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Unsung Hero Movie (2024) Trailer - Plot Synopsis: Based on a remarkable true story, Unsung Hero follows David Smallbone as he moves his family from Down Under to the States, searching for a brighter future after his successful music company collapses. With nothing more than their seven children, suitcases, and their love of music, David (for KING + COUNTRY’s Joel Smallbone) and his pregnant wife Helen (Daisy Betts) set out to rebuild their lives. Helen’s faith stands against all odds and inspires her husband and children to hold onto theirs. With their own dreams on hold, David and Helen begin to realize the musical prowess in their children, who would go on to become two of the most successful acts in Inspirational Music history: five-time GRAMMY Award®-winning artists for KING + COUNTRY and Rebecca St. James.
00:02 OK, stay close.
00:19 Let's go.
00:22 (SINGING) All my life.
00:24 How y'all doing?
00:25 Are y'all from England?
00:27 Australia.
00:28 Australia.
00:29 Wish I had an accent.
00:30 Dad, I wrote a song.
00:35 Thought maybe we could ask her an audition.
00:37 Oh, that's great, honey.
00:38 Let's take it one step at a time.
00:41 Kay tells me you're a promoter.
00:43 You know someone looking for one.
00:44 Well, I may know somebody who should be.
00:49 She's been given a beautiful voice.
00:51 It's a miracle.
00:52 She's a special one, son.
00:54 Your family, they're not in the way.
00:56 They are the way.
01:00 There's no food, and we're almost out of money.
01:03 We need to make some changes.
01:04 Kids, we need your help.
01:07 This is everything we have.
01:09 And sometimes it's going to grow,
01:10 and sometimes it will shrink.
01:12 But it cannot be allowed to disappear.
01:16 (SINGING) All my life is changing.
01:21 I wonder if she's right.
01:26 Maybe I'm not meant to sing.
01:28 Or maybe you're not meant to sing other people's songs.
01:33 It's going to be dangerous and scary.
01:36 And giving up, giving in, it's not an option.
01:41 Whatever your dream is, I know you can achieve it.
01:44 Please welcome my big sister.
01:49 My dream is to be like you.
01:51 It always has been.
01:58 I want a record deal.
01:59 So do I.
02:01 Yeah, well, boys, get in line.
02:05 (dramatic music)
02:08 you