كم سيبلغ حجم الطلب العالمي على النفط بحلول عام 2045؟

  • 6 months ago


00:00 So, new expectations that global demand for oil will increase by 2045.
00:08 But what are the levels that global demand may reach?
00:12 In this detail and in the discussion between OPEC, the International Energy Agency, and the World Energy Forum,
00:19 expectations were reached that there will be a growth in global demand by 2045, reaching 116 million barrels per day by the end of this date.
00:31 But in fact, in 2023, the figures recorded nearly 102 million barrels per day for global demand.
00:41 If we are talking today about this global demand that we may see in the near future, there is also a need for more investments in this sector.
00:51 Therefore, there is a need for investments that may reach 14 trillion dollars by the end of this date.
00:58 Therefore, in detail of these figures, the General Secretary for OPEC said that there is a need for a oil exploration sector of nearly 11 trillion dollars.
01:08 Also, the recycling sector needs 1.7 trillion dollars, while transportation and marketing need nearly 1.2 trillion dollars by the end of this date.
01:18 Therefore, the average annual will be more than 600 billion dollars for these figures and the need for these investments.
01:27 Moving on to the Director of Research at OPEC, who sees more investments and expectations for more global demand for oil,
01:35 and that there will be a need and a necessity to maintain the security of subsidies to provide them to markets,
01:41 in addition to avoiding any fluctuations that are not desirable in the coming years, and thus guaranteeing the existence of sufficient subsidies.
01:49 If we were also talking about the voluntary reduction that OPEC+ carried out during the past period and extending this reduction to the end of the second quarter of 2024,
02:01 in the third meeting in April, it is expected that there will be a review of the implementation of the reduction plans.
02:06 But there is also some talk that at the end of June, the overall reduction of OPEC+ was reduced to 3.6 million barrels,
02:17 which was also agreed upon previously in 2022.
02:21 Therefore, it is also recommended to issue any recommendations on the policy of producing the oil expected for the next OPEC+ meeting.
02:29 But if we talk about the last decision OPEC+ made in the reduction process,
02:34 it was a voluntary reduction of about 2.2 million barrels daily, and that is until the end of the second quarter of the coming year.
