Action Star Audition Now - Martial Arts TV

  • 15 years ago
Want to be an Action Star? Male & Female Leading Roles are on Offer! AUDITIONS HAVE TEMPORARILY CLOSED (Update Below) 'Australian Action Star' the new TV series created by Deeper Insight Productions scheduled for production February 2009 has now been put back further. Thank you to the thousands of actors/performers who have sent in their resumes, portfolios and show reels. They have been reviewed and selected people have been ear marked for inclusion into the program when it launches. We are now proud to announce the collaboration of an Asian production partner company who plan to make this project much bigger and better than first conceived. We also wish to inform you that this also means our original production timeframe must be extended, so stay tuned for further updates! AUSTRALIAN ACTION STAR TV SERIES Australian Action Star is an exciting new reality television show that will take viewers to a new height in entertainment. Each episode will be filled with high octane coordinated stunts, pain staking discipline, drama and heart break as the best of the best battle it out for a once in a lifetime opportunity to land a leading role in the next hot action movie, 'The Scroll'. 100 contestants will be selected to battle it out to become Australian Action Stars through our TV Series. The 100 successful contestants will be sent all the details of the show requirements and a production scedhule one month before the show starts. In general we will inform those who are successful before the end February 2009. However we will try to contact successful contestants as soon as we have selected them.
