• 8 months ago
Scrublands Trailer HD - Plot Synopsis: SCRUBLANDS follows investigative journalist Martin Scarsden (Luke Arnold) as he has to uncover the truth of the case of killing of five parishioners by a charismatic and dedicated young priest.

directed by Greg McLean

starring Luke Arnold, Jay Ryan, Bella Heathcote, Robert Taylor

release date May 2, 2024 (U.S.; on AMC Plus and Sundance Now)


00:00 (dramatic music)
00:02 - The Bible says follow Jesus.
00:07 Sometimes following that can be pretty hard.
00:10 In fact, sometimes it can be bloody hard.
00:14 (gunshot)
00:16 - I'm Martin Skarsten from the Sydney Morning Herald.
00:21 Can I ask you a few questions?
00:22 - We've recovered from what that priest did.
00:28 - Did you know Father Swift?
00:30 - Sunday, he comes out like an avenging angel.
00:33 I wanna kick the tire, see if there's a bigger story here.
00:44 - That's five shots, five kills.
00:47 Does that sound random to you?
00:49 - There's no miracle coming to save you.
00:55 You're on your own.
00:56 - So you're here to do what?
00:59 Point fingers at people?
01:00 - My God, bless your soul.
01:04 ♪ Like the sun ♪
01:08 (dramatic music)
01:10 (dramatic music)
01:13 (dramatic music)
01:16 (dramatic music)
01:19 (dramatic music)
01:21 (dramatic music)