الجزء٢٥ ||الجزء إِلَيْهِ يُرَدُّ || الجزء خمسة و عشرون || juz 25 ||para 25 || sopara 25 ||

  • 6 months ago
#para #Juzz #sopara
para or juzz 25 consists on 246 verses. It starts with Surat Fussilat(continued). Then continues with surah al-Shura . A list of guidelines for inviting people to the way of Allah is given. Juz 25 continues with Surat al-Zukhruf. It opens by demonstrating the unconditional loving nature of Allah, The purpose of revelation is to caution people about the consequences of their actions in this life and to motivate them to accept the truth. What’s the result? Paradise, where they will have “Food and drink in golden trays and cups shall be passed around. Everything that one desires, and the eyes delight in, will be there” (70–73). This is contrasted with the misery of Hell (74–78).The next Surat in Juz 25 is al-Dukhaan. This Surah was revealed after famine struck Makkah. The dust blew and covered the city with a smoke cloud. The Makkans asked the Prophet ﷺ to pray for relief and promised to believe if they were saved. He ﷺ prayed and it rained, but they didn’t keep their word, just like the people of Pharaoh, they broke their promise. The Quran tells the story as a warning. Some commentators believe the smoke cloud refers to a catastrophe that will occur near the Final Hour, possibly a nuclear explosion or the earth being struck by a comet. A frightening picture of the people of Hell follows; fed from the tree of Zaqqum. Its fruit boils in the stomach tearing it apart. What a contrast to the delights that await the pious people of Paradise. The purpose of the Quran is to awaken God-consciousness in people. The Surah finishes with “So wait, they the disbelievers are also waiting” (59).Juz 25 ends with Surat al-Jathiyah. It discusses Tawhid, the oneness of Allah and unseats the idols. This seminal teaching of the Quran is the essence of Islam. The opening passage marvels at nature. The amazing signs in all of creation, point to a Creator. From the plant kingdom to animals, to the celestial bodies and the rain cycle. The leaders of the Quraysh opposed the Messenger ﷺ because he was too radical and posed a threat to their status and wealth. They feared they would lose the income from the pilgrims if their existing belief system was replaced. They opposed him to preserve their hegemony and sought to defend their gods. They were not prepared to accept the Sovereignty of the God of Muhammed ﷺ. Too much was at stake. They are warned of the consequences of their rebellion. The Surah ends as it began, by emphasising the greatness of Allah.#Juzz 25, #para 25 #sopara 25


