Gangaur Teej 2024 Details: हर साल चैत्र मास के शुक्ल पक्ष की तृतीया तिथि को गणगौर व्रत किया जाता है। इसे गणगौर तीज और ईसर-गौर भी कहते हैं। ईसर यानी भगवान शिव और गौर यानी देवी पार्वती। वैसे तो ये राजस्थान का लोक पर्व है, लेकिन फिर भी पूरे देश में ये उत्सव बड़ी ही श्रद्धा से किया जाता है। गणगौर तीज का व्रत कुंवारी लड़कियां मनचाहे पति के लिए और विवाहित महिलाएं परिवार की सुख-समृद्धि के लिए रखती हैं। आगे जानिए इस बार कब है गणगौर तीज, शुभ मुहूर्त, पूजा विधि व अन्य खास बातें…
Gangaur Teej 2024 Details: Every year Gangaur Vrat is observed on the Tritiya Tithi of Shukla Paksha of Chaitra month. It is also called Gangaur Teej and Isar-Gaur. Isar means Lord Shiva and Gaur means Goddess Parvati. Although it is a folk festival of Rajasthan, yet this festival is celebrated with great devotion throughout the country. The fast of Gangaur Teej is observed by unmarried girls for the husband of their choice and married women for the happiness and prosperity of the family. Know further when is Gangaur Teej this time, auspicious time, puja method and other special things…
#Gangaur2024datetime #gangaur2024meinkabhai #gangaur2024newstoday #gangaurpujamuhurat2024
Gangaur Teej 2024 Details: Every year Gangaur Vrat is observed on the Tritiya Tithi of Shukla Paksha of Chaitra month. It is also called Gangaur Teej and Isar-Gaur. Isar means Lord Shiva and Gaur means Goddess Parvati. Although it is a folk festival of Rajasthan, yet this festival is celebrated with great devotion throughout the country. The fast of Gangaur Teej is observed by unmarried girls for the husband of their choice and married women for the happiness and prosperity of the family. Know further when is Gangaur Teej this time, auspicious time, puja method and other special things…
#Gangaur2024datetime #gangaur2024meinkabhai #gangaur2024newstoday #gangaurpujamuhurat2024