3 Days on a Remote Island / Lost without signaling properly.

  • 5 months ago
We never imagined experiencing the Bahamas like this! Embarking on a camping and kayaking journey to a secluded island turned out to be an exhilarating adventure!

Our Journey: From Van Life to Homesteading!

In the winter of 2019, we embarked on an extraordinary adventure – moving into our self-built van to fully immerse ourselves in living, working, and traveling across Canada. It was a pivotal moment where we embraced our dreams of venturing off the beaten path, embracing off-grid living, and striving for self-sustainability. Over the years, we traversed thousands of miles through diverse landscapes, from Canada to the USA, Mexico, and Guatemala, capturing every moment and sharing our experiences on this channel.

After many exhilarating years on the open road, our journey led us to discover 15 acres of remote woods nestled along the East Coast of Canada. Here, amidst the tranquil wilderness, we are crafting our own haven – a homestead where we are currently in the process of renovating our fully off-grid cabin. Venturing into this new chapter, we approach each task with unwavering determination, despite our lack of prior experience.

We are thrilled to invite you along on this incredible journey as we navigate the realms of cabin life, van life, and everything in between, all while learning to master each challenge with our own two hands. Your presence here means the world to us, and we're grateful for the opportunity to share this adventure with you. Welcome to our homesteading odyssey!

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Thank you All !!

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"In adherence to the principles of Creative Commons licensing and respecting the work of the original creators, it's imperative to provide proper credit for the video content used in this production. The footage utilized in this video has been sourced from various creators who have generously shared their work under Creative Commons licenses. Their names, along with their respective channel names, have been diligently credited within the video description. Additionally, their channel names or handles have been prominently displayed on-screen during relevant segments. This ensures that viewers can readily identify and support these creators. We extend our appreciation to each of these creators for their contributions to our content."
00:00we're about to spend the next three days
00:01out here in the Bahamas remote camping
00:03on a secluded Island hey Nikki and Sarah
00:05you here we're here woo in this video we
00:10are paddling out to a remote area on the
00:13ocean camping overnight for 3 Days
00:15building a Bushcraft Fort and we find
00:18ourselves covered in sand fleas and lost
00:21at sea we're little lost did I mention
00:24we're in the Bermuda
00:26Triangle this is Nikki delventhal an
00:29adventure enthusi known for traveling in
00:31a Prius yep you heard that right a Prius
00:35and now a camper van with her dogs she's
00:38got some of the best energy around and
00:40when we called her one week ago to ask
00:42if she wanted to come camping the
00:44Bahamas without any hesitation she said
00:47yes and she brought along her cousin
00:49Sarah we're hitting our first current
00:52yes we're C kayaking the current through
00:55the current
00:56everyone paddle hard
01:00I'm going to be jacked after this first
01:02curent here we go woo you did
01:07it crushing we are paddling the Exuma
01:11Keys located in the Bahamas it consists
01:14of a chain of
01:16365 islands called keys the keys Arc to
01:19the southeast for about 130 Mi you could
01:23explore a new one each day the turquoise
01:27Waters surrounding the islands are so
01:29stunning their colors are visible from
01:31outer space here nature outnumbers man
01:35coastlines remain Flawless and the
01:37footprint free beaches are deserted van
01:40wives back
01:43there I'm so tired not only are we going
01:46against currents and rips in this ocean
01:49but we're also going against the wind
01:51sea kayaking is a whole new experience
01:54part of all this is navigating Jasmine's
01:56actually currently walking
01:58us that's the glory of the Bahamas
02:01people but because the water is more
02:04shallow means the current is stronger if
02:08you can hear between my
02:10legs it's wild the current is super
02:13strong it looks a lot stronger than it
02:15is and this is in not a strong area so
02:19you can imagine the Swell this isn't a
02:21strong area no you can imagine the swell
02:22gets quite a bit more wicked when you're
02:24out near the open ocean cuz right now
02:26we're currently in between two land
02:28pieces but yeah like Jasmine said this
02:30water coming through here quite shallow
02:31going in One Direction makes it pretty
02:33tough yes we are kaying in the Bermuda
02:37Triangle which is a Loosely defined
02:39region in the western part of the North
02:42Atlantic Ocean it is Infamous for being
02:45the site of numerous mysterious
02:48disappearances of ships and aircraft
02:51while many of these claims have been
02:53debunked or explained by natural
02:55phenomena the Bermuda Triangle has
02:58captured the imagination of many and the
03:01fascination has become associated with
03:03various myths and conspiracy theories
03:06this is easily one of the most beautiful
03:08places I have ever kayaked hands down
03:12stunning so I've got my phone hiding
03:14under here cuz it's so damn hot out here
03:16walkie-talkie for quick access and this
03:19is our waterproof map and you can see up
03:22that's very much where we're heading
03:24tonight somewhere exactly like that
03:26somewhere in there on a little Bay
03:28you're going to love it we are starting
03:30our kayak launch from Georgetown and to
03:33give you perspective it took us a long
03:36time to get down here to the Bahamas and
03:38now the real adventure begins we are
03:40headed out from Georgetown into the ks
03:43they're actually pronounced Keys down
03:44here in the Bahamas but it looks like
03:46it's KS so I'm probably going to say K's
03:48or keys but you know what I mean they
03:50are a group and a chain of islands that
03:53are separated by sandb bars and it is
03:56super super beautiful out here in this
03:58Tropical Paradise nice girls it's
04:00getting pretty rough should we make this
04:02a hike we're already hiking girl over
04:05right on as we get closer to camp and
04:08become surrounded in the natural beauty
04:10of the Bahamas it's confirmed that our
04:12mission to get here was worth it we
04:14started with a 430 a.m. flight jumping
04:17to the next plane half asleep to the
04:19capital of nassu where we then got on
04:21the smallest plane we've ever been to
04:24all the way to Georgetown we jumped in
04:26Dallas's truck and off we went to launch
04:29don't get lost up there Roger that all
04:32right everyone we made it through that
04:35Channel we're getting better look at
04:38that sandbar right here we got to go
04:40over it and all the way to that Island
04:43they're going to The Sandbar we're
04:46paddling let's see who
04:48wins got
04:50sweat dripping into my eyes I can't even
04:53see H take Crystal she's doing all the
04:56work it's burning my eyeballs got to get
04:59a sweat band for out here you know that
05:00would been Smart looks like we're in the
05:02lead we're almost in line with them it's
05:05a late start and the wrong turn we
05:07honestly almost
05:11are follow the buoys everyone follow the
05:13buoys we're looking like we're at
05:15literally at the same spot as them which
05:17is hilarious cuz we went all the way
05:20around let's see who gets there oh no oh
05:25no oh no came to a dead stop
05:30let's back it up oh Crystal back call
05:32there Captain might be there before us
05:34let's go they're definitely going to be
05:35there before us they had a head start
05:37and they're just Trucking this is a
05:39close race everyone they're currently
05:42swimming and pushing their kayak in deep
05:45water and we've caught right up to them
05:47if not our tip of our kayak is just
05:51ahead who's going to win go Crystal go
05:56crushing we're almost there everyone
05:58we're almost there
06:00there I can almost touch
06:02it made
06:07it good work all right now we got to
06:11find out where to put our camp got to
06:13find a good spot and we don't want the
06:16tide to take us away I'm nervous I
06:19definitely in the bushes back there you
06:21know yeah I think up there first off
06:24this is so beautiful second Ty
06:27definitely comes up to here so so we're
06:30going to have to do something back here
06:31for Camp it's also a perfect spot
06:34because the Sun is setting that way as
06:35you can see so right here we will have
06:39the sunrise with us tomorrow morning
06:41everyone it's going to be spectacular
06:43and before we know it it's looking like
06:45we have a
06:46winner you guys think we're safe up here
06:49I think so we don't want our method of
06:52transportation to go away on us yeah we
06:55got to take it further all right
06:57teamwork makes a dream work what do you
06:59guys say we take a little saltwater bath
07:03shower van life
07:05baby daisies in the
07:08shadeen lemonade feeling good I'm
07:12catching you're so good at that it's my
07:14inner mermaid I love the Bahamas this
07:18water is
07:23essential I'm have a really bad shark do
07:30that is terrifying that water is
07:33perfection and like every water sport
07:37now we're hungry we're going to have a
07:39snack and then set up the
07:42camp it's so good I needed this so bad
07:46here you go ladies thank you so
07:49much open this way right home we're
07:51trying to decide which way we want our
07:53doors facing the water the
07:56dunes I just looked up from tent
07:58building my C
08:00and the sun set I cannot believe that
08:03we're sleeping here tonight this is
08:05going to be an incredible few
08:08days we put them in
08:13a it's looking very homey I have to say
08:17this house is pretty big must keep our
08:19front door shut because the NOS are out
08:22in full blast right now we're all
08:25itching itching
08:44now that would have been a funny start
08:47to the day tomorrow some paddles left on
08:49the beach where the tide comes
08:51up welcome to Camp we're all set up and
08:55we're all the way back here and the
08:57ocean is all the way that way because
08:59the tide could sneakily come up and
09:01we're really crossing our fingers that
09:03it doesn't and that we're far enough
09:04back feeling pretty confident we're
09:06first timers just kidding Nikki's a
09:09professional second time baby that's why
09:12she's ring wait no I lied fourth I don't
09:14know how many times we camped on the
09:16beach she's a real professional Ranger
09:18Nikki Ranger Nikki here ready to take
09:21you on an expedition around the Bahamas
09:25over and out let's go also we should
09:27just give a huge props Round of Applause
09:29to Sarah cuz this is her very first time
09:32camping she's doing it in the Bahamas
09:35Round of
09:43ever let rip honey our first meal at
09:46Camp is being cooked W I can't wait to
09:50eat and we rolled up with a good old bag
09:53of beans in a ziplock bag because we
09:55learned that from outdoor boys and Uncle
09:58Ben we we are getting eaten by oh there
10:02you see one you can hardly see them and
10:04that's why they call them no seeum
10:06they're so small and they get you good
10:09we don't have headlamps good thing for
10:10modern day iPhones honey dinner's served
10:14that's the start of the show the bag of
10:15the beans bag of beans I love the smell
10:18of beans anyone
10:22uh my favorite smell Cheers
10:26Cheers Crystal you've already dug in m M
10:30coming all of it's coming
10:33in I should have forewarned you I was
10:35coming in I actually took the biggest
10:37bite I think I have a big
10:42mouth we're going to go check the tide
10:45it's still pretty low we did check the
10:47tide chart and I think it's just
10:48starting to come up now reaching the
10:50highest tide at 11:30 p.m. so fingers
10:52crossed we're good what time is it it's
10:54only 9:50 oh our camp is where the
10:58second light it is everyone everything
11:00is seriously soaking wet right now yeah
11:03it's such an interesting thing after it
11:05being so dry all day the last thing I
11:07expected was for everything like my
11:10clothes are wet right now yeah it feels
11:12weird that we're going to B all wet
11:17know and if you're wondering why
11:19everything's so wet it's because the
11:21humidity is extremely high here in the
11:23Caribbean sometimes reaching 97% and
11:26this is year round it is a totally
11:29different climate than we're used to
11:31it's tropical this is what you
11:34get good night y'all good night good
11:47night waking up this morning was an
11:50absolute dream if someone told me I
11:53could travel to the Bahamas this way I
11:55probably wouldn't believe them until I
11:57experienced it myself
11:59this has been such a special experience
12:03unzipping the tent this morning to
12:05absolutely nothing but Solitude and
12:08nature is a feeling I really can't
12:11describe I feel like our souls needed
12:14this more than we would ever have known
12:17and I'm so happy to be here with new
12:20friends and the feeling I'm describing
12:23is camping being back in a tent and
12:25being a little bit outside of our
12:27comfort zone is like I've said in the
12:30past where I feel growth happens I loved
12:33putting ourselves to this challenge of
12:35kayaking after not doing it for so many
12:38years and really and truthfully jasine
12:41and I used to Camp a lot and we haven't
12:43camped in quite a while so it kind of
12:46feels like we're going back to Our Roots
12:48before the cabin before the van and that
12:51makes me happy and it makes me so happy
12:53to see Jasmine enjoying it so much I
12:56just have a lot of very happy feelings
12:59in my heart and my body this morning I
13:02feel so alive and I think it has a lot
13:04to do with all of what I've just listed
13:07but also waking up opening my eyes to
13:11the bright beautiful sunshine waking me
13:15up sun is so
13:17important no matter where you are try
13:19and get outside for 5 minutes and look
13:21up at that Sunshine even if it's cloudy
13:24it still works good morning
13:29how was your sleep oh fantastic I slept
13:33well Jazzy good I slept till like night
13:37900 a.m. in a tent she's said 9:00 a.m.
13:40are in a tent morning everyone looks
13:43like you and I are getting out of the
13:44tent at 900
13:47a.m. that's cool before coffee we need
13:50to wash the
13:52dishes got some water to rinse the
13:54dishes cuz we were lazy chefs last
14:00and you guessed it this morning a bag of
14:07Oats the wind has won this battle sad
14:10day you probably put it right back in
14:12the bowl I'm
14:19rescued smile breakfast makes me
14:23happy I love warm apples it's the small
14:26things out
14:33good that's reallya
14:36good you always laugh at me coffee is so
14:41good oh my gosh that's
14:43delicious if you don't know what this is
14:46you can probably guess that after coffee
14:49you've got to run to the bathroom these
14:51bags are for just that and we brought
14:53them along with us because it is not
14:56good to use the around as a place to dig
15:00a hole to go to the bathroom on an
15:03island in the Bahamas we need to keep
15:05this area protected and clean and a lot
15:08of these private islands are actually
15:10owned by other people who are allowing
15:11us to use them also a lot of the
15:14Caribbean is really quite small and
15:17these islands are so pristine the sand
15:20and the water everything about it is so
15:22clean and beautiful and we really want
15:24to keep it that way so you got to carry
15:26out what you drop if you catch my drift
15:29mostly because it just won't break down
15:31the same as it does in some
15:36places bye you got to do what you got to
15:40do do wink
15:42wink we're going to share everything
15:45with you including pooping in a bag and
15:47although it's not for everyone I got to
15:49say it's a lot easier than you'd
15:53think I'm gathering some firewood for
15:56later tonight as we gotten a little late
15:58last last night to do this but before
16:02I'm bringing the sticks over I'm
16:03checking it for scorpions we learned
16:05that the Scorpions out here aren't
16:07life-threatening but if they do bite you
16:09it is really going to hurt I'm
16:11constantly looking through all of this
16:13wood to make sure they aren't in here
16:15especially with the bark connected to it
16:19I think I found the
16:21jackpot W yeah watch out for the birds
16:24everyone because the days are so hot
16:26here at night time it completely cools
16:28down and gets damp and you honestly feel
16:32chilly so having a fire to keep warm and
16:35to keep things dry I think it's going to
16:36help a lot tonight and this is life on a
16:40island there's more is there I'm on the
16:44hunt for some taller logs and not for a
16:49fire try to make myself a
16:52cabana and Miss building time to hunt I
16:55felt like I walked in circles well
16:56because I did in the midday Peak
16:59determined to build us a Bushcraft shade
17:01shelter I didn't find much in the way of
17:04logs or building materials lots of sand
17:06rocks and more sand and Sun of course
17:09but looks like I found the jackpot ooh
17:13this might work that could work that
17:15could work and that could work hopefully
17:29I just need
17:35tne okay now we need more broke you
17:39didn't think just cuz we were down in
17:40the Bahamas that we'd stop building did
17:45you Jazz how's it going that is some
17:48good shade have say I'm pretty impressed
17:51I built this with the limited resources
17:53on this island she's got about a 5x 6t
17:57square of shade here and it's right
17:59close to Camp I have to say I'm also
18:02impressed you want to come in oh yeah we
18:05will be joining look at this masterpiece
18:08Jazz watch out there wow I am impressed
18:11shade is so
18:13nice it's like 20° cooler wow wow I'm so
18:18impressed you guys are incredible
18:21Builders look at that Jaz my first
18:22Bushcraft really yeah I think
18:26so we've got a sweet shade set up and
18:29we've been staying hydrated now it's
18:31time to dive into that water and cool
18:33the heck
18:45off everyone come to my Palace this is
18:49my absolute favorite time of day when
18:53camping this is the perfect most special
18:58time time as the sun goes down thank you
19:00for spending another day in the Bahamas
19:02with us well come join us around the
19:05fire well one the wind is going to keep
19:07away the bugs tonight two they're going
19:10to go directly to that fire cuz they
19:12think it's a flashlight woohoo all right
19:14pack if you haven't already subscribed
19:16to Nikki's channel the first time we
19:18told you to heading over to her Channel
19:20right now thanks to the both of you also
19:22if Sarah had a channel I would tell you
19:24to go over there it is kind of her
19:25Channel she edits damn team teammates
19:29right there head on over and subscribe
19:32and thank you both for coming on such a
19:33last minute
19:35Adventure that's our style we love L
19:41it and go to the Bahamas and Camp cuz
19:43it's a dream you don't need to stay in
19:45some luxurious Resort you can just stay
19:47in your own Palace or just get a
19:51tent it's
19:54pouring it's
19:59I can't even find the door to get
20:01in we woke up to the sun packed up our
20:04kayaks goodbye deserted island did a
20:09hydration ch ch ch ch ch ch chug chug
20:16chug doesn't
20:18matter all right everyone we're a little
20:20lost and that's because
20:24well we came here on low tide and now
20:27we're on a high high tide so we think we
20:30came from that little area but it's all
20:31land now which is kind of
20:36confusing where is the opening the thing
20:39about being lost on a kayak or any thing
20:42that doesn't have a motor is takes you
20:44an hour to check out one channel and
20:46then an hour to go back and then an hour
20:48to check out the next
20:49Channel this has happened to us before
20:51on a canuk in Masa Saga Provincial Park
20:54in Ontario so we camped over here we
20:57were we're going out here which is the
20:59open ocean and we need to go to this red
21:01dot because this area looks so different
21:03in high tide actually like a completely
21:06different place so you have to really
21:08have an idea of which direction you're
21:10going Compass would be handy good thing
21:12we have iPhones these days because we're
21:14on our way home now one two three we did
21:19I didn't I scream first wait do it again
21:22then we one 2 3 we did it
21:28he he
