Possum Trot Movie

  • 6 months ago
Possum Trot Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Possum Trot shares the true story of Bishop and First Lady Donna Martin, and their tiny Bennett Chapel church, in the town of Possum Trot in the woods of East Texas. Twenty two families linked arms and courageously adopted seventy seven of the most difficult to place children in the local foster care system, igniting a national movement for vulnerable children that continues today.

Director : Joshua Weigel
Writers : Joshua Weigel, Rebekah Weigel
Stars: Elizabeth Mitchell, Demetrius Grosse, Nika King
00:00 [ Silence ]
00:05 [ Child talking ]
00:20 >> The film is about a small community in East Texas
00:23 where a small church felt called by God to start caring
00:27 for vulnerable children.
00:28 >> Just ordinary people looking outside of themselves,
00:32 seeing the need of mankind and meeting the need.
00:36 >> We want the ones that don't nobody else want.
00:40 >> And they ended up adopting 77 of some of the most difficult
00:46 to place children in the Texas child welfare system.
00:48 >> 22 families want to adopt.
00:50 >> The whole town, the whole town wants kids now.
00:54 >> That's about right.
00:56 >> When we got involved in the adoption process,
01:00 we had no clue what was going on in this adoption arena.
01:05 >> And I had to remove the kids because, well, you know,
01:09 it's our job to keep them safe.
01:11 She gave me these.
01:12 >> And so what's going on in the nation right now is
01:16 that over 400,000 kids are in the foster system,
01:19 over 100,000 are waiting to be adopted.
01:22 >> While we have over 400,000 local churches
01:25 on every street corner sitting there lifting up the name
01:29 of Jesus while this is happening under our nose.
01:32 >> But if we can't wrap our arms
01:34 around the most vulnerable amongst us,
01:36 then what do we have?
01:37 Noise.
01:39 [ Noise ]
01:44 That's what we have, noise.
01:45 And the children can't take the noise anymore.
01:50 >> And how do we as a community, not only the church,
01:53 but how do we rally everyone to step in for kids
01:56 because they are the future?
01:57 >> For us to be able to see this, this come to fruition,
02:01 this movie of their story and what it can compel other
02:05 churches and other families to step forward
02:08 and do the same, what this one little community can do,
02:10 imagine if all the churches around the world did the same.
02:15 Would there be any kids in the foster care system,
02:18 let alone available for adoption
02:20 if the church raised their music?
02:22 >> Now I know what can happen.
02:26 I, it's just not okay.
02:27 And I feel like we need to show that and I feel like we need
02:30 to make it known that this is what happening
02:32 and we need to make it stop.
02:33 >> I just pray that something in this movie make your heart jump
02:38 and you want to go out and be involved
02:40 in the foster care crisis because people
02:42 like you are people who change the world.
02:46 And if you feel that tugging at your heart, don't ignore it.
02:49 Go after it and do something.
02:51 >> I think the ultimate thing that I take
02:55 from this is you're never so small
02:58 that you can't make a difference.
02:59 Like it's just extraordinary to me what we can do
03:02 if we decide we're going to make things better.
03:04 >> I ain't never seen you so scared.
03:07 Is he speaking to you?
03:10 Is he speaking?
03:13 [ Music ]