Only for those dissatisfied with life || Acharya Prashant, with DU (2023)

  • 5 months ago
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00:00 Pranam Acharya. I wanted to ask how do we identify the real purpose in life? Apart from
00:11 this worldly things like as son of my father I need to support him, then I need to earn
00:19 the livelihood, all these things. But ultimately as you are doing the noble job like promoting
00:26 Vedanta, sometimes also done by the Swami Vivekananda, how do we sir, as like we do
00:34 not have that much enlightenment, how do we find our purpose in life? Even if that is
00:43 like if this illusion life what you call I mean, even if this exists.
00:49 What is the problem that you are facing? Is there a problem in the first place?
00:55 I am facing like real purpose in life. I am like too much.
01:00 That you are saying is something you desire. Spirituality is not there to fulfill your
01:06 desires. If there is a pain point, tell me, is there a problem you are facing?
01:12 Taking spirituality sir, I like say you are working for some purpose, like you have got
01:17 some ultimate, I want to find out the ultimate purpose of my life.
01:25 You live through your days, right? So you must be having some purpose already. You are
01:34 a student, are you? Right sir.
01:37 So you are living through your days and you are not living through your days purposelessly.
01:43 But I am considering it as a smaller goal.
01:46 How do you know it's a small goal? How do you know it's a small goal?
01:51 Like small in the sense like as you said this, we as a person don't exist actually.
02:01 That you heard from me just five minutes back. How have you been living through your days
02:06 since so long? There surely is a purpose, right? What's wrong with those purposes that
02:12 you have every day?
02:17 That haunts me like that they are like, I am stuck into this thing like before listening
02:23 to you, even I used to listen to your videos and even before that I have this thing that
02:29 the whatever we think or wherever our mind goes, that is to very limited things. Ultimate
02:38 goal can be.
02:39 So what's the problem? What's the problem with having limited things as purpose?
02:49 They get fulfilled and we seek for the next one.
02:53 So what's the problem with that?
03:01 I don't find them too big to pursue all the time.
03:06 So they are not big, they are small. What's the problem?
03:14 I said there is no problem.
03:15 So you are already good. Why needlessly think of show spoilers like Vivekananda and trouble
03:23 yourself?
03:26 Just because they have a big name.
03:29 So one feels I should also have a big name and start thinking of them as if respectfully,
03:37 but probably the objective is just emulation.
03:41 If you are already okay in the life that you are leading, why think of an alternative?
03:50 I do not know even I do not know that whether I like the life which I am leading like I
03:55 am like very much okay with it.
03:58 I will return to the first question.
04:00 What is your problem with the life that you are leading?
04:06 When you go to a doctor, what does he ask you?
04:08 "Dard kahan ho raha hai?"
04:10 So what is your problem?
04:12 If you tell the doctor, you know, I want to visit Switzerland, doctor will say, you know,
04:17 that's a desire.
04:19 Where is the problem?
04:24 A solution is not the same thing as desire fulfillment.
04:33 Solution comes when you first of all identify a clear problem.
04:37 What is the problem?
04:40 So like, as you say, sir, like, we can like whatever I am doing that is fine.
04:46 Absolutely.
04:47 Like, I cannot, I should not seek for something very different.
04:54 I don't know you tell me what is the problem?
04:58 The problem itself like that.
05:01 Okay, I'll ask you a question.
05:03 I'll ask you a question.
05:04 Let's say you have never heard of Vivekananda or other so called great people.
05:11 Would you still have a problem?
05:14 Right now you are facing a problem because you see that there were people who took up
05:18 noble missions and did this did that and compared to them you find your life quite small petty
05:23 etc.
05:25 So by comparison, you see a problem.
05:29 Let's say nobody is available for comparison.
05:32 Is there still a problem?
05:33 No, sir.
05:37 In that respect, I am not seeking that as question.
05:41 What I wanted to ask is like, do we have any other purpose other than like doing these
05:48 whatever things we are doing?
05:50 Can we have any other purpose?
05:52 The question of other purpose arises only when one has a problem in the current purposes.
06:00 As you are living your life, you already have certain purposes.
06:03 Now, do you have a problem with your current purposes?
06:07 First thing, you cannot say I'm already alright and still I want to get alright.
06:17 Do you have a problem?
06:19 Have you identified your problem?
06:21 Are you willing to disclose it?
06:28 That's what I say, like for whatever thing I do, like for after sometime I get, in the
06:36 sense you can say, fine, this is not what I should be doing.
06:44 That might as well be a moral compunction raising its head.
07:01 You know the solution is never too far.
07:09 It's just that we don't even know the problem.
07:15 The moment the problem is known, the solution is so near, but the ego refuses to acknowledge
07:26 the real problems.
07:29 The very fear is that the problem may not remain and if the problem is gone, the self
07:36 is gone.
07:43 Why do then one seek spirituality or say for example, go to Vedanta Mahal?
07:48 People seek it just as an entertainment.
07:53 One is bored of so many things.
07:55 So, let's try our hand at this one as well.
07:59 That is most, there may be some genuine people.
08:06 The genuine people have genuinely identified their problem.
08:13 It's not so difficult to identify it.
08:17 It's just that we imagine the consequences of identifying it and feel afraid.
08:33 Figure out what problem would you face if you continue to live the same kind of life.
08:44 Figure out what problems you are already facing if you continue to live the way you do.
08:53 What is happening to you in your current ways?
09:03 I have been listening to you like quite often and what I am doing currently like it has
09:12 certain purpose, it will get filled after some time.
09:16 Again I will move on to the next goal like keep on the entire life I will be doing this.
09:23 So am I really meant for this?
09:25 Who am I to tell you that?
09:28 If you feel contended as you are currently going, obviously you will continue going that
09:37 way.
09:41 A change is needed only when the one within is troubled with the status quo, things as
09:51 they are.
09:53 Are you really troubled?
09:58 And unless there is an acknowledgement of real trouble, there can be no change.
10:04 There can be a lot of words, there can be years of discussions but no change will happen.
10:11 Change happens only when you clearly identify there is a problem and I will have no more
10:17 of it.
10:18 I am done with living with this problem.
10:30 Spirituality is not window shopping.
10:33 I am already happy with the clothes that I have but I found something on the mannequin
10:39 and I just enquire the price, just you know to tell myself that there are other options
10:44 available.
10:46 You have to find yourself naked and shivering in the cold and then beg for clothes.
10:55 That's spirituality.
10:59 You have to see you are in a very very bad shape, only then you will have the guts to
11:06 embrace an alternative.
11:10 Otherwise it's just entertainment.
11:13 Eighteen yogas are available.
11:17 Wow, 18 alternatives I have.
11:25 Internally you are already yogasth, established in yoga, so why will you choose any of those
11:29 18 paths?
11:33 You have to see that internally there is deep vyog, separation.
11:39 You are torn apart.
11:42 If you do not see that, if you express your condition in this kind of lukewarm way, I
11:48 have certain purposes, they get fulfilled, then there will be some other purpose.
11:53 This frankly takes one nowhere.
11:58 The ones who reach somewhere are the ones who acknowledge a deep deep suffering inside.
12:06 The ones who are well adjusted, well they can remain well adjusted.
12:27 So my advice, figure out whether you really see anything terribly wrong in the way you
12:36 are currently living.
12:41 If you don't see anything greatly wrong with that, no problem.
12:46 Don't worry.
12:52 Some things wrong, this kind of enunciation.
12:53 Some things in the sense like not something in the sense, I find like study something
12:57 terribly say for example, taking the, like how the life has gone.
13:03 So what is it that you find terribly, fundamentally wrong with the way you are living?
13:10 I'm not stable with one thing.
13:12 So what's terrible about that?
13:13 Terrible right, so I keep on changing things like say for example, I am from engineering
13:20 background, I did engineering, went on teaching in the engineering colleges and I could and
13:27 then I started preparing for civil services.
13:30 I went through pains and then interview but I find I could not make it and right now I
13:36 am pursuing law.
13:39 What's terrible about it?
13:41 That I am finding myself as a wanderer.
13:46 What's terrible about wandering?
13:51 There has to be rest to it.
13:55 That's some kind of a heavenly mandate.
13:58 There has to be rest.
14:00 One day you will die, you will have enough rest.
14:08 Nothing wrong with this.
14:14 You don't find anything wrong in it.
14:18 And that's what is wrong.
14:28 That's what is terrible.
14:45 Not that I mean to enforce an opinion upon you.
14:52 It's just that I see you interested in change.
14:55 And I know very well that change cannot happen unless there is terrible dissatisfaction.
15:05 The kind of change you are looking for is not superficial, not incremental.
15:10 You want fundamental change.
15:13 For fundamental change there has to be an insight into the fundamentals.
15:22 Things that appear normal to you currently should start appearing very weird.
15:32 Things that are acceptable today should start appearing extremely distasteful.
15:45 When that kind of a thing starts happening only then there is change.
15:51 Otherwise you can keep skimming on the surface of life and that's no problem.
16:01 Maybe that day is going to come soon.
16:03 Should I seek that again you?
16:08 I'm available.
16:13 Had I not been available you wouldn't have come to me.
16:17 I was available to you even before this conversation.
16:21 That availability made this conversation possible.
16:27 So I'm anyway available.
16:32 There is nobody who is not generally dissatisfied with life.
16:38 But that general dissatisfaction does not help anybody.
16:42 Please see.
16:45 You find anybody perfectly contended?
16:49 Nobody.
16:53 People have their complaints, grudges, grouses, something is wrong here, something is wrong
16:59 there.
17:00 That little bit of average kind of dissatisfaction only helps to maintain things as they are.
17:13 You are dissatisfied with your car, you provide it more maintenance.
17:21 The car remains maintained.
17:32 You need to, I'm repeating, see how the very fundamentals of life are botched up.
17:45 And then something can happen.
17:47 But don't force that upon yourself.
17:54 Don't try to make that forcibly, artificially happen.
17:58 Right from the childhood we have been taught or like in our education system is like that
18:07 that we have been taught about the great people's like or the personification of like you should
18:14 be doing something very big or very like different in life.
18:19 Those things have gone deep into the mind.
18:22 And now less things do not satisfy us like and that satisfaction then where does it lead
18:27 us to?
18:32 See big things happening to small people leave them small even after the big event.
18:48 The question is not whether big things are happening to you.
18:51 The question is are you big?
18:57 Are you big?
19:05 So the smallness within has to be encountered.
19:20 Without that trying for big positions, big money, big power, big life, all that means
19:28 nothing.
19:32 It is the inner encounters that we are very afraid of.
19:43 And we are equally afraid of encountering that we avoid the encounters.
19:53 So we pretend to ourselves that we are available to the encounters.
19:57 We are not.
20:04 When the real deal is there, we just avoid it.
20:24 When water comes to the boiling point, we take it off the heater and we certify ourselves
20:38 as good people.
20:39 You see I allowed it to come to 98, 99.
20:48 Can't you see what is it that you didn't allow to happen?
20:56 I am so sure I am not making much sense.
21:04 But fine.
21:05 All right.
21:06 I suppose I am not clear with myself.
21:12 I will remain available.
21:13 Thank you sir.
21:14 Wonderful.
21:15 Thank you.
21:20 Thank you.
