• last year
Historical records suggest that the Imam was under relatively less pressure at the beginning of his Imamat. Mu’tazz, who had just martyred Imam Hadi, did not perceive Imam Askari as an imminent threat to his government. During this time, the Imam had the chance to meet some of the Shia representatives and elders in his residence. Some Shias also had the chance to have a short conversation with the Imam outside of his residence when the Imam was commuting.
However, soon after, Mu’tazz became suspicious of and hostile towards the Imam and changed his policy towards him. During the short caliphate of Mu’tazz, which lasted only for a year after Imam Askari’s Imamat had begun, Mu’tazz imprisoned the Imam. While the Imam was imprisoned, some of the Abbasids came to one of the Turk leaders who had the Imam in his custody and asked him to make the Imam’s imprisonment harder on him. The Turk leader responded that he did not know what else he could do to make prison harder on the Imam. He said that he had appointed two of his most cruel and heartless guards to oversee the Imam, but they had both been influenced by him and were now dedicated believers who had reached elevated statuses through their worship. The Turk leader requested the guards and asked them about their observations of the Imam. They admitted that in prison, the Imam did nothing except for worshipping God. They said, “We observed someone that was constantly fasting during the days and praying through the nights. Whenever we looked at the Imam, our bodies shook, and we felt a strange feeling.” The Abbasids had not expected such a response from the Imam’s guards, and returned disappointed with their plot.
During his short government, Mu’tazz decided to martyr Imam Askari. He told his doorkeeper to take the Imam towards Kufa and kill him in secrecy. The plot was exposed, and the Imam’s Shias found out about it. A companion of the Imam contacted him to inform him about Mu’tazz’s plot. The Imam responded to his concern by writing, “You will be relieved from your concern in three days.” Three days after the Imam’s response, the Turks ousted Mu’tazz from the Caliphate. Shortly after, Mu’tazz was killed, and the Imam’s prophecy had come true. Thus, Mu’tazz never got the chance to implement his plot against the Imam.


