• last year
00:00 Nowadays that we see, children and parents have different thoughts.
00:04 And these contrary thoughts often lead to unwanted debating and chaos in the family.
00:09 So how can we come to a peace and on the same ground that we both can agree to each other and can hurt less?
00:16 Kids must also be prepared to listen.
00:18 Let parents teach what they want to teach, but parents must also prepare to learn.
00:22 So both the sides must have this position and the ego must know that nobody knows it all.
00:29 Be it the parents or the kids.
00:30 And that there is great joy in learning. Learning itself is joy.
00:34 So whenever an opportunity presents itself, an opportunity to learn, one should grab it with both hands.
00:39 Even if it means that one has to learn from someone 20 years his junior.
00:44 So do debate and discuss and be very very sharp enquirer.
00:48 In fact, I say ruthless enquirer.
00:50 Even if a little bit of doubt is there, do not suppress it. Keep asking.
00:54 Either the doubt would be removed or it would become clear that there is a lot of exploration still to be done.
