• 8 months ago
00:00 Instant gratification is a feature of animals.
00:03 If you are a human being, you should be able to say, "No, I do not want gratification".
00:07 Gratification, you understand. What is gratification?
00:09 Just sensory happiness, pleasure.
00:12 Yes, that's gratification. Animals do that.
00:14 So, you show the rabbit some carrot and the rabbit won't be able to resist it.
00:18 It walks up to you and then you just skin it alive.
00:21 Otherwise, you won't be wearing all the rabbit jackets, angora and all those things.
00:27 Why must we behave like unconscious animals?
00:30 And if you behave like animals, you will meet the fate of animals.
00:33 Don't you see how easy it has been to trap animals?
00:36 Somebody will show you some happiness and you start following him.
00:40 Is that not how all of us are trapped?
00:43 Nobody traps us by telling us the truth.
00:45 We are trapped by those who sell us, please, happiness.
00:50 So be very cautious when someone gives you happiness or sells you happiness or promises
00:55 you happiness.
00:56 This is the ultimate trap.
