• 4 months ago
00:00 What remains of Empress Kalin's invasion force has occupied a key Neirosite mining quarry.
00:09 Reclaim it at once!
00:11 He even dares to use our own fortifications against us.
00:21 How characteristically brave!
00:27 These siege guns will hold off the Solar Empire until reinforcements arrive.
00:32 My troops have encircled your siege guns, Lord Berok. There shall be no victory for you on this day.
00:50 Silence! Commander, you shall be the instrument of my revenge. Make them pay for their insolence.
00:58 Move out, Commander! Reinforce the siege guns! Kalin's forces will reach them in only three minutes!
01:15 Imperial forces will soon arrive to overwhelm the siege guns. You shall not reach them in time!
01:21 Destroy the trains to open the gates! Take whichever path you please, but advance to the siege guns immediately!
01:37 Fire!
01:40 Fire!
01:41 Fire!
01:43 Kill them all!
01:46 Kill them all!
01:49 Fire!
01:50 Fire!
01:52 Fire!
01:53 Kill them all!
01:54 (guns firing)
01:56 (guns firing)
02:00 (guns firing)
02:02 (guns firing)
02:05 (guns firing)
02:07 (guns firing)
02:12 (guns firing)
02:16 (guns firing)
02:21 (guns firing)
02:25 (guns firing)
02:32 (guns firing)
02:35 (guns firing)
02:39 (guns firing)
02:44 (guns firing)
02:49 (guns firing)
02:53 - The siege guns have kept the enemy at bay until now.
03:01 But Kal-El is about to launch a major offensive.
03:05 Remain close to the siege guns until my bombers arrive.
03:13 They will destroy the gates ahead and permit us to advance.
03:18 Ensure the siege guns remain intact
03:27 to prevent counterattack from the rear
03:29 as you assault the mining quarry.
03:32 Legion flame vets stand ready to assist you, Commander.
03:40 Occupy the entry nests and anti-air towers.
03:47 Resist the Imperial counterattack.
03:50 - They are here.
03:56 I did not anticipate enemy reinforcements so soon.
03:59 But do not think I'm unprepared.
04:02 Attack!
04:03 (guns firing)
04:07 Gunships, bolster our front line.
04:26 (guns firing)
04:28 My brave tank pilots will put an end to this.
04:40 Engage!
04:41 (guns firing)
04:48 (explosions)
04:51 - Excellent!
05:09 You preserved the siege guns.
05:16 Stay away from their RPG towers!
05:18 My bombers are driving.
05:28 Destroy the gates.
05:30 Purge all who halt the Legion's progress.
05:35 (guns firing)
05:37 - The gates are down.
05:48 Your path is clear, Commander.
05:50 Advance to the mine.
06:02 (speaking in foreign language)
06:06 - An Imperial barracks lies ahead.
06:30 Its capture will provide a critical advantage.
06:34 (guns firing)
06:40 (explosions)
06:42 (speaking in foreign language)
06:51 (speaking in foreign language)
07:08 (beeping)
07:10 - The barracks is mine.
07:17 Anti-air vets are now yours to command.
07:21 - You must not let Lord Ferok hold the barracks.
07:28 Launch a counter-attack forthwith.
07:35 (guns firing)
07:37 - Enemy is recapturing the barracks.
07:46 Stop them at once!
07:47 (guns firing)
07:52 (beeping)
07:57 (explosions)
08:00 - Crossfield generators seal the entrance to the mine.
08:19 We must destroy them to gain access.
08:23 (engine roaring)
08:26 - Two of my heavy tanks have been captured.
08:32 Liberate them!
08:33 (beeping)
08:49 (speaking in foreign language)
08:53 (guns firing)
08:58 (explosions)
09:02 (explosion)
09:04 (speaking in foreign language)
09:25 (engine roaring)
09:28 (explosions)
09:30 (speaking in foreign language)
09:34 (guns firing)
09:37 (explosions)
09:40 (beeping)
09:53 (beeping)
09:55 (explosions)
09:59 - If the Solar Empire cannot control this mine,
10:14 then no one shall.
10:16 Lay waste to the Legion's assets or cause.
10:21 (engine roaring)
10:24 - Defend the green mine and soar.
10:27 Blast the enemy tanks and gantries.
10:30 Force the enemy into retreat.
10:32 (explosion)
10:37 (engine roaring)
10:40 (guns firing)
10:48 (explosion)
10:50 (engine roaring)
10:54 (explosion)
10:57 (engine roaring)
10:59 (explosion)
11:03 (explosion)
11:05 (engine roaring)
11:08 (explosion)
11:10 (explosion)
11:12 (explosion)
11:15 (explosion)
11:17 (explosion)
11:19 (explosion)
11:22 (guns firing)
11:49 - We have crushed the enemy and seized control
11:52 of the nearer side mines.
11:54 The Legion is victorious.
11:56 Mission complete.
11:57 (upbeat music)
12:14 (explosions)
12:17 - The final battle of the Lightning Wars.
12:29 What remained of the Solar Empire's armed forces
12:32 launched an all-out assault on the Iron Tower.
12:35 This was a fight that Empress Ka-Len surely could not win.
12:42 - Empress Ka-Len is attempting to stage an assault
12:45 on my stronghold, the Iron Tower.
12:48 - This is the Empire's last chance
12:53 to end the Lightning Wars by conventional means.
12:57 Now, lay siege to the Legion's coastal defense perimeter.
13:06 Destroy those Quad Cannons.
13:09 (dramatic music)
13:12 - Commander, you must reinforce those Quad Cannons
13:17 before they are destroyed.
13:19 (explosion)
13:26 Imperial forces have already captured my air base.
13:34 Reclaim this vicinity to gain tighter and more mobile airspace.
13:38 Tighter and bomber support.
13:40 From the Iron Tower, I shall personally oversee
13:50 this inevitable victory.
13:53 Advance to the air base immediately.
13:57 (dramatic music)
14:00 (whistle)
14:11 (speaking in foreign language)
14:18 - Legion, attack!
14:20 (explosions)
14:23 (dramatic music)
14:26 - Enemy gunships approaching!
14:38 (dramatic music)
14:41 (explosions)
14:45 (dramatic music)
14:48 (whistle)
14:56 (speaking in foreign language)
15:11 (dramatic music)
15:14 (speaking in foreign language)
15:33 (explosions)
15:37 (dramatic music)
15:39 - Legion artillery units are being head-captained
15:58 on the other side of this bridge.
16:00 Release them!
16:05 (speaking in foreign language)
16:09 (explosions)
16:12 (whistle)
16:16 (explosion)
16:28 (explosions)
16:32 (dramatic music)
16:35 (speaking in foreign language)
16:44 (explosions)
16:46 - Artillery is now at your disposal, Commander.
17:00 On look, approaching in the distance.
17:04 (dramatic music)
17:07 Destroy the enemy gunships!
17:14 Quickly, before my artillery is lost!
17:17 (explosions)
17:19 My artillery is safe!
17:27 Excellent, Commander!
17:30 (whistle)
17:32 Now, bombard the enemy!
17:34 Lose the full force of the Legion!
17:38 (whistle)
17:42 (dramatic music)
17:45 (whistles)
17:48 (dramatic music)
17:52 (explosions)
17:54 (whistle)
18:03 (speaking in foreign language)
18:06 (whistle)
18:08 (explosions)
18:10 (speaking in foreign language)
18:20 (explosions)
18:22 (whistle)
18:26 (speaking in foreign language)
18:49 (explosions)
18:51 (whistle)
18:56 (whistle)
19:09 (speaking in foreign language)
19:10 (explosions)
19:13 (explosions)
19:16 (whistle)
19:39 (speaking in foreign language)
19:43 - You will not be able to storm my defenses
19:50 this time, Lord Beric.
19:52 - Bold words indeed, Empress, but resistance futile.
19:59 (explosions)
20:06 (whistle)
20:09 (dramatic music)
20:12 (explosions)
20:21 (speaking in foreign language)
20:36 (explosions)
20:39 (whistle)
20:52 (whistle)
20:55 (dramatic music)
20:57 - The air base is mine once again!
21:23 - Enemy air transports heading towards our air base!
21:26 Intercept them!
21:27 - Forward!
21:32 Recapture that air base!
21:34 (explosions)
21:38 (whistle)
21:43 (explosions)
21:49 - Warning!
21:51 Warning!
21:52 The enemy is recapturing the air base!
21:56 The counterattack has been subdued!
22:02 Now, lay waste to the Imperial encampment ahead!
22:06 (dramatic music)
22:11 (explosions)
22:14 - The anti-air towers have been reduced to dust!
22:39 Your bomber now has a clear path ahead!
22:42 (dramatic music)
22:45 (whistle)
22:53 (whistle)
23:09 - Legion brunts are being head prisoner
23:11 in the enemy camp up ahead!
23:14 Free them at once!
23:15 (dramatic music)
23:18 (explosions)
23:20 (explosions)
23:35 (whistle)
23:46 (dramatic music)
23:49 (explosions)
23:51 (dramatic music)
23:54 (explosions)
24:14 (whistle)
24:20 (whistle)
24:23 (explosions)
24:27 (whistle)
24:35 - Head your ground troops to the coastal
24:45 defense perimeter, Commander!
24:48 (explosions)
24:50 (whistle)
25:11 (dramatic music)
25:14 - At once, the LWs are free from their captors!
25:27 (dramatic music)
25:38 (whistle)
25:40 (whistle)
25:46 (whistle)
25:54 (whistle)
25:58 (dramatic music)
26:01 - You have reached the coastal defense perimeter!
26:26 Protect the remaining quad cannons from destruction!
26:30 Helen will no doubt be landing her naval transports soon!
26:42 Quickly, prepare your defenses!
26:46 (whistle)
26:54 (whistle)
26:57 - Imperial naval transports incoming!
27:05 (whistle)
27:23 (whistle)
27:26 (explosions)
27:50 - The quad cannons are taking damage!
27:53 Defend them at once!
27:55 (explosions)
27:59 - The enemy has commenced its airborne attack!
28:18 Destroy every last hostile air vehicle, Commander!
28:23 (dramatic music)
28:29 (whistle)
28:31 (whistle)
28:35 (whistle)
28:42 (speaking in foreign language)
28:51 (whistle)
28:54 (explosions)
28:57 (speaking in foreign language)
29:03 (horn honking)
29:09 - More naval transports, now!
29:14 Infantry attack!
29:15 (whistle)
29:21 (dramatic music)
29:23 (whistle)
29:30 (explosions)
29:36 (speaking in foreign language)
29:45 (explosions)
29:49 (horns honking)
29:52 (speaking in foreign language)
30:09 (whistle)
30:12 (explosions)
30:18 (horns honking)
30:21 - I have no choice but to attack with all that I have left!
30:33 Battleships and gunships, fire at will!
30:36 (whistle)
30:47 (explosions)
30:50 (speaking in foreign language)
31:03 (horns honking)
31:08 (explosions)
31:10 (horns honking)
31:14 (speaking in foreign language)
31:28 (horns honking)
31:35 (explosions)
31:38 - Alert!
31:48 Both quad cannons are on the brink of ruination!
31:51 The Imperial Army has been annihilated!
31:55 Kalen's reckless assault has failed!
31:58 Mission complete!
32:04 - Evil does not understand, Herr Kaiser!
32:07 The Legion won the big battle!
32:09 How was they defeated by the puny Solars?
32:13 - Legends tells of an Imperial strike battalion
32:22 dispatched by Kalen to deploy an all-powerful staff
32:27 against the Legion.
32:33 But Lord Farrokh was not so easily deceived
32:37 and dealt with trespassing forces.
32:40 - How does the story end, Herr Kaiser?
32:49 - I shall tell you, Commandant.
32:55 Against all odds, a single enemy foot soldier
32:59 survived the onslaught at the beach.
33:03 (dramatic music)
33:06 He chanced upon the staff.
33:08 Imbued with its great power,
33:11 he fought his way past entire Legion battalions.
33:15 Through his efforts, a band of Imperial survivors
33:25 were able to carry the staff to the top of Lord Farrokh's
33:30 Iron Tower.
33:32 - Sneaky little grunt.
33:37 Evil does not like the story anymore.
33:58 (dramatic music)
34:01 - Thus were we cheated of our rightful victory.
34:24 Then, in shame, our ancient enemy hit the staff of Kalen
34:29 where they believed it would never be discovered.
34:33 Across the decades, evil,
34:49 I have searched for its hiding place.
34:54 Finally, I have found that hiding place
34:57 here in Northern Tundra.
34:59 And it is in this icy wasteland that I shall take back
35:03 the victory that was denied our ancestors
35:06 and restore Exylvania to its rightful place in history.
35:13 (dramatic music)
35:16 (dramatic music)
35:19 (dramatic music)
35:36 (dramatic music)
35:39 - Campaign three, the Tundran Territories, present day.
35:52 In this campaign, you take command of the battalions
35:55 of the Tundran Territories.
35:57 Kaiser Vlad of Exylvania has invaded
36:00 the Tundran Territories, exposing his search
36:03 for the staff of Kalen and absolute power.
36:07 The free nations of the world have stopped fighting
36:09 amongst themselves and reformed the Alliance of Nations
36:13 in a bid to liberate Tundra and prevent Kaiser Vlad
36:16 from achieving his goal.
36:18 Stop the Exylvanians once and for all.
36:21 Gorgysburg has been overrun by the invading forces
36:29 of Exylvania.
36:30 In the name of his father, Tsar Gorgi,
36:33 Marshal Nova must reclaim it at all costs.
