A Date With Deception Movie Trailer HD - A woman recently released from prison for a crime she didn’t commit tracks down the ex who framed her. - Plot synopsis: After four years in prison for a crime she didn’t commit, Diana (Hannah Jane McMurray) finally returns home. Determined to prove her innocence, Diana enlists the help of fellow inmate Chandler (Kia Dorsey), to track down Diana’s ex-husband, Elias (Rib Hillis), who framed her for medical fraud. All is going according to plan until Diana and Chandler discover a much more nefarious plot that involves the mysterious disappearance of Elias’ mistress, Cindy. In a race to clear her name and solve Cindy’s disappearance, Diana and Chandler must stop Elias before he hurts someone else.
Cast: Hannah Jane McMurray, Kia Dorsey, Rib Hillis
Cast: Hannah Jane McMurray, Kia Dorsey, Rib Hillis
Short filmTranscript
00:00 (dramatic music)
00:02 - You have to believe me.
00:04 - Diana, the evidence says otherwise.
00:06 The insurance company traced all of the codes back to you.
00:09 There are over a million dollars in charges.
00:11 The insurance company has cleared Elias of any wrongdoing.
00:14 - You're new, yeah?
00:17 I'm Chandler.
00:20 Let's be honest, you're in here doing time
00:22 for something you didn't do.
00:24 I just wanna expose him for who he really is.
00:27 I wanna start a business.
00:28 Come in with me.
00:29 I don't know anything about nursing,
00:31 but you know about marketing.
00:33 That's what I need.
00:34 If you can run a successful business and take down Elias,
00:37 that's a win-win.
00:38 - Dr. Brodeur, Chandler Williams from Elite Locum Staffing.
00:45 Our company has a way of creating this sense of community
00:48 that other companies don't.
00:50 - Well, I guess there's no harm
00:52 in hearing a little bit more about it.
00:54 (dramatic music)
00:57 (knocking)
00:59 - Elias.
01:00 - I didn't even know that you were out.
01:02 - I don't need to explain myself to you.
01:03 - Well, you better steer very clear of me and my work.
01:07 - I already started calling some of his old patients,
01:09 and two of them definitely remember getting billed
01:11 for stuff they didn't get.
01:13 If we can get a bigger list.
01:15 Dr. Brodeur keeps all of our old records
01:17 in storage at his house.
01:19 - How about you come on up to my lake house,
01:20 and we can talk about your proposal properly?
01:23 - This is the perfect opportunity to look at those files.
01:27 - Make sure to use all of it,
01:28 and keep him occupied for five minutes while it kicks in.
01:32 (dramatic music)
01:35 - Cindy's passport.
01:36 Elias said she left the country.
01:38 - We're not together anymore.
01:39 She left Europe for her art.
01:40 - Where's Cindy?
01:41 What did you do to her?
01:42 - It's ends now.
01:43 - What do you want?
01:47 - Codes, the old billing.
01:48 You had no idea.
01:50 - You are never gonna get away with this.
01:52 (screaming)
01:54 (dramatic music)
01:58 (dramatic music)
02:01 (dramatic music)