"We retired - then sold our house and all our belongings to travel the world"

  • 3 months ago
A couple sold their house and all their belongings to spend their retirement backpacking around the world - and have been to 92 countries so far.

John Martin, 60, and his wife, Bev, 61, set off on their epic adventure in November 2021 after selling their home in Stuart, Florida, US, and listing their belongings and donating furniture to charities.

The couple decided they wanted to live life to the fullest after travelling around 53 US states and 52 US National Parks.

Grandparents of eight, John and Bev then wanted to head further afield and visited Indonesia, Colombia, Guatemala, Greece, and New Zealand - staying in hotels and Airbnb.

The couple describe their jet-setting life as the "trip of a lifetime", they travel back to the US twice a year and are excited for their grandchildren to tag along when they are older.