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Kids Tv Channel is collection of fun education videos of nursery rhymes, phonics and number songs for preschool kids & babies, where they learn the names of colors, numbers, shapes, abc and more. Your loving infants and babies can learn and enjoy an array of re-imagined kid's songs which will help boost early language skills, promote creativity and teach them names and sounds of farm animals.
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00:00 Oh look, Rocket has gone to the bank. He's got some business to do today.
00:05 Pedal is waiting for him outside and...
00:08 Oh, who's that going so fast? It's... what? Um... oh, it's Stealer!
00:13 Stealer is very, very naughty. I think he's here to rob the bank.
00:17 Oh, he is! Look!
00:19 "Gimme the money," says Stealer.
00:21 Rocket is very frightened and angry now.
00:24 And so is Pedal. We need Rapido the police car. Pretty Rapido.
00:28 Maybe Hector the tractor can help.
00:31 Hector, Stealer the naughty bank robber is robbing the bank
00:34 and we need Rapido the police car to come and stop him. Can you help?
00:38 Thank you!
00:40 Hector is backing up so we can get all of Rapido's parts onto the flatbed.
00:45 Up we go! And away!
00:49 Go Hector! Go Hector!
00:51 Okay, let's catch that naughty Stealer.
00:54 To assemble Rapido, we start with... the body.
00:59 Then we put on the bumper.
01:02 Every police car needs a good bumper.
01:05 Bump!
01:06 Then we put on four wheels.
01:09 Two on one side and two on the other side.
01:12 Then we add two wing mirrors.
01:15 Clunk! Clink!
01:17 And two headlights.
01:21 And finally, a flashy blue siren.
01:25 Hi there Rapido! Stealer is in the bank and so is Rocket and Stealer is...
01:30 Oh, you know already? Go get him! Rapido to the rescue!
01:35 Stop Stealer! Robbing a bank is against the law!
01:38 Says Rapido.
01:39 It is?
01:40 Says Stealer.
01:41 Oh no!
01:42 Rocket's happy that Rapido could help out in this sticky situation.
01:46 And off they go, in handcuffs.
01:50 Thank you Rapido, that was very brave.
01:53 And thank you too Hector, we couldn't have done it without you.
01:58 It's a wonderful morning and there's Petal.
02:06 Have you met Rocket?
02:08 He's a motorcycle and Hector's good friend.
02:12 Hector built him too, just like Petal.
02:15 Oh no!
02:17 The road is all broken.
02:20 However will you pass?
02:23 Can you help Petal and Rocket, Hector?
02:28 Hmm.
02:29 We will have to build a bulldozer.
02:44 Let's start with the chassis.
02:47 Add the body of the bulldozer.
02:52 Now add the push frames on either side.
02:56 What should we add next, Hector?
03:02 Oh yes!
03:04 Two wheels on either side.
03:08 Do you know what these are called?
03:13 These are the wings.
03:15 Oh!
03:16 The mirrors on both sides.
03:21 Hector, it looks like we are missing an important part of the truck.
03:28 Wherever can it be?
03:29 Uh-oh!
03:30 Hector, the bucket is right behind you.
03:41 Oh!
03:43 Let's take the bucket back and attach it to the body of the bulldozer.
03:48 Hello! Hello!
03:52 Scooper, can you help us fix the road?
04:09 Oh, thank you, Scooper!
04:11 You've done a great job!
04:13 Whee!
04:15 Uh-oh!
04:17 Oh dear!
04:20 The road isn't ready yet.
04:22 Hector, we now need to build a concrete mixer.
04:26 Let's start with the chassis.
04:37 Now add the body.
04:39 A gray bumper in the front.
04:44 Four wheels on either side.
04:48 A yellow platform where the drum will be placed.
04:53 Now the most important part, where the magic takes place.
05:02 Now this gray part to keep the drum in place.
05:05 Red, green, yellow headlights on top of the body.
05:10 Lastly, the mirrors on both sides.
05:14 Hello, Sealer! Could you help us?
05:19 Uh-uh!
05:21 Weehee!
05:27 Weehee!
05:28 You've done such a great job, Sealer!
05:39 Thank you!
05:40 The road is not ready yet, Pedal and Rocket.
05:43 Just one last step to a brand new road.
05:48 (rope whirring)
05:51 Let's make a road roller, Hector.
06:03 Let's attach the body to the chassis.
06:10 Wings on the back.
06:17 Two big gray wheels under the wings.
06:21 Two mirrors on both the sides.
06:25 An orange frame in the front to hold the cylinder.
06:30 Now, let's add the cylinder.
06:32 But which one is it?
06:34 Is it this one?
06:35 Hmm...
06:38 No! What about this one?
06:43 Well, that just leaves this one, the cylinder.
06:47 Aww!
06:48 Let's add this to the body.
06:51 Hi, Squish! Can you help fix our road?
06:55 Hmm...
07:10 Great job, Squish! Thank you so much!
07:13 There, Pedal and Rocket, your road is ready!
07:18 Thank you, Hector. See you next time!
07:22 Green, Whirly and Bo are a little nervous.
07:29 They're waiting for train all by themselves.
07:32 They've never gone on a train without Mom,
07:34 and what's making them really nervous is that train hasn't arrived yet!
07:39 "Hector," says Green,
07:41 "we've been waiting for train to arrive for ages and he hasn't.
07:44 Can you help?"
07:45 "Yup," says Hector,
07:47 and off he goes to get the parts for train.
07:50 Now, train has a lot of parts.
07:53 I mean, a lot of parts.
07:55 And they're big, and they're wicked heavy, too.
07:58 Hector has to be really strong to carry all those parts,
08:01 especially that fast.
08:03 Ugh! Here we are.
08:06 Now, to build train and his carriages, you start with the bed.
08:10 Then you add the cab.
08:13 And the big, strong engine.
08:16 That big round piece is where they make the steam in a steam engine.
08:20 The next piece goes on the front.
08:23 It's called the buffer.
08:25 It's there to protect the front of the train.
08:27 After that, we have the wheels.
08:31 On train the engine, there are four of those.
08:34 Two on one side, and two on the other.
08:37 Then we have to add the connecting rods.
08:40 There's one on one side and one on the other.
08:43 These help to put the power from train the engine into the wheels.
08:48 Of course we have to have the lights in the chimney, too.
08:53 Haha! Train is starting to look like a train!
08:57 Next we add the beds for the carriages.
09:00 Told you there were a lot of parts.
09:03 And the bodies for the carriages.
09:05 There are three carriages on this train, so three bodies.
09:09 And then the doors for the carriages.
09:15 There are six of those, two on each side.
09:18 Next, each carriage needs four wheels.
09:21 Just like train. That's two on each side.
09:24 When you add it up, that's twelve wheels!
09:28 Each set of wheels needs a connecting rod.
09:32 Just like train's wheels do.
09:35 And last, to join the three carriages together with train,
09:41 you use big strong bolts.
09:44 Ta-da! Hi train!
09:46 Now, let's get moving here.
09:49 Green, Whirly and Bo get onto train's carriages,
09:52 once the doors are open.
09:54 Then the doors shut and we're off!
09:58 Over a bridge and across a river.
10:02 Then through a tunnel under a mountain, and all thanks to Hector.
10:10 Thanks Hector!
10:12 Oh look, there's Stitch the ambulance.
10:20 She's going very fast because she has to get to the hospital quickly.
10:24 You see, the hospital is just on the other side of the...
10:27 Oh no! The bridge is broken! It fell down!
10:30 What should we do? Panic and run around?
10:33 No, that won't help. We need a new bridge.
10:36 Stitch thinks maybe Hector can help.
10:38 Go Hector! Go Hector! Help Stitch! Help Stitch!
10:42 And there's Hector!
10:44 Hector! Help Stitch! Help Stitch!
10:46 Hector, I need to get to the other side of the bridge quickly
10:49 and the bridge fell down and can you...
10:51 Thank you Hector!
10:53 Hector is going to get all the parts needed to build Skyler the Helicopter.
10:58 Roll 'em out Hector!
11:00 Hector, roll 'em out! Hector, roll 'em!
11:03 Here we go, says Hector.
11:08 To build Skyler the Helicopter, you start with the body.
11:14 Then you put on the landing skids.
11:21 There are two of those and they go underneath.
11:25 Then you need the tail boom.
11:29 It doesn't actually go boom, it's the tail piece at the back.
11:34 Next, you put on the tail rotor.
11:38 That's the little propeller at the back.
11:41 And finally, you put on the main rotor blade.
11:47 That's what makes Skyler go into the sky.
11:50 And ta-da!
11:52 There's Skyler the Helicopter!
11:55 Skyler is going to get a replacement bridge.
11:58 And believe me, it's very, very heavy.
12:03 But Skyler can do it because she's so strong.
12:06 Give her!
12:07 And there we go! Job done!
12:10 Thank you Skyler!
12:13 Now Stitch can get to the hospital.
12:15 You're very welcome, says Skyler.
12:18 Bye!
12:20 Now Stitch can cross the bridge and get to the hospital on time.
12:25 Hey Stitch, why were you in such a hurry?
12:28 Um, I forgot.
12:30 (laughs)
12:32 Bye Hector!
