• last year
00:00 (Dramatic music)
00:04 Firing sequence initiated.
00:07 Firing sequence initiated.
00:12 (Dramatic music)
00:22 (Dramatic music)
00:25 Firing sequence initiated.
00:27 (Dramatic music)
00:32 (Grunts)
00:33 (Dramatic music)
00:38 (Grunts)
00:39 (Dramatic music)
00:44 (Grunts)
00:45 (Dramatic music)
00:50 (Grunts)
00:51 (Dramatic music)
01:09 (Grunts)
01:10 (Dramatic music)
01:12 (Grunts)
01:13 (Dramatic music)
01:35 (Dramatic music)
01:36 (Grunts)
01:43 (Dramatic music)
01:44 (Grunts)
01:45 (Dramatic music)
01:53 (Grunts)
01:54 (Dramatic music)
01:56 (Grunts)
01:57 (Dramatic music)
01:59 (Grunts)
02:00 (Dramatic music)
02:07 (Grunts)
02:08 (Dramatic music)
02:09 (Grunts)
02:10 (Dramatic music)
02:19 (Explosion)
02:20 (Dramatic music)
02:25 (Grunts)
02:26 (Dramatic music)
02:27 (Grunts)
02:28 (Dramatic music)
02:31 (Grunts)
02:32 (Dramatic music)
02:35 (Explosion)
02:36 (Dramatic music)
02:39 (Grunts)
02:40 (Dramatic music)
02:43 (Grunts)
02:44 (Dramatic music)
02:47 (Grunts)
02:48 (Dramatic music)
02:51 (Grunts)
02:52 (Dramatic music)
02:59 (Grunts)
03:00 (Dramatic music)
03:04 (Grunts)
03:05 (Dramatic music)
03:10 (Grunts)
03:11 (Dramatic music)
03:18 (Grunts)
03:19 (Dramatic music)
03:25 (Grunts)
03:26 (Dramatic music)
03:31 (Grunts)
03:32 (Dramatic music)
03:35 (Grunts)
03:36 (Dramatic music)
03:43 (Grunts)
03:44 (Dramatic music)
03:51 (Grunts)
03:52 (Dramatic music)
03:56 (Grunts)
03:57 (Dramatic music)
04:09 (Gunshots)
04:11 (Gunshots)
04:17 (Gunshots)
04:27 (Gunshots)
04:38 (Grunts)
04:39 (Gunshots)
04:45 (Dramatic music)
05:04 (Grunts)
05:07 (Dramatic music)
05:12 (Grunts)
05:13 (Dramatic music)
05:18 (Gunshots)
05:19 (Dramatic music)
05:23 (Gunshots)
05:24 (Dramatic music)
05:27 (Gunshots)
05:28 (Grunts)
05:29 (Dramatic music)
05:32 (Gunshots)
05:34 (Gunshots)
05:35 (Grunts)
05:36 (Dramatic music)
05:41 (Gunshots)
05:42 (Dramatic music)
05:44 (Gunshots)
05:47 (Dramatic music)
05:54 (Gunshots)
05:55 (Dramatic music)
06:10 (Dramatic music)
06:19 (News reporter)
06:30 (News reporter)
06:39 (Dramatic music)
06:40 (Dramatic music)
06:48 (Dramatic music)
06:58 (Dramatic music)
07:08 (Dramatic music)
07:18 (Dramatic music)
07:28 (Dramatic music)
07:38 (Dramatic music)
07:50 I better take a closer look.
07:52 (Dramatic music)
07:58 (Dramatic music)
08:00 (Dramatic music)
08:02 (Gunshots)
08:04 (Dramatic music)
08:06 (Gunshots)
08:08 (Dramatic music)
08:11 (Gunshots)
08:13 (Dramatic music)
08:15 What's happening here?
08:16 (Dramatic music)
08:17 Ah!
08:18 I'm not coming out until this area is safe, Superman!
08:21 (Dramatic music)
08:23 (Gunshot)
08:24 (Dramatic music)
08:26 (Gunshots)
08:28 (Dramatic music)
08:31 (Gunshots)
08:32 Ah!
08:33 (Dramatic music)
08:36 (Gunshots)
08:39 (Dramatic music)
08:41 (Gunshots)
08:43 (Dramatic music)
08:45 (Gunshots)
08:47 (Dramatic music)
08:49 (Gunshots)
08:51 (Dramatic music)
08:53 (Gunshots)
08:55 (Dramatic music)
08:57 (Gunshots)
08:59 (Dramatic music)
09:01 (Gunshots)
09:03 (Dramatic music)
09:05 (Gunshots)
09:07 (Dramatic music)
09:09 (Gunshots)
09:11 (Dramatic music)
09:13 Ah!
09:14 (Dramatic music)
09:16 (Gunshots)
09:18 (Dramatic music)
09:20 (Gunshots)
09:22 (Dramatic music)
09:24 (Gunshots)
09:26 (Dramatic music)
09:28 (Gunshots)
09:30 (Dramatic music)
09:32 (Gunshots)
09:34 (Dramatic music)
09:36 (Gunshots)
09:38 (Dramatic music)
09:40 (Gunshots)
09:42 (Dramatic music)
09:44 (Gunshots)
09:46 (Dramatic music)
09:48 (Dramatic music)
09:50 (Dramatic music)
09:52 (dramatic music)
09:54 (dramatic music)
09:57 (grunts)
10:08 (dramatic music)
10:11 (dramatic music)
10:14 - Unit integrity breached.
10:27 (dramatic music)
10:40 (indistinct)
10:43 (dramatic music)
10:50 (dramatic music)
10:53 (dramatic music)
10:56 (dramatic music)
10:59 (dramatic music)
11:02 (dramatic music)
11:08 (dramatic music)
11:14 (dramatic music)
11:23 (dramatic music)
11:26 (dramatic music)
11:28 (dramatic music)
11:31 (dramatic music)
11:38 (dramatic music)
11:46 (dramatic music)
11:53 (dramatic music)
11:56 (dramatic music)
11:59 (dramatic music)
12:02 (dramatic music)
12:05 (dramatic music)
12:08 (dramatic music)
12:11 (dramatic music)
12:13 (dramatic music)
12:17 (dramatic music)
12:19 (dramatic music)
12:27 (dramatic music)
12:34 (dramatic music)
12:44 (dramatic music)
12:48 (dramatic music)
12:50 (dramatic music)
12:53 (dramatic music)
12:59 (dramatic music)
13:12 (grunts)
13:15 (explosion)
13:16 (indistinct)
13:18 (dramatic music)
13:21 (dramatic music)
13:26 (explosion)
13:37 (dramatic music)
13:41 (dramatic music)
13:44 (dramatic music)
14:08 (dramatic music)
14:11 (dramatic music)
14:27 (dramatic music)
14:30 (dramatic music)
14:45 (explosion)
14:53 (dramatic music)
14:58 (dramatic music)
15:00 (dramatic music)
15:06 (dramatic music)
15:20 - Thank you, Superman.
15:23 If you can find my two colleagues,
15:26 we can teleport you to the reactor
15:28 using this experimental portal generator.
15:30 Once you're in the reactor area,
15:32 you must help Professor Hamilton shut down the reactor
15:34 before it goes critical.
15:36 - Hamilton?
15:38 Emile Hamilton of Star Labs?
15:40 - Yes, that's right.
15:42 The interbots had him working
15:43 on some kind of a reactor of theirs.
15:45 I think that's what caused this mess.
15:47 Hurry, Superman, they're--
15:48 (dramatic music)
15:52 (dramatic music)
15:55 - I need to find the scientists
15:58 and destroy every trace of this interbot army.
16:00 (laser blasts)
16:03 (indistinct)
16:07 (laser blasts)
16:12 (dramatic music)
16:15 (laser blasts)
16:18 (grunts)
16:25 (grunts)
16:29 (laser blasts)
16:33 (indistinct)
16:38 (grunts)
16:41 (laser blasts)
16:45 (grunts)
16:47 (indistinct)
16:56 (grunts)
16:58 (laser blasts)
17:02 (explosion)
17:05 (explosion)
17:10 (indistinct)
17:20 (explosion)
17:22 - One final duty.
17:32 (laser blasts)
17:36 Self-destruct imminent.
17:42 (dramatic music)
17:45 (explosion)
17:53 (explosion)
17:58 (laser blasts)
18:09 (dramatic music)
18:12 (grunts)
18:18 (explosion)
18:23 (laser blasts)
18:32 (laser blasts)
18:37 (explosion)
18:40 (laser blasts)
18:44 (explosion)
18:50 (grunts)
18:59 (laser blasts)
19:02 (laser blasts)
19:06 (explosion)
19:09 (grunts)
19:14 (laser blasts)
19:23 (explosion)
19:27 (explosion)
19:36 (laser blasts)
19:39 (grunts)
19:44 (explosion)
19:48 (laser blasts)
19:52 (indistinct)
19:55 (explosion)
20:01 (explosion)
20:06 (grunts)
20:08 (explosion)
20:12 (explosion)
20:19 (explosion)
20:25 (grunts)
20:28 (laser blasts)
20:31 (explosion)
20:35 (laser blasts)
20:38 (explosion)
20:49 (explosion)
20:57 (explosion)
21:03 (dramatic music)
21:05 (explosion)
21:09 (grunts)
21:12 (explosion)
21:16 (explosion)
21:24 (explosion)
21:28 (dramatic music)
21:31 (explosion)
21:33 (dramatic music)
21:36 (explosion)
21:39 (dramatic music)
21:41 (explosion)
21:44 (grunts)
21:55 (explosion)
21:57 (explosion)
22:04 (explosion)
22:08 (dramatic music)
22:11 (explosion)
22:17 (grunts)
22:32 (explosion)
22:36 (explosion)
22:39 (indistinct)
22:48 (gunshots)
22:50 (indistinct)
22:55 (grunts)
22:58 (gunshots)
23:00 (explosion)
23:09 (dramatic music)
23:13 (explosion)
23:22 (dramatic music)
23:25 (explosion)
23:38 (dramatic music)
23:41 (explosion)
23:43 (dramatic music)
23:46 (explosion)
24:05 (dramatic music)
24:14 (explosion)
24:16 (dramatic music)
24:19 (explosion)
24:21 (dramatic music)
24:24 (explosion)
24:26 (dramatic music)
24:29 (explosion)
24:32 (dramatic music)
24:34 (explosion)
24:58 (gunshots)
25:01 (grunts)
25:03 (gunshots)
25:05 (gunshots)
25:08 (gunshots)
25:10 (gunshots)
25:13 (indistinct)
25:21 (gunshots)
25:26 (gunshots)
25:30 (gunshots)
25:38 (gunshots)
25:40 (gunshots)
25:42 (gunshots)
25:45 (indistinct)
25:50 (grunts)
26:01 (indistinct)
26:07 (explosion)
26:10 (explosion)
26:12 (grunts)
26:17 (indistinct)
26:23 (grunts)
26:29 (grunts)
26:36 (explosion)
26:39 (grunts)
26:42 (explosion)
26:46 (grunts)
26:54 - Thank you, Superman.
27:02 - Get out of here as quickly as possible.
27:06 (dramatic music)
27:09 Power up the portal.
27:16 We have to get out of here.
27:17 Don't worry, I'll protect you.
27:19 (dramatic music)
27:35 (explosion)
27:37 - Protect us while we activate the portal, Superman.
27:40 - Target downloaded.
27:45 Program terminated.
27:48 (explosion)
27:56 (gunshots)
28:02 (gunshots)
28:04 (grunts)
28:09 Target downloaded.
28:12 Primary reactor sequence initiated.
28:23 Program terminated.
28:26 (explosion)
28:28 (indistinct)
28:38 Just a little longer.
28:46 We almost have it.
28:47 (indistinct)
28:51 (dramatic music)
28:54 Priority self-preservation.
29:07 - Superman, we need more time.
29:18 (indistinct)
29:21 (grunts)
29:23 (dramatic music)
29:27 (explosion)
29:29 - Superman, into the portal.
29:56 (dramatic music)
29:59 - Thanks for your help.
30:01 Now get to safety.
30:02 (dramatic music)
30:05 (dramatic music)
30:22 (dramatic music)
30:25 - Superman, thank goodness you're here.
30:46 I thought I could send you a signal
30:47 by sabotaging this fusion dynamics reactor,
30:50 but I underestimated its power
30:51 and we're dangerously close to a catastrophic meltdown.
30:54 We've got to do something to cool it.
30:56 Then I can shut it down permanently.
30:58 You'll have to deliver coolant
31:00 right to the core of the reactor, Superman.
31:02 Emergency coolant is stored
31:05 at the end of the four ventilation corridors.
31:08 You have to bring it to the reactor.
31:10 Hurry.
31:10 (dramatic music)
31:20 (grunts)
31:22 The coolant is melting in the flames.
31:45 I have to be careful.
31:46 (dramatic music)
32:14 Self-destruct in five minutes.
32:16 (dramatic music)
32:19 (grunts)
32:28 (dramatic music)
32:35 (dramatic music)
32:38 Good work.
32:55 Though I think we'll need more.
32:57 Hurry.
32:57 (dramatic music)
33:00 (dramatic music)
33:03 Self-destruct in four minutes.
33:18 (dramatic music)
33:21 (dramatic music)
33:24 (explosion)
33:28 (dramatic music)
33:31 (dramatic music)
33:46 (dramatic music)
33:49 (grunts)
34:08 (grunts)
34:17 (explosion)
34:18 Self-destruct in three minutes.
34:20 (dramatic music)
34:23 Flames are melting the coolant.
34:31 I've got to hurry.
34:32 (grunts)
34:45 (grunts)
34:47 The coolant is melting in the flames.
35:09 I have to be careful.
35:10 (dramatic music)
35:13 (dramatic music)
35:16 Self-destruct in two minutes.
35:22 (dramatic music)
35:25 (grunts)
35:38 (dramatic music)
35:41 caution, explosion pending.
35:59 (dramatic music)
36:02 (grunts)
36:04 (explosion)
36:07 (grunts)
36:09 (explosion)
36:16 Self-destruct in one minute.
36:24 (dramatic music)
36:27 (dramatic music)
36:30 (explosion)
36:37 (explosion)
36:42 (dramatic music)
36:45 (dramatic music)
36:47 Manual override complete.
37:03 Self-destruct canceled.
37:05 Have a nice day.
37:07 That's it.
37:11 We've done enough.
37:12 The core temperature is returning to normal.
37:15 I can safely shut it down now.
37:17 All in a day's work, Professor.
37:21 Now you better get out of here.
37:23 What the?
37:26 Get out of here, Professor.
37:30 I have to have a word with our friend here.
37:33 Kanto, so you're behind this.
37:37 Now everything fits.
37:38 These interbots are your creation.
37:41 In a manner of speaking,
37:43 it's been some time since our last meeting.
37:47 I fear, however, this will be our last.
37:49 It seems I will be the one
38:00 that destroys the last son of Krypton.
38:03 (laughs)
38:10 (explosion)
38:12 (explosion)
38:15 (laughs)
38:18 (dramatic music)
38:20 (grunts)
38:24 (explosion)
38:26 (laughs)
38:32 (explosion)
38:38 (dramatic music)
38:41 (grunts)
38:43 (grunts)
38:52 (laughs)
38:57 (grunts)
39:11 (explosion)
39:14 (grunts)
39:20 (explosion)
39:30 (laughs)
39:38 (explosion)
39:40 (laughs)
39:48 (grunts)
40:08 (explosion)
40:11 (laughs)
40:14 (grunts)
40:21 (laughs)
40:34 (grunts)
40:40 (dramatic music)
40:43 (explosion)
40:45 (dramatic music)
40:48 (explosion)
40:53 (laughs)
41:14 (explosion)
41:16 (laughs)
41:25 (explosion)
41:28 (beeps)
41:30 (grunts)
41:40 (grunts)
41:47 (dramatic music)
41:51 (roars)
41:53 (roars)
42:18 (explosion)
42:21 (grunts)
42:45 (dramatic music)
42:48 (roars)
43:04 (laughs)
43:15 (roars)
43:17 (grunts)
43:25 (beeps)
43:39 (explosion)
43:41 (dramatic music)
43:44 (roars)
43:47 (beeps)
43:49 (explosion)
43:53 (laughs)
44:10 (grunts)
44:12 (laughs)
44:22 (grunts)
44:26 - Sorry, long wire.
44:31 (grunts)
44:35 (grunts)
44:41 (explosion)
44:43 (grunts)
44:47 (grunts)
44:59 (grunts)
45:05 - You are a worthy adversary.
45:08 My master was right not to underestimate your power.
45:12 (dramatic music)
45:15 You may have beaten me in this battle, Kryptonian,
45:22 but you know nothing of the war to come.
45:24 One you shall lose.
45:26 - What are you talking about, Kanto?
45:29 - As we speak, my forces are amassing
45:33 around Stryker's Island prison.
45:35 You are about to be reacquainted with an old friend.
45:38 (dramatic music)
45:41 (dramatic music)
45:43 (dramatic music)
45:46 (dramatic music)
45:49 (dramatic music)
