Ekonomi Syariah Kedepankan Keberlanjutan

  • 5 months ago
Penerapan ekonomi syariah diharapkan, mengedepankan konsep keberlanjutan dalam mewujudkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Dimana dengan pengelolaan yang optimal, dan berprinsip syariah akan tercapai pemerataan dan keadilan ekonomi.


00:00 The implementation of the Sharia economy is expected to advance the concept of continuity in the existence of public welfare,
00:06 where with optimal and Sharia-based management, equality and economic justice will be achieved.
00:13 Vice President K.Y. Haji Maruf Amin in the event of the Strengthening of the Committee of the Sharia Economy and Finance,
00:23 or KDEKS, in the province of North Sulawesi,
00:27 Indonesian natural resources have a high economic value in all sectors.
00:31 For that, the government hopes that the implementation of the Sharia economy can continue to be improved
00:35 because it advances the concept of continuity.
00:38 In addition, the role of the Committee of the Sharia Economy and Finance can be capitalized
00:41 to become an economic growth engine to create public welfare
00:45 through optimal management with Sharia principles.
00:48 The Sharia economy that carries justice, inclusivity, equality, prosperity,
00:58 and attention to environmental sustainability,
01:03 values of goodness and welfare that can be accepted by all human beings,
01:09 is not limited to only Muslims.
01:14 Wapres added that the principle of the Sharia economy always puts justice, inclusivity,
01:19 equality, prosperity, and environmental sustainability as a solution
01:23 to create an inclusive and sustainable economic transformation.
01:27 From North Sulawesi, IDX Channel coverage team
01:31 [Music]
