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▌热点 X 八点最热报 ▌ 给非马来人极端印象的国盟,在最近的KK超市袜子风波中,似乎安静得有点“微妙”...... 他们是不是正在下着一盘大棋?

#袜子风波 #伊党 #潘永强 #阿克马 #巫统 #八点最热报
#发射热点 #84hotspot #热点短视频

更多新闻资讯看这里 ▹ https://xuan.com.my/hotspot


00:00 This is what your opponent is doing.
00:02 I'll let you face it and clean up the mess.
00:06 I don't need to jump in and share the responsibility with you.
00:10 Just like your rival's outfit.
00:11 You don't need to follow him, right?
00:13 If your rival likes this outfit, you should wear something else.
00:16 Why do you need to follow him?
00:17 You need to have your own style and your own style.
00:19 The problem with KK's socks
00:22 was first raised by the leader of the Invincible Team.
00:26 The leader of the Invincible Team has the right to decide
00:31 and to take the initiative.
00:32 If the National Alliance follows the Invincible Team,
00:38 it will only result in the death of the leader of the Invincible Team.
00:45 If the topic is made more popular,
00:49 the reward will be given to the leader of the Invincible Team.
00:54 [XBOX SOUND]
00:57 you
