Love at Second Glance (2024) ep 2 chinese drama eng sub

  • 5 months ago
Love at Second Glance (2024) ep 2 chinese drama eng sub
01:42 It's okay if you don't thank me.
01:43 But you can't curse me for losing my job.
01:45 One, I didn't ask you to help me.
01:48 Two, HR should be very considerate to the employees' resume.
01:53 Three, you have already called me General Manager.
01:56 Okay, I'll call you.
01:58 The youngest general manager in Guang Yu Group.
02:01 Five years.
02:02 The annual performance is so good.
02:04 The board is so embarrassed that they have to give you a bonus.
02:07 Great.
02:08 But the staff is not so good.
02:12 In the company voting session,
02:13 even your colleagues voted for your competitor.
02:16 How did you do that?
02:18 So what?
02:20 Now is the era of data.
02:23 Internet celebrities look at traffic, stocks look at falling,
02:27 schools look at the rate of growth,
02:28 and the company looks at performance.
02:30 Data can speak,
02:32 what others say is nonsense.
02:35 This sentence is a bit boring.
02:41 We are about to welcome the most exciting moment today.
02:44 Next, I will announce
02:46 the youngest general manager of Guang Yu Group.
02:49 Also the youngest general manager of Nanjiang Branch.
02:53 Let's congratulate Zhong Qing.
02:58 Why didn't you look at the data before getting off work?
03:03 Now go back to the company immediately
03:05 and give me all the data before the closing time.
03:07 Do you hear me?
03:08 President Zhong is really strict.
03:10 The company has its own rules.
03:13 They all know the rules here.
03:16 If the rules are broken, they have to find a way to make up for it.
03:19 You just became the general manager of the region today.
03:23 Shouldn't you celebrate with the team?
03:25 Anyway, the weekend is over.
03:27 You can take it as a holiday for yourself.
03:30 I don't think I need to celebrate.
03:32 Anyway, they may not be truly happy for me.
03:37 At this moment,
03:40 it's better to forget about it.
03:41 You are too young.
03:43 Manager Liang.
03:44 This is the internal matter of General Manager Zhong's team.
03:47 I believe General Manager Zhong can handle it by himself.
03:50 The former company can understand Mr. Zhong's way of working.
03:56 It's really a small world.
03:59 I think the chairman is about to speak.
04:02 Manager Liang, you'd better go back and listen.
04:06 Okay.
04:08 You too.
04:11 You should listen to your boss.
04:13 Okay, go back to work.
04:17 Yes.
04:18 Don't worry.
04:24 I'm not the playboy you think.
04:27 I'm not the playboy who just came back to his father's company
04:29 and left his old age and ruined his family's property.
04:33 But you don't let others interfere with my work.
04:36 In fact, you are already interfering.
04:39 You are welcome.
04:43 By the way,
04:44 I won't come back empty-handed.
04:47 But I will come back with my strength.
04:49 General Manager Zhong, you can do it.
04:51 You can do it.
04:52 You can do it.
04:54 You can do it.
04:58 (Liang Yuxin's Residence)
05:00 Done.
05:25 (Liang Yuxin's Residence)
05:27 (Liang Yuxin's Residence)
05:29 (Liang Yuxin's Residence)
05:31 (Liang Yuxin's Residence)
05:34 (Liang Yuxin's Residence)
05:36 (Liang Yuxin's Residence)
05:38 (Liang Yuxin's Residence)
05:40 (Liang Yuxin's Residence)
05:42 (Liang Yuxin's Residence)
05:44 (Liang Yuxin's Residence)
05:46 (Liang Yuxin's Residence)
05:48 (Liang Yuxin's Residence)
05:50 (Liang Yuxin's Residence)
05:52 (Liang Yuxin's Residence)
05:54 (Liang Yuxin's Residence)
05:56 (Liang Yuxin's Residence)
05:58 (Liang Yuxin's Residence)
06:00 (Liang Yuxin's Residence)
06:02 (Liang Yuxin's Residence)
06:04 (Liang Yuxin's Residence)
06:06 (Liang Yuxin's Residence)
06:08 (Liang Yuxin's Residence)
06:10 (Liang Yuxin's Residence)
06:12 (Liang Yuxin's Residence)
06:14 (Liang Yuxin's Residence)
06:16 (Liang Yuxin's Residence)
06:18 (Liang Yuxin's Residence)
06:20 (Liang Yuxin's Residence)
06:22 (Liang Yuxin's Residence)
06:24 (Liang Yuxin's Residence)
06:26 (Liang Yuxin's Residence)
06:28 What's going on?
06:30 Go to work!
06:32 Zhong? What are you doing?
06:34 The new general manager hasn't arrived yet.
06:38 You're rushing into the office.
06:40 It's inappropriate.
06:42 Zhong? Manager Yang.
06:44 You call the general manager Zhong?
06:46 General manager?
06:48 Are you crazy?
06:50 At the annual appointment meeting yesterday,
06:52 I was the new general manager of the branch.
06:54 Is it hard to remember this?
06:56 Are you crazy?
06:58 You can't run.
07:06 Zhong is so handsome!
07:18 (Zhong Qing, the old man)
07:20 Zhong Qing, the old man.
07:30 Even if you're the crown prince,
07:32 you want to be the general manager,
07:34 the company should give me a reason.
07:36 Zhong Qing.
07:40 Yes? Very good.
07:42 You successfully attracted my attention.
07:44 But this job
07:46 relies on ability and performance.
07:48 Don't think about going through a shortcut.
07:50 What nonsense are you talking about?
07:52 Stop!
07:54 Zhong Qing!
07:56 Don't you want to work?
07:58 If you don't want to work, leave with me right now!
08:00 He's so bold.
08:02 No.
08:06 Someone must be playing tricks.
08:08 You're so annoying!
08:12 (Zhong Qing, the old man)
08:14 This is my notebook.
08:36 But I don't remember these documents.
08:40 Did I go through it?
08:42 The company will be in contact
08:50 with Lan Tian and Hua Rui for the first time next week.
08:52 You need to quickly organize
08:54 the data of these two companies in the past five years.
08:56 Lan Tian, Hua Rui.
08:58 Didn't I give up
09:00 when I was doing the investigation?
09:02 Did they also change
09:04 after going through the world?
09:06 What are you doing?
09:08 Give me the money.
09:10 15,000 yuan.
09:12 12,000 yuan.
09:14 2,000 yuan.
09:16 Miss Zhong, I'm talking to you!
09:20 You must give it to me before you leave!
09:22 If you don't give it to me before you leave,
09:24 I won't leave.
09:26 What are you doing?
09:28 Miss Zhong, do you know how to respect people?
09:30 When I'm talking to you, you should look into my eyes,
09:32 not my mouth.
09:34 Why are you peeking at my head?
09:36 You're so annoying!
09:38 Manager Yang,
09:40 come and let me help you.
09:42 Okay, General Manager.
09:44 (cash register dings)
