• last year
Meet the Birmingham schoolboy making around £2k a month selling Fortnite-themed art


00:00 My name is Shaukat Hussain and I run and own a graphic designer and video editing agency.
00:06 Back when I was about 12/13, I used to do some graphic designing on my PC.
00:12 That's when I first got my PC.
00:15 I ran a server with a bunch of graphic designers and video editors.
00:21 I had a couple thousand members.
00:23 Then it got nuked, then I made a new one, then there were a couple thousand members.
00:27 Then I made a community from there. I met a bunch of different graphic designers and video editors.
00:32 I started a channel for that server and community.
00:37 Then from there, I had the idea of starting an agency where I have a team and we provide video editing and graphic design for a bunch of top creators and gamers.
00:53 That's where I thought of the name Akito Media. I made the logo, Akito logo, in pixel.e.
01:02 From there, I fully started it around November to December time.
01:09 I wasn't really into it that much for money. I was just doing it for the fun of it.
01:14 But then later on, I thought I could use this and make a lot of money from it.
01:19 Now I started my agency and I make near enough to 2k a month.
01:25 If all goes well, then I'd like to try this and do this full time.
01:31 But at the same time, I'd like to try out other things while running this, like other businesses and ideas.
01:38 What you should do is build a community.
01:42 Start off, even if you're bad or don't know what you're doing, watch tutorials.
01:45 There's YouTube, there's free tutorials everywhere, there's free resources everywhere.
01:49 It's all online, there's free resources.
01:52 You can do it from your tablet, phone, any network device.
01:57 Start practicing, learning, build a community, build a reputation, build your social media reputation.
02:04 That's a good thing to do.
02:06 Build up your reviews, your clients.
02:08 You can start small.
02:09 You can start, even if you're not that good, you can start free, you can start cheap.
02:15 Then you can build up your prices.
