• last year
we'll reveal my top 150 all-time scores for Hyper Hexagonest in Super Hexagon (Hardestestest). This is not for the faint of heart. Feel free to skip to the last time stamp if you wish to know the high score.

0:00 - 0:10 Begin
0:11 - 0:20 Line
0:21 - 0:30 Triangle
0:31 - 0:45 Square
0:46 - 1:00 Pentagon
1:01 - 2:00 Hexagon
2:01 - 3:00 Awesome
3:01 - 3:52 Keep Going
3:53 - 4:29 Excellent Pro Play

Thanks for your time in watching this.

If you feel dizzy at any point, please stop and rest your eyes and brain. If you are seizure prone or if you have epileptic symptoms it is better idea to rest and do physical activity then watch this.

Kind regards,