• last year
Mahfud MD merespons terkait empat menteri yang dipanggil oleh pihak Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) dalam sidang Sengketa Pilpres 2024.
00:00 Candidate for the third presidential candidate, Mahfud Md,
00:04 gave a statement on four ministers
00:06 who were called by the Constitutional Court of Indonesia
00:09 in the 2024 General Election.
00:12 The four ministers are
00:14 Minister of Human Development and Culture Coordinator, Muhajir Effendi,
00:18 Minister of Finance, Airlanga Hartarto,
00:21 Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani,
00:23 and Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Risma Harini.
00:25 When he met with the journalists of Bukabersama in Jakarta on April 3,
00:30 Mahfud said he appreciated the investigation process
00:32 carried out by the MSM in the 2024 presidential election.
00:36 The former Minister of Justice also said
00:39 he has given full responsibility to the legal authorities
00:42 during the trial in the Constitutional Court.
00:45 Yes, please.
00:48 We'll see on the court.
00:51 We all follow it. I don't follow it inside.
00:54 I have given it to the legal authorities.
00:56 So I don't follow it.
00:57 But according to you,
00:58 the explanation from the ministers will be independent
01:00 or there are still female presidents in it?
01:02 Because you are still a candidate for the presidency.
01:04 We'll see on the court.
01:06 It can be evaluated later.
01:08 Former President of the R.I. Joko Widodo
01:10 was awarded the title of President of Sumatra Jakarta
01:12 on April 3,
01:14 and assured that the four ministers
01:16 will be present to fulfill the call of the MSM.
01:19 From Jakarta, Asfar Muhammad,
01:21 for Berita Antara News Agency, Muartakan.
01:24 [inaudible]
01:26 [inaudible]
01:30 [inaudible]
