• last year
Naz (Sinem Ünsal) is a recent graduate of the police academy and lives with her uncle and her mother, a protective character. The police department, which is in pursuit of a mafia boss named Tarık Koşuoğlu (Tardu Flordun), decides to use Naz and a crazy police officer Pamir (Halit Özgür Sarı) together on an undercover mission. Pamir and Naz will move across the street from the mafia family's house like a newly married couple, gain Tarik Koşuoğlu's trust, and bring him to justice…

Cast: Sinem Ünsal, Halit Özgür Sarı, Tardu Flordun, Bülent Emrah Parlak, Şinasi Yurtsever, Ece Dizdar, Selçuk Borak, İdris Nebi Taşkan, Emrullah Çakay, Fulden Akyürek, Erşan Utku Ölmez, Hasan Elmas ve Şebnem Sönmez


#Undercover #sinemünsal #HalitÖzgürSarı


00:00 Hop, meatballs.
00:02 And potatoes.
00:05 You learn something new every year, Ferdi.
00:12 What did you learn, bro?
00:13 It's easy to lie, but hard to tell the truth.
00:16 You're right.
00:17 I mean, it's not a lie, it just comes out of your mouth.
00:20 But it's very hard to tell the truth.
00:22 Look, I had to go to San Francisco just to keep my lie from coming out.
00:27 Bro, what kind of lie is that?
00:29 We're in Antep.
00:31 I'm on a business trip.
00:32 I talked to this guy and I'm going to talk to him.
00:34 He said, "I live in San Francisco."
00:36 I said, "Me too."
00:37 Why?
00:38 I don't know, it just came out of my mouth.
00:39 It's a lie.
00:40 Bro, don't tell San Francisco that you went.
00:42 I went.
00:43 I went there just to keep my lie from coming out.
00:46 And I looked for him there.
00:48 What's the point?
00:49 It's a lie.
00:50 But from now on, there's a whole new name.
00:53 You're not going to hear a lie from me.
00:55 You're just going to hear the truth.
00:57 Look, I told the truth.
00:59 I got a reward for eating.
01:00 I feel great.
01:01 I'm at peace.
01:02 I mean...
01:03 Oh, Mr. Levent.
01:05 Welcome.
01:06 Here you go.
01:07 Enjoy your meal.
01:08 The boiled one is loving it.
01:09 Here, sit down.
01:10 I just ate.
01:11 I went for a walk.
01:12 I thought I'd stop by on my way back.
01:13 That's not going to happen.
01:14 Please, sit down.
01:15 Please.
01:16 Enjoy your meal.
01:17 Anyway, I'll go inside.
01:21 Let me know if anything happens.
01:23 Don't worry.
01:25 I'm not going to tell you anything.
01:26 He's been sleeping all day, Mr. Levent.
01:29 For God's sake.
01:30 What's going to happen on this site?
01:31 It's a quiet place.
01:32 It's not going to happen.
01:33 I don't think it's going to happen.
01:35 Besides, if it happens...
01:37 While security Namik is here,
01:39 he's completely relaxed, Mr. Levent.
01:41 Completely relaxed.
01:42 Thank you very much.
01:43 I mean, I'm impressed with your commitment to this.
01:46 I'm committed and respectful.
01:48 I'm not afraid.
01:50 Security!
01:54 How are you, Nehir?
01:56 Are you okay?
01:57 I can't lie, Yasemin.
01:59 I'm a little upset.
02:00 Nehir, we're friends.
02:04 You know, you can tell me anything you want.
02:06 Please.
02:07 I don't know, honey.
02:09 We had a very unpleasant incident yesterday.
02:12 What happened?
02:14 Our Tufan...
02:17 They caught him in the traffic and beat him up.
02:21 What are you talking about?
02:22 What?
02:23 I'm so sorry, Nehir.
02:25 Thank you. I'm so sorry.
02:26 Tarık was very sad, too.
02:28 You know, your brother is extremely sad.
02:30 I guess so.
02:31 What did you do?
02:33 Did you call the police?
02:35 Who did it?
02:36 No, honey.
02:37 What police?
02:38 The bastards have already run away.
02:41 There was no camera around.
02:44 I mean, they did it.
02:47 I'm so sorry, Nehir.
02:50 Again.
02:51 Thank you, honey.
02:52 Look what I'm going to say.
02:53 You can't understand such things.
02:56 You know, right?
02:57 I mean, it's not easy to get over trauma.
03:01 Is that what you're saying?
03:02 Sure.
