Enferma de cáncer tiene que vivir con 1500 pesos

  • 6 months ago
Enferma de cáncer tiene que vivir con 1500 pesos
María Elena Martínez Loaces, residente en el reparto Celso Maragoto en Pinar del Rio, tiene una colostomía realizada debido a un cáncer de colon. Martínez denuncia que no puede vivir con 1500 pesos.
Denuncia ciudadana.


00:00 Good morning. I am at Mrs. Marielena Martinez Loazes' house,
00:05 here in the Serso Maragotto district,
00:08 and who lives in Planta Street.
00:11 The lady has approached me to raise a series of events that harm her,
00:21 and of which she does not receive help or attention from the government.
00:29 Please, Marielena, can you tell us what situation you are in, in this case, of health?
00:37 I have colon cancer, I have colonoscopy.
00:45 I have a mental problem, I am a psychiatrist.
00:53 I feel very depressed.
00:56 I lost my three children, all three died.
00:59 I am left alone in the world without family.
01:01 Do you receive any government help?
01:03 I receive some help from the government, a pension, but I can't afford it.
01:06 How much is the pension?
01:08 1500 pesos.
01:10 Yes, but I can't afford it because the light and the phone I have to pay for are running out.
01:15 Yes.
01:16 I can't afford it.
01:17 And you live alone here in this house?
01:19 I live alone, without anyone, alone.
01:21 When I feel like it, I sit in the church because I feel very bad.
01:25 And what do they say, for example, in this case, the delegate of the psychiatric hospital?
01:29 Nothing, they are not interested in anything.
01:32 The party, the government, they have not given you a turn to know the situation?
01:38 I don't have a kitchen to cook.
01:41 When my balloon runs out, I have to look for 500 pesos to get home.
01:47 And when I stop, I sit down.
01:49 I have nothing, all the articles have been broken.
01:54 I don't have a TV to watch it because everything has been broken.
01:58 And it's very expensive.
02:00 I don't have a kitchen, I don't have an electric stove, I don't have anything electric to cook with.
02:08 And in this case, because of the situation you are in, of your operation, of your colostomy,
02:14 and because of the disease, do they give you treatment, do they give you what is necessary to be able to maintain yourself with the medication and the healing materials?
02:27 I spend a lot of work to buy the medication.
02:30 I am infertile and I cannot take the Cactoprim that I take because there is no such thing.
02:34 I am mentally ill and I take the anaprine.
02:39 This is for venous.
02:47 Is it a drug for nerves?
02:50 Do they give it to you in psychology or psychiatry?
02:53 In psychiatry they give it to me, no, I have to buy it.
02:56 Ah, you have to pay for it.
02:58 I have to pay for it and when I can take it.
03:01 This is the parasolane.
03:03 The parasolane.
03:05 I have metretiline and I don't have it.
03:08 That is, in pharmacies, in pharmacies, the medication does not exist.
03:13 I don't have a bag for it.
03:15 You don't have a bag for it?
03:17 I don't have a bag for it.
03:19 When it comes, it comes every three months and it comes in a single box.
03:21 Can you show us, please, your operation so that the audience has knowledge of what we are talking about?
03:34 Yes, so that they can see that it is true, the situation that the lady presents.
03:46 Look at it, with the tomé.
03:48 And this is the bag I carry.
03:50 I feel that sometimes I don't have enough to buy it.
03:58 The situation is critical, it is real.
04:04 You do not receive government aid from the government system and your checkbook does not reach you?
04:14 Not at all.
04:15 Not at all?
04:16 The pound is up to 200 pesos.
04:19 And it never comes to the warehouse.
04:22 When it runs out, I don't have anything.
04:26 I have two armchairs because they lent it to me.
04:29 My son died and I stayed in that one.
04:31 I had to keep a valid son who was not given help.
04:36 Okay, ma'am.
04:37 I had to keep a valid son.
04:39 He died two years ago.
04:41 The situation is very painful, honestly.
04:43 And more when people like you do not receive the attention, concerns that you have.
04:49 I am 77 years old.
04:51 We are going to put all this to the knowledge of the international public opinion so that your case is visible.
04:58 And to say this way, well ...
05:01 I wish to enter, I have to buy a cube to enter.
05:06 Because they are giving me pain.
05:09 They sent me to enter.
05:11 And honestly, I don't have any money, I don't even have clothes to enter a hospital.
05:16 Ah, well, it has been ...
05:18 I don't have a sandal, I have nothing.
05:20 We are going to try to see how we can face this situation.
05:24 Because I went crazy and everything was lost.
05:26 And the cyclone finished me, with everything I had.
05:29 Well, it has been for you a report from the independent journalist Mar Suarez Campos.
05:33 For ADN Cuba and the press reporter Julio Cesar Góngora Milho.
05:38 Here in the city of Pinar del Río.
05:40 Thank you very much.
05:41 You are welcome.
05:43 A film by Julio Cesar Góngora Milho.
