What's Wrong with the Big Bang Theory - Part 3: Dark Matter

  • 3 months ago
Welcome to the third in a series of short videos that we will be uploading that highlights the gaps in the Big Bang theory and the Standard Model of Cosmology. The Big Bang theory is presented by a lot of famous scientists like Professor Brian Cox and Neil deGrasse Tyson as an almost a factual account of the creation of our universe. The fact is though that the Big Bang theory has lots of gaps that scientists themselves have uncovered, and the theory really doesn't hold together particularly well.

The idea behind these series of videos is to give viewers an insight into the gaps in the theory and allow viewers to make a more informed judgement on the creation of our universe and the purpose of our existence.

This third video in the series and covers mysterious substance called Dark Matter. In 1974 Scientists discovered that the stars on the outer edge of the the galaxy were moving at the same speed as the stars closer to the centre of the galaxy. This should not be since the further away a star is from the centre the slower should it be its rotation speed. Just like in our solar system Neptune takes over 60,000 days to orbit our sun just once as it’s so far away, whereas the Earth just takes 365 days because we are so close in. But the stars at the outer edge of our galaxy moving at the same phenomenal speed as the ones closer in. How could this be? Enter the mysterious anomaly called Dark Matter!

If you haven’t done so already, please check out the other videos in this series where we will delve into the mysteries of Dark Energy, the fine tuning of the universe and many other aspects that are quite problematical for the Big Bang theory.

For more information, please check out the book "A Chorus of Big Bangs" which explores these gaps in more detail, on the Amazon site of your country. The link for the UK site is:
