• last year
Sen. Tulfo asks about alleged pharmaceutical company-sponsored junkets for doctors
00:00 Senators during the Committee on Health hearings on various issues hounding the Department of Health questioned the so-called junkets,
00:07 where Senator Rafael Tulfo raised the issue of some doctors going on trips sponsored by pharmaceutical companies.
00:14 And in return, the doctors received preference or dibs for medicines of their choice.
00:18 Senator Tulfo lamented that this violates medical ethics.
00:22 He alleges this results in doctors choosing branded medicines over generic ones.
00:27 The DOH has vowed to investigate these claims.
00:30 There are charges against doctors.
00:33 Let me finish first, please.
00:36 My question to you, Secretary, you still stand by your word that there are no junkets? Yes or no?
00:43 I did not say that there are no junkets.
00:45 I said that we have the Mexico Protocol and Code of Ethics.
00:49 And if there are doctors and pharmaceutical companies that violate this, they can file a case. That's what I said, Mr. Chair.
00:57 Why do they prefer branded medicines over generic ones?
01:06 That's what's in their mindsets.
01:11 Usually, they call it "their own business".
