Treasure Island 1934

  • 6 months ago
00:00:00 [Sounds of a bear growling]
00:00:10 [Music]
00:00:26 [Singing]
00:00:40 [Music]
00:01:00 [Music]
00:01:16 [Laughter]
00:01:42 Happy birthday Mrs. Hawkins, ma'am. Younger every year.
00:01:47 Oh, none of your frippery, John Harrell. Music and friends do make you feel...
00:01:52 [Thunder]
00:01:54 Where's Jam?
00:01:55 He's in the kitchen, I think.
00:01:57 Just put a head on that one, John.
00:02:00 It's going to thunder, I'm laughing.
00:02:06 Then you best go lock yourself up in a closet.
00:02:10 Oh, you made that cake?
00:02:12 No, I didn't, and I thank you not to say I did.
00:02:15 Jim Hawkins made a cake!
00:02:17 [Laughter]
00:02:18 Jim Hawkins made a cake!
00:02:20 No, I didn't.
00:02:21 Only girls make cakes.
00:02:23 My mother made this cake herself.
00:02:26 Sure as you had to have a cake for a birthday.
00:02:31 Jim Hawkins dropped a cake!
00:02:33 [Laughter]
00:02:34 Jim Hawkins dropped a cake!
00:02:36 Jim Hawkins dropped a cake!
00:02:40 Stop following me around.
00:02:43 Part of my soul.
00:02:45 Why, Jim, you didn't go and bake it.
00:02:50 Here's the cake you made, Mother. I trust it's good.
00:02:52 It's the best cake ever.
00:02:55 I raise a mug to Jim Hawkins, proprietor of the Admiral Van Boven.
00:02:59 [Cheering]
00:03:01 Come on, get up.
00:03:03 Well, I don't know what to say, but ever since Father died and with Mother having to do all the work,
00:03:09 I'm truly glad each time she gets older.
00:03:11 I mean, then I get older, too.
00:03:14 And soon I'll be able to do all the work and won't have to make speeches.
00:03:19 Here she comes.
00:03:25 Everybody to the taproom. We'll cut the cake in there.
00:03:28 Everybody take a seat.
00:03:30 Oh, Jim, there go the shutters.
00:03:33 Go up and close them, will you?
00:03:34 At your service, ma'am.
00:03:36 Now what?
00:03:49 I'm scared. Aren't you scared?
00:03:51 No, I'm not.
00:03:53 [Thunder]
00:03:56 Hey, it's the storms that make me nervous.
00:03:59 Why don't you go downstairs where there's more room to be scared in?
00:04:03 [Hammering]
00:04:25 [Hammering]
00:04:27 I want a bunk with a sea view.
00:04:49 This way, sir.
00:04:50 If you see Miss Van Velten.
00:04:52 She looks like a sea fairy, ma'am.
00:04:55 She certainly doesn't belong to these parts.
00:04:57 Hey!
00:04:59 I want a nog in the room.
00:05:01 Yes, sir.
00:05:03 Ah, mind your clod.
00:05:10 Have an eye to that chest.
00:05:12 Here.
00:05:14 You never made this boy, do you understand?
00:05:16 You've never seen me and you don't know nothing.
00:05:19 Get out.
00:05:21 [Footsteps]
00:05:23 What are you looking for?
00:05:32 Huh?
00:05:34 Strangers, sonny.
00:05:36 Strangers.
00:05:37 I don't like strangers coming aboard me.
00:05:40 Something like makes my spine jump like a porpoise does.
00:05:45 What might your name be?
00:05:48 Jim Hawkins.
00:05:49 Now look here, Jim.
00:05:51 You and me is going to be mates.
00:05:54 You'll get a silver fourpenny bid every month.
00:05:58 If you watch us out for strangers and comes and lets the old captain know when they tops the horizon.
00:06:05 What manner of strangers?
00:06:07 Seafaring men.
00:06:09 Well, all seafaring men?
00:06:13 No, no, no, son.
00:06:15 There's a special cut of the jib to these seafaring men.
00:06:19 But most especially, I want you to keep your eye open for a seafaring man with one leg.
00:06:26 A seafaring man with one leg?
00:06:28 Aye.
00:06:29 Upon my words, what shall I tell them?
00:06:31 What do they want?
00:06:32 Never you mind what they want.
00:06:34 You go on down below and get me a noggin of rum.
00:06:37 A double noggin, Jim, because I'm becalmed.
00:06:41 Becalmed and I see your troubles and I got to fill my sails again.
00:06:46 Yes, sir.
00:06:48 Who is it, Jim?
00:06:49 What did he say?
00:06:50 I don't know.
00:06:51 Something about seafaring men with no ears and no legs and no...
00:06:58 Hey, drop anchor, matey.
00:07:01 We'll fill the cast where you lie.
00:07:08 Rum for all hands, say I.
00:07:12 Here's a new port all full of pretty wenches and strong young buckos.
00:07:19 Clear the decks for pleasant action.
00:07:23 Fill the pretty belly with grug and that's what makes the world spin on its poles, say I.
00:07:33 Hey, Billy there, the rum.
00:07:36 Not much on strong liquor, sir.
00:07:38 Besides, we have to go now.
00:07:40 It's getting...
00:07:41 Go, say!
00:07:43 You'll stay.
00:07:46 You'll stay.
00:07:49 Sit yourselves down on your binnacles.
00:07:53 Jim, matey, the rum.
00:07:57 I ain't like all seafaring men.
00:08:01 Gentile I am and a dove at heart, mate.
00:08:05 Why, I know some seafaring men.
00:08:08 Them has boarded a Spanish brig all loaded down with Castilian dons and their beauty is ladies.
00:08:18 And what did they do?
00:08:20 Gentile like me, he thinks?
00:08:23 No.
00:08:25 They slices them dons like bread loaves and feeds them to the sharks.
00:08:33 And what did they do to the beauty is ladies?
00:08:37 Why, after courting their favia, as it were, saving your presence, matey,
00:08:44 they slits the veins of their pearly white arms and uses their blue blood to warm their rum.
00:08:53 Oh!
00:08:55 And then what did they do, matey?
00:08:58 Bless my soul, sir.
00:09:00 What else was left?
00:09:02 There was this song, Jim, singing by all hands.
00:09:08 Fifteen men on a dead man's chest, yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum.
00:09:21 Now, come on, we'll all tip the stain.
00:09:25 Come on!
00:09:27 Fifteen men on a dead man's chest, yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum.
00:09:38 Drink, and the devil hath done for the rest, yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum.
00:09:50 Bottle of rum! Bottle of rum, you old hag!
00:09:57 Bottle of rum! Bottle of rum!
00:10:00 We'll tip it again now. Come on!
00:10:03 Fifteen men on a dead man's chest, yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum.
00:10:15 Drink, and the devil hath done...
00:10:20 Dr. Liddy. Mrs. Hawkins.
00:10:22 It was Mother's birthday, and we were just having a little entertainment, Doctor.
00:10:26 Well, my compliments, Mrs. Hawkins. A little brandy, Jim.
00:10:29 My pleasure, sir.
00:10:31 Come on, mates. Now we'll tip it again.
00:10:35 Fifteen men on a dead man's chest...
00:10:38 I thought sure we were in for a storm, but it seems...
00:10:40 Hey! Silence there between decks!
00:10:44 You addressing me, sir?
00:10:46 Are you blowing a gale of wind you can't hear me?
00:10:49 What did I say?
00:10:51 I've only this to say, sir. I don't know you, but by your look, you continue drinking rum.
00:10:55 The world will soon be rid of a very dirty scoundrel.
00:10:58 Ah! Ah! Ah!
00:11:01 I'll slit your double, you...
00:11:03 You do not lower that cutlass this instant.
00:11:05 I promise on my honor that you shall hang at the next assizes.
00:11:11 Ah! Ah! Ah!
00:11:14 Furthermore, sir, I'm not only a doctor, I'm magistrate here.
00:11:24 And if I catch another breath of complaint against you,
00:11:27 if only for a piece of incivility like this, I'll have you routed out of here.
00:11:31 Let that suffice?
00:11:34 I ask you patience, sir.
00:11:37 Just a squall from a poor old sailor man who took too much rum over his bow sprit.
00:11:45 I ask you pardon.
00:11:48 It would have been nice to talk to you.
00:11:51 And don't worry, Mrs. Hawkins, don't worry.
00:11:53 Goodbye.
00:11:55 Whew!
00:11:58 Praise be, Jim, the man was only full of talk.
00:12:02 But bless my soul, sir.
00:12:04 He certainly came to sing.
00:12:07 Fifteen men, none of dead men's chest.
00:12:25 Sixteen, eighteen, twenty-one men, none of dead men's chest.
00:12:31 Your ho-ho and a bottle of rum, drink and the devil had done for the rest.
00:12:37 Well, Sonny.
00:12:47 Come here. Come here, Sonny, a little closer.
00:12:56 Here.
00:12:58 Now, is this here a table for my mate Bill?
00:13:01 I don't know your mate Bill.
00:13:04 Don't Bill live here?
00:13:06 No, nobody but the captain.
00:13:08 Oh, captain it is.
00:13:10 Truly, sir. I get...
00:13:12 Ah.
00:13:14 Here comes my old mate Bill now.
00:13:17 Bless his heart to be sure.
00:13:20 Jim, lad.
00:13:26 The rum.
00:13:28 I'm be calmed again.
00:13:30 Come, Bill.
00:13:34 You know me.
00:13:36 You know an old shipmate, surely?
00:13:38 Black Dog.
00:13:40 Black Dog as ever was.
00:13:43 Come for to see his old shipmate, Billy.
00:13:46 Well, speak up.
00:13:48 A porter, Sonny, porter.
00:13:52 Well?
00:13:54 Ah, Bill.
00:13:56 I've been off to you now.
00:13:59 Don't play the poet and let him do it.
00:14:02 If it comes to swinging, swing one, swing all.
00:14:06 Don't touch a dirty twig, you...
00:14:11 Don't touch a dirty twig, you...
00:14:15 Don't!
00:14:22 Oh, Mr. Barnacle, next time I'll sever your gauntlet.
00:14:25 Humour him, Jim. I'll be back shortly.
00:14:27 Where are you going?
00:14:28 To Mr. Doolittle's.
00:14:29 I'm going to get him to write to Dr. Livesy so he and his constables can come and get that man out of here at once.
00:14:35 Rum, Jim.
00:14:40 Rum.
00:14:42 Are you hurt?
00:14:44 I've got to get away from here, Jim.
00:14:46 I've got to slip my hoses.
00:14:48 Captain, you've been drinking too much.
00:14:50 Remember, the doctor said...
00:14:52 Ah, doctors is all swabs.
00:14:54 I've lived on rum, I tell you.
00:14:57 It's been meat and drink to me.
00:14:59 Man and wife.
00:15:00 And I need rum now, Jim.
00:15:03 Mother locked up all the rum. She said...
00:15:06 Oh, I've got to have it, Jim.
00:15:08 I've got to have it.
00:15:09 Look, see how me fingers fidget.
00:15:12 I can't stop it, Jim. I've got to have a drain of rum.
00:15:15 If I don't, I'll have the horrors.
00:15:18 And then I'll see Flint there behind you in the corner just as plain as print.
00:15:24 Boy, is Flint the one-legged man?
00:15:26 No, no, but he'll be there too.
00:15:28 Both of them will be there if you don't get me the rum.
00:15:31 Oh, go on, quick.
00:15:32 Before they come in and slips me the black spot.
00:15:35 What's the black spot?
00:15:36 It's a summons, Jim. A summons.
00:15:38 Do they want to kill you?
00:15:40 No, no, it's my seat just thereafter.
00:15:43 What's in the seat, Jim?
00:15:45 Pieces of eight.
00:15:47 Pearls as big as ostrich eggs.
00:15:50 All the gold your heart can desire.
00:15:53 And just for a little noggin of rum, Jim.
00:15:56 Would a half a noggin do?
00:15:58 That's my matey.
00:16:01 There we go.
00:16:02 Wait here. I'll see.
00:16:04 Ah.
00:16:06 Will any kind friend inform a poor blind man
00:16:18 who has lost the precious sight of his eyes
00:16:21 in the gracious defense of his native country, England?
00:16:24 And God bless King George.
00:16:27 Where and whatever part of this country he may now be.
00:16:31 You're at the Admiral Benbow Black Hill Cove, sir.
00:16:35 Ah. I hear a voice.
00:16:39 A young voice.
00:16:41 Will you not take my hand, me kind young friend,
00:16:45 and lead me in?
00:16:47 Certainly, sir.
00:16:50 I, I...
00:16:52 Now, boy, take me to the captain.
00:16:55 Oh, no, sir. Upon my word, I dare not.
00:16:58 You stay straight or I'll break your arm.
00:17:01 Oh, it is for yourself I mean.
00:17:03 He has his cuddles. Another gentleman...
00:17:05 Come now, much.
00:17:07 Yes, sir.
00:17:09 Hi, Bill. Your old friend, Pew.
00:17:18 Now sit where you are, Bill.
00:17:20 A gentleman, they like.
00:17:22 I can't see, but I can hear even a finger stirring.
00:17:25 Business is business. All right, up to him.
00:17:28 Ay, Bill.
00:17:36 Now, boy, take his hand and bring it close to mine.
00:17:42 There. That's done. That's done.
00:17:52 (TAPPING)
00:17:54 We'll do 'em yet.
00:18:08 Now it's a blue.
00:18:15 I fought and bled for it.
00:18:18 It's mine.
00:18:20 Every father knows.
00:18:22 It's mine.
00:18:24 I'll swing on execution, Doc.
00:18:27 (SCREAMING)
00:18:29 Jim, what's happened?
00:18:36 I'm dead.
00:18:42 You have till ten tonight.
00:18:44 Black spot.
00:18:51 They'll be back again, too.
00:18:56 Who will be?
00:18:58 The men that wanted to kill the captain.
00:19:00 They want all the treasure in this chest upstairs.
00:19:02 Let's get out of here.
00:19:04 No, Mother. The captain owes us money.
00:19:06 We'll go get what he owes us first. They can't take that.
00:19:08 Jim, I'm so frightened.
00:19:10 I'll see no harm comes to you, Mother. I'm not afraid.
00:19:16 We shouldn't, Jim. They'll be...
00:19:21 Come on, Mother. Jesus, there's gold and silver and pearls as big as ostrich eggs.
00:19:26 We'll show them we're honest.
00:19:35 We'll take what is our due and not a farthing over.
00:19:41 There's nothing there at all.
00:19:43 There's some coins, though.
00:19:47 Open the door.
00:19:58 I know what I said.
00:20:00 Hear something?
00:20:02 I'll take my hat.
00:20:04 Oh, go on with it.
00:20:06 (GUNSHOTS)
00:20:08 In, in, in!
00:20:13 Neal's dead.
00:20:21 Well, search him, some of you brass-brain lovers.
00:20:23 Search him. Aye, aye, sir.
00:20:25 (MUTTERING)
00:20:27 Mother, he...
00:20:29 Open the door.
00:20:31 They've been here before.
00:20:33 Someone's turned out the chest an hour ago.
00:20:35 Is it there?
00:20:37 There's some money.
00:20:39 Not money, you squint.
00:20:41 Flinch-fist! Flinch-fist! You below!
00:20:43 Is it on Bill?
00:20:45 It's that wild, sneaking brat.
00:20:48 I should have torn his arm off.
00:20:51 I should have put his eyes out.
00:20:53 Scatter and find him.
00:20:55 Spread out the bud, mates.
00:21:01 Aye.
00:21:04 Give 'em the whip.
00:21:06 Hey, Johnny.
00:21:08 Blackdown.
00:21:10 Wallace.
00:21:12 You wouldn't leave old Pew, would you, mates?
00:21:14 (SCREAMING)
00:21:16 After the boys.
00:21:23 Scatter the pickets.
00:21:25 Jim.
00:21:27 Jim!
00:21:32 Mrs. Hawkins!
00:21:34 Here we are, Dr. Livesey. Here we are.
00:21:36 Oh, dearie me, dearie me.
00:21:38 Who were they?
00:21:40 Some men. They wanted to kill the captain,
00:21:42 but he dropped dead just like you said he would.
00:21:44 What did they say?
00:21:46 Well, they wanted something up in his chest upstairs.
00:21:48 Flinch-fist or something. I don't know.
00:21:50 This is all I took. You suppose that could be anything?
00:21:53 Flinch-fist?
00:21:55 Well, there's only one Flint. I know that.
00:21:58 Why, it's only a man.
00:22:00 What are those funny red crosses there?
00:22:02 Bulk of treasure.
00:22:04 Bless my...
00:22:06 Quickly. Into the coach. Both of you.
00:22:09 Friends, back here at once.
00:22:11 Well, where are we going, Doctor?
00:22:13 To Squire Trelawney's.
00:22:15 Jim, my boy, you may have stumbled on the secret of the century.
00:22:18 It's it. It's it. I tell you. Do you hear me?
00:22:20 Squire Trelawney, are you sure?
00:22:22 Sure? The actual treasure?
00:22:24 The very island it's buried on.
00:22:26 Latitude, longitude.
00:22:28 Jim? Jim, none of the care.
00:22:30 The very blockhouse of Torcade,
00:22:32 where the infamous pirate held off attack.
00:22:34 Squire, you get so confoundedly overheated.
00:22:37 What do you propose to do?
00:22:39 Why, bless me for a fat mole, we'll...
00:22:41 We'll dig it up. Won't we, Jim? Won't we, young Hawkins?
00:22:44 I've my own shovel, sir.
00:22:46 Shovel? Shovel? You'll have more than that.
00:22:48 You'll be the richest lad in England.
00:22:50 In the whole of England.
00:22:52 You'll be the richest lad in England. In the whole world.
00:22:55 But, Squire, a moment now.
00:22:57 We'll need a ship. We'll need a crew.
00:22:59 Tomorrow I leave for Bristol.
00:23:01 In two weeks from today, I'll have the finest ship
00:23:03 and the choicest crew in England.
00:23:05 Those cutthroats who attacked tonight have shown us
00:23:07 that they'll stop at nothing to get this chart.
00:23:09 Others too, perhaps.
00:23:11 We must proceed with absolute secrecy.
00:23:13 Exactly, sir. Exactly.
00:23:15 Sphinxes all. Do you hear that, Jim?
00:23:17 Sphinxes. Sphinxes all.
00:23:19 There's just one man I'm afraid of.
00:23:21 Who's that, sir? Who's that? Name the dog.
00:23:23 You, sir. Or you cannot hold your tongue.
00:23:25 I? I? Why, Doctor. Blast me, I...
00:23:29 Livesey, you're...
00:23:32 You're always in the right of it.
00:23:34 I'll be as silent as the grave.
00:23:37 (HORN BLOWING)
00:23:39 Tally-ho, Jim!
00:23:55 How are you, my boy?
00:23:57 A wondrous ride, sir. Was our ship all ready to sail?
00:24:00 No, not for several days.
00:24:02 Dr. Livesey won't be here till Saturday.
00:24:04 Where's my ship, sir?
00:24:06 Ship? Ship?
00:24:08 Here she lies.
00:24:10 The good ship of Spaniola,
00:24:12 and a tighter craft never sailed the seven seas.
00:24:14 Bless my soul, sir.
00:24:17 All right, now, give 'em another broadside, all together.
00:24:26 One, two...
00:24:31 Well, Sonny, was you aiming to blow the other leg off?
00:24:39 I don't think it's loaded.
00:24:41 Well, you ought to be certain.
00:24:44 Now, you'll be the captain of that ship now, bein' it you?
00:24:48 Well, I...
00:24:50 Come on, Jim, I'll show you to your...
00:24:52 He wants to know if I was captain.
00:24:55 My captain, my man, is on his way from Dover. Is there anything I can do?
00:24:58 No, thank ye, sir.
00:25:00 Just an old sailor hobbled on to get a smell of the salt air,
00:25:05 and cast his eyes on a trim craft,
00:25:08 the likes of which you sure have got here.
00:25:11 Yes, I think I have a good eye for a ship.
00:25:14 Do you mind if I just come aboard, please?
00:25:18 Just for a smell.
00:25:20 (COUGHING)
00:25:22 Yes, you're welcome, my man. Of course.
00:25:25 Squire, sir. This way.
00:25:27 This way, my friend.
00:25:29 Any assistance?
00:25:31 Well, well, well.
00:25:35 Silver's the name.
00:25:38 Long John Silver, they calls me.
00:25:41 At your service, sir.
00:25:43 Mr. Silver, sir. Toulonis, my name.
00:25:46 Squire Toulonis. And this is our cabin boy, Jim Hawkins.
00:25:51 My lady, smartest paint I'll want, huh?
00:25:55 Smart enough to see you've only one leg, sir.
00:25:57 Jim boy? Yes, sir.
00:25:59 You're a pretty smart Jim.
00:26:01 So was that French gunner who touched off the ball
00:26:04 that blew that old leg of mine overboard.
00:26:07 You served in the Navy, my man?
00:26:09 Aye, aye, sir. Under Admiral Hawk of Fiske.
00:26:12 Under the immortal Hawk? Aye, aye, sir.
00:26:15 Are there many one-legged seafaring men?
00:26:18 Uh, why, the country's full of them, matey.
00:26:22 Just like storks on a roof.
00:26:25 Truly, Mr. Silver, I'm sorry for my bluntness.
00:26:30 Here, matey, you try this out.
00:26:44 Of course, you realize we can only sign on able-bodied men.
00:26:49 Oh, bless me, sir.
00:26:51 I didn't think when I came hobbling down here
00:26:54 that you'd have any use for this timber-legged meat.
00:26:57 Oh, no, no.
00:26:59 Now, you don't happen to have a cook on board, do you?
00:27:07 Cook? Why, no, not yet.
00:27:09 Well, squire, I own a little sailor's tavern up here
00:27:13 and I can make salt pork taste just like roast pheasant.
00:27:18 Why, dammit, Silver, if you want the berth,
00:27:21 you're hereby made ship's cook.
00:27:23 Oh, no.
00:27:24 Silver, this port is full of the most unreliable men.
00:27:27 Of the dozen or so that I signed on,
00:27:30 eight have never come back, disappeared entirely.
00:27:34 Oh, no.
00:27:36 Now, ain't that a shame?
00:27:40 I wonder what could have happened to them.
00:27:44 Shipless idiots!
00:27:47 How many men might you be needing, squire?
00:27:50 I should like a round score of stout fellows
00:27:53 in case of savages or buccaneers.
00:27:56 Oh, now, now, you'd be scared of pirates, huh?
00:27:59 Well, Silver, one never knows.
00:28:02 Not presuming, sir, but I know every able-bodied seafaring man
00:28:06 in the town of Bristol.
00:28:08 What say you that I fetch a flock of 'em right down here to you?
00:28:11 Fetch 'em down, fetch 'em down, Silver.
00:28:13 Why, strike, strike me pink.
00:28:15 We may get Smollett's entire crew for him
00:28:17 and be able to sail sooner.
00:28:19 Eh, Jim?
00:28:20 Aye, aye, aye, sir.
00:28:23 With your eye for seamen, sir.
00:28:25 Here, matey.
00:28:27 There you are.
00:28:32 Oh, sir, may I go with Mr. Silver?
00:28:35 Oh, Jim, why--
00:28:36 Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:28:38 There's--there's lot to be done.
00:28:40 Oh, but, sir, I want to go with him.
00:28:42 Oh, now, take the boy along, Silver, take him along.
00:28:44 Show him the port, the ships.
00:28:46 Start his--start his education for him.
00:28:48 All right.
00:28:49 Come on, matey, come on.
00:28:50 Gee!
00:28:52 That's the way it be, matey, that's the way it be.
00:28:55 Well, then, you surely would have been a captain
00:28:57 if you hadn't lost your leg.
00:28:59 Come on, lads, come on.
00:29:00 Come, come, come, come.
00:29:02 There, there, there.
00:29:03 There she goes.
00:29:04 Oh, oh, yes, I'd be captain, I'd be captain, matey.
00:29:09 Here, here.
00:29:11 Help yourself to a--a bosun's pipe.
00:29:15 Oh!
00:29:16 May I help you?
00:29:18 Let me show you how to blow it.
00:29:22 Oh, thank you, Mr. Silver.
00:29:30 Now you blow it.
00:29:31 Blast that little lad!
00:29:34 There's a school coming up.
00:29:37 # Gather ye rosebuds while ye may
00:29:50 # Old time is still #
00:29:53 This is my little in, Jim, as I keep for sailors
00:29:56 as ain't appreciated.
00:29:58 # And this same flower that she moils #
00:30:01 Mateys, this is Jim Hawkins,
00:30:04 ship's boy off the Hispaniola.
00:30:06 Oh, hello, Jim.
00:30:08 How you lad?
00:30:09 You might be glad to know that I've been made ship's cook.
00:30:13 [laughing]
00:30:15 I know they have.
00:30:17 Just friends, Jim, all happy to know
00:30:20 that old John's going to get his health back.
00:30:23 They wouldn't be needing any other hand, would they, John?
00:30:27 Them as is worthy, George.
00:30:30 I've just been yarning with his ship's owner.
00:30:33 Maybe I can convince him of your high qualities,
00:30:36 them as has of--
00:30:38 George!
00:30:40 That's the kind of talk I'm doing!
00:30:43 Now, this here is Dandy Dawson.
00:30:48 A gentleman as Dandy.
00:30:50 Took to the sea for the love of it, he says.
00:30:53 Wouldn't harm a cockroach.
00:30:56 Your servant, Sonny.
00:30:58 My pleasure, Mr. Dawson.
00:31:00 And this is William O'Brien.
00:31:03 Now, William is a lay reader in the church, is William.
00:31:08 Lost his ear defending a woman,
00:31:11 a maid in Santiago,
00:31:13 that he had taken unto his heart, as it were.
00:31:16 As it were, Sonny.
00:31:17 Bless my soul.
00:31:19 And, matey, this is Israel Hands.
00:31:22 Ugly Israel, we calls him.
00:31:25 But as honest a man as you'll find in the room, Jim.
00:31:30 My pleasure, Mr. Hands.
00:31:34 You're coming a fair breeze, Master Hawkins.
00:31:38 Where's John?
00:31:41 Stop him! Stop him!
00:31:44 Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim!
00:31:47 Who, who, who, who is he?
00:31:49 It's Black Dog, Sergeant!
00:31:50 Who? Black Dog? Who, who, what's he done?
00:31:53 Well, he was one of the buccaneers.
00:31:55 A buccaneer?
00:31:56 Not one of the pirates that Squire Trelawney was telling us about?
00:32:00 Yes, he ought to be caught.
00:32:01 Now, have any of you ever seen the lights of him before?
00:32:05 No, John.
00:32:06 He ain't a friend of anybody in here, B.B.
00:32:09 No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:32:11 That's good.
00:32:13 That's good for all of you.
00:32:16 If I ever catch any of you running alongside the lights of that royal...
00:32:23 ...scurvy pirate in my end...
00:32:27 You wait here, matey.
00:32:32 I'll run and get me sea bag and me bird, and we'll go right up and tell the Squire about this.
00:32:37 Slimy pirates!
00:32:43 Those are pretty boots, Master Hawkins.
00:32:46 Yes, my mother gave them to me before I left.
00:32:50 And the same size our foot is.
00:32:54 A like as two sister craft.
00:32:57 Yes.
00:32:58 I'm fond of pretty things.
00:33:01 I am.
00:33:02 Yes.
00:33:03 Oh, a parrot!
00:33:06 Yes, matey.
00:33:08 If any of you wants a voyage, you go right down to the Hispaniola.
00:33:13 She's lying in Wool's Wharf.
00:33:15 Wool's Wharf!
00:33:18 That's a big boy!
00:33:20 Boy or a girl, parrot?
00:33:22 No, Jim, a girl, and usually a well-mannered little wench.
00:33:25 Pieces of eight! Pieces of eight! Pieces of eight! Pieces of eight!
00:33:29 Quiet!
00:33:30 Upon my word, she's a good talker.
00:33:33 Well, I wouldn't say good, Jim, but powerful.
00:33:36 What's her name?
00:33:38 Captain Flint, I calls her.
00:33:40 Here, matey, you take her for a spell.
00:33:44 She likes you, Jim.
00:33:47 But does she bite?
00:33:49 No, no, nary a nibble.
00:33:52 I thought most parrots like to bite.
00:33:54 Not this one.
00:33:56 She's a love bird, matey.
00:33:59 You know, I've been thinking about the squire, matey.
00:34:03 Yes, Mr. Silver.
00:34:04 You just called me Long John.
00:34:06 Yes, Mr. Silver.
00:34:07 You know, I don't think that we ought to tell him about that black dog now, do you?
00:34:12 Why not?
00:34:13 Well, the squire's very excitable, and he's got a lot on his mind now, ain't he?
00:34:17 Oh, yes.
00:34:18 Well, now, we didn't catch Black Dog, and there's nothing can be done about it, is there?
00:34:22 Why not?
00:34:23 Well, now, there's Admiral Hawk.
00:34:26 I remember in a battle off of Lisbon,
00:34:29 why a young lieutenant tells him something without using his judgment,
00:34:33 and you know what happened?
00:34:35 Why, that Admiral fell in a fit, and pink foam oozed out of his mouth.
00:34:41 Boom!
00:34:42 Oozed out of his ears for 42 days.
00:34:46 Out of his-- all that time?
00:34:48 Yes, sirree.
00:34:49 Just like two spigots out of a barrel of ale.
00:34:53 So, just for the peace of the mind of the squire, why, we won't tell him, huh?
00:34:59 I believe you're right, Long John.
00:35:01 Matey, you're-- you're just smart as paint.
00:35:04 Why, you and me's going to get along just fine in my galley.
00:35:09 Ow! Ow!
00:35:11 [screeching]
00:35:12 She's going to bite me.
00:35:14 Now, ain't that too bad?
00:35:16 Well, Matey, I guess she ain't used to you.
00:35:19 She's-- she's a little bit jealous, yeah.
00:35:22 I guess you know what leave old Long John alone.
00:35:26 [screeching]
00:35:27 Ooh!
00:35:28 [screeching]
00:35:29 You.
00:35:32 Just a little kiss, Matey.
00:35:34 Yes.
00:35:35 You clam brain.
00:35:37 [music playing]
00:35:39 [screeching]
00:35:52 You know I was happy like that when they leave the fort.
00:35:55 A good, true Jim.
00:35:57 You know, if this voyage were a rainbow and there was a pot of gold at the other end,
00:36:03 they couldn't be any happier.
00:36:06 I'm glad you like Dr. Lipsy.
00:36:08 He's a pretty smart man, Jim.
00:36:11 He's not a sailor, of course, but he can cut you open and sew you up again.
00:36:16 Well, that sewing up must be pretty difficult.
00:36:19 So's the cutting up part.
00:36:21 Well, experience, Jim.
00:36:23 I couldn't do it.
00:36:25 Oh, no, neither could I.
00:36:27 [grunting]
00:36:29 I'd swoon like a lady of quality, I would.
00:36:33 I guess I'm kind of sensitive like to the squire with my compliments, Jim.
00:36:39 [laughing]
00:36:44 Small wine, sir, with Long John's compliments.
00:36:50 And Silver forgets nothing.
00:36:52 Long and me is going to be certain that this is a voyage that we shall all remember.
00:36:56 Long John's a wonderful man, sir.
00:36:58 Lipsy, I give you-- yes, yes, yes, yes.
00:37:01 Ha, ha! Captain Smollett.
00:37:03 Oh, well, I trust everything's ship-shaped and seaworthy.
00:37:06 I may as well speak plain, gentlemen, at the risk of offense.
00:37:09 I don't like this voyage. That's short and sweet.
00:37:12 Pray explain yourself, sir.
00:37:14 I was signed on under sealed orders to sail this ship wherever you should bid me.
00:37:18 But I've about arrived at the conclusion that every hand before the mast knows more about the voyage than I do.
00:37:23 I don't call that fair. Do you?
00:37:25 Certainly not. What do the men know?
00:37:27 That we're going after treasure.
00:37:29 Oh, mind you, I've heard it whispered on all sides.
00:37:32 So has my officer, Mr. Arrow.
00:37:34 Lipsy, I never uttered a word. It must have been either you or the boy here.
00:37:37 Oh, upon my word, sir, I never--
00:37:39 Mm-hmm. So treasure it is, I see.
00:37:42 You mean you don't trust the crew?
00:37:44 Oh, some of them may be honest.
00:37:46 British naval heroes, all of them?
00:37:48 Yes, and when there's treasure in the hole, there's fire in the foc'sle.
00:37:51 So I'm taking certain precautions before we sail.
00:37:54 And by your leave, I'd ask you gentlemen to help me.
00:37:56 Lay forward on the quarter deck.
00:37:59 [clatter]
00:38:01 Two inches off those points, Borson.
00:38:05 Aye, aye, Captain.
00:38:07 Captain, sir, what are we to make of this?
00:38:10 Why, me and Dick and Alan--
00:38:12 I never had me knife broke before, Captain.
00:38:14 It's a habit of mine on long voyages.
00:38:16 Sometimes hands get restless.
00:38:18 Captain's right, Jim.
00:38:20 Honest hands never object to having their knives tipped.
00:38:24 Borson, take the larp and watch.
00:38:27 I want all the powder moved out of this fore hole back into the after cabin.
00:38:30 Aye, sir. Larp and watch. Bring the antidote over.
00:38:33 Aye, sir.
00:38:34 Captain, that means that I'll have to move all my provision.
00:38:38 I stored them half specially so the vegetables wouldn't get milled--
00:38:41 My orders, man. You get to your galley.
00:38:43 The hands will want their dinner.
00:38:45 Aye, aye, sir.
00:38:47 Well, why do you men stand here? Do what you're told.
00:38:51 Yes, sir.
00:38:53 Well, no sign of arms, sir.
00:38:56 Well, I'm determined to make this cruise, I take it?
00:38:58 Like iron, sir.
00:39:00 Way anchor, Mr. Arnold.
00:39:01 Aye, aye, sir.
00:39:03 Here, matey. What's to do?
00:39:06 The captain ordered us to move our bunks in.
00:39:09 With the gentlemen, huh?
00:39:11 That's fine, Jim.
00:39:13 But I'd rather be forward with you.
00:39:17 Well, how's this?
00:39:19 Suppose I ask the captain to change bunks with me--
00:39:22 that is, after we settle down the sail.
00:39:25 Here you ships, boy. Get along with that.
00:39:28 I'll have no favorites aboard my ship.
00:39:33 One honest man aboard, it's Captain Smollett.
00:39:36 Honest, if you will, but an intolerable humbug.
00:39:39 I consider his conduct unmanly, unsanitary, and downright unenglish.
00:39:46 Blast my soul! Why does the captain have to bellow at me?
00:39:50 Captain's ways, Jim, captain's ways.
00:39:55 Now, I wonder what could have thrown the captain into such a sudden squall, matey.
00:40:01 Oh, well, he wanted to--
00:40:04 I don't know.
00:40:07 I wish you were the captain of this ship long, John.
00:40:10 I wish you could handle this boat better than he could.
00:40:13 No, matey, the captain's a man of wisdom.
00:40:16 A lot of brains.
00:40:19 Too bad an uneducated seaman can't open his head and see just what he's got in it.
00:40:25 We're moving! Yay!
00:40:31 Well, well, Mr. Arrow, she's breaking clear.
00:40:35 All the headyards are out. Set the jibs.
00:40:38 Pull in the anchor, high ho!
00:40:42 Pull in the anchor, yay ho!
00:40:45 All right. Set the tappets.
00:40:48 [music]
00:40:56 Set the gallant strobes.
00:40:59 [music]
00:41:02 Set the spakers.
00:41:05 [music]
00:41:28 [music]
00:41:56 The anchor is weighed and the sails they are set.
00:41:59 Goodbye, fare you well. Goodbye, fare you well.
00:42:03 The girls we are leaving we'll never forget.
00:42:07 Ye boys were homeward bound.
00:42:10 Ah, Billy, that canary piping. And tip us a man's day.
00:42:14 Long John likes it.
00:42:16 And I likes rum, I does. Love for a mouthful.
00:42:20 Will you serve him rum after?
00:42:22 Squire likes the spirits of an evening.
00:42:25 And he likes Valencian lace around his throat, he does.
00:42:29 I'm partial to Valencian lace meself.
00:42:32 A tender spot, the throat.
00:42:36 Starboard a bit, matey. She's luffin'.
00:42:39 [music]
00:42:52 Ha, she almost got away from me that time.
00:42:55 I was looking at old Nicodemus.
00:42:57 Ah, he follows us until he gets what he's after.
00:43:01 Well, we've given him plenty of potato peelings.
00:43:03 Ah, that won't do for old Nicodemus. He's used to following slave ships.
00:43:08 Bless me. The ocean's full of death. But it's cured your lungs, hasn't it, Long John?
00:43:12 Lungs, matey?
00:43:14 Yes. You've not coughed in a long time.
00:43:17 Oh, yeah. They're much better. More ship-shaped now.
00:43:25 What are you gonna do after this voyage?
00:43:27 Oh, I'll go back to that little roof, I reckon.
00:43:32 Well, would you like to come and live with me?
00:43:35 With you, matey?
00:43:37 Yes. You see, I'll have a lot more money after.
00:43:40 Well, I mean, there's only mother and me.
00:43:42 And we've a nice room with a sea view and sea air coming in from three sides.
00:43:48 And you could always be...
00:43:49 Oh, no. No, matey. I couldn't. I just...
00:43:57 Anyhow, you can come and visit us. We'll always be mates, won't we?
00:44:02 Certainly we will.
00:44:05 Certainly we will.
00:44:07 Oh, matey, never spit to windward, it'll lay it back on you.
00:44:12 Always spit to the lure.
00:44:16 It sails like a gull.
00:44:23 That's right, matey.
00:44:28 Look. Mr. Arrow's drunk again.
00:44:32 Hmm. The captain's got the key to the grog, Jim.
00:44:37 Where'd you get it?
00:44:38 Just sick.
00:44:39 Sick?
00:44:40 Sick, you're drunk.
00:44:41 Why, sir, I haven't had a drink.
00:44:43 You're drunk.
00:44:44 If it occurs again, you lie in the brig.
00:44:46 Where'd you get the rum?
00:44:47 Why, sir, I haven't had a drink.
00:44:49 You get below before I cane you.
00:44:52 Here are you two.
00:44:54 Silver, what are you doing here in the poop?
00:44:56 Folsom, take this wheel.
00:44:58 Aye, aye.
00:44:59 Captain, for the lad's sake, Mr. Arrow says...
00:45:01 The blaze is with Mr. Arrow.
00:45:03 You get forward where you belong.
00:45:05 Aye, sir. Aye, sir.
00:45:11 Ah, good morning, Mr. Arrow, sir.
00:45:14 How's for a cup of tea this morning?
00:45:18 A powerful lover of tea you are, Mr. Arrow.
00:45:22 Yet I hopes I'm the one that serves you your last cup, sir.
00:45:45 Well?
00:45:46 He ain't nowhere off, sir.
00:45:49 He ain't in the folk, sir.
00:45:50 Poor Mr. Arrow.
00:45:52 And he stopped by me galley only last night, sir, for a breath of fresh air.
00:45:57 Still drunk, you say?
00:45:59 His weakness was still upon him, sir.
00:46:05 Old Nicodemus isn't with us anymore.
00:46:10 Arrow must have lurched overboard.
00:46:12 That settles it.
00:46:13 I'm sorry, sir.
00:46:14 This will leave you short-handed, Captain.
00:46:16 I'll have it ended in the lock.
00:46:18 That's all, men.
00:46:21 So why should I join? Join up with what?
00:46:24 But, Henry, lookie.
00:46:26 A stern of me, you little runt.
00:46:28 I don't like you and others of your kind as have come aboard this ship.
00:46:33 William, Henry doesn't seem happy aboard this ship.
00:46:50 You won't fall, Henry.
00:46:53 I'll be right here below you.
00:46:58 Oh, look.
00:46:59 Is that another shard?
00:47:02 Oh, no.
00:47:03 That's a porpoise.
00:47:05 That's a seaman's friend.
00:47:07 Look, there's a whole school of them.
00:47:09 They wouldn't eat anybody.
00:47:11 Oh, no, matey.
00:47:13 Porpoises off the bow is a good sign.
00:47:16 A successful voyage, they say.
00:47:18 Why, they comes right out from port and escorts you right in.
00:47:23 I guess nobody knows where we're heading to, but the porpoises and the squire.
00:47:28 I'll wager.
00:47:31 [Screams]
00:47:45 Brian, you were aloft with him.
00:47:47 How'd it happen?
00:47:48 I don't know, sir.
00:47:50 A bit choked up, I be, sir.
00:47:52 Henry was my friend.
00:47:53 He swooned like and fell like a plummet.
00:47:56 Poor Henry.
00:47:58 Least wise, he'll never know what struck him.
00:48:02 I'm thankful for that.
00:48:04 Morson.
00:48:05 Aye, sir.
00:48:06 Prepare this body for burial.
00:48:07 Prepare the body for burial.
00:48:08 Land ho!
00:48:09 Land ho!
00:48:10 Where are they?
00:48:12 [Shouting]
00:48:15 Here, here, here.
00:48:16 Lives there, it's a river.
00:48:18 But, but, damn it.
00:48:19 Come, sir.
00:48:21 Pray.
00:48:26 Where?
00:48:27 [Shouting]
00:48:29 There she be.
00:48:30 Where?
00:48:31 Look right there underneath that cloud there.
00:48:36 Bless my soul.
00:48:38 Bless everybody's soul.
00:48:40 Lady, it's it.
00:48:42 Karen Duke's lives there, it doesn't hurt.
00:48:45 [Music]
00:49:03 Hot seems on the side of a hill.
00:49:05 Oh, rots of the core.
00:49:09 Jim, run out to the apple barrel and fetch us a quiver, will you?
00:49:12 My pleasure, sir.
00:49:14 Tomorrow lives it.
00:49:16 Tomorrow we land at dawn and we'll have the doubloons by sundown.
00:49:30 Your smartest plaint to join up, Dick.
00:49:32 Aye, Dick, listen to me.
00:49:33 Didn't he heard there was treasure?
00:49:35 Don't you know the exact spot?
00:49:37 It's buried.
00:49:38 Now you're here.
00:49:39 Flint saw to that.
00:49:41 He left his ship in the same place as we were anchored.
00:49:44 He took the treasure and six brave lads and went ashore.
00:49:47 And when he came back, he came back alone.
00:49:50 Dead men don't bite nor tell no tales, says he.
00:49:53 Well, I'm with you.
00:49:55 How about the others?
00:49:56 You mean Gray and Ellen?
00:49:58 They'd be stupid souls.
00:50:00 We'll talk to them.
00:50:01 Now look here, John.
00:50:02 Now we're here.
00:50:04 How long are we going to stand off and on like a blessed bumboat?
00:50:07 When do we strike, John?
00:50:09 The last minute that I can manage.
00:50:11 That's when we could all steer a course for home.
00:50:15 But who's to set one?
00:50:16 Captain Smollett's a good navigator.
00:50:18 He will.
00:50:19 He takes the map, gets the treasure, brings it aboard.
00:50:23 Captain Smollett takes us out into the trade winds.
00:50:26 And then one day, they all disappear overboard,
00:50:30 the result of a very heavy storm at sea.
00:50:33 Like Flint, you'll be, John.
00:50:36 And the flower of the flock was Flint.
00:50:38 Hey, Dick, you're a nice lad.
00:50:40 Get me an apple out of that barrel to sweeten my pipe with, will you?
00:50:44 Silver! Silver! Silver!
00:50:47 George, Mary, and the others is breaking out ours.
00:50:50 I told them you was against it.
00:50:51 Why, the fools!
00:50:53 Aye, this molasses is sweeter than silver sedative is.
00:51:04 Ephraim, look.
00:51:05 Go see if that box of prunes don't turn into powder and ball.
00:51:09 Who smuggled these arms aboard this ship?
00:51:24 I did.
00:51:25 I'll tell you when to break them out.
00:51:27 And that's the whole awful story, sir.
00:51:29 Wish I'd only dreamt it.
00:51:33 Here's your light-hearted crew for you.
00:51:35 Captain Smollett, I own myself for not to harass.
00:51:40 I await your orders.
00:51:42 What beats me is how they've been held in check so remarkably.
00:51:46 With your permission, Captain, that's Silver.
00:51:48 A very remarkable man.
00:51:50 Yes, he looked remarkably well swinging from a yard arm, sir.
00:51:53 Easy, Jim.
00:51:55 Steady, boy.
00:51:57 You may have been the means of saving a lot of us.
00:52:00 Don't flounder now.
00:52:02 I'm not afraid.
00:52:03 Let's see.
00:52:04 There are seven of us, including young Hawkins here.
00:52:07 We were nine.
00:52:09 What's the first move?
00:52:11 Silver's very anxious to conceal everything and hold on.
00:52:14 I'm anxious to give him the chance.
00:52:16 So we'll send the crew ashore alone.
00:52:18 And it's my idea they'll be glad to go.
00:52:20 They think they'll bark their shins on the treasure.
00:52:22 If they all go, we up anchor and run with the ship.
00:52:25 If none go, we'll try and hold this cabin and guard, defend the right.
00:52:29 Redruth, you load and distribute those muskets.
00:52:32 If only a few go ashore, you mark my words, Silver will bring them back as mild as lambs.
00:52:38 Come and get your side arms, gentlemen.
00:52:41 Come along, Jim.
00:52:43 You could spy out a lot more for us.
00:52:45 Exactly, boy.
00:52:46 They trust you.
00:52:48 Why, you and Silver have been great friends.
00:52:51 I know.
00:52:52 Well, we were mates and we were gonna hunt goats together.
00:52:56 I even asked him to live with me.
00:52:59 He was the best friend I knew.
00:53:02 He gave me...
00:53:04 I never knew anybody like him before.
00:53:07 But I know him now.
00:53:10 Certain I do.
00:53:14 [men talking]
00:53:17 Ships cook means lock ashore, mates.
00:53:35 Show off, lads.
00:53:43 [door slams]
00:53:45 Silver has left six men.
00:53:47 One of them might be honest.
00:53:50 Jim!
00:53:57 Who told you to come along?
00:54:00 Nobody. I... I didn't.
00:54:03 Say what?
00:54:07 [men singing]
00:54:10 Jim! Come here!
00:54:23 Wait for me, matey!
00:54:25 Jim! You hear me?
00:54:28 Jim!
00:54:30 You come back here!
00:54:33 Hunter, did Jim go ashore?
00:54:35 Why, yes, sir. I... I thought it was part of the plan, sir.
00:54:39 Gentlemen, this is bad business.
00:54:41 [men talking]
00:54:44 Cute.
00:54:49 [goats bleating]
00:54:52 Ouch!
00:54:57 [goats bleating]
00:54:59 [goats bleating]
00:55:01 [goats bleating]
00:55:03 [goats bleating]
00:55:07 [goats bleating]
00:55:13 [goats bleating]
00:55:18 [sighs]
00:55:31 Now, come now, Tom.
00:55:33 You haul too and think it over.
00:55:35 What are you telling me, John Silver?
00:55:37 I'll not listen to the likes of that.
00:55:39 I'll be off.
00:55:41 I don't want my rigging fouled with mutiny.
00:55:43 I'm an honest seaman, do you hear?
00:55:45 Yeah, I'll lay to that, but, Tom, you're smart as paint.
00:55:48 I knew that the minute I clapped eyes on you.
00:55:51 You ain't gonna let honesty stand in the way of being smart, are you?
00:55:56 [screams]
00:55:58 In heaven's name, what was that?
00:56:00 That? I reckon that be Alan.
00:56:03 So you killed Alan, have you?
00:56:05 Well, rest his soul for a true seaman, but kill me if you can.
00:56:08 I defies you.
00:56:10 [goat bleats]
00:56:26 [screams]
00:56:28 That's two. Not Jim.
00:56:30 They wouldn't do--
00:56:32 They'll do anything now.
00:56:34 Our only chance is two.
00:56:38 Stay below there, you men!
00:56:40 Get back in that hole!
00:56:43 [shouting]
00:56:45 We've got to abandon ship.
00:56:47 Load the jolly boat with all the provisions and powder she'll carry.
00:56:50 You men get that bundle of water and get it loaded up.
00:56:53 Why abandon ship?
00:56:55 When they come back, they'll come back to board us.
00:56:57 They've killed two men already. We're next.
00:56:59 Can't we haul them off?
00:57:01 With these swine at our backs, if we tried to hold that aft cabin, they'd fire the ship.
00:57:05 We've got to get ashore to Flint's blockhouse.
00:57:07 With that stockade still standing, we can at least make a fight of it.
00:57:10 Gray! Abraham Gray!
00:57:13 We're about to leave this ship.
00:57:15 I think you're an honest man.
00:57:17 If you want to do your duty, come out and follow me.
00:57:19 [shouting]
00:57:21 Get on the right boat!
00:57:24 I'm with you, sir.
00:57:26 Good man. Lay aft and help with the boat.
00:57:29 Aye, aye, sir.
00:57:31 [music]
00:57:54 Young Shultz? Young Shultz?
00:57:57 Who are you?
00:57:58 I am Ben Gunn. I'm poor old Ben Gunn.
00:58:02 And I haven't spoken to a Christian these three years.
00:58:08 Three years? Were you shipwrecked?
00:58:11 Nay, mate. Marooned. Marooned three years ago.
00:58:16 And I've lived on oysters and berries and goats.
00:58:20 Oh, my heart soar for Christian diet.
00:58:24 Oh, you might happen to have a piece of cheese about you now.
00:58:29 No, says you?
00:58:31 Well, says I. Many, many long nights I dreamed of cheese.
00:58:37 It's toasted mostly.
00:58:39 Then I wake up again and here I was.
00:58:43 Well, if I ever get aboard again, you shall have some.
00:58:46 Well, now, what's the hinder you getting aboard now?
00:58:48 Ain't old Flint ship yet?
00:58:51 I don't know. Flint's dead. But most of his hands were aboard her.
00:58:55 Worst luck for us.
00:58:56 Not a one-legged man.
00:58:58 You mean silver?
00:59:00 If you were said by Long John, I'm just the same as pork in the north.
00:59:05 But who the rest you spoke about, matey?
00:59:08 Well, there's Dr. Livesey and Squire Trelawney and the captain.
00:59:13 Squires and duckies, says you. Gentlemen born, says I. That's different.
00:59:20 Have they shoved themselves ashore yet?
00:59:22 No. Lively, doctor, lively. This is the last trip.
00:59:25 So, after I was on Flint's ship, I was on another ship.
00:59:29 That was three years back. And we spied this island.
00:59:32 Lad, says I, there's where old Flint's treasures vary.
00:59:36 Let's land and find it.
00:59:38 Twelve days, we once. Every day they have worse words for me.
00:59:43 Till one fine morning, all hands got aboard.
00:59:47 As for you, Benjamin Dunn, says I, you're so sure Flint's treasures vary there?
00:59:55 You can just stay and find it, says I.
00:59:57 Now, was that a gentlemanly thing to do, says you?
01:00:01 Did you find it?
01:00:03 That's what your squires and duckies would like to know, says I.
01:00:07 Yeah, says you?
01:00:09 [laughs]
01:00:12 [footsteps]
01:00:14 Snug in behind that rock, Jim, is my little skin-boatin' paddle.
01:00:23 As I made it with my own hands, you takes it, paddles out, finds the squire and tells him,
01:00:29 "Ben Dunn puts each side more confidence, each side, finds you,
01:00:34 "a gentleman born, a gentleman of fortune," and then you nips him on the cheek, like I does you.
01:00:41 Why?
01:00:42 And then you tells him that Ben Dunn will meet him on this hill,
01:00:46 to come along with a white thing in his hand.
01:00:48 On my word, I don't know what you're talking about,
01:00:51 but I'll tell the squire and doctor everything that you said.
01:00:54 [thunder]
01:00:56 They begun to fight.
01:01:00 [thunder]
01:01:02 Who's the best shot here?
01:01:04 Mr. Pomarny, out of the way.
01:01:06 Kick me off on those pirates, if you please, sir.
01:01:08 Move sharply, move sharply.
01:01:10 Hang on.
01:01:11 Get out of that boat.
01:01:13 [thunder]
01:01:15 [thunder]
01:01:25 That's a score, Snude.
01:01:28 [laughs]
01:01:29 Come on, my boy, hit your own grave.
01:01:31 He's gone.
01:01:32 We've got to beat this boarish swamp.
01:01:34 Nobbin'.
01:01:35 Nobbin' a little.
01:01:37 [thunder]
01:01:39 We're swamped here, lads.
01:01:43 Hold to your muskets.
01:01:45 Jim, thank heaven you're safe.
01:01:50 Abandon that boat.
01:01:54 [thunder]
01:01:57 We're running out of gas.
01:02:00 It's them after Kevin Brooks.
01:02:02 They're making for the stoppage.
01:02:04 Come on, lads, head 'em off.
01:02:06 Relay that, relay that, you swabs.
01:02:09 They'll shoot you down like a lot of gulls.
01:02:12 Get in those jigs and get back to that ship.
01:02:14 Come on, lads.
01:02:16 [music]
01:02:28 [thunder]
01:02:30 Shoot away, me lads.
01:02:34 That's the way to waste powder.
01:02:36 The flag evidently spots the house for them.
01:02:38 Haven't we better lower it?
01:02:39 Lower the flag?
01:02:41 Strike my colors?
01:02:43 Not I, sir.
01:02:44 We have little provisions, but we have plenty of powder involved.
01:02:48 And by heaven, sir, this spot is England.
01:02:57 [music]
01:02:59 Stockade ahoy!
01:03:09 It's Silver himself.
01:03:11 Eyes peeled. This may be a trick.
01:03:13 Doctor, take charge of your watch.
01:03:14 Great. Good.
01:03:16 [cow mooing]
01:03:18 Well, what do you want with your flag of truce?
01:03:20 Captain Silver, sir, wants to come aboard to make terms.
01:03:24 Captain Silver?
01:03:26 Who's he? I never heard of him.
01:03:28 Me, sir. Me.
01:03:35 The poor lads have chosen me their captain since your desertion, sir.
01:03:39 What's your course, Silver?
01:03:41 One minute's talk with you.
01:03:43 I have no desire to talk with you.
01:03:45 If you want to come over here, come.
01:03:47 But if there's any treachery, it'll be on your side, and the Lord help you.
01:03:51 That word from you is enough, sir.
01:03:53 I know such gentlemen, when I lace eyes on them, you can lay to that.
01:03:57 Royce, take the doctor's place.
01:04:00 Well, well, well.
01:04:09 Here we are all together again, just like one big happy family.
01:04:14 Top of the morning to you, Jim.
01:04:16 I'd rather you'd sit down, Silver.
01:04:19 Sit down and toss away that crutch if you're talking to me.
01:04:23 Come, come, out of the man. What do you want?
01:04:32 We want the treasure. We're gonna have it.
01:04:35 You want your lives, that's yours.
01:04:37 Well, you can have that if you give us Flint's chart.
01:04:41 I'd see you and the whole island blown to blazes first.
01:04:45 Well, that's an idea.
01:04:48 You give me the chart, and the moment the treasure's on board, we'll take you along with it.
01:04:53 And I'll give you my affidavit upon my word and honor...
01:04:56 ...that we'll set you down safe and sound at the first point of civilization.
01:05:02 That's on your word of honor.
01:05:04 My affidavit, gentlemen.
01:05:06 And a handsomer one you couldn't hope to look at.
01:05:10 Is that all?
01:05:11 Every last word by thunder.
01:05:14 Good. Now you hear me.
01:05:16 Come back here one by one, unarmed.
01:05:18 And I'll guarantee to put you in irons, take you back to England and see if you get a fair trial.
01:05:23 If you refuse, my name is Alexander Smollett.
01:05:26 I've flown my sovereign's colors.
01:05:28 And I'll see you all to Davy Jones.
01:05:31 That final?
01:05:32 That's the last good word you'll hear out of me, by heaven.
01:05:36 The next time we meet, I'll put a bullet in you.
01:05:38 Do you meet my terms?
01:05:40 No.
01:05:41 Then tumble out of here, me lad.
01:05:42 Hand over hand on the double.
01:05:44 Give me a hand up.
01:05:46 I'd sooner touch carrion.
01:05:49 Who'll give me a hand up?
01:05:51 Before the hours up, I'll crush your blockhouse like it was a punchin'.
01:06:08 Them of you that dies will be lucky.
01:06:12 [music]
01:06:14 Inside, lads. Clear decks for action.
01:06:20 Quarters, all hands. They'll board us in a minute.
01:06:22 Now get over that wall first and don't use your muskets only as a last resort.
01:06:26 Morgan, you and yours to the lower board.
01:06:28 Job, you and yours to the starboard.
01:06:30 Now by the power's board.
01:06:33 Fire!
01:06:35 [cheering]
01:06:37 Here they come, Captain.
01:06:38 Fire when they top the wall.
01:06:41 [gunshots]
01:06:43 [coughing]
01:06:44 [gunshots]
01:06:46 Have a look, Jim.
01:07:04 [gunshots]
01:07:06 [gunshots]
01:07:08 All those hawkins. Come on, boys.
01:07:12 [gunshots]
01:07:14 Well, Lonnie, sir, you're a man.
01:07:33 And you're a captain, sir.
01:07:35 Damn you, dogfish!
01:07:37 Adam!
01:07:38 [gunshots]
01:07:40 Outside, lads. Outside and fight 'em in.
01:07:49 Out, missus.
01:07:51 Lively, lively, lads.
01:07:53 [gunshots]
01:07:56 [gunshots]
01:07:58 My compliments, Mr. Gray.
01:08:11 [gunshots]
01:08:15 [gunshots]
01:08:17 I'd be looking for this.
01:08:27 [gunshots]
01:08:29 Inside the house, lads.
01:08:35 They've gone.
01:08:38 Fire from cover.
01:08:44 You crawling squid.
01:08:46 You dogfish.
01:08:48 Don't mind me, sir.
01:08:51 Watch them.
01:08:52 They have turned tail for the moment.
01:08:54 My case, Jim.
01:08:56 Hunter and Joyce are dead, sir.
01:08:58 My case, Jim. Captain's spotted his ball on the shoulder.
01:09:00 Oh, yes.
01:09:02 God rest Hunter and Joyce.
01:09:04 Amen.
01:09:05 How many did they lose?
01:09:06 Seven.
01:09:07 They've had their rations for today.
01:09:10 Well, that makes them nine against our five, gentlemen.
01:09:14 Pressure site more confidence, you say, eh?
01:09:21 Yes, sir.
01:09:22 Here's Gray.
01:09:24 Well? Well, Gray?
01:09:25 They're all camped down by the swamp, sir.
01:09:27 I crept up and heard 'em.
01:09:28 They're like hornets.
01:09:29 And Silver's the maddest.
01:09:31 It looks like tomorrow will finish us.
01:09:33 What's in the wind?
01:09:34 They're building rafts, sir,
01:09:35 and floating the cannon in from the ship in the morning.
01:09:37 Silver says he's gonna blow this blockhouse to limbo.
01:09:40 That settles it.
01:09:41 This bent gun may be our last chance.
01:09:43 You sure he's all right in the head?
01:09:46 Well, he's rather silly, sir.
01:09:47 He told me to nip the squire.
01:09:49 Nip me? How?
01:09:51 Begging your pardon, sir, like this.
01:09:54 A lunatic.
01:09:55 No harm in finding out.
01:09:56 I have two hours before dawn.
01:09:58 I'll haunt that clearing all day.
01:10:00 It'll take them all day to get their gun ashore.
01:10:02 If they turn up again, I'll be with you, gentlemen.
01:10:05 Godspeed, doctor.
01:10:06 Good luck, doctor.
01:10:07 What's the doctor up to?
01:10:09 Oh, he thinks this bent gun fellow can help us.
01:10:12 How's beyond me.
01:10:14 Says he, says them, says I, says nothing.
01:10:17 We can't hold out against cannon, Smollett.
01:10:20 If we could only get out there and cut that ship adrift,
01:10:23 that'll put an end to the cannon,
01:10:25 cut off their base of supplies.
01:10:27 But with no boat.
01:10:28 They're undoubtedly watching the geeks.
01:10:30 I know, I know.
01:10:32 The doctor's right.
01:10:33 Our only chance is this gun fellow.
01:10:36 Keep near the house, Jim.
01:10:41 Oh, yes, sir.
01:10:42 It's just hot in here, sir.
01:10:45 [music playing]
01:10:49 [music playing]
01:11:15 Go on, make your play.
01:11:18 Make your play, I says.
01:11:22 Less talk.
01:11:25 Silver's tangled everything, I tell you.
01:11:27 Smash through that drunken gut and make your play.
01:11:30 I've been drunk and silver's a fool.
01:11:33 You're the fool, Willem.
01:11:35 Your face there makes me bitter for that fool.
01:11:38 Bitter, say.
01:11:39 [music playing]
01:11:43 [grunting]
01:11:46 [laughing]
01:12:00 Where's my dress?
01:12:08 My dress, please.
01:12:09 [music playing]
01:12:12 Where's the anchors gone?
01:12:23 Where the horse has parted.
01:12:25 Up with the jet.
01:12:26 We'll swing into the reef.
01:12:27 [music playing]
01:12:30 [music playing]
01:12:34 [music playing]
01:12:37 [music playing]
01:12:40 [music playing]
01:12:43 [music playing]
01:12:47 [music playing]
01:12:50 [music playing]
01:12:53 [music playing]
01:12:56 [music playing]
01:13:00 [music playing]
01:13:04 [music playing]
01:13:07 [music playing]
01:13:10 [music playing]
01:13:14 [music playing]
01:13:18 [music playing]
01:13:22 [grunting]
01:13:25 [coughing]
01:13:28 Come aboard, Mr. Hans.
01:13:37 Much hurt?
01:13:38 Eh, not the way poor dear Willem be.
01:13:43 He won't much of a sailor, will he, Willem?
01:13:50 Well, where about you come from?
01:13:52 I've come aboard to take possession of this ship,
01:13:54 Mr. Hans.
01:13:55 And you can regard me as your captain until further notice.
01:14:00 Well, now, Captain Hawkins, and who's
01:14:03 the sailor without your captain for me?
01:14:07 Well, I--
01:14:08 Now, look here.
01:14:09 You give me me food and me drink and a bit of a scarf
01:14:13 or anchor chair to bind up me wound with.
01:14:17 And I'll show you how to sail it.
01:14:20 Now, that's square all round, ain't it?
01:14:24 Done, Mr. Hans.
01:14:26 Now, I can't have these colors, Mr. Hans.
01:14:29 And by your leave, I'll strike them.
01:14:31 [music playing]
01:14:41 [music playing]
01:14:44 God save the king and there's an end to Captain Sultan.
01:14:59 Now, your wound, Mr. Hans.
01:15:01 [music playing]
01:15:05 [music playing]
01:15:08 [groaning]
01:15:19 I won't be forgetting you for this, Captain Hawkins.
01:15:23 And where about we be a sailing to?
01:15:25 Not back to the anchorage, you can be sure.
01:15:28 I've seen a map of this island.
01:15:30 You know a cove called North Inlet?
01:15:32 That I do.
01:15:33 It's a way north on the other shore it be.
01:15:36 Well, that's where we're sailing to.
01:15:38 I'm going to run her high and dry on the beach
01:15:41 where nobody will be able to find her excepting honest people.
01:15:45 Now, does that suit your curiosity, Mr. Hans?
01:15:48 Why, Captain Hawkins, under my present and fortunate
01:15:51 circumstances, to a plow.
01:15:54 [music playing]
01:15:57 Hey, she's headed right now.
01:16:01 Right, Captain.
01:16:03 Now, latch the wheel and come forward
01:16:06 for a close haul on the jib.
01:16:08 Right.
01:16:09 [music playing]
01:16:12 What a tiresome voyage.
01:16:28 Why, here you-- you can stand.
01:16:32 And I can walk, too.
01:16:34 Perhaps you'll be needing a little rest, Captain Hawkins.
01:16:39 [music playing]
01:16:42 [music playing]
01:16:45 [moaning]
01:17:03 [music playing]
01:17:11 [music playing]
01:17:14 [laughing]
01:17:19 What powder, Captain Hawkins.
01:17:22 [laughing]
01:17:25 [music playing]
01:17:38 [music playing]
01:17:41 [moaning]
01:17:59 [music playing]
01:18:03 [moaning]
01:18:06 One more step, Mr. Hans, and I'll blow your brains out.
01:18:15 Dead men don't bite, you know.
01:18:18 I reckon you and me'll have to sign horticles, Jim.
01:18:22 I'd have had you but for that latch there.
01:18:27 I don't have much luck, not I.
01:18:30 It looks like that I'll have to--
01:18:33 [explosion]
01:18:36 [explosion]
01:18:39 [music playing]
01:18:45 [clattering]
01:18:48 [music playing]
01:18:51 [music playing]
01:18:54 [thud]
01:19:03 [music playing]
01:19:06 [clattering]
01:19:11 [thud]
01:19:12 [music playing]
01:19:15 [water flowing]
01:19:19 [water flowing]
01:19:22 [singing]
01:19:33 [music playing]
01:19:43 [music playing]
01:19:47 [music playing]
01:19:50 [music playing]
01:19:59 [music playing]
01:20:02 [music playing]
01:20:05 [music playing]
01:20:08 [music playing]
01:20:11 [music playing]
01:20:14 [music playing]
01:20:18 [music playing]
01:20:21 [music playing]
01:20:24 [music playing]
01:20:27 [music playing]
01:20:31 [music playing]
01:20:35 [music playing]
01:20:39 [music playing]
01:20:43 [music playing]
01:20:47 [music playing]
01:20:50 [music playing]
01:20:54 [music playing]
01:20:58 Well, even if you do get the treasure,
01:21:00 your ship's lost, your men lost, your whole business gone to wreck.
01:21:03 And if you want to know who did it, it was I.
01:21:06 You, Jim?
01:21:08 I was in the apple barrel that night and heard you.
01:21:10 It was I who cut the ship's horses and killed those two aboard her.
01:21:13 And it was I who took her where you'll never see her again, none of you.
01:21:16 So kill me if you want, but the laughs on my side
01:21:19 now die laughing at the lot of you.
01:21:21 I believe you would, matey.
01:21:24 It was him who faked the map from Billy Bones.
01:21:26 And I'm the captain lost who've been fouled by him.
01:21:28 Here he comes!
01:21:29 Alas, sir!
01:21:31 Be you captain here, Morgan?
01:21:34 Tom's right.
01:21:35 I'm the captain.
01:21:37 I say what's right.
01:21:39 I'll be hanged if I'll be hazed by you, John.
01:21:41 You want to have it out with me?
01:21:43 That's better, George Mary.
01:21:48 Why, this boy's got more fight in him than the whole of you.
01:21:51 I like this boy.
01:21:53 He can understand King George's English.
01:21:56 You better not lay a hand on him.
01:21:59 Well, you makes a hash of this cruise.
01:22:01 You're a bold man to say no to that.
01:22:04 And second, there's that boy.
01:22:06 He's earned a proper killing.
01:22:08 And in the third place, you wouldn't let us attack them all on the day of the march.
01:22:11 And fourth, you lets the enemy out of this trap for nothing.
01:22:14 Oh, we get the stars and the powder, but we didn't get the map, did we?
01:22:18 And what do we want here except for the map?
01:22:20 I'd like to know.
01:22:21 [arguing]
01:22:23 So, George.
01:22:25 By thunder, it's it.
01:22:32 Look, J.F.
01:22:34 Prince's initials with a score below and a clove hitch as the oldest sign.
01:22:37 Good old Silver. Long John forever.
01:22:39 Aye, Silver.
01:22:40 Hurrah for Silver.
01:22:41 [arguing]
01:22:44 Where'd you get the map?
01:22:48 From Dr. Livesey, matey.
01:22:50 You couldn't have gotten it unless you killed him.
01:22:52 Oh, no. That's part of the bargain, matey.
01:22:55 They get their freedom and we get the treasure.
01:22:59 Will you join me in a bit of fresh air, matey?
01:23:02 There's so much stupidity in here that I can't breathe properly.
01:23:06 Come on.
01:23:08 Guess that ends everything now that you've got the map.
01:23:14 No, matey.
01:23:16 You still got a chance for a share.
01:23:18 No, I thank you.
01:23:20 But I want you to know I'm grateful for you defending me.
01:23:24 Now I best go and hunt up my friends. Goodbye.
01:23:27 Here, you better stay here for a spell.
01:23:30 Maybe the squire and the doctor have had a little change of heart about you.
01:23:34 Well, yes, but--
01:23:35 Well, I might need you for a hostage.
01:23:38 Come on. Sit down.
01:23:40 A hostage? What do you need a hostage for?
01:23:43 You said you'd made a treaty.
01:23:45 Well, treaties are only good until you find a chance to break them, matey.
01:23:49 That isn't very honorable.
01:23:51 It's smart, Jim.
01:23:53 You see what being honorable done for me?
01:23:56 I had to show them the map, didn't I?
01:23:59 Why were you keeping it from them?
01:24:01 Just too many of them to share the treasure with.
01:24:04 I just trying to figure a way to get rid of about half of them.
01:24:08 Oh, I see. More murder.
01:24:10 Oh, no. Not murder.
01:24:13 Tactics.
01:24:16 I recall taking a prize ship off of Piru once,
01:24:21 and there was too many of them to share the treasure with.
01:24:24 So Flint and me, we wait till all hands are asleep.
01:24:28 I don't wish to hear about it.
01:24:30 All right, Jim.
01:24:32 Well, what did you do with them?
01:24:37 Flint, he has a little hammer.
01:24:40 So we go around all the bunks and we get in the back of the men and then we--
01:24:45 Oh, never mind. I don't wish to hear about it.
01:24:48 Oh, all right. It ain't important.
01:24:52 We only disposed of 13 men.
01:24:55 Black House, ahoy!
01:25:01 What about it, Silver?
01:25:04 Have you seen anything of Jim Hawkins?
01:25:06 Why?
01:25:07 Here I am, Dr. Lipsy!
01:25:09 Thank heaven you're safe, lad. Let me talk with him, Silver.
01:25:12 No, by the powers. They'll pull a trick.
01:25:15 Ouch! Please!
01:25:16 I'll be telling you for the last time, George May.
01:25:20 You drop his arm.
01:25:22 You give me your word of honor that you won't slip your cable, Jim.
01:25:27 I do.
01:25:28 All right, then we'll go down and have a yarn with a good doctor.
01:25:33 Dr. Lipsy, where did you all go?
01:25:36 Why did you give up to them?
01:25:38 All I can tell you now, Jim, is it was safe and sound.
01:25:40 But where did you go, lad? We searched everywhere.
01:25:43 Then you didn't think I deserted you, sir, and that I was scared?
01:25:46 Not a thought of it, lad.
01:25:48 You said that I said I was scared, that they didn't want me.
01:25:52 Well, matey, I thought it would be easier for you to join up that way.
01:25:57 Oh, I didn't join, sir. Truly, I didn't.
01:26:00 But where did you go, Jim? What--
01:26:02 I ran away to cut the ship's hawser like Captain Smollett wanted.
01:26:06 I have her beached at North Inlet now, sir.
01:26:09 North Inlet, eh?
01:26:10 Float her and get her away from here. Don't mind about me.
01:26:13 One brush, your hand's silver in my fire.
01:26:15 Quick now, quick, Jim. Whip over the wall and run for it.
01:26:18 Oh, no, sir. I passed my word.
01:26:21 What's your word to these scoundrels? Quick, head for cover.
01:26:25 Sir, it was my word of honor. No matter who it's to, I can't break it.
01:26:29 A lad of honor. I counted on that, sir.
01:26:32 Jim, we won't leave this island without you.
01:26:34 My word on that.
01:26:36 You're going for the treasure now, eh?
01:26:38 Where we be going? Well, mark you, Silver.
01:26:41 When you find it, prepare for squalls.
01:26:44 And if Jim Hawkins here is so much as scratched,
01:26:47 there'll be a ball between your eyes that nobody will bother to remove.
01:26:51 Squalls, our matey.
01:26:57 Am I off my course and sitting on a water spout?
01:27:02 I'd almost wager.
01:27:04 East, south-east, two points east.
01:27:20 I thought so. Just as the chart says.
01:27:24 Why, that's one of the six brave lads that Flint killed
01:27:27 and laid their bones right in the line with the treasure.
01:27:31 There's five more of them ahead between us and the doubloons.
01:27:35 Forward!
01:27:37 Darby the brawn! Darby the brawn!
01:27:46 Harky.
01:27:48 Darby the brawn! Darby the brawn!
01:27:52 That's him, Artilly. I've heard Flint call it Darby a hundred times.
01:27:56 That calf's the wrong!
01:27:58 Them was his last words above board.
01:28:01 Assistant, I'm done.
01:28:03 Where might I hear that voice of four?
01:28:09 Nobody but us on this island knows them words.
01:28:12 That's Flint's spirit.
01:28:14 Nothing but flesh and blood can talk.
01:28:17 I was never feared of Flint alive and ain't scared to face him dead.
01:28:21 Come on, if you're coming.
01:28:24 There it be, mates. Right in the clear in there.
01:28:28 At it, mates, all together.
01:28:30 Hooray!
01:28:32 Why, there's nothing there at all.
01:28:43 Nothing, Jim.
01:28:45 We've been out-sailed.
01:28:47 Here, Jim, take that and stand by for trouble.
01:28:50 Two guineas!
01:28:53 That's your 700,000 pounds, is it?
01:28:56 Why don't you dig a little bit deeper, lads?
01:28:58 Maybe you'll find radishes and turnip.
01:29:00 It's only an old cripple and a boy.
01:29:02 Let's settle this.
01:29:04 Let 'em have it.
01:29:07 That'll hold 'em for good and all, Gray.
01:29:09 What? Dr. Livesey, where did you come from?
01:29:12 How did you happen to be...
01:29:13 We thought we'd be useful, Jim.
01:29:15 Look, sir, there's no treasure at all.
01:29:18 We've come all this way and everybody's been killed for nothing.
01:29:21 Upon my word, there's no treasure.
01:29:24 I'm not going to let you go.
01:29:26 I'm going to let you go.
01:29:28 I'm going to let you go.
01:29:30 I'm going to let you go.
01:29:32 I'm going to let you go.
01:29:34 I'm going to let you go.
01:29:36 I'm going to let you go.
01:29:38 I'm going to let you go.
01:29:40 I'm going to let you go.
01:29:42 I'm going to let you go.
01:29:44 I'm going to let you go.
01:29:46 I'm going to let you go.
01:29:48 I'm going to let you go.
01:29:50 I'm going to let you go.
01:29:52 I'm going to let you go.
01:29:54 I'm going to let you go.
01:29:56 I'm going to let you go.
01:29:58 I'm going to let you go.
01:30:00 I'm going to let you go.
01:30:02 I'm going to let you go.
01:30:04 I'm going to let you go.
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01:38:22 I'm going to let you go.
01:38:24 I'm going to let you go.
01:38:26 I'm going to let you go.
01:38:28 I'm going to let you go.
01:38:30 I'm going to let you go.
01:38:32 I'm going to let you go.
01:38:34 I'm going to let you go.
01:38:36 I'm going to let you go.
01:38:38 I'm going to let you go.
01:38:40 I'm going to let you go.
01:38:42 I'm going to let you go.
01:38:44 I'm going to let you go.
01:38:46 I'm going to let you go.
01:38:48 I'm going to let you go.
01:38:50 I'm going to let you go.
01:38:52 I'm going to let you go.
01:38:54 I'm going to let you go.
01:38:56 I'm going to let you go.
01:38:58 I'm going to let you go.
01:39:00 I'm going to let you go.
01:39:02 I'm going to let you go.
01:39:04 I'm going to let you go.
01:39:06 I'm going to let you go.
01:39:08 I'm going to let you go.
01:39:10 I'm going to let you go.
01:39:12 I'm going to let you go.
01:39:14 I'm going to let you go.
01:39:16 I'm going to let you go.
01:39:18 I'm going to let you go.
01:39:20 I'm going to let you go.
01:39:22 I'm going to let you go.
01:39:24 You won't be a pirate anymore, will you?
01:39:26 Or you won't steal?
01:39:28 No, sir.
01:39:30 From now on, my course is going to be a straight, honest one.
01:39:34 So help me.
01:39:36 Why, shiver my timbers, I--
01:39:38 [crash]
01:39:52 Well, now I'm--
01:39:54 I'm glad that happened, matey.
01:39:56 That's just what I was trying to tell you,
01:39:59 and I didn't know how.
01:40:01 I cut through the bulkhead into where the treasure was
01:40:05 and took out just one sack of gold.
01:40:08 But you promised you wouldn't.
01:40:10 Well, I took that before I promised.
01:40:14 But it's off my conscience now,
01:40:16 and the Lord knows my conscience won't stand anymore, matey.
01:40:20 Well, here. You may need it.
01:40:22 No, no, no, no thanks.
01:40:25 But you--you have to buy food.
01:40:27 Oh, that's--that's all right, Jim.
01:40:29 I'll get along all right.
01:40:31 I'll get along all right.
01:40:33 Well, matey.
01:40:49 Here.
01:40:51 Feed her good.
01:40:54 And put her--
01:40:57 You put her down below decks with any women around, huh?
01:41:01 I will. I promise I will.
01:41:03 Oh, believe that. Don't do that.
01:41:06 Our courses will cross again sometime.
01:41:09 Now, lookie, lookie now.
01:41:13 Now, you didn't get all of that bar silver on that island, did you?
01:41:18 Well--
01:41:19 Well, who knows?
01:41:21 Maybe someday you'll have a great big ship, bigger than this one.
01:41:27 And you'll go down there and get the rest of that treasure now, won't you?
01:41:31 And, uh, you might be needing a mate or a captain, huh?
01:41:37 I guess so.
01:41:38 All right.
01:41:39 And who do you think would come hobbling along for that birth but old Long John Silver?
01:41:45 It'd be honest Long John then.
01:41:48 And together we'd go down there and dig up that treasure...
01:41:52 and we'd scour all the seas for all the treasures on those islands.
01:41:57 And we'd hunt goats and fight camels.
01:42:13 It's true, matey. Certain we will.
01:42:17 Certain we will.
01:42:23 [Gun cocks]
01:42:24 [Music]
