Masterminds: Surround Yourself With Like-Minded Individuals!

  • 5 months ago
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#germanLanguageLearning #German #personalDevelopment #Deutsch #learnGermanOnline #Untertitel #subtitles
00:00Hello, dear German learners!
00:03Today is about the exciting topic of Masterminds!
00:39The quick tip: Abstract grammar knowledge
00:45and memorized rules only help you
00:51to a certain degree.
00:55This knowledge can help you
00:58to check yourself (for errors).
01:01If you speak German or write German,
01:06then you can, with your grammar knowledge
01:10and your memorized rules,
01:15check this text (for errors). However, the problem is
01:22that the sentences don't right away,
01:26from the very start come to your brain like this.
01:31If you acquire a lot of German
01:34(that is, by reading and listening to a lot of German)
01:39then you have the advantage
01:41that the German sentences automatically
01:48come to your mind correct or mostly correct.
01:54What is a mastermind
01:56and why do I use an English word?
01:59Well, like many words in the German
02:03language, we have adopted this word
02:06from the English language
02:09or rather I don't know a good translation
02:12for that term ”Mastermind”.
02:15So, a mastermind
02:20is a meeting of several people,
02:25working towards a common goal.
02:31It could be described as
02:33a small community of people
02:35who support each other.
02:38A typical size for a Mastermind
02:42is two to five, six, seven people.
02:49These people talk to each other regularly -
02:55once a week, or even several times per week.
03:00In some Masterminds, it is the case
03:02that they talk once a month.
03:06They either meet
03:09or they talk with each other via the internet.
03:13The great thing about such a mastermind is
03:17that you have much more potential as a group!
03:23If you try as a group to achieve a goal,
03:29then you have a lot more resources
03:31which you can rely on,
03:34much more knowledge you can rely on.
03:39I am, for example, in a mastermind,
03:43so I talk every week with other people
03:49who also make something cool on the internet,
03:53who also try to give people something
03:59which helps them in their daily lives,
04:03who also run an online business.
04:06That is really great because we all really
04:14have the same goal. We do something different (from each other)
04:18but the principles that we need to apply
04:22in order to be successful are the same for everyone.
04:29So we support each other
04:31and we exchange ideas; we give each other advice;
04:35we encourage each other;
04:37we give each other motivation and inspiration
04:42and that's why I also want to talk with you
04:47about this concept
04:50because I want to recommend it to you as well.
04:55If you have a goal that you want to achieve,
05:00then my advice is: Find like minded people
05:05who give you strength, who give you motivation
05:09who give you tips, who go in the same direction
05:12as you and then you'll be much more successful.
05:21If you want to know more:
05:24So this concept ”masterminds” was,
05:30I think, invented first by Napoleon Hill
05:36or he was the first to
05:39talk about it in a book about it, as far as I know.
05:43The book is called Think and Grow Rich
05:46- in German something like ”think and grow rich”
05:50and rich means financially rich
05:56but also rich in life, rich in experience,
06:02rich in spiritual values.
06:06I can very much recommend this book.
06:09I will also make a review about it
06:12but that'll be in another video. This concept
06:19of a Mastermind I can very much recommend.
06:23Look for like-minded people - no matter what your goal is
06:28in life and surely you do that already.
06:32You do not call it mastermind
06:33but of course: If you're going to college,
06:37then you have other students,
06:41with which you learn together
06:44and also if you are working,
06:48then maybe you have colleagues,
06:50with whom you exchange ideas
06:51and the idea now is just:
06:56If you don't yet have it in one area,
07:01then perhaps you can consider
07:03(this is just an idea) if you could apply this concept
07:08also in this area,
07:11if you could also in other areas
07:13look for like-minded people.
07:17I want to make it short.
07:21It is actually a simple concept,
07:24but it can have a very large effect.
07:29And finally I would like to briefly
07:33thank my new patron - Barbara.
07:38Thank you, Barbara!
07:40If you find these videos helpful,
07:44if you get a lot out of these videos,
07:52then I would be happy,
07:54if you could go to the patreon page
07:57and maybe give me a small contribution as well
08:02so that this project I
08:04can continue to pursue also next year
08:07and that also in the coming months I
08:12can produce a video per day.
08:15I can only do it with your support
08:19and that's it for now with this video about Masterminds.
08:24I hope it was helpful for you;
08:26I hope it was inspirational;
08:29I hope I gave you some ideas
08:32and we'll see each other tomorrow. Bye!
08:38A small request at the end:
08:42Did you like this video?
08:45Are you participating in forums or in Facebook groups
08:51or in other communities,
08:55that are about learning German?
08:59Well, it would help me a lot
09:02if in these forums or groups, you
09:05could share my videos.
09:08So if you liked this video
09:10or if you have a favorite video of mine
09:14and have benefited a lot from it
09:17and learn German with me, then I would find it awesome
09:21if you could share them.
09:24Share them with your friends, share them in groups,
09:27share them in every community of German learners
09:34which you are part of.
09:37If perhaps you go to a German language course
09:40then you can share my videos as well
09:43and I would find really great
09:45if you could tell the people about me.
09:48That would help me a lot
09:51and I'd be very grateful to you for it.
09:55Thank you in advance!
09:58See you tomorrow. Bye!
