• 6 months ago
Aired (March 27, 2024): Maka-steal kaya ang TEAM PARTY PERFORMERS sa round na ito?
00:00 [theme music]
00:02 [theme music]
00:04 Welcome to Family Feud!
00:07 Before we continue with the face-off of Bentang-Benta and the Party Performers,
00:12 let's have a quick interview with our studio audience.
00:16 We have a survey question for them.
00:18 Even for those who are watching from home,
00:20 if you want to answer, it's okay.
00:22 But there's no prize. Just be happy.
00:24 Here's the question.
00:25 If you were to become an online seller,
00:27 what would you sell to your crush and why?
00:31 [cheering]
00:32 All right, you go first.
00:34 [speaking in Tagalog]
00:36 [speaking in Tagalog]
00:38 [speaking in Tagalog]
00:39 [cheering]
00:40 [speaking in Tagalog]
00:42 [speaking in Tagalog]
00:44 [speaking in Tagalog]
00:46 [speaking in Tagalog]
00:47 [speaking in Tagalog]
00:49 [speaking in Tagalog]
00:51 [cheering]
00:53 [speaking in Tagalog]
00:55 [speaking in Tagalog]
00:57 [speaking in Tagalog]
00:59 I got two more. Who else?
01:01 Okay, you go first.
01:03 I feel like I'm going to faint.
01:05 What's your name?
01:06 Stephen.
01:07 Stephen, okay.
01:08 If you were to become an online seller,
01:10 what would you sell to your crush and why?
01:11 Dictionary.
01:12 Dictionary.
01:13 Oh, that's right.
01:14 I love reading.
01:15 Why dictionary?
01:16 Because it gives meaning to my life.
01:18 [cheering]
01:20 [speaking in Tagalog]
01:22 The pick-up lines are great.
01:24 One more.
01:25 Is there anyone else who wants to add?
01:27 [speaking in Tagalog]
01:29 What is your name?
01:30 Chanel Castro.
01:32 Hi, Chanel.
01:33 If you were to become an online seller,
01:34 what would you sell to your crush and why?
01:36 Mapa.
01:37 Mapa.
01:38 Do you know why?
01:39 I want to hear it.
01:40 So that he knows the direction to my heart.
01:44 [cheering]
01:48 Is the direction to your heart
01:50 a bit of a detour
01:52 or is it smooth?
01:53 It's smooth.
01:54 It's smooth.
01:55 It's smooth.
01:56 I learned a lot from you.
01:58 But now, let's go back to the game.
02:00 Let's see if Team Bentang Benta can catch up.
02:04 We're waiting for it because they don't have points yet
02:06 because the party performers have 138 points.
02:10 So it's your time to shine, Jess and Joa.
02:13 Let's play Round 3.
02:15 [music]
02:21 Double points round.
02:22 Good luck.
02:23 In this question, we surveyed 100 women.
02:27 The top 6 answers are on the board.
02:29 Complete the advice of your parents.
02:33 Choose a man--blank.
02:37 [record scratch]
02:39 Yes, Jess, it's your turn.
02:40 Choose a man--smooth.
02:44 Smooth.
02:45 [cheering]
02:50 Wow.
02:51 I just asked if you want to be the one to catch up
02:53 or pass it on?
02:54 Do you want that?
02:55 We want that.
02:56 All right.
02:57 Let's go.
02:58 We're going to play Team Bentang Benta.
03:00 Round 3.
03:02 Anne, your parents said, "Choose a man--blank."
03:07 Of course, no "bisyo."
03:09 No "bisyo."
03:11 Two pieces.
03:12 None.
03:13 Ruana, your parents said, "Choose a man--blank."
03:17 Fear of God.
03:19 [cheering]
03:21 I really like that.
03:22 That's right.
03:23 Fear of God.
03:25 [record scratch]
03:26 Party performers, time to huddle.
03:28 Complete the advice of your parents.
03:30 Choose a man--what?
03:32 With respect.
03:34 With respect.
03:35 With respect.
03:36 Survey says--okay.
03:38 Jess, you can do it.
03:40 Complete the advice of your parents.
03:41 Choose a man--
03:43 With a job!
03:45 [cheering]
03:46 With a job.
03:48 [cheering]
03:50 None.
03:51 That's too much, Kim.
03:54 One hundred women said, "Complete the advice of your parents.
03:58 Choose a man--blank."
04:00 Of course, in this day and age, rich!
04:03 [cheering]
04:05 Zoa, what else?
04:07 Of course, rich.
04:08 Same?
04:09 Same, because that's what my parents told me.
04:12 Really?
04:13 Okay.
04:14 Bonnie.
04:15 Yes, get down.
04:16 Okay.
04:17 Complete the advice of your parents.
04:20 Choose a man--blank.
04:23 Bonnie, for this round, what is this?
04:25 I will follow them.
04:27 It's hard to fight a woman, especially a wife.
04:30 Choose a rich man.
04:32 Rich.
04:33 Rich.
04:34 Rich.
04:35 Rich.
04:36 Rich in friendship.
04:38 Now, the question is, are they also rich in points?
04:41 If they get this.
04:43 Yes, sure.
04:44 In friendship.
04:46 Rich.
04:47 Rich.
04:48 Rich.
04:49 Rich.
04:50 [cheering]
04:55 All right, let's see.
04:56 Number five, please.
04:58 Educated.
05:00 Number four.
05:02 Responsible.
05:03 That's important.
05:05 Number three.
05:07 Hardworking.
05:08 Actually, there are a lot.
05:09 We missed out on a lot, right?
05:10 Yes.
05:11 But what you said is also right.
05:13 After three rounds, our scores are still tied.
05:16 0 for the performers, 222.
05:19 [buzzer]
05:20 [buzzer]
