Rachel Reeves, Shadow Chancellor visits Blackpool

  • 5 months ago
Rachael Reeves, Shadow Chancellor visits Blackpool on election campaign
00:00 Thank you and it's fantastic to be here with Jonathan and also with Chris Webb, our brilliant
00:05 parliamentary candidate here in Blackpool South for the by-election.
00:09 Look, if you listen to the Prime Minister and the Chancellor, and we heard it in the
00:14 Budget last month, the taxes are coming down, the economy has turned a corner, their plan
00:21 is working.
00:22 Well, all that goes to show is how out of touch they are with the reality faced by ordinary
00:28 British people.
00:30 Things might look alright from 10,000 feet up in Rishi Sunak's helicopter, but down
00:35 here on planet Earth and here in Blackpool South, people are still being squeezed by
00:40 the Conservatives' cost of living crisis.
00:43 The truth is they have already failed and they are not the people to fix the crisis
00:48 because they are the people who caused this crisis.
00:51 The truth is that bills and prices are still going up, that mortgages and rents are still
00:59 going up, that public services are on their knees and yes, taxes are still going up, despite
01:06 what the Conservatives say.
01:08 Because while they say tomorrow that taxes are going down, all of the numbers show that
01:13 taxes are on the rise.
01:15 Taxes today are at a 70-year high and they are due to increase in every single year of
01:20 the forecast period.
01:22 In fact, by the end of the forecast, the average British family will be paying £870 more in
01:28 tax because of the frozen National Insurance and income tax threshold and because of increases
01:34 in council tax too.
01:36 That is the Conservatives' double whammy on tax and no amount of words from Rishi Sunak
01:42 and Jeremy Hunt can change that.
01:44 The British people don't need Jeremy Hunt and Rishi Sunak to tell them that they are
01:49 better off when they can see their payslips and they can see their bank balances.
01:53 They can see the true impact of 14 years of Conservative mismanagement of our economy.
02:00 People know that it is time for change.
02:03 A changed Labour Party can deliver that.
02:06 A proper plan to grow our economy, to make working people better off.
02:11 A plan for growth based on stability so that businesses and families can plan for the future
02:16 after 14 years of chaos with five Prime Ministers and seven Chancellors under the Conservatives.
02:22 A plan for investment alongside British business in the jobs and the industries of the future
02:28 so that more people in all parts of our country can live on a wage that they can afford to
02:33 live on.
02:34 And reform.
02:35 Reform of business rates, reform of the planning system, reform of skills and a new deal for
02:41 working people to ensure that people get the dignity of a decent wage and security at work.
02:47 That is the change that Labour promises after the instability and the chaos of the 14 years
02:53 of Conservative government.
02:55 It is time for change.
02:57 People in Blackpool South have a chance to vote for that fresh start on 2 May.
03:01 And at some point this year, when Rishi Sunak has the bottle to call a general election,
03:06 every single person in this country will have the chance to vote for change and to vote
03:11 for a fresh start.
03:12 It's time for a government on the side of ordinary working people in this country.
03:17 That government is a Labour government.
03:19 And with the help of people here in Blackpool South, that government and that change is
03:23 coming soon.
03:24 Thank you very much.
03:25 [Cheering]
