'Little People, Big World'_ Amy Roloff Saddened That 'The Family's Broken'

  • 6 months ago
'Little People, Big World'_ Amy Roloff Saddened That 'The Family's Broken'


00:00 My boys have moved on, but it just saddens me that the family's broken.
00:05 This week on Little People Big World, Amy talked to her friends about the state of the family
00:10 and Matt and Karen's engagement and prep for the big fundraiser heated up.
00:15 But first, let's talk about Zach and Tori, who are preparing Lila for her upcoming sleep study.
00:20 It's recommended that you get a sleep study for people with dwarfism regularly to monitor sleep
00:26 apnea, but also in our case, if Lila potentially needs eye surgery, is to make sure she's safe when
00:33 put under anesthesia. The sleep study required an overnight stay at the hospital, and Zach was
00:38 worried that it would be tough on Lila. Lila is going to hate the sleep test. It could be the
00:42 worst day of her life. Lila doesn't like to be touched. Lila doesn't like, you know, nurses or
00:48 doctors or anyone particular to come into her stratosphere. Lila doesn't like strange places.
00:54 Everything about the sleep study are things that Lila on a day-to-day does not care for,
00:59 and we're going to combine all these things during one night and make her sleep through it.
01:04 When it was time for Lila to leave, she gave her mom and her brothers the sweetest goodbye.
01:09 Oh, you be brave, girl. Can I have love before you leave?
01:13 I love you. Give me love, real love. Love you.
01:20 Love you. Love you. Love you.
01:26 Later that night, Tori got a FaceTime from Zach, letting her know how well Lila was doing.
01:31 Lilia, you did so good, girl. I was super stoked to see Lila with everything on, and she was calm
01:40 and not terrified. It was awesome to see you. How are you doing, sis? Good.
01:47 You're such a big, brave girl. No cry?
01:51 I'm so proud of you, Lila.
01:56 The next morning, they came home, and Zach gushed over how great Lila did.
02:01 Lila did so well. She didn't pull out her air thing once.
02:06 That's really good.
02:09 The nurse never had to come in because she, like, yanked something.
02:12 Good job, Lila, right?
02:14 That same day, Lila went to her dance class and showed off some moves.
02:18 And while her parents noted that she seemed to be having a lot of fun,
02:21 dancing might not be her strong suit.
02:23 Can you describe her as a dancer?
02:25 Clunky, slow.
02:30 Clueless.
02:31 Clueless.
02:32 One, two, three, four.
02:36 I mean, some of those girls that are in her class, I'm like, that girl is going to be a dancer.
02:40 She's, like, long legs, pointed toe, all the things.
02:43 But then Lila, she's...
02:45 I don't know if she's a dancer. We'll see.
02:50 Lila has a recital coming up, and Zach and Tori aren't so sure if she'll actually get up on stage
02:55 when the big day comes.
02:56 But they also noted that they were worried about how the sleep study would go,
03:00 and she totally surprised them.
03:01 So you never know.
03:03 Lila's not great with transitions or, like, new things, right?
03:07 She's not... with the unknown, she gets uncomfortable.
03:10 So, like, doing things for the first time...
03:12 And she could totally surprise me, and she could rock it,
03:16 but I just have a feeling it's not going to be easy.
03:18 It's just going to be nerve-wracking for her.
03:21 It's going to be very dramatic.
03:23 Yeah.
03:23 Open town, and we twinkle!
03:28 Meanwhile, Chris is excited about him and Amy potentially getting a new home.
03:33 He's thinking about having a vineyard and maybe hosting weddings there,
03:36 but Amy doesn't seem so excited about that.
03:38 Bless your heart.
03:39 I know you've already moved on, but I'm not ready to...
03:41 Well, I just...
03:43 ...kill the idea yet.
03:44 I think for me, just living on the farm and dealing with that crap for so many years,
03:50 doing pumpkin season and not realizing how big it was going to get.
03:54 Being married to Matt, I mean, there was always...
03:57 It seemed like there was always a new project coming up.
04:01 It would be quite overwhelming.
04:02 I would tell Matt, like, "No, no, we don't need another project, no."
04:07 But Amy explained that she's not going to shoot down his ideas outright.
04:11 Starting a vineyard or something of that magnitude with Chris,
04:14 I just don't see it for us at this stage of our life.
04:17 And like in any relationship, you know, what I've learned is
04:21 sometimes it's best not to just say no.
04:23 Sometimes it's best just to let it play out and let him figure it out.
04:28 Chris got advice from another vineyard owner,
04:31 and after hearing that the startup costs might be too high,
04:34 he realized that it might not work out.
04:36 The information I'm getting is...
04:39 Deflating.
04:41 It's not going in the right direction.
04:43 Shoot.
04:45 Sorry, babe.
04:47 I'm disappointed. I saw that as a possible retirement future there.
04:52 They also got the vineyard owner to donate an auction item for their upcoming fundraiser.
04:57 Amy later went to lunch with her friends,
04:59 and of course the topic of Matt and Karen's engagement came up.
05:03 Matt and Karen are engaged.
05:04 I know.
05:05 Oh my God.
05:05 What the heck?
05:06 Well, to me, you know, when he texted me,
05:08 "Oh, I thought, you know, you guys would be the first to know."
05:11 You know, Chris and I.
05:12 I'm like, "Why? Why would I be the first to know?"
05:17 But anyway, but I said, "Hey, great. It's about time."
05:21 You know, like...
05:22 You knew it was going to come.
05:24 It's like, it wasn't this like surprise.
05:27 Yes.
05:28 You know what I mean?
05:29 Yeah, exactly.
05:30 Was it romantic?
05:32 How did you propose?
05:33 I have no idea.
05:35 I don't want to get into it.
05:36 I don't know those details.
05:37 Amy also revealed that after seeing Karen's ring,
05:39 she had a strange dream, and her friends guessed as to what that could mean.
05:43 After I saw the ring or something, like a week later or something like that,
05:47 I had this really weird dream that I lost my ring or all the diamonds popped out of it
05:52 and stuff like that.
05:53 What?
05:53 Chris panicked.
05:54 I wonder what it means.
05:56 I don't know, because she said her stone fell out,
06:01 but I'm wondering if it was more towards Matt and Karen.
06:05 Like, maybe she's done with Matt, which I know emotionally.
06:09 It's like, let it go.
06:09 She's been done for a long time.
06:10 Move on.
06:11 Yeah, let Matt move on.
06:13 They also talked about the changes on Matt's farm,
06:15 and how empty it feels there now,
06:17 and how she wishes it could have been the next generation for her boys.
06:21 You tried to make that happen.
06:22 You know, I did the best I could.
06:24 My boys have moved on, but it just saddens me that the family's broken.
06:31 When a family goes through a major event, like Matt and I getting divorced,
06:35 and then the farm not working out or anything like that,
06:38 yeah, you do feel like something has broke.
06:41 But you have a choice.
06:42 How long do you leave it broken?
06:44 Or is there a way to help heal it?
06:47 That will take time.
06:48 They also talked about the fundraiser, which she's working on with Matt, Chris, and Karen.
06:52 But yet again, she made it clear that she's taking the reins on this one.
06:56 I was a little leery of doing this, you know, with Matt.
07:00 And?
07:01 I pretty much told everyone.
07:02 Yeah, what did you tell them?
07:04 I'm in charge.
07:05 You did?
07:07 Whether this succeeds, it falls on all of us.
07:10 Whether this fails, then it falls on me.
07:12 They all met up to plan for the fundraiser again,
07:14 and they all had different approaches to planning.
07:16 Karen, very list-driven, constantly making a list.
07:22 And Amy's a little bit more haphazard, you know?
07:26 We're letting go and letting her establish right up front,
07:29 "I want to be in charge, I want to be the boss, and I want to—this is my event."
07:32 And so we're in a supporting role, and I think we know that we have a lane.
07:37 Whatever happens is fine.
07:39 It's on her shoulder.
07:40 Karen wanted Amy to get her an itinerary, but Amy wasn't quite there yet.
07:46 Do I think I'll see an itinerary prior to the event?
07:49 I mean, I got a 50/50 shot, but if I were to put my personal money on it,
07:54 I would probably say no.
07:56 And I'm good with that.
07:59 It is what it is.
08:01 Who needs an itinerary anyway?
08:02 Being that my nature is to plan events,
08:08 it's going to take a little extra effort for me to just let it go.
08:12 But I'm going to work on it.
08:13 I'm just working on, you know, come the day of the event, I might be like, "Ahhh!"
08:18 Chris and Amy told the cameras that things for the fundraiser could go well,
08:23 or they could get rocky.
08:25 Anytime you put on a big event like this, I mean, anything can happen.
08:28 So this could go off without a hitch,
08:31 or we could definitely have a number of hiccups that could make this, you know, very chaotic.
08:40 I don't know.
08:40 Yeah, we have a few strong personalities working here that could go in either direction.
08:46 [MUSIC]
