Membaca Tren Liburan dan Destinasi Wisata 2024 Bareng

  • 5 months ago
Penetapan hari libur nasional dan cuti bersama 2024 ini ditunjukkan sebagai pedoman bagi masyarakat, pelaku ekonomi, dan pihak swasta untuk merancang aktivitasnya, dan meraup cuan sebanyak-banyaknya saat festive moment. Selain itu, juga jadi rujukan untuk kementerian, lembaga dalam merancang program kerja selama setahun mendatang.

Apakah libur cuti bersama tersebut mampu mendongkrak konsumsi masyarakat, yang akhirnya akan berpengaruh pada pertumbuhan ekonomi? Terutama di sektor hospitality, food and beverages, hingga ecotourism.

Dan bagaimana sih tren liburan di 2024? Kita akan membahasnya bersama CEO, George Hendrata, tentunya akan memberikan insight untuk kita, terutama terkait hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan cuti bersama.


00:00 We have a program called THR PolPolan, so it's a holiday ticket.
00:04 You can buy a ticket for at least 1.2 million, get cashback and a discount of 250,000.
00:09 So it's pretty good.
00:10 In summary, in 2024, 27 days should be closer to the number before COVID-19 or maybe even more.
00:16 Do you have optimism for that?
00:17 We are optimistic.
00:26 Hi, how many applications have been supported for your holiday plan?
00:32 You open today, maybe a lot.
00:34 Because if you look at the joint vacation in 2024, it's quite a lot.
00:40 It turns out there are 27 national holidays and joint vacations that are arranged in the joint decision letter of three ministers.
00:47 There is the Minister of Religion, then the Minister of Employment and also the Minister of Employment, State Apparatus and Information Bureaucracy.
00:54 So it's pretty good.
00:56 So for you whose holiday plan is not cut off by a joint vacation, be grateful.
01:04 Because there are so many people out there whose personal vacation must be cut off.
01:08 Because whether you want it or not, you have to take a joint vacation.
01:13 This is the one who laughs, it seems like it's fate.
01:17 After this, we toast because it's fate.
01:20 Anyway, this will have a significant impact, especially for certain sectors.
01:25 This is related to tourism, hospitality, etc.
01:29 So how will the holiday trend in 2024 affect certain sectors or maybe from the platform?
01:36 Which turns out this seems quite favorable or maybe it will be a destination platform for people to buy plane tickets, train, hotel, etc.
01:46 This time at Vincas, we have a CEO of, Mr. George Hendrata.
01:51 A round of applause for him.
01:53 How are you?
01:55 I think we have a chance to support you today.
01:57 I met George because suddenly there was a notification from
02:04 Is this a good sign?
02:06 Because there is a promo, if I'm not mistaken, which is being given by
02:11 On Eid, there was a talk about what the promo was, Mr. George.
02:16 Good morning, Mr. Wiki.
02:17 Yes, that's true. So we are very supportive.
02:20 We see that we are having a program called THR Polpolan, so it's a holiday ticket.
02:25 It's to buy a ticket for a minimum of 1.2 million, get cashback and discount of 250,000.
02:31 So it's pretty good.
02:32 Oh, that's pretty good.
02:33 Then the 27 days earlier was also very supportive.
02:37 Because if we divide it by 12, it's about 2 days.
02:40 So almost every month there can be an extra 2 days off.
02:44 If we look at our customers, it's about almost 60% millennials and Gen Z.
02:52 Gen Z's traveling behavior is very different.
02:56 They really travel every month.
02:58 Because rather than buying a house, buying a car, it's more important to be able to access, travel to new places.
03:05 So, Insta, foodie trip, healing trip, if you're already busy, still running around, right?
03:12 Right.
03:13 Sport, tourism, and so on. So it's very supportive.
03:16 Yes, because the point of view of Gen Z is that the form of investment is all kinds.
03:21 Some people make the holiday activity as content, then post it on Instagram or make a vlog on YouTube.
03:28 It's monetized into money.
03:30 Many people say that the holiday is not productive.
03:34 The healing is too much.
03:36 But from the point of view of Gen Z, it can be monetized.
03:39 That's smart.
03:40 A round of applause for Gen Z.
03:42 Because they see an opportunity in a very fun way.
03:46 That's the way they work. That's the way they think. Super fun.
03:49 And the most important thing is that sees this as a very exciting trick.
03:53 Okay, up to this point, maybe what is read by Mr. George from,
03:58 who bought tickets and so on, who traveled, who looked for hotels, who read the increase.
04:05 If compared to last year, maybe the holiday together is not as many years now.
04:10 How is the growth?
04:12 We always see it compared to before COVID.
04:17 Because actually COVID has a huge impact.
04:20 Before COVID, about 100 million passengers flew.
04:25 Domestic plus international.
04:27 For last year, the number was 80.
04:30 So actually the recovery was about 80-82%.
04:33 Okay, it's quite accelerated.
04:35 Quite accelerated.
04:36 If we look at people who live in hotels,
04:39 the number is usually about 150 million rooms that are booked per year.
04:45 Last year it was about 120.
04:48 So the recovery was also more than 80.
04:50 But what is actually very promising is that the number of flights has increased.
04:56 If we look at it now, for domestic, the number of flights is about 2,000 per day.
05:01 For international, it's about 500 per week.
05:05 If we compare it to pre-COVID, these two numbers are already about 90%-95%.
05:11 A thin difference.
05:12 A thin difference.
05:13 So it means that with this much capacity, the price will definitely be better.
05:18 If the price is better, because the capacity is also high,
05:22 it will make people more affordable if they want to travel.
05:28 Because in tourism, we rely on three things.
05:31 Attraction, the place must be cool.
05:33 Then second, accessibility.
05:36 If possible, there is an airport.
05:37 If possible, you can fly or take a toll road.
05:40 Or this morning we discussed KRL.
05:42 If it's easier, people will definitely want to go.
05:45 Third, affordability.
05:47 If the capacity is high, the chance of the price to fall is high.
05:53 Okay, especially if you look at it, the summary of the year 2024, 27 days,
05:58 should be close to the number before COVID or maybe even more.
06:01 Is there optimism in that direction?
06:02 We are optimistic that it will be more.
06:05 Because we see that travel is very tight, the relationship with GDP.
06:10 Usually, if the total travel is about 2 times GDP growth.
06:15 But we are on online travel.
06:17 So there are market segments that have not bought through online,
06:21 it will also move to online because the trust is higher.
06:24 So usually we grow twice from travel.
06:27 Total travel.
06:28 So if GDP grows 5%, travel may grow about 10%.
06:33 Online travel can grow 20%.
06:35 So we are optimistic, it should grow.
06:37 Okay, talking about optimism,
06:40 of course when establishing, it is equipped with a vision that is far ahead.
06:47 Usually, founders or CEOs must have a point of view that seems very far ahead.
06:53 At that time, maybe you could,
06:57 what is it called, between me and the investor,
07:01 to the beginning of the establishment of
07:04 What was read from the potential of Indonesian society or tourism in Indonesia?
07:09 So it was okay, it really had to be made, this platform.
07:13 Because the potential is really big.
07:15 What was read at that time?
07:17 If the itself was established in 2011,
07:21 so it's pretty fast, it's been almost 13 years.
07:25 At that time, even buying a train ticket was not yet online.
07:32 Then we had to call the plane.
07:36 How was that? At that time, there was a very limited number of people.
07:39 Then maybe there was no airline, there was no API either.
07:43 So if we want to go to one destination,
07:46 we have to make at least two phone calls to check the price, check the schedule.
07:52 So the first thing is our vision is to create apps and services that people love the most.
07:59 People usually want to travel to focus on fun.
08:02 So he doesn't want to be complicated.
08:05 So we think about how to make people search, book, and pay with one hand.
08:11 And actually I also want the vision to make it, if it doesn't work,
08:16 to cancel it in less than a minute.
08:20 That's why you asked earlier, there's a program, one is called THR.
08:25 You can buy a holiday ticket with discount.
08:27 But what's good is there's also 100% refund.
08:30 So if you buy, if you want to cancel, the money will be refunded.
08:34 So if we're not sure, from 27 days, where do you want to go?
08:38 It's okay, just book first. If it's canceled, it's canceled.
08:41 That's the vision, it's never changed since then.
08:44 Always make it easy for customers.
08:47 And the way is to connect to as many suppliers as possible.
08:51 And now the point of connection, we've been to the airline for 120,
08:55 fly to 200 countries,
08:57 then for hotels, we've connected 3.6 million hotels.
09:01 So it means if the coverage is big, whatever the interest,
09:04 whether it's spot tourism, healing tourism,
09:07 or culture, domestic or international,
09:10 we can supply as much as possible.
09:13 And if the supplier base is large, the price should be competitive.
09:17 I think so.
09:18 It seems like this vision means that it has to face various parties,
09:22 which they already have their own habits.
09:25 About this value,
09:27 they want to present a platform that is favored by everyone,
09:31 want to have fun, vacation, in a very easy way.
09:34 But it's related to the airline, related to hotels,
09:39 they have their own system.
09:41 While this is disruptive,
09:43 quite then, what is it,
09:46 disrupt various processes.
09:48 Well, at that time, the conversation or maybe the socialization
09:52 with the airline and others,
09:54 how was the challenge, can you tell us?
09:57 If I look at it like this, it's actually a win-win.
10:00 Because if we look at it, the airline has a huge investment.
10:04 One plane, imagine, the price can be hundreds of millions.
10:08 If the plane flies, the capacity is not full.
10:13 It's hard to divide the number of seats that fly.
10:18 So there is an understanding there,
10:21 where if you use channels online,
10:24 the possibility of high occupancy rate is there.
10:27 And it's good to see it outside.
10:30 Outside, the airline has a direct channel,
10:33 so people go to the counter to buy,
10:35 or direct channel via web to,
10:39 or via online travel.
10:41 And all three coexist, so the utilization is high.
10:46 At least there is a comparison,
10:48 they have a success story and use the platform.
10:51 At that time, the was included.
10:53 - Right. - Okay.
10:55 - And the same story is repeated in the hotel,
10:59 in the train, something like that.
11:01 Because from their point of view, they also need a platform like this.
11:05 I'm curious, before we discuss the other one,
11:08 if a 100% refundable promo program,
11:15 what is the system like?
11:18 Because from the point of view of the airline,
11:21 of course they don't want to lose money.
11:24 There is one ticket that has been purchased previously,
11:26 then it turns out to be rescheduled.
11:28 Even though there is a schedule,
11:30 there is an additional cost,
11:32 or it will be refunded, but not 100%.
11:34 How is the system from the,
11:36 so that it can provide a service to the user,
11:41 but all parties are happy.
11:43 From the platform, they are happy.
11:45 From the airline, they are also happy.
11:47 How is that?
11:48 Actually, this started from the hotel first.
11:50 - Okay. - In the hotel, we are used to it.
11:52 There are two types of prices.
11:55 The first type of price is that it cannot be refunded, cannot be canceled.
11:58 Another type is that it can be refunded, can be canceled.
12:01 But maybe the time is different.
12:04 Cancel a week before or a day before.
12:07 So the way is that the price of the room is different.
12:10 For a room that can be canceled, it is usually a little more expensive.
12:13 The one that cannot be canceled is cheaper.
12:16 We copy the same thing in the airline.
12:19 So on the flight, we see how many percent people actually cancel.
12:23 Then we see what reason they cancel.
12:27 Most people don't think about booking a flight to cancel.
12:31 We estimate and with this estimation, we make a special class.
12:35 Because we have estimated,
12:37 we estimate X percent will be canceled.
12:40 So if X percent is canceled, if we estimate here,
12:43 win-win, the consumer is profitable, can get 100% refund,
12:46 the ticket is not even lost, right?
12:48 In fact, you can get value-add.
12:50 So because of the win-win, this program can be sustainable.
12:54 That's why we launched 100% refund.
12:56 From the airline, there is also a quota.
12:59 So everything is win-win.
13:02 Okay, let's go back to 2023.
13:05 Where the growth is also compared to the pre-pandemic period.
13:08 As mentioned earlier, the growth is quite accelerated.
13:13 Speaking of the types of tourism that seem to be enjoyed a lot in 2023.
13:20 Then like the way of travel, what transportation modes are then favored by Indonesian people.
13:27 Or users from in 2023.
13:30 How is this also being used to project various kinds of preparations in a certain mode,
13:39 the purpose of tourism in 2024.
13:42 That's if we look at it from travel.
13:46 Travel has the need for business travel and leisure.
13:50 For business, it will definitely increase.
13:53 Because GDP is increasing, business is also increasing.
13:56 For leisure, we see domestic and foreign.
13:59 Domestic is big cities as usual, Surabaya, Makassar, Medan, Bali, and so forth.
14:05 But what we see is that there are new additions, which are the themes that I told you earlier.
14:10 For example, people want to go eco-tourism or more sustainable.
14:15 Sustainable means the economy is running, the culture is maintained.
14:21 Then the flora and fauna are maintained.
14:25 That's getting more and more trendier every year.
14:30 I myself at that time, during COVID, I once checked in West Bali National Park.
14:35 There is only one hotel there.
14:37 I was very impressed because I can see the palm trees, I can see the cranes,
14:42 the birds, and because they don't see people that often, they are not afraid of people.
14:49 So we can interact.
14:51 Because the property supports eco-tourism, the trash and other things are also maintained.
14:58 So if it's like that, it's sustainable in the long run.
15:00 Then people will go. Usually it will attract quality tourists.
15:04 Usually the stay can be a little longer.
15:06 We see those themes.
15:08 We are often in Baluran National Park.
15:11 There are a lot of flora and fauna.
15:13 Then we see the one at the end of Kulon National Park.
15:17 You can see the Javanese paddy.
15:19 Especially like that.
15:20 The second theme is healing.
15:22 I myself went to Kintamani.
15:25 I saw the haze.
15:27 It was nice. We just had a cup of coffee and it was good.
15:29 At that time, I was on the way to West Bali National Park because the road was good.
15:35 There are also many healing places like that in Jogja.
15:39 For example, there is one famous for its mushroom.
15:41 There is also one famous for Rumah Atsiri.
15:44 It's also in Jogja.
15:45 There are things like that.
15:47 Not to mention the foodie trip.
15:50 Because people now like to go to a place, explore the culinary, and share pictures of the place and the food.
15:58 It can be in Medan, in Jogja.
16:00 There is no end to it.
16:02 Thematic.
16:03 What we run on the ticket is also like that.
16:06 Because we see the thematic.
16:07 And maybe not all users are aware.
16:11 We often display it on the homepage.
16:13 That's why we often check the homepage.
16:15 Because for example, now we are exploring the thematic of Sakura.
16:18 Because it's Sakura season in Korea and Japan.
16:21 So we help our customers to explore.
16:27 What is the coolest at that time.
16:29 Something like that.
16:30 So actually there are many themes.
16:32 And most likely in 2024, it seems that what will be booming is still the eco-tourism, then the foodie.
16:42 Because it seems that there are many needs and the trend is also going there.
16:48 Okay.
16:49 If you look at the traffic side.
16:53 Tourists from which city often travel or maybe book through
17:02 And how interesting is the data and this is made into a pattern to then be read in the future.
17:14 What the consumer wants and so on.
17:16 From
17:18 If we look at the pre-COVID, 100 million passengers per year.
17:24 80 million are domestic.
17:26 20 million are abroad.
17:28 From 20 million, 40% go to Southeast Asia.
17:32 Because it's close to Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Australia, and then a little further.
17:39 Korea, Japan.
17:40 The mix is not too different.
17:42 Pre-COVID and now.
17:44 But the difference is GDP.
17:46 We increase every year.
17:47 GDP per capita is now also increasing.
17:50 4,500.
17:51 With this increase, usually if we look abroad, the spending power is bigger.
17:56 Domestic is increasing, but internationally it is also increasing higher.
17:59 Usually like that.
18:00 So for example, if now 20 million out of 100 is about 20%, that's the people who go abroad.
18:06 Later maybe it can be 25 or 35 like in China.
18:11 Or even higher in the US or in Europe.
18:14 That's the trend there.
18:15 Okay.
18:16 So there will be a lot of trips abroad.
18:18 But at the same time for short destinations, because people are used to it.
18:23 Because of COVID, they can't go anywhere, they explore, they have their own backyard.
18:27 To Labuan Bajo, Raja Empan, and other places.
18:30 Finally, these short vacation, especially like this national holiday,
18:35 can be used to go to Bali, or we go to Labuan Bajo, or we go to Jogja.
18:41 Eh, to Borobudur, it's easy, you drive a car.
18:44 8 hours have arrived, something like that.
18:46 That's what we see, so it's a mix.
18:49 The point is the frequency increases, because the lifestyle looks like a short trip every month.
18:57 Longer trip, every 3 months it becomes a habit.
19:00 Okay.
19:01 Talking about ecotourism, talking about what is it,
19:04 a tourist object that does have a long sustainability.
19:08 I am one of the people who experienced an event that was enough to pay attention.
19:15 I came to a place in Nusa Lembongan at that time,
19:19 there are many reviews on the internet,
19:21 if there is a place for the cultivation of seaweed,
19:26 the development of seaweed.
19:28 When I went there, the place is no longer there,
19:32 because there are so many hotels around there,
19:35 they throw the seaweed directly into the sea,
19:38 so that the seaweed can't grow, more or less like that.
19:43 From the point of view of the platform,
19:45 actually the hope is for the stakeholders,
19:49 if sustainable tourism continues, ecotourism continues,
19:53 everyone is happy, right?
19:55 If not maintained, the platform won't get it,
19:59 the government won't get it,
20:01 the hotel manager won't get it.
20:03 What is the hope for the continuation of the tourist objects in Indonesia?
20:09 So if we look at it, we have some examples,
20:14 for example, in the Philippines,
20:16 there is an area where tourism is very advanced,
20:19 but in the end they still close for a while because the trash is too much.
20:23 At least we already have red rags,
20:26 we know if we don't manage it well, it could happen.
20:31 So this is good, one.
20:33 Second, actually this society has a great power,
20:36 because if they want to look for ecotourism,
20:39 they will buy ecotourism.
20:41 We also help from the platform.
20:43 For example, there could be a filter,
20:45 hotels that are more eco-friendly than others,
20:47 because they pay more attention to the value cycle.
20:51 Or in other more advanced places,
20:54 the aircraft, the use of CO2 emissions,
21:00 what is it like?
21:02 If the aircraft is newer, more efficient,
21:06 the CO2 emissions are smaller.
21:08 That's also the power of the customer.
21:10 And this has been proven in other sectors too.
21:13 There is a big retailer in America that labels goods.
21:19 Yellow, red, green.
21:22 How environmentally friendly is the product?
21:26 At first they didn't believe it would work.
21:28 It turns out that people buy more green.
21:31 So we see the chain of eyes like that.
21:33 We will help to expose more eco-friendly suppliers.
21:39 Because eco-friendly is sustainable for the business,
21:42 sustainable for Indonesia.
21:44 Then the consumer becomes aware.
21:46 The consumer buys more.
21:48 So eventually we get a virtuous cycle.
21:50 Because actually if from the demand side,
21:53 it's quite demanding,
21:55 one more sustainable practice,
21:58 automatically everyone will follow.
22:00 If it's not sustainable,
22:02 maybe from the hotel manager, the PMB,
22:05 it's better to practice sustainability practices.
22:09 Okay, interesting about that.
22:11 I hope more people are aware of this value.
22:17 Okay, there are many opportunities, of course,
22:20 that have been exported well by
22:23 But potentially it will continue to grow.
22:25 Are there new business opportunities
22:27 from the needs of these tourists,
22:31 from the point of view of
22:33 The needs are definitely the three main ones.
22:36 So if you're looking for goods,
22:38 there must be availability.
22:40 The price must be competitive.
22:42 Then it must be simple.
22:44 I've told you about supply.
22:47 So we will always add supply year after year.
22:50 If from pricing, because by adding supply,
22:52 the price will definitely be better.
22:55 Because the supply for one item can be several.
22:58 So I think we get a good price.
23:00 For convenience, I see people are looking for flexibility.
23:04 That's why we launched 100% refund.
23:06 Then we also have buy now, pay later.
23:09 So there is an easier way for people to pay for their purchases.
23:15 Then our CS also accepts.
23:18 So it can be through WhatsApp,
23:21 it can be through voice call,
23:24 it can be through the app itself.
23:28 Then we have reschedule,
23:31 it's also made very easy.
23:33 Then for the elements that we want to go abroad,
23:37 and we also want to buy attractions.
23:39 People want to go to Japan,
23:41 but they also want to buy a Disneyland ticket.
23:43 Well, they can buy it from us.
23:45 In addition, the sector that is really interesting
23:47 is the concept of tourism.
23:49 There is a concert, right?
23:51 We have covered 90% of K-pop concerts in Indonesia.
23:56 That will also attract artists from abroad.
24:01 To go inside and out too.
24:03 And there are bundling packages.
24:05 There are bundling packages.
24:07 Buy the plane, hotel, and concert tickets.
24:11 Correct.
24:12 Okay, interesting.
24:13 So I think bundling will make it easier,
24:16 because it's easier to choose.
24:18 And there is also the value of the promo
24:20 for the user, the consumer.
24:23 If you buy it cheap, it's more expensive.
24:26 If you buy bundling packages, it's cheaper and simpler.
24:30 It's more practical.
24:31 Okay.
24:32 Tips and tricks.
24:33 So that, this is the point of view from Gen Z or maybe Millennials,
24:37 who still have a lot of budget.
24:40 The budget for vacation is there, but it's limited.
24:45 So, if you want to go on vacation to an exciting place,
24:48 what are the tips and tricks?
24:51 So that it fits the budget, it's fun too.
24:55 How is it, George?
24:56 So, everyone has different sources of information.
25:00 From Instagram, from TikTok, from YouTube.
25:03 From friends.
25:05 If you already know, this is a really cool place.
25:08 Just check the ticket.
25:11 We change our homepage, the landing page.
25:15 Because we see that 50% of people who come already know where to go.
25:18 The other 50% don't know yet.
25:20 They have to find inspiration.
25:22 We make that place to recommend people
25:26 inspirational things.
25:27 And there are also all kinds of things.
25:29 Some people want eco-tourism, some want budget savings.
25:32 Some want travel luxury.
25:34 Some want to make an unforgettable experience for their girlfriend or something.
25:38 So, each of them has their own segment.
25:41 We try to find out what interests the customer.
25:48 We try to spread it out there.
25:50 After that, we also give options for the purchase.
25:54 You can choose.
25:55 Then, if you're not sure, you can go for flexibility.
26:00 The promo.
26:01 So, often to check what we offer there.
26:05 Before you have an idea, just go.
26:08 Because who knows, when you go to the site, you might have an idea.
26:11 Something like that.
26:12 Okay. There's also an element of adventure.
26:16 And of course, each menu has various kinds of promos that you can enjoy.
26:22 If I imagine, if I visit the website of,
26:27 maybe the one I open the most is Travel Hema.
26:29 But I pray that if I open,
26:32 it will be luxury traveling.
26:34 And I don't buy it with my mind.
26:37 One day, maybe it will be done. Amen.
26:40 Okay. If we talk about traveling,
26:44 then, and also various kinds of holiday activities,
26:47 I think there's no end to it, but then the time is limited.
26:50 Thank you for talking with me, Vin Cash.
26:52 I hope the existence of can inspire many people
26:57 and can also be one of the economic drivers in Indonesia.
27:02 There are many people who use the platform,
27:05 and many employees are recruited,
27:08 the level of wealth rises, and so on.
27:10 And the economy becomes more advanced.
27:12 Thank you, Mas Jok. Good luck for
27:14 Don't be in a hurry. We'll play again, Vin Cash.
27:17 Thank you, Wiki. I'll close with a poem.
27:20 Yes, please.
27:22 I didn't prepare it.
27:24 It's okay, Mas Jok.
27:26 Okay.
27:27 (speaking Indonesian)
27:54 (applause)
27:57 (upbeat music)
28:00 ♪ ♪
28:05 ♪ ♪
28:10 (siren wailing)
28:32 Okay, okay. Nice, nice.
