
  • 5 months ago
birthday party
00:00 this special day. We thank you for the gift of life, for the abundant blessings, and for the
00:06 friendships and family. As we celebrate this day, bless every individual present here with memories
00:14 filled with warmth, love, and laughter. Show her our birthday card, Perel, with an experienced
00:21 word of a lifetime, and bless her with a life full of adventure, compassion, peace, and joy.
00:29 We ask this through Christ the Lord. Amen.
00:31 All right, thank you so much, Eddie and Rosie. And now, everybody, please stand by
00:39 for the national anthem. It's a joke.
00:42 We can now sit down so we can thank her. And now, of course, we will proceed with our special dance
00:48 together with our birthday celebrant. And also, to the cousins, I will get Mommy's attention.
00:54 Okay, so, Mommy, and a message to the visitors, especially those who came from far away.
01:00 So, I think, Mommy, later is the birthday, which is after the time of the coming.
01:04 All right, so, are you ready, Ma? Yes. Yes, okay, go ahead.
01:07 To all my guests, thank you for coming. And to those who will come,
01:13 this is not the last time. Thank you.
01:15 Mommy, you're like a dentist. Okay, how about Kuya? Okay, go ahead, sir.
01:20 Go, sir.
01:22 He's famous. He has a lot of fans. Wow. He's famous.
01:26 Hi.
01:30 Enjoy.
01:32 Okay, Ma? Are you done?
01:36 All right, thank you so much. We will do that, Kuya. And, of course, again, thank you so much to all the guests,
01:42 especially those who came from far away because you gave time and space
01:48 for our birthday. And now, one second, ladies and gentlemen, everybody,
01:52 let's give our birthday celebrant. Thank you so much.