WHO: We just cannot see the end of this nightmare for the population of Gaza.

  • 7 months ago
UN agency warns of looming famine in Gaza. CGTN Europe spoke to Tarik Jasarevic, WHO spokesperson on the latest situation.
00:00 get more on the situation in Gaza now and talk to Tarek Yasharovic from the
00:05 World Health Organization. Tarek welcome first of all how would you describe the
00:12 situation in Gaza now what are your people telling you?
00:16 Well thank you the situation is really getting worse that's what we hear from
00:21 our colleagues on the ground who are trying on a daily basis to reach
00:26 hospitals that are still functional and now we are down to 10 out of 36
00:33 hospitals that are providing some basic health services so we had two more
00:40 hospitals that stopped functioning because simply there is no food there is
00:46 no material there's no fuel for electricity so the situation is getting
00:50 worse and worse we are not able to reach Al Shifa Hospital that I was just
00:55 mentioned in your program for four days now we are hearing about what is
01:00 happening just like your correspondent was saying but we are not able to get
01:04 there and to help health workers inside inside Al Shifa in other hospital the
01:08 situation is equally difficult we hear about malnutrition that is being seen
01:16 by by doctors Ministry of Health reports that 31 people have died from
01:23 malnutrition including 27 children so situation is really desperate and it's
01:29 getting worse and and we just can't see the end of this nightmare for the for
01:34 the population of Gaza. When the United Nations warns that the starvation in
01:38 Gaza is turning into a famine and they say could amount to a war crime could it?
01:45 I will leave that to colleagues from the High Commission of Human Rights to deal
01:51 with definitions what we know is that analysis that have been made by the
01:57 group organization is showing that there is a acute malnutrition especially in
02:03 north of Gaza one child out of three age under two years is acutely malnourished
02:12 and I just mentioned cases of people dying and children dying from from not
02:17 having enough of food not having enough of food and nutrients that is needed can
02:22 have a really horrible consequences not only for children but for pregnant women
02:27 and and a newborn so so we just we really need to find a solution a
02:32 solution is to bring more aid as it has been already said through all the
02:37 possible crossings that exist and all the possible ways to get that food to
02:42 people to Gaza to have a ceasefire so we can have a environment where health
02:46 system can start doing what it's supposed to do. Tarek I don't know if you
02:51 managed to hear our earlier reports but the suggestion that talks about talks
02:54 may be restarting the diplomatic narrative might be recommencing how long
03:01 have these people got do you think? Well we should we should have done all of
03:09 that yesterday to put it that way people in Gaza are hungry when we try to go to
03:15 hospitals with our trucks where we have some medical supplies people stop our
03:19 trucks hoping there is some food people are desperate you have seen the scene so
03:23 so there is really no time to lose this is the moment where everything should be
03:28 done to flood Gaza with with food and other other things unfortunately what is
03:33 coming in as your correspondent was saying is nearly not enough so so we need
03:38 more of crossings being open we need more supplies to get in and eventually
03:45 we need a ceasefire so this humanitarian space can be created for for us to do
03:51 our job because even if we get things inside Gaza if we can't move it within
03:56 the Gaza because there is a fighting we don't get security clearances to move
04:00 then that is not going to help so we really need to be able to move where
04:05 it's needed. Tarek Yasharavik from the World Health Organization thank you very
