Signs of Laylatul-Qadr (with authentic hadiths)

  • 5 months ago
Laylatul Qadr is one of the most important and sacred nights in the Islamic calendar. It is also referred to as the Night of Power or the Night of Decree,

The Night of Power, is the night when the Quran was first sent down from heaven to the world and also the night when the first verses of the Quran were revealed to Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

Join us on a profound journey to understand and recognize the signs of Laylatul-Qadr, the Night of Decree, a night better than a thousand months. In this video, we explore the Signs of Laylatul-Qadr as mentioned in the Quran and Hadith. Discover the signs that help us identify Laylatul-Qadr and learn how to maximize the blessings bestowed upon us during this blessed time of mercy, forgiveness, and spiritual elevation. Don't miss out on unlocking the abundant rewards and blessings promised by Allah during Laylatul-Qadr. Watch now to delve into the spiritual essence of this blessed night!

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laylatul qadr
laylatul qadr status
lailatul qadr surah
lailatul qadr hadith
lailatul qadr dua
signs of laylatul qadr
signs of lailatul qadr
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lailatul qadr signs
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signs of laylatul qadr hadith
signs of qadr night
signs of the night of laylatul qadr
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symptoms of laylatul qadr
00:00Assalamu Alaikum peace and blessings be
00:03upon you dear viewers. Today
00:06we will understand and recognize the
00:08signs of Laylatul Qadr, the night of
00:10decree, a night better than 1000
00:12 months, as mentioned in the Quran
00:15in Surah Al Qadr, verses one to five.
00:18This night holds immense blessings and
00:21rewards for believers. Let's delve into
00:23the signs that help us identify this
00:26auspicious night and maximize the
00:28blessings bestowed upon us. The
00:31significance of Laylatul Qadr:
00:34The night of decree, Laylatul Qadr is a
00:36time of great importance in Islam. It
00:39marks the beginning of the revelation of
00:41the Quran when the Angel Jibril, peace
00:44be upon him, brought the first verses to
00:47our beloved Prophet Muhammad, peace be
00:49upon him. this night, hidden within the
00:52last 10 odd nights of Ramadan is a
00:55time of mercy, forgiveness and
00:58spiritual elevation. Recognizing the
01:01signs of Laylatul Qadr. While the
01:03exact date of Laylatul Qadr varies each
01:06year, there are signs mentioned in
01:08Authentic Hadiths that help us recognize
01:11this blessed night. One, It is a
01:13peaceful night. Laylatul Qadr is
01:16described as a calm and peaceful night.
01:19The tranquility and serenity are
01:21noticeable indicating the special nature
01:24of this night. In Surah al Qadr,
01:26verse five, it is mentioned: "peace It
01:29is until the emergence of Dawn"
01:32Two, it has unique appearance of the
01:34moon. Some narrations mention that the
01:37moon on Lailatul Qadr appears like a
01:39piece of a plate or half a plate,
01:41signifying the uniqueness of the night.
01:44In Sahih Muslim 1170
01:47it is mentioned Abu Huraira,
01:49Allah be pleased with him, reported "we
01:52were talking about Lailat-ul Qadr in the
01:54presence of the Messenger of Allah, peace
01:57be upon him. And he said "he Who amongst
02:00you remembers the night when the moon
02:02arose and it was like a piece of plate."
02:05Three, it appears in last 10 odd nights.
02:08Lailatul Qadr is hidden within the last
02:11 10 odd nights of Ramadan, specifically
02:13on the
02:14 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th
02:18or 29th night. Devout believers
02:21strive to seek this night among these
02:23blessed nights. It is mentioned in Sahih
02:26al Bukhari, 2023,
02:29narrated by Ubada bin As-Samit:
02:32the Prophet, peace be upon him, came out
02:34to inform us about the night of Qadr. But
02:37two Muslims were quarreling with each
02:39other. So the prophet, peace be
02:42upon him, said, "I came out to inform you
02:45about the night of Qadr, but such and
02:47such persons were quarrelling, so the
02:49news about it had been taken away. Yet
02:52that might be for your own good, so
02:54search for it. On the 29th, 27th and
02:57 25th of Ramadan. 4)
03:00there is possibility of rain. There are
03:02narrations where rain is associated with
03:05lailatal Qadr, symbolizing purification
03:08and blessings descending from the
03:10heavens. There is a narration in
03:12Al-Bukhari,813, where
03:14Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him,
03:17where he did mention that he dreamed
03:19about Lailatul cadre. And in that dream
03:21he had prostrated, and when he came up
03:24his face was wet with rainwater and mud
03:27. 5) The sun rises without visible
03:29rays. The morning after Laylat ul
03:32Qadr the sun rises without visible
03:35rays, indicating A gentle and serene
03:37dawn after a night of Divine Mercy and
03:40blessings. In Sahih Muslim
03:42 762 A, it is mentioned,
03:46Ubayy, may Allah be pleased with him,
03:48said the Prophet, Peace be upon
03:51him, said, "on the morning following
03:54Laylatul Qadr, The sun rises without
03:56any rays as if it were a brass dish,
04:00until it rises up. In conclusion,
04:03Lailatul Qadr is a night of immense
04:05blessings, mercy and
04:07forgiveness. by recognizing the signs
04:10and engaging in acts of worship with
04:12sincerity and devotion, We can unlock the
04:15abundant rewards and blessings promised
04:17by Allah during this auspicious night.
04:20Let us strive to seek Lailat ul Qadr with
04:23unwavering faith, seeking forgiveness,
04:26mercy, and closeness to our Creator.
04:29May Allah accept our prayers and grant us
04:32the blessings of Lailat ul Qadr. Thank
04:34you for watching Until next time,
04:37Assalamu Alaikum.
