I just want to hear grunts from you trying.
01:16:32 Is that clear? Yeah.
01:16:34 We've gone more than halfway,
01:16:36 so it don't make no sense to try and turn around and go back.
01:16:40 There's one thing I will do for you.
01:16:42 I'll stick to the regular trail.
01:16:44 Doesn't that put an extra month on it?
01:16:47 I thought you said it would make us late for the market.
01:16:50 Well, maybe there was a little bit of greed to it.
01:16:53 Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
01:16:55 What happens if we just follow your route right through the badland?
01:16:59 Well, we got to push and push and push
01:17:02 until we get to the other side and water.
01:17:04 40 hours of hard driving.
01:17:06 We all got a stake in this.
01:17:08 The quicker we get that herd to Pueblo,
01:17:13 the better we get paid.
01:17:15 Right. That's right.
01:17:17 You know, my granddaddy used to say,
01:17:19 "Trust in the Lord."
01:17:22 But I don't trust in nobody but us.
01:17:25 All right, somebody come on and help me up on that horse.
01:17:28 All right, then let's get, huh? All right. Let's go.
01:17:31 Mr. Hatcher, you might just have a chance.
01:17:35 At what? Of outlasting your jinx.
01:17:38 We're near out of water.
01:17:49 We'd better keep moving.
01:17:52 You know, cattle is unruly when they're thirsty.
01:17:56 Sometimes they go blind.
01:17:58 Come on, cattle. Come on.
01:18:00 Come on, cattle. Come on.
01:18:28 No more water to cook with.
01:18:30 No one hungry.
01:18:36 Couldn't even work up enough spit to chew a biscuit.
01:18:41 Well, this is the end of it.
01:18:48 You know, I know a horse once.
01:18:51 Old Jake.
01:18:53 Jake's a pony.
01:18:55 Smartest horse I ever seen.
01:18:58 He wouldn't walk a watchboard in two hours.
01:19:01 He had to stay out a little longer.
01:19:04 Had to ride back to camp.
01:19:06 Dismount.
01:19:08 Pull around a couple of minutes.
01:19:11 Mount up again.
01:19:13 See, that way old Jake figured you were taking him out on a new turn.
01:19:19 He wasn't working overtime on the old one.
01:19:22 [laughing]
01:19:24 Dandest thing I ever see.
01:19:32 [music]
01:19:34 Wakely.
01:19:53 Come on.
01:19:56 [music]
01:19:58 Can't keep my eyes open.
01:20:06 Well, here.
01:20:08 Try rubbing them with some tobacco juice.
01:20:16 That's gonna burn like hellfire.
01:20:19 Just that way.
01:20:21 [music]
01:20:24 [music]
01:20:26 [grunting]
01:20:46 [grunting]
01:20:51 [grunting]
01:20:53 It should be here.
01:20:59 When we could be lost.
01:21:08 Or maybe the landmarks have changed.
01:21:17 [sigh]
01:21:19 Wind, rain.
01:21:21 I've known just one storm to change the look of hundreds of miles.
01:21:29 I will let the men rest soon.
01:21:35 Then I will look for the water again.
01:21:39 [music]
01:21:42 [music]
01:21:44 Move on, please.
01:21:50 Come on, get up.
01:21:52 Move on.
01:21:54 [music]
01:21:56 Move him.
01:21:58 [music]
01:22:00 [laughing]
01:22:08 [music]
01:22:11 [music]
01:22:13 [music]
01:22:19 [music]
01:22:25 [music]
01:22:32 [music]
01:22:34 [music]
01:22:40 [music]
01:22:46 [music]
01:22:52 [music]
01:22:59 [music]
01:23:01 Who said it would be bad to die?
01:23:05 Right now I would feel nice and cool.
01:23:09 Football.
01:23:13 [sigh]
01:23:15 God, I love football.
01:23:19 I went to Yale to study art.
01:23:28 Hated the classes.
01:23:31 [laugh]
01:23:33 Only thing I was good at was football.
01:23:36 Played halfback.
01:23:39 The last game I played, it was against Princeton.
01:23:43 Six inches of mud.
01:23:45 A scoreless tie.
01:23:48 Oh, God.
01:23:50 You should have been there.
01:23:52 You could play that game, you know.
01:23:54 Yeah.
01:23:57 Someday I will.
01:24:00 Cooler.
01:24:06 Cooler.
01:24:08 You hear that?
01:24:10 [cow mooing]
01:24:12 [cow mooing]
01:24:20 [cow mooing]
01:24:22 [cow mooing]
01:24:24 [cow mooing]
01:24:26 [cow mooing]
01:24:28 [cow mooing]
01:24:30 The smell.
01:24:32 The herd.
01:24:34 Milling.
01:24:38 [cow mooing]
01:24:40 They smell water.
01:24:42 Water?
01:24:43 Yeah.
01:24:44 Water.
01:24:45 Yes.
01:24:47 Got to move the cattle.
01:24:48 There is water.
01:24:50 They're watering themselves.
01:24:51 Watering for the water.
01:24:53 [music playing]
01:24:56 [music playing]
01:24:58 [cow mooing]
01:25:24 [cow mooing]
01:25:26 [cow mooing]
01:25:34 [cow mooing]
01:25:46 I found that water.
01:25:49 You found the water.
01:25:51 The cows found the water.
01:25:52 Like it, boys?
01:25:54 Great.
01:25:56 Oh, that smells good.
01:25:58 I don't know what you're made of.
01:26:00 According to every medical book I ever read,
01:26:02 you should be buried out there somewhere.
01:26:04 I think we should hold off here for a few days.
01:26:06 Bet you all get a rest.
01:26:08 Get the cows, get some meat in their bones.
01:26:11 And cooler here.
01:26:12 Cooler.
01:26:13 Yes.
01:26:14 I ain't going in.
01:26:16 Let's stop the pot blow.
01:26:18 [laughing]
01:26:20 [cow mooing]
01:26:22 Push them to the left.
01:26:31 Hold, cattle, hold.
01:26:35 Hold, hold.
01:26:36 Hold them up there.
01:26:37 Hold.
01:26:38 Come on, hold.
01:26:39 [gunshots]
01:26:41 [gunshots]
01:26:43 What does this do?
01:26:53 I just don't drink.
01:26:54 I can't wait to get back and tell the folks at home I got me a son now.
01:26:57 All right.
01:26:58 You weren't so happy about having it known when we were on the trail.
01:27:02 A couple of these and me.
01:27:04 Makes me liberal.
01:27:06 Hey.
01:27:09 Maybe with a couple of drinks of me,
01:27:11 I would rather not have it known I have you for a father.
01:27:14 Ladies and gentlemen,
01:27:20 on behalf of the Cattleman's Association of Pueblo,
01:27:23 I'd like to welcome you.
01:27:25 We figured we'd seen the last of these drives two months ago.
01:27:28 So in appreciation,
01:27:30 as soon as you've drunk all that you can,
01:27:32 we're turning the whole hotel over to you.
01:27:35 [shouting]
01:27:38 [shouting]
01:27:40 Wakely.
01:27:43 Telegram for you.
01:27:45 Thank you, Tucker.
01:27:46 Hey, Tucker.
01:27:47 You're still the Prince of Wales.
01:27:48 You gotta say Prince of Wales.
01:27:50 You gonna stay on in town for the winter?
01:27:53 I know some outfits that need hands.
01:27:56 You know, winter works a whole lot different than trail driving.
01:27:59 [shouting]
01:28:06 Wanna ride up with me?
01:28:08 Don't make no sense for me to be sitting around town
01:28:13 when I can be making me some dollars.
01:28:15 Hold up there, Tucker.
01:28:17 You're getting too old to be working so hard.
01:28:20 I want you to come back to my ranch.
01:28:22 As what?
01:28:23 Stable boy?
01:28:25 I deserve more than that.
01:28:27 That's what I was saying.
01:28:31 I accept.
01:28:33 Hey, wait a minute, everybody.
01:28:35 I got myself another job.
01:28:37 Oh, very good.
01:28:39 Yay.
01:28:41 There's this magazine in the east called Harper's Weekly,
01:28:43 and I sent them a whole slew of my pictures a long time ago.
01:28:46 Now Best writes me and tells me that they bought one.
01:28:49 Congratulations.
01:28:50 You did some really good work on the drive.
01:28:52 You could sell some of those.
01:28:53 Well, that's just it.
01:28:54 They want to see more of my work.
01:28:55 It's just like I told you.
01:28:56 All the people in the east are starting to be curious
01:28:59 about what it's like out west.
01:29:00 They should see it the way we have seen it.
01:29:02 Anyway, I was talking to some of these army boys over here,
01:29:05 and they said that they're sending out a detachment next week.
01:29:08 I thought maybe I could go along with them
01:29:10 and make some army paintings, you know,
01:29:12 have another set ready.
01:29:13 Wait a minute, wait a minute.
01:29:14 The whole drive, all I heard about was Best, Best, I love Best.
01:29:16 What about Best?
01:29:17 That's right, I forgot about that.
01:29:19 I still love Best, of course.
01:29:23 But I think her father was right.
01:29:25 I still have a lot more to learn
01:29:27 before I'm ready to go home and settle down.
01:29:29 I've got to write to her and tell her that I love her.
01:29:36 Who am I kidding?
01:29:37 I'm going to marry her and bring her along with me.
01:29:40 You're right, who are you kidding?
01:29:42 Quentin, I'm out.
01:29:45 Let me buy you another beer.
01:29:49 I never realized what those 12 steers Hatcher left us
01:29:53 in that village would mean to me.
01:29:56 I don't know about you, Morgan, but I feel real good.
01:30:00 I did not think we would feel so good about it tomorrow morning.
01:30:05 Come on, all of you, come over here, gather 'round.
01:30:09 Well, you all got your $20, and another $30 share besides.
01:30:14 That's pretty good money in my book.
01:30:17 Remember, boys, way back in Red Bluffs,
01:30:20 I said we was going to make it
01:30:22 because we didn't have anywhere to go.
01:30:25 Well, now we got everywhere to go.
01:30:30 Now, just don't hold it up to me
01:30:32 if you come looking for a job again next year,
01:30:35 because I don't want the folks back home to know I gone soft.
01:30:41 Anyway...
01:30:45 it's been a pleasure.
01:30:50 And from now until you fall flat on your ugly faces,
01:30:53 the drinks is on me!
01:30:56 [cheering]
01:31:00 [cheering]
01:31:03 [music playing]
01:31:11 [music playing]
01:31:14 [music playing]
01:31:17 [music playing]
01:31:20 [music playing]
01:31:23 [music playing]
01:31:26 [music playing]
01:31:29 [music playing]
01:31:32 [music playing]
