• last year
In this episode, Paul Johnston joins up with bikers in Bristol who have organised a charity run to raise funds for a young boy, Thomas Ainsworth, who suffers from cerebral palsy. Paul meets the event's organiser, Barry Maunders, and route leader Phil Davis who have planned and will lead the 50-mile journey.

In the second part of the show Paul test drives the Ducati 748, and we have a selection of fantastic clips from our previous shows!

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00:00 [Music]
00:28 On Two Wheels this week, a ride on Ducati's red hot 748, and some of the bits that you
00:35 really weren't meant to see, the two wheel cock-ups. But first it's down to the West
00:40 Country to join some bikers on a charity mission.
00:43 [Music]
00:46 Well we're in Bristol today, a beautiful sunny Sunday morning and behind me this car
00:50 park is fast filling up with all sorts of different bikes and different people and they've
00:54 all come here for an organised ride out. But not your regular let's go for a thrash on
00:59 a Sunday morning, none of that. This is an organised ride out and all these people have
01:03 given their time and their money in aid of a very good cause.
01:07 So Barry Mondes, you're the instigator, organiser of this. Tell us why we're here then.
01:16 Instigator. Instigator. Instigator. Instigator.
01:18 So what are we doing here Barry?
01:19 It's a charity run. It's not a registered run, not registered with any charity because
01:25 it's for an individual. Young little Thomas, suffered some cerebral palsy and it was just
01:30 a brain wave of ours to get a large group of people together to do a run on motorcycles
01:37 to get some money for the chap.
01:39 Right, so how does a load of bikers going out for a run raise money? How do you generate
01:43 the money?
01:44 Right, we've generated through our own magazine a registration form which people make a donation.
01:54 They register on the event, either before the event or during the event and at least
02:00 a large quantity of that donation then goes to Thomas.
02:03 Right, so what do we do? I know we go out for a run, what happens then? We're going
02:09 to a particular place though aren't we?
02:10 Yes, we're going to the Hunting for a Million Charfield, Gloucester.
02:13 That's where Dr. Foster comes from isn't it, Gloucester?
02:17 Years ago. We're going to be going to there. There's going to be live music, there's
02:22 going to be a raffle, auction, different things, barbeque, hog roast, a bit of a knees up for
02:29 everybody who's turning up on bikes.
02:31 Good stuff, so plenty more to come. So what's the response been like? Has it been difficult
02:34 to get people involved?
02:35 It's been difficult because of the British weather. You don't know what Sunday's going
02:38 to be like, whether it's going to snow or what have you. So it's been good, registrations
02:45 have been coming through, well donations have been coming through very, very good. If we
02:50 get anything up to 200, 300, 400 people on the day, we'll be more than happy.
02:54 Right.
02:55 More than happy.
02:56 Well it's looking good up to now, it's going to be good. I don't know, we're probably
02:59 over 100 up to now and it's early yet, so fingers crossed.
03:01 I hope so.
03:02 Good stuff.
03:03 I hope so.
03:05 I'm winning, yeah.
03:08 Now this is Phil Davis, Tour Leader, cavalcade front man and the man with the map.
03:21 So hopefully I know where I'm going then.
03:23 Where are you going to take us today then?
03:25 Well today what we're going to do is we're going to take the A420, I don't know if you
03:29 can see this one here, up to Pennsylvania. Now we've got a big group today.
03:32 Pennsylvania?
03:33 Pennsylvania.
03:34 Have you got a Pennsylvania there?
03:35 Yeah, in England, yeah, in Bristol.
03:36 Well I see you learn something every day, Adam.
03:38 That's right. We've got a big group today so it's going to be very difficult to keep
03:42 all these people together. So what we're going to have to do is try and keep the pace down,
03:46 have a nice steady ride. We've got a paramedic with us, hopefully we won't need that guy
03:50 but he knows the tour as well. So we've got someone else who can tag along and perhaps
03:55 pick up the people from behind.
03:57 Right, so that's a very big long line you've got on this map, how long is it going to
04:01 take us this?
04:02 I would imagine that's going to take us about an hour, maybe an hour and a half, steady
04:06 riding. It's nice long open safe roads so we're going to be nice and clear hopefully
04:11 all the way up through.
04:12 We've got the right mixture of bikes here, we've got top Red Hot Sports bikes and some,
04:17 well, not so fast bikes shall we say. So what do we do, go at the pace of the slowest presumably?
04:22 Yeah, no, what I'm going to do is I'm going to lead from the front and I'll be keeping
04:26 the speed down a bit.
04:27 Right, we've not got a police escort have we?
04:29 Not at all, so it's all in my hands I'm afraid today.
04:32 So it's abided by all the traffic lights, it's abided by all the speed regulations?
04:35 That's right, that's right, try and keep everything nice and steady and hopefully no one's going
04:40 to go shooting by me and think they know what they're doing and where to go and find their
04:44 own way type of thing because they'll probably end up lost.
04:46 Right.
04:47 But, you know, it's a very straight forward route.
04:49 Okay.
04:50 From the A420 straight up the A46 up through Old Sodbury into Nailsworth up into the big
04:56 city of Stroud there, skip through the outskirts of Stroud, cross through Stonehouse up to
05:02 the A38 all the way back down and back basically into wherever we're going.
05:08 That means absolutely nothing to me.
05:09 No.
05:10 I'll follow you.
05:11 Alright then.
05:12 Let's go.
05:38 So with everyone in their best well ventilated leathers we were off into the blazing sunshine
05:44 for a run which would take us along some fantastic roads and through some quaint country towns.
05:52 The problem with such a lot of bikes is keeping the run together.
05:59 It only takes a couple of sets of traffic lights and the odd busy junction to spread
06:04 things out over several miles.
06:09 We had just about every type of bike you can think of and the excellent weather had encouraged
06:18 quite a few pillion riders to take the trip.
06:38 The majority though did manage to stay fairly well together and there's nothing that turns
06:51 more heads in a quiet town than a long line of motorcycles snaking its way through narrow
06:57 twisty streets.
07:11 And so eventually after just under 50 miles which had taken us about 1 hour and 20 minutes
07:18 we arrived at our destination.
07:46 Well that's it.
07:47 We've made it to this fantastic place.
07:49 I don't know where on earth it is.
07:51 I've been using that 1200 Triumph Trophy.
07:53 Great bike.
07:54 Dead dead comfy and really fast as well.
07:55 I don't know where on earth I am but it's a lovely place and all the sensible people
07:58 are now taking their leathers off and putting their shorts on and their t-shirts and no
08:03 I haven't brought my shorts with me so sweaty legs today I'm afraid.
08:06 But it's loads of things going on here and all in a good cause.
08:09 It's a very very busy day.
08:11 There's a raffle in a bit with the first prize it says here is a mop head.
08:14 Sorry it's a mop head but it's a good prize anyway.
08:18 There's an auction of all motorcycle bits and pieces and to me this is what biking is
08:23 all about.
08:24 Loads of people here that may have never met each other before and they're all instantly
08:28 best of friends.
08:29 Great camaraderie and all doing some good.
08:31 Fantastic advert for biking.
08:33 And there's a pop group setting up just over there at the moment.
08:35 I'm looking forward to that.
08:36 They sound very good.
08:37 They're called Seth and the Symbolics.
08:39 The drummer's called Seth, the bass player's called Sim and the guitarist is called Bert.
08:44 So they should be a good band.
08:45 Looking forward to a smashing day.
08:47 Well we're all here today to raise some funds for little Thomas Ainsworth and this is Thomas's
09:01 mum Louise.
09:02 So Louise tell me about Thomas.
09:04 What's the problem?
09:05 Thomas has got cerebral palsy and it affects both his legs and his right arm.
09:10 And his right side is the real problem really.
09:14 And he has to go a long way for treatment I understand.
09:17 Yes he does.
09:18 We've taken him to the PETA institute in Budapest three times now for eight weeks at a time.
09:28 Pretty intensive and very expensive as well.
09:30 Yes.
09:31 But I understand this isn't the first thing that bikers have done for Thomas is it?
09:37 No.
09:38 Bristol Triumph motorcycle owners have before now done a bike run in aid of Thomas last
09:45 year.
09:46 And you've lots of other charity fundraising events all over the place.
09:49 Yes.
09:50 I understand you have wine tasting?
09:51 We have had a wine tasting which was very very successful.
09:53 I bet it was.
09:54 I'd like an invite to that next time please.
09:56 Well you see you can always rely on bikers, especially on a sunny day to turn out and
10:00 I'm sure they must have raised a fortune here today.
10:02 I think we have yes.
10:03 Thank you very much.
10:08 This is our host here today at the Huntingford Mill, Tank.
10:12 Called Tank for pretty obvious reasons.
10:13 Tank James yes.
10:14 A biker.
10:15 I play bikers.
10:16 Ex-biker.
10:17 But I've heard a story that you're actually a very famous person, film star even.
10:24 Bike related film star.
10:26 Yes I play lots of biker parts as you can see.
10:30 I'm sort of a biker image.
10:32 Well go on, will we know any of these famous parts that you've done?
10:35 Well I played a famous cigar advert back about 8 years ago.
10:42 I've done some insurance adverts and some fairly well known beer adverts as bikers.
10:48 So what were you in the cigar advert?
10:50 What did you play?
10:51 A mean lean fighting machine, hell's angel, slightly upset you know.
10:55 Oh right I see.
10:56 Because this chap in one of them three wheeler yellow cars that one can't mention knocked
11:01 over 100 of our bikes parked in the car park you know.
11:05 So did you beat him up?
11:06 I smashed him up with my bumper car actually.
11:09 Excellent.
11:10 Right so have you been in any famous films that we know about?
11:13 Well I've done sort of Paper Mask.
11:16 I had a part in Paper Mask.
11:18 I've done quite a lot of BBC stuff.
11:21 Commercials is basically what I enjoy doing.
11:23 Right very good.
11:24 You're an abroad.
11:25 A professional biker no doubt.
11:27 So this is your thing now, running this place.
11:31 Biker friendly pub, is that the idea?
11:33 Well at the 100th of a mil we are a biker friendly zone.
11:36 We don't look at bikes and go moron.
11:40 It's leather fighting machines, lovely machines and people aren't on two wheels now because
11:46 they can't afford four.
11:47 Some two wheel bikes are a lot more expensive now than four.
11:51 Absolutely.
11:52 They're luxury item bikes to a lot of people now.
11:56 You can go in and look like a city gent for five pound in Oxfam but you can't look like
12:00 a real biker for five pound out of Oxfam nowadays.
12:04 You spend a lot of money now for your leathers.
12:07 You've got a restaurant here at this place and you've got a big big menu.
12:10 Tell me about these things on your menu.
12:12 Well it's a big old place.
12:14 It was built in 1608 and it's been a restaurant now for about 30 years.
12:19 And it's been specialising in the big steaks.
12:22 We do rib eyes, we do big 32 ounce rump and we even do a belly buster, 64 ounce.
12:29 64 ounce.
12:30 That's why they call me Tank.
12:31 Are you the chief taster, do you have to go through them all?
12:35 No, no, the wife cooks them.
12:37 I just move them out when they can't walk.
12:41 He's already walked his way but he often do after a 64.
12:45 So are you still riding bikes then?
12:49 Yes, I still ride bikes.
12:51 Only professionally is it?
12:52 Professionally I'm afraid.
12:53 I haven't found a trike large enough for me yet.
12:58 Well Barry, you've done it.
13:13 Fantastic turn out, you must be very pleased.
13:15 Over the moon.
13:16 Absolutely brilliant.
13:17 All the branches have turned up.
13:18 Nottingham, Northampton, Cannock, Stoke, Warrington, Bristol.
13:23 See I didn't know this.
13:24 When we left Bristol this morning and I thought this is it, it was quite impressive.
13:29 You've got to keep a few surprises.
13:31 And then all these other blooming lots started turning up and I wondered what was going on.
13:34 So they've come from all over the country.
13:37 Any idea on numbers?
13:38 A guesstimate?
13:39 A guesstimate, 2, 3, 400, something like that.
13:42 Fantastic, it's good.
13:43 And any idea, I know it's early days yet because all the money's not in, but a rough idea of
13:49 what's been raised?
13:50 Yep, well we've still got to count the auction money, but it's going to be well over a thousand
13:54 pounds.
13:55 Wow.
13:56 Just for basically an afternoon-ish type.
13:58 And a great day in the sunshine.
14:00 I must say your scenery around here is superb, you've got some good biking roads.
14:03 Yeah, so you told me earlier.
14:04 Yeah, yeah, some of these are all full of cars, that's the problem.
14:07 But you know what you want to get involved in?
14:08 I was talking to Thomas' mum, Louise, earlier and she says they have fundraising wine tasting
14:14 sessions.
14:15 So why don't I get an invite to that?
14:17 You could do, yes.
14:18 Yeah?
14:19 Yes.
14:20 Yeah.
14:21 So what's next then, buddy?
14:22 Where do we go from here?
14:23 Next year.
14:24 Yeah?
14:25 Next year, definitely.
14:26 If Thomas needs it, we'll do it.
14:27 Aye?
14:28 Yeah.
14:29 Fantastic.
14:30 What can we say?
14:31 Rely on bikers, eh, every time.
14:32 Undoubtedly.
14:33 All the time.
14:34 And coming up after the break, a ride on Ducati's red hot 748.
14:43 And some fun and laughter as we dip into the two-wheeled cock-up archives.
14:53 Many people would say that the world's sexiest bike is a shiny red Ducati 916.
15:00 But they're not particularly cheap.
15:02 There is, however, a slightly cheaper alternative.
15:06 A shiny red Ducati 748.
15:09 748 cc's of V-twin motor, delivering 97 brake horsepowers of grunt.
15:17 The engine feels quite different from a 916.
15:20 It's much more revvy.
15:22 But it's still got tons of low-down power to shoot you out of a corner or catapult you
15:27 away from a junction at an incredible rate.
15:30 It doesn't look half bad either, does it?
15:33 And you know, from just a few feet away, I reckon you'd be hard-pushed to tell the difference
15:36 between this and a 916.
15:39 And that's because they share the same geometry, they've got the same suspension, and it is
15:45 actually the same overall dimensions.
15:47 Now up at the front here, a very neat, very compact dashboard.
15:52 Nothing fancy.
15:53 With a green rev counter.
15:55 I don't know why it's green, but, well, I suppose it's different.
15:59 Further back here, steering damper fitted as standard.
16:02 Quite useful.
16:03 More use on a racetrack.
16:04 Well, we're talking about racetracks.
16:06 For people who like messing with the setup of the bike, here we've got the facility to
16:11 actually alter the steering head angle.
16:14 Very, very trick.
16:15 And you may notice a lack of an ignition barrel there.
16:18 That's where the key would normally go.
16:20 But on a Ducati, it goes down there at the front of the tank, which is fine if you've
16:25 only got one or maybe two keys on your key ring.
16:27 But if you carry your bike key on a bunch of keys, and you keep putting it in there
16:32 and turning it, and this part of the tank really is going to get scratched to hell.
16:38 And talking of scratching, is what the 748 is all about.
16:42 Ride it through busy traffic where you're stopping every few yards, and you'll absolutely
16:47 hate it.
16:48 The seat is hard and the footpegs are high.
16:51 Bikes like this are not built for comfort.
16:54 They're built to perform, to compete, and to excite.
16:57 The 748 does all of these things brilliantly.
17:01 Head for the open road, and you'll begin to understand what this bike is all about.
17:06 Better still, head for the racetrack.
17:09 That's the only place to fully appreciate the potential of this Italian thoroughbred.
17:14 You'll find yourself entering corners at speeds which you've only ever dreamt about.
17:18 So precise and sure-footed is the handling.
17:22 You'll get massive adrenaline rushes as you twist the throttle and see the front wheel
17:26 parting company with the tarmac.
17:28 And if you should get your gear selection slightly wrong as you power out of a corner,
17:33 the torquey nature of the V-twin allows you to get away with it.
17:37 Well, it all sounds pretty impressive so far, doesn't it?
17:41 Until you realise that all of this Italian style doesn't come particularly cheap.
17:45 OK, a 748 is cheaper than a 916 or a 996, as it is now.
17:52 But a standard 748 like this one will still cost you about £9,700 for an official UK
17:58 one.
17:59 I believe you can get an import for about £8,200, so it's quite a saving there.
18:03 But if you want the 748 SPS, that's the one with all the fancy suspension and the
18:08 tricky bits and pieces on it, that'll cost you about another £2,500 on top of that.
18:13 And when you think of its Japanese rivals, even the big twins like Honda's Firestorm,
18:19 less than £7,000, Suzuki's TL1000R, perhaps £7,000 and a bit on the road, it does start
18:26 to look a little bit dear.
18:28 Even second-hand examples like, say, an early 748 from about 1995 in a dealer's would
18:34 still fetch the best part £6,000.
18:37 But let's look on the positive side.
18:40 What do you get for your money?
18:41 Well, you get this fantastic, sexy-looking piece of Italian exotica, instantly recognisable.
18:49 Single-sided swinging arm, very, very trendy these days.
18:52 The much-copied exhaust exiting under the tailpiece, and of course, the unmistakable,
18:59 gorgeous Ducati shape.
19:01 It's well-respected by everyone, and it does its job superbly well.
19:06 You've probably gathered that I personally love the 748.
19:11 It's not designed for everyone.
19:13 If you need a bike to take you to work and back, maybe carry a pillion, or to cover long
19:18 distances, then forget it.
19:20 An all-rounder, this bike definitely is not.
19:24 It's not a particularly easy bike to ride well.
19:27 It's perhaps not quite as forgiving in the handling department as some of the big four-cylinder
19:31 sports bikes.
19:33 It's challenging, it's involving, and once you get to grips with it, it's one of the
19:37 most exciting bikes you could ever have the pleasure to ride.
19:47 [LAUGHTER]
19:52 [LAUGHTER]
19:57 [LAUGHTER]
20:02 And Carl had his problems last year, didn't he?
20:06 Or rather, we're talking this year's season, the 97th season.
20:09 [LAUGHTER]
20:14 You've got locating pegs on the frame, there and there.
20:18 So all you have to do is match the two together, with a bit of luck.
20:23 That's the front end, that's the back, and the front end's dropped down.
20:34 So it's just a matter of locating the seat on these two lugs.
20:38 A little bit fiddly, but you do get used to it, honest.
20:43 It's the front end, you must keep that one firmly located there,
20:46 then get the back end over.
20:48 A little bit of fiddling.
20:49 That's all you do.
20:56 You know when I just did that ball, and it went--
21:04 I thought, oh yeah, there it is.
21:08 Meanwhile--
21:08 Oh, bollocks.
21:12 [LAUGHTER]
21:15 Comes complete with C body armor.
21:17 That's elbow, shoulder, back, here, and the--
21:20 here.
21:20 [LAUGHTER]
21:27 Oh, stop it.
21:28 And this fellow who's a rep for him, Rod Brooke,
21:30 I've known him for a long, long time.
21:32 And he's a big chap.
21:33 Towers over me, makes me feel inferior.
21:35 Rod, it's good to see you again.
21:36 How's things?
21:37 Oh, fine, Wayne.
21:38 How are you?
21:38 Oh, not bad at all.
21:39 Tell me about the Reacher suit, then.
21:40 It's new.
21:41 I've never seen them do a one-piece before.
21:42 Yeah, it's new for Reacher for 1998.
21:44 It comes complete with C body armor.
21:46 [LAUGHTER]
21:50 Oh, my God.
21:52 This scooter thing, just tell me, where do you get together, you lads?
21:55 Where do you all meet?
21:56 We all meet at the Alison Herms in Coppell,
21:58 other than the Liverpool lads.
21:59 That's the Lancashire?
22:00 That's the Lancashire lads, yeah.
22:02 The Liverpool Scooter Club.
22:05 I forgot where they meet.
22:07 And the Liverpool Scooter Club meet in Liverpool?
22:09 In Liverpool, probably.
22:11 More than likely.
22:12 So, Harry, tell me, where do you all get together?
22:14 I mean, obviously, you go for rides out on Sundays.
22:16 But do you have a regular meet?
22:17 Yeah, we've got a regular meet every other Sunday
22:19 at the Alison Herms in Coppell.
22:20 That's the Lancashire Lions.
22:22 The Liverpool lot meet.
22:24 [LAUGHTER]
22:27 So, Harry, I mean, it's obvious that you come out for rides
22:29 on a Sunday, all get together for ride-outs.
22:30 But you have a regular meeting day.
22:32 Where's that?
22:32 Yeah, the Liverpool lot meet at the--
22:34 Queens.
22:35 [LAUGHTER]
22:35 Queens, down the street.
22:37 Liverpool.
22:40 On Two Wheels next week, our very own sidecar expert,
22:43 Wayne, tries his hand at something very different--
22:46 sidecar speedway.
22:47 And some more bits that seemingly you can't get enough
22:50 of-- the two-wheeled cock-ups.
23:00 [CRASH]
23:04 [CRASH]
23:22 (upbeat music)
