Olah Sampah Organik Lebih Mudah dan Berkelanjutan ala Startup

  • 6 months ago
Biomagg melihat sampah sebagai komoditas masa depan. Melalui pengamatan dan penelitian, Biomagg yang didirikan pada tahun 2015 lalu, melihat larva lalat tentara hitam dapat dijadikan sebagai bio-teknologi yang digunakan untuk mengkonversi sampah menjadi sumber protein terbarukan.

‘Bahan baku’ yang melimpah, hasil pengelolaan sampah organik yang hanya berupa kompos, serta biaya pakan yang tinggi, Biomagg melihat masalah tersebut sebagai tantangan dalam menghadapi masalah di masyarakat. Melalui teknologi bio-konversi, Biomagg diharapkan dapat memberikan solusi untuk lingkungan, masyarakat, petani, peternak, serta nelayan dengan memberikan pakan sumber protein tinggi, murah, mudah, dan berkelanjutan.


00:00 Thank you again for joining us in CREATE UP. I'm Pris, I'm Somporn Dato and this is my colleague.
00:04 This time we will discuss how to make organic waste easier to continue.
00:08 The start-up has been connected through video conference with Aminuddy, SP, CEO of Biomag.
00:14 How are you doing, Amin?
00:16 I'm good, thank you for inviting Biomag.
00:20 Thank you for joining us.
00:24 I would like to know more about Biomag. Could you explain what kind of company it is?
00:32 Biomag is a start-up that focuses on processing urban organic waste.
00:39 We use bioconversion technology, using Indonesian waste,
00:46 such as black shoulder fly, to process organic waste, especially food,
00:53 which will result in food and fertilizer.
00:57 The point is to process organic waste, which is eaten by larvae or maggots,
01:02 which will be used as a material for livestock feed and fertilizer.
01:09 What are the impacts of poor organic waste processing?
01:15 What about conventional organic waste processing?
01:19 I would like to say that in 2023, Indonesia will produce 17.4 million tons of organic waste per year.
01:32 And food waste contributes about 60% of our food waste,
01:40 so it can reach 10.4 million tons.
01:44 And if this food waste is not processed, it will result in a lot of waste.
01:51 Why do we use maggots, this black soldier fly,
01:56 because the maggots can eat the food waste faster,
02:02 and can reduce the smell compared to conventional waste.
02:06 Conventional waste is usually piled up and composted, and it takes too long.
02:11 By using this black soldier fly, we can reduce the smell 3-4 times faster.
02:19 Interesting. So, if we look at the process of processing organic waste,
02:26 which is sometimes burned, etc., it also produces emissions.
02:30 This is consumed by maggots, and then there are the products of the offspring.
02:36 Okay, in terms of a comprehensive solution, you can tell us.
02:40 Maybe you have already explained what this biomech is like,
02:44 and what is the service from head to toe like?
02:49 So, this biomech provides an organic waste collection service
02:55 to the community and our partners.
02:59 So, we take this waste every day or every two days to our partners,
03:05 then we process it, we compost it,
03:09 and then we give it to the maggots that we have fertilized.
03:13 On the other hand, the interesting thing is that this black soldier fly does not bring diseases,
03:19 and it is not harmful to the environment.
03:22 Because this black soldier fly only lives for 9 days.
03:26 So, in the process of fertilization, we fertilize this fly,
03:31 then later it will produce eggs and baby maggots.
03:34 Baby maggots are the ones that will later collect the waste.
03:38 In the process of hylization, we will produce fertilizer and this food
03:43 that we can sell to farmers all over Indonesia.
03:47 What is the process to ensure that this organic waste supply is sufficient?
03:55 Yes, we always want to collaborate with the community,
04:01 the waste bank, the maggots, to be able to distribute the organic waste to the biomech.
04:09 So, in general, the waste bank, the maggots usually take this,
04:15 what is it called, organic waste, plastic, cardboard, bottles,
04:19 and this food waste or organic waste is usually not taken or thrown away
04:24 assuming that it will be digested.
04:27 Do you make purchases for the organic waste to be processed?
04:34 Do you make purchases to, for example, the waste bank or the waste bank?
04:39 Yes, in principle, we will make partnerships with the waste bank and the waste bank,
04:45 so we accompany them so that later they can process the waste with maggots,
04:50 and the maggots we buy later, and the fertilizer we buy.
04:53 So that they also know, oh, there is a catch, if you process the waste with maggots.
04:59 Okay, we will continue the next session.
05:02 Mas Amin and Prof. Atap, with us, we will be right back.
05:04 Thank you for coming back with us.
05:06 Mr. Mirza is still with the CEO of Biomech, there is Mas Amin.
05:10 It turns out that the Wiki has explained that this encourages the black army
05:16 that produces maggots, then this maggot is given organic waste,
05:20 and later there are two products, namely food from maggots for farming,
05:25 then there is also fertilizer and food for farming,
05:28 later it can be for fish and others, and so on, eaten again by humans.
05:32 So this is the circular economic concept, right, Mas Amin?
05:36 Right, sir.
05:37 Okay, then we know more about the protein content in the food produced from the maggots.
05:49 What is it like compared to other fish foods?
05:52 Okay, so the protein in this maggot is more or less, the range is more or less 45 to 50 percent of the protein,
06:02 and it contains more or less 19 amino acids and 11 minerals.
06:08 With this content, maggots actually have a very complex content for protein needs.
06:15 And we are imported from abroad.
06:24 By using maggots, our hope is that we can produce protein in the country for domestic needs
06:31 and can be a source of protein later.
06:33 Okay, so the point is, with better protein content in the food itself,
06:38 it can increase the protein content in the animals that consume maggots, right?
06:43 Which means the quality will also increase.
06:46 Yes, with the hope of being able to harvest faster, the mortality or death of livestock is also reduced.
06:52 Well, regarding this business pattern, I actually see it on a number of social media, Wiki,
06:58 there are already many doing it.
07:00 What is it like to maximize the potential of maggots from Biomag?
07:04 Yes, so the name of the business should be maggots.
07:09 So, at Biomag, we have organic waste services.
07:14 So we get tips from our colleagues.
07:18 We usually get money from waste collection,
07:23 we give a cost of approximately 500 rupiah per kilogram of waste that we take.
07:29 Then we process, we sell the product.
07:33 This product, the feed, must be cheaper than commercial feed.
07:38 Finally, we sell it at the number of 6,000 to 7,000.
07:41 And many farmers are now our customers
07:44 because the products we sell can be cheaper than the existing feed now.
07:49 Like that.
07:51 Okay, where is the distribution to the products from Biomag?
07:55 For our products, we already have our national reseller network.
08:02 And this year, Biomag also got potential buyers in Korea and India.
08:10 Hopefully, they need maggots, they need maggots for us.
08:15 We can cook, they say.
08:17 Yes, we can be expert maggots.
08:20 Because in Korea, it's difficult to breed maggots.
08:24 Because it's too clean there, maybe.
08:26 It's a bit difficult to breed there.
08:28 It's too cold, bro.
08:29 Oh, it's too cold. Okay, I thought there was no problem.
08:31 The maggots are not alive.
08:32 It turns out that maggots can be an advantage for Indonesia too, right?
08:35 It can be exported.
08:36 Okay, what is the short-term target from Biomag?
08:39 In the short term, we hope that there are many stakeholders or governments.
08:45 Let's work together to process waste.
08:47 There are many cities that are in urgent need of waste.
08:50 Whereas there is a precise technology from Indonesia
08:53 that we can use to process waste in their cities.
08:57 It means that the government is not too serious about waste management, right?
09:01 Yes, because all the technology is already there.
09:05 It's just a matter of how we use this technology according to our waste characteristics.
09:10 Interestingly, this organic waste contains a lot of water, right?
09:14 And it's best if this organic waste is not burned or stored.
09:18 Because later, why is our waste protected from fire?
09:21 Because there is gas, right?
09:22 There is methane gas that is attracted to the fire.
09:25 So that with maggots, the water can be used properly,
09:29 not producing methane gas too.
09:31 And in the end, especially Indonesia and Mr. Jokowi have released carbon trading.
09:37 Well, by processing this organic waste, we of course,
09:40 Indonesia has a gaining position in the world
09:43 if we are a country that can apply the green economy and circular economy earlier.
09:47 Okay, Mas Amin, thank you for joining us.
09:50 We are very happy for Biomag and always healthy.
09:54 See you.
09:55 See you, thank you.
09:57 See you, very inspiring, Wiki.
09:59 Hopefully in the future there will be many related businesses
10:02 that can manage waste, both organic and inorganic, in Indonesia.
10:06 We will see an update on the movement of IHSG,
10:09 especially from the opening of session 1 until now.
10:13 You can watch it on television via RTI.
10:16 Of course, for the IHSG position, this is ...
10:20 0.32% or 23 points at 7,289 with rupiah against dollar,
10:27 strengthening 15,856.
10:30 The top gainers here are PG, FMEI, ELIT, IDPR,
10:34 TINS, PSAB, PRIM, DOIT, CYBER and also Asterix.
10:38 Then the winners we see for the top losers are Mark,
10:48 CE, JAR, MN, CN and several other companies.
10:52 And a brief review of the opening of the trade
10:58 as our closing meeting in Power Breakfast this time.
11:01 Yes, it's 90 minutes, we accompany you,
11:03 all these discussions can be a reference and source of information.
11:06 For you, keep your information only on IDX Channel,
11:09 your trustworthy and comprehensive investment reference.
11:11 I am Wiki Adrian.
11:12 I am Prisasomodhatu.
11:13 See you.
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