સાહિલ અને હર્ષિતા બંને પોતાના બે વર્ષ સુધી જોડાયેલા સંબંધને સમાપ્ત કરવા ઈચ્છે છે, બંને પોતાના જીવનમાં એકબીજાથી આગળ વધવા માંગે છે અને એકબીજાથી દૂર પણ રહેવા માંગે છે, પરંતુ તેમના માતાપિતા દ્વારા મુકવામાં આવેલી પરિસ્થિતિમાં તેઓ અટવાઈ ગયા છે. તેમના માતા પિતા તેમને એક કરવાના સતત પ્રયત્નો કરે છે.
શું તેમના માતાપિતા સાહિલ અને હર્ષિતાને એક કરી શકશે? કે પછી તેમની ચિંતા અને દખલ હદપાર કરી દેશે? આ સંબંધ 'ગોળકેરી' જેવો છે, એક ખાટો અને એક મીઠો જેમ કે ગુજરાતી અથાણું, જેમ જેમ સમય વીતે તેમ તેમ જ તેનો સ્વાદ વધુ સારો થાય છે.
Sahil and Harshita, overnight end their perfect relationship of two years. But, as much as they want to move on and move away from each other, they are stuck in awkward situations put up by their parents who make persistent attempts to bring them back together.
Will their parents' concern cross the line and turn into interference? Or will they triumph in explaining the children that a relationship is just like ‘Golkeri’ – A sweet-sour traditional Gujarati pickle. The taste only gets better with time.
Banner: Soul Sutra
Directed by: Viral Shah
Produced by: Manasi & Parthiv Gohil
Screenplay & Dialogues: Amatya & Viral Shah
Music Composer: Mika Singh & Hrishikesh-Saurabh-Jasraj
Lyrics: Sneha Desai & Kirun Parihar
Singer: Mika Singh & Parthiv Gohil
Executive Producer: Jatin Dev & Amit Bangia
Director of Photography: Vikas Joshi
Film Mixing Studio/Engineer: Vinit Gala
Background Score: Salil Amrute (UK)
Costume Stylist: Sajni Parikh
Makeup & Hair: Sasmita Dash & Pintu Bhuimali
Creative Director: Kunal Jadhav
Editor: Parth-Gaurang
Line Production: Smoking Tiger Productions
Publicity Design: Coconut Brand Solutions
DI: Prime Focus Ltd.
Visual Effects: Chitramudra
Visual Promotion: Katalyst Creates
Digital Promotion: Coconut Digital
Marketing: Coconut Film Promotions
Film Distribution Partner: Coconut Movies Release
Music Distribution Partner: Jazz Digital
Official Music Partner: Zen Music Gujarati
Follow Golkeri Page for more updates:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Golkeri/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/golkeri.film
Helo: http://m.helo-app.com/al/QvNwFmmrQ
Twitter: https://twitter.com/golkeri
Tik Tok: https://vm.tiktok.com/Vrskp4/
Follow Zen Music Gujarati for more updates
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/zenmusicgujarati
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zenmusicgujarati/
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#Golkeri #OfficialTrailer #MalharThakar #ManasiParekh #SachinKhedekar #VandanaPathak #ParthivGohil #GarviGujarat #GujaratiMovie #GujaratiJalsa #Gujaratis #GujaratiCinema #MikaSingh
શું તેમના માતાપિતા સાહિલ અને હર્ષિતાને એક કરી શકશે? કે પછી તેમની ચિંતા અને દખલ હદપાર કરી દેશે? આ સંબંધ 'ગોળકેરી' જેવો છે, એક ખાટો અને એક મીઠો જેમ કે ગુજરાતી અથાણું, જેમ જેમ સમય વીતે તેમ તેમ જ તેનો સ્વાદ વધુ સારો થાય છે.
Sahil and Harshita, overnight end their perfect relationship of two years. But, as much as they want to move on and move away from each other, they are stuck in awkward situations put up by their parents who make persistent attempts to bring them back together.
Will their parents' concern cross the line and turn into interference? Or will they triumph in explaining the children that a relationship is just like ‘Golkeri’ – A sweet-sour traditional Gujarati pickle. The taste only gets better with time.
Banner: Soul Sutra
Directed by: Viral Shah
Produced by: Manasi & Parthiv Gohil
Screenplay & Dialogues: Amatya & Viral Shah
Music Composer: Mika Singh & Hrishikesh-Saurabh-Jasraj
Lyrics: Sneha Desai & Kirun Parihar
Singer: Mika Singh & Parthiv Gohil
Executive Producer: Jatin Dev & Amit Bangia
Director of Photography: Vikas Joshi
Film Mixing Studio/Engineer: Vinit Gala
Background Score: Salil Amrute (UK)
Costume Stylist: Sajni Parikh
Makeup & Hair: Sasmita Dash & Pintu Bhuimali
Creative Director: Kunal Jadhav
Editor: Parth-Gaurang
Line Production: Smoking Tiger Productions
Publicity Design: Coconut Brand Solutions
DI: Prime Focus Ltd.
Visual Effects: Chitramudra
Visual Promotion: Katalyst Creates
Digital Promotion: Coconut Digital
Marketing: Coconut Film Promotions
Film Distribution Partner: Coconut Movies Release
Music Distribution Partner: Jazz Digital
Official Music Partner: Zen Music Gujarati
Follow Golkeri Page for more updates:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Golkeri/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/golkeri.film
Helo: http://m.helo-app.com/al/QvNwFmmrQ
Twitter: https://twitter.com/golkeri
Tik Tok: https://vm.tiktok.com/Vrskp4/
Follow Zen Music Gujarati for more updates
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/zenmusicgujarati
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zenmusicgujarati/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZenMusicGuj
#Golkeri #OfficialTrailer #MalharThakar #ManasiParekh #SachinKhedekar #VandanaPathak #ParthivGohil #GarviGujarat #GujaratiMovie #GujaratiJalsa #Gujaratis #GujaratiCinema #MikaSingh