बच्चों को अक्सर सोते समय पैरों को हिलाने की आदत होती है। घर के सदस्य इस सामान्य मान लेते हैं। लेकिन आपको बता दें कि इसे बच्चों में पीरियोडिक लिम्ब मूवमेंट डिसऑर्डर (पीएलएमडी) कहते हैं। यह एक नींद से रिलेटेड बीमारी है जो आपके बच्चों को भी हो सकती है. ऐसे में आज की वीडियो में जानते है की आखिर ये होता क्यों है, और इसका इलाज क्या है
Children often have the habit of moving their legs while sleeping. The family members accept this as normal. But let us tell you that it is called Periodic Limb Movement Disorder (PLMD) in children. This is a sleep related disease which can happen to your children also. In today's video, let us know why this happens and what is its treatment.
#BaccheNeendMePairKyuHilateHAi, #BaccheNeendMePerKyuHilateHAi, #WhyDoChildrenShakeLEgDuringSleeping, #CausesOfChildrenShakingLeg
Children often have the habit of moving their legs while sleeping. The family members accept this as normal. But let us tell you that it is called Periodic Limb Movement Disorder (PLMD) in children. This is a sleep related disease which can happen to your children also. In today's video, let us know why this happens and what is its treatment.
#BaccheNeendMePairKyuHilateHAi, #BaccheNeendMePerKyuHilateHAi, #WhyDoChildrenShakeLEgDuringSleeping, #CausesOfChildrenShakingLeg