负债累累逆袭成便利店大佬 蔡志权如何带领KK Mart崛起?

  • 6 months ago
▌热点短视频 ▌撇开近期的袜子风波,你对国内连锁便利店老二KK Mart的认识有多少呢?

主持 | @celes 美伶

#KKMart #蔡志权 #便利超市 #连锁店
#发射热点 #84hotspot #热点短视频

更多新闻资讯看这里 ▹ https://xuan.com.my/hotspot


00:00 KKmart's stock market has been on fire recently.
00:02 This has also caused a lawsuit to be filed against the founder of the chain convenience store, Cai Zhiquan.
00:07 Some people even called on the public to be critical and boycott the chain.
00:11 In this video, we will take a look at the KK convenience store,
00:15 which is the second largest mini-market chain store in China,
00:20 and how it rose and what was the reason for its original accountant.
00:24 It is said that Cai Zhiquan, who lost millions of dollars in stocks,
00:27 secretly became the big boss of the convenience store.
00:29 The KKmart store in Kuchelama, Kuala Lumpur,
00:33 is the first branch of the KKmart kingdom.
00:37 It opened in January 2001,
00:38 and was named after the founder, Cai Zhiquan, KKchai.
00:42 At that time, there were only half of the store,
00:44 and some people noticed that
00:45 the signboard also printed the words "economic market" and "convenience store" in Chinese.
00:50 And every January,
00:51 the first store of KKmart will also have a simple anniversary ceremony
00:55 to repay the support of the party.
00:57 For more than 20 years,
00:57 this 24-hour-non-closing,
00:59 symbolic big orange signboard has been seen everywhere.
01:02 Now the footprint has expanded to South and East Malaysia,
01:05 Pili and Pengheng,
01:06 and even abroad.
01:07 It has set up 24 branches in Nepal, India, etc.
01:11 Cai Zhiquan, the founder of KKmart,
01:12 was born in the ancient capital of Sarawak in 1967.
01:15 After graduating from middle school, he went to Switzerland to study hotel management.
01:18 But later he dropped out of school and returned to study accounting.
01:20 After graduation, he also became an accountant.
01:23 Time flies to the 1990s.
01:24 He joined the global stock investment trend
01:28 and turned to the stock economy.
01:30 At that time, the number of stock purchases of Hong Kong customers he was in charge of
01:32 was calculated in millions or tens of millions.
01:36 The commission he earned was very considerable.
01:39 It's just that the financial crisis in 1998
01:41 made him suddenly go bankrupt and have a lot of debt.
01:44 He once revealed in an interview
01:46 that this financial storm completely changed his outlook on life.
01:49 After going through the low tide of life,
01:51 he adjusted his mentality and started over.
01:54 But later, after he started in the construction industry,
01:57 he faced the problem of customer debt.
01:59 It made him think about
02:00 what industry can receive cash
02:02 and not face the problem of debt.
02:05 As a result, inspired by his parents who ran a grocery store business,
02:08 Cai Zhiquan had a plan to open a modern supermarket retail business.
02:11 The next story is that Cai Zhiquan used 60,000 ringgit in 2001
02:16 to open the first KK supermarket.
02:18 He said that at the beginning,
02:19 some suppliers had no confidence in them.
02:22 So he opened a 400-ringgit cheque to the supplier.
02:25 But the other party insisted on receiving cash to lend.
02:28 In the end, he had no choice but to go to the nearby bank
02:31 to withdraw the money.
02:33 This convenience store reached 500 stores in 2020.
02:36 Now there are more than 800 stores.
02:39 In this competitive industry,
02:41 KKmart, in conjunction with 99speedmart and Myneos,
02:44 successfully defeated the international player 7-11.
02:47 After he entered the market with the family mart from Japan and the CEO of a Korean convenience store,
02:51 he also signed a memorandum of understanding with GS25, a Korean retail chain company.
02:56 Although there was no happy ending,
02:58 under the influence of the strong enemy,
02:59 he, who was in a storm before the outbreak,
03:01 still maintained his position as the second convenience store.
03:04 As what our KK slogan says,
03:06 we are together,
03:08 no one is left behind.
03:11 "Together, we can't leave anyone behind."
03:14 Cai Zhiquan used this slogan to gather employees.
03:16 He believes that to retain talents,
03:18 the sense of belonging of the company is very important.
03:20 In addition to focusing on the field of convenience stores,
03:22 this group is also actively expanding business
03:24 and moving in a more diverse direction,
03:26 allowing the group to also own coffee shops,
03:29 car decorations,
03:30 beauty salons, etc.
03:31 Of course, this group has suddenly become a news focus,
03:34 and has encountered the biggest public relations crisis in the 20 years of its establishment.
03:37 What impact will this local convenience chain store's second development
03:41 have?
03:43 How will the original dream of listing change?
03:45 Everything is waiting to be observed.
03:47 Remind you that this episode is really not an ad.
03:49 If you like this video,
03:50 remember to share it to let more people see it.
03:52 Remember to continue to follow ReadyHasbro
03:54 to follow more domestic and foreign hot topics.
