Will Linux Ever Take Over ?

  • 5 months ago
This video explores the recent surge in Linux popularity and its potential to challenge Windows and macOS. We examine the factors driving this growth, including:

Microsoft's focus shift: Stringent hardware requirements for Windows 11 and Microsoft's emphasis on cloud services might be pushing users towards Linux.
The rise of Linux gaming: Steam Deck, Proton compatibility, and growing native game support are making Linux a viable gaming platform.
Improved user-friendliness: User-friendly distributions like Mint and ZorinOS are making Linux more accessible for beginners.
Simplified software installation: Flatpak, Snap, and AppImage offer a wider software selection and easier installation on Linux.
Linux's popularity in India: India's tech-savvy population is embracing Linux due to economic factors and resourcefulness.

While these trends are encouraging, the video also acknowledges the challenges Linux faces, including the lack of a standardized desktop environment.

Is it the year of Linux? The answer might not be clear yet, but Linux is showing promising signs of growth. Watch this video to learn more about the current state of Linux and its potential future.

Watch the Video on Windows 11 Debacle: https://youtu.be/BOwHdcuwRJc
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=====**TIME STAMPS**=====

00:00 - Intro
00:47 - Linux's Milestone
02:39 - ZDNet.Com Article
02:48 - Reason No 1 - Microsoft's evolving priorities
03:48 - Reason No 2 - Expansion of Linux gaming
04:16 - Reason No 3 - Improved user-friendliness of Linux
04:52 - Reason No 4 - Finding and installing Software in Linux is easier than ever
05:20 - Reason No 5 - Growing popularity in India
06:40 - Closing

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=====**INFO SOURCE**=====

00:00Hello, World!
00:01If you are a longtime Linux Enthusiast
00:03you might have known the fact that Linux
00:06was actually developed to be a Desktop Operating System
00:09Back in early 1990s,
00:11commercial Desktop Operating System options
00:14were very limited and costly,
00:16placing them out of reach for many customers
00:19while Linux initially gained popularity among
00:22Tech peoples, unfortunately
00:24It faced lots of challenges
00:26competing with dominant players
00:28like Microsoft and Apple in the Desktop market
00:31as a result Linux become relegated to a niche choice
00:35for a select group of users.
00:37However major corporations like IBM
00:40recognized Linux's potential
00:42leading to its adoption in business environments
00:45and academic research settings.
00:47But now recently
00:48Linux has started gaining popularity again
00:51and in the meantime
00:52has achieved a big milestone as well
00:54according to Statcounter
00:56which is a website that tracks the market share of
00:59Web Browsers, Operating Systems and Search Engines
01:02as of February 2024 Linux for the first time
01:05has gained
01:064.03% of the desktop operating system market share
01:10so this begs important questions like
01:13is Linux finally breaking out of shadows
01:16and becoming a mainstream contender
01:17and most importantly "Is this the Year of Linux"
01:21Before we get too excited
01:23it is essential to address two crucial questions
01:27let us find how Statcounter collected this data
01:30Statcounter gathers Desktop Operating System usage
01:33statistics from tracking codes
01:35installed on over 1.5 million global websites
01:39generating over 5 billion monthly page views
01:42However it is important to note that
01:45this data is not directly sourced from the end users.
01:48Secondly, How reliable this data is ?
01:52So, Statcounter
01:53acknowledges that it may revise its data
01:56within 45 days of publication
01:58meaning we will have to wait until May 2024
02:02to assess whether
02:03Linux's market share remains consistent or not
02:06But as a Linux lover
02:07I am hopeful that Linux's trajectory will continue
02:10upwards outpacing both Windows and MacOS.
02:13Setting speculation aside
02:15let us examine the situation
02:17there is no denying that
02:18Linux's market share has steadily increased
02:21in recent years.
02:22Looking back over the past five years
02:24The growth of Linux is significant
02:26in February 2019
02:28Linux held a mere 1.58% of the market share
02:32which climbed to 3% by June 2023
02:35and now have surpassed the 4% mark within 8 months
02:39Steven Vaughan-Nichols a senior editor in ZDNet.com
02:43Identified 5 key factors which are driving this growth
02:46so let's look at them.
02:49One of the biggest contributors to the growth of Linux
02:52is likely
02:53the stringent hardware requirements of Windows 11
02:56forced by Microsoft.
02:57When Windows 11 was launched
03:00made it mandatory for computers to have support of TPM
03:03version 2.0 chip on user motherboards
03:06which many did not have including myself
03:09users without this hardware had to remain on Windows 10
03:13which was released back in 2015
03:15but things become much worse when on May 2021
03:19Microsoft also announced
03:20that they will end the support of Windows 10
03:23by October 2025. I have already
03:26made a video about this Windows 11 debacle
03:28so you can check that video as well.
03:30Apart from this Windows 11 messup
03:33you will also notice that
03:34Microsoft is not anymore concerned
03:36about Windows the operating system.
03:38As these days
03:40Microsoft's biggest profits come from its
03:42Azure Cloud Service
03:43and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Programs
03:45particularly, Microsoft 365.
03:50Steam is the most popular gaming platform in the world
03:53with the advent of Steam-Deck,
03:55thanks to Valve,
03:56as well as SteamOS and Proton project,
03:58gaming scene for Linux has changed completely
04:01Gamers slowly
04:02but steadily are adopting Linux as their daily driver
04:05and more and more games
04:07are getting native Linux Support
04:09Linux distributions such as NaboraOS
04:11and Garuda Linux are also created
04:14completely keeping Gaming and Gamers in mind.
04:18even now you will find
04:19many peoples insisting that Linux is much hard to use
04:23or master than Windows or MacOS,
04:26it is also true to some extent
04:28particularly if you want to be a Linux power user
04:31but if all you want is to work and play
04:34then many Linux distributions are very easy to use
04:37and are suitable for beginners
04:39just like Windows and MacOS.
04:42For example Linux Mint,
04:43ZorinOS or even ElementaryOS
04:46are very simple and easy to use
04:48and it is a great end user
04:49operating system for anyone and everyone.
04:54While some years ago
04:55software installation in Linux was not that easy
04:59but now universal containerized
05:01installation programs such as Flatpak,
05:03Snap and AppImage have made it very simple
05:06for users that means
05:08they get more and more programs to choose from
05:10and they do not need to worry about finicky
05:12installation details.
05:14And with the shift towards the online computing
05:16more and more software vendors
05:18are releasing their apps on Linux
05:22This final point is the one
05:23which I'm most excited to discuss
05:26Steven mentioned that
05:27India has gained a large number of Linux users
05:30and I'm quoting his words :
05:32"In India
05:33Windows is still the number one operating system
05:35with 70.37%
05:37but number two is Linux with 15.23%
05:41MacOS is way back in fourth place with 3.11%
05:44I suspect this is the case
05:46because India's economy is largely based on technology
05:49Where you find serious programmers
05:51you find Linux users."
05:52So as an Indian myself
05:54I am particularly proud to see that
05:56my country is playing a pivotal role in Linux's growth
05:59but believe me
06:00I'm not surprised at all upon seeing this result
06:03because in countries like India
06:05or you can take the
06:06whole Indian subcontinent
06:07in this context,
06:08here not everyone can afford an Apple's PC or laptop
06:12and buying a new computer
06:14every few years is not an usual norm here.
06:17Here PCs and laptops are considered as assets
06:20and I'm saying this for the majority of the people
06:22even though there are people who can afford them
06:25but not everyone.
06:26So when Microsoft forced the TPM version 2.0
06:30For Windows 11 this result was bound to happen
06:33as most of us Indians have a "Juggad" mentality
06:35and are very good in showcasing our resourcefulness
06:39and adaptability.
06:40Regarding addressing the most important question
06:43which is - "Is this the year of Linux ?"
06:45then I think despite this growth
06:47we remain far from any sort of year of Linux
06:50there is plenty of debate over why.
06:53But for example as per the Linux's founder
06:55Linus Torvalds, the lack of standardized desktop
06:58that goes across all Linux distributions
07:01has held back Linux adoption on desktop.
07:03But believe me if Microsoft
07:05continues to move away from its core customers
07:09then we will actually have the year of Linux Desktop
07:11and believe me I'm eagerly waiting to see that.
07:14So that's it. Thanks for joining.
07:16we appreciate you taking the time to watch this video.
07:19Please check out our other videos on NixNexus as well
07:22and keep exploring the world of open source and Linux.
