• last year
Undercover Affair Capitulo 6 Sub Español
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00:10 为他们去散热过的陷阱 To get rid of their trapped lives
00:13 学着逢而莫思沉迷的推理 Learning how to reason as if it was all a fantasy
00:16 现场的痕迹指向虚无的幻影 The traces of the scene reveal the illusion of nothingness
00:19 被吞噬的心只剩消失前的涟漪 A heart devoured by an empty shell only left the shape of a previous one
00:24 离开夜行出乡出行 Leaving the night travel, I'm off to a new place
00:26 去地久吃了烧烧酒精 I'm going to eat the alcohol that I drunk in the summer
00:30 双脚麻痹 开始变异 My feet are numb, I'm starting to change
00:34 等待着时间让转的小鱼不出层泥 Waiting for the time to turn the small fish into a forest
00:41 最善良最好的姑姑 The kindest and the best auntie in the world.
00:44 好啦 莲姨许个愿吧 Alright, Lianyi, make a wish.
00:49 我希望这个世界上最善良最好的姑姑 I wish that the kindest and the best auntie in the world
00:54 赶紧遇到一个真正疼爱她的人嫁了吧 will marry someone who truly loves her.
00:57 还有 And...
01:00 还有我希望跟姑姑永远在一起 I wish to be with my auntie forever.
01:04 祝你生日快乐 好啦 吹蜡烛 Alright, blow out the candles. Happy birthday to you. Alright, blow out the candles.
01:09 祝你生日快乐 好啦 吹蜡烛 Alright, blow out the candles. Happy birthday to you.
01:16 祝你生日快乐 好啦 吹蜡烛 Alright, blow out the candles. Happy birthday to you.
01:23 姑姑 Auntie.
01:26 姑姑 Auntie.
01:29 姑姑 Auntie.
01:31 姑姑 Auntie.
01:34 姑姑 Auntie.
01:37 哈哈哈哈 Hahahahaha
01:40 啊啊啊 Ah! Ah!
01:42 啊 Ah!
01:45 啊 Ah!
01:47 啊 Ah!
01:50 啊 Ah!
01:52 啊 Ah!
01:58 啊 Ah!
02:18 啊 Ah!
02:21 啊 Ah!
02:49 我就纳了闷呢 I was just wondering
02:51 警察这次怎么会知道咱们的交易时间跟地点警察这次怎么会知道咱们的交易时间跟地点 how the police would know our time and location this time.
02:55 你看着我干嘛 Why are you looking at me?
03:03 怀疑我 Are you suspecting me?
03:04 这次交易只有咱们三个人知道 Only the three of us know about this deal.
03:07 我跟我哥怎么可能搬起石头砸自己的脚 How could my brother and I possibly pick up a stone and hit our own feet?
03:11 你好好地给我想想 Think about it for me.
03:16 以前坤哥带我走货 In the past, Kun brought me to the market.
03:19 后来坤哥信任了我一个人走货 Later, Kun trusted me and I went to the market alone.
03:22 我出个事没有 Did anything happen to me?
03:24 一次都没有吗 Not even once?
03:26 这次怎么出了问题 How did this time go wrong?
03:29 奇怪 It's weird.
03:31 坤泰集团是我跟我哥的 Kun Tai Group is owned by me and my brother.
03:36 我怎么可能害我哥啊 How could I possibly harm my brother?
03:38 但如果这里没有问题的话 But if there's no problem here,
03:42 就应该是这儿有问题了 then there must be a problem here.
03:45 够了 That's enough!
03:48 过分了 You've gone too far!
03:53 手没事吧 Is your hand okay?
03:55 我替阿泰跟你道个歉 I apologize on behalf of A Tai.
04:01 他也是替我着急 He was worried about me.
04:04 损失了这么一大批货 We've lost such a large amount of goods.
04:07 公司也吃不消啊 The company can't afford it.
04:13 坤哥 Kun Tai,
04:15 我一直跟着你的 I've always been with you.
04:18 你应该知道我是一个什么样的人啊 You should know what kind of person I am.
04:21 你当初跟我说 You told me
04:24 做咱们这行一子当头的呀 that you wanted to be the head of our group.
04:27 他他妈怀疑我 He's doubting me!
04:29 我他妈就怀疑你 I doubt you!
04:30 行了你够了 Enough!
04:31 好了 Enough!
04:32 好了 Shut up!
04:34 哥没有怀疑你 I don't doubt you.
04:40 在我心里面 In my heart,
04:41 你跟阿太一样都是我的亲兄弟 you and Tai are both my brothers.
04:43 而且这件事 And this matter
04:47 后面还得交给你收尾 I'll leave the rest to you.
04:50 谢谢哥 Thank you, bro.
04:54 我这辈子 I'll be on your side
04:56 肯定你了 for the rest of my life.
04:59 兄弟 Bro,
05:00 我们现在是一根绳上的蚂蚱 we're like a web of thorns.
05:03 你们做的所有事 I've done everything
05:06 我都做过 you've done.
05:08 昆泰出了事 If anything happens to Kun Tai,
05:11 我也逃不了啊 I can't escape, either.
05:14 哥哥哥哥 Bro,
05:16 你别说了 Don't say that.
05:18 哥哥哥哥 Bro,
05:20 你别说了 Don't say that.
05:22 哥哥哥哥 Bro,
05:24 你别说了 Don't say that.
05:27 我逃不了吗 Can't I escape?
05:28 我会害我自己吗 Will I hurt myself?
05:30 二叔 Uncle,
05:34 希望你们不要听信外边的风言风语 I hope you don't believe the rumors out there.
05:38 外边的人巴不得我们内侮 Those people out there want to hurt us.
05:42 说得对 You're right.
05:45 行了 OK.
05:47 话说开了就都还是好兄弟 It's a deal. We're still good brothers.
05:50 握个手吧 Let's shake hands.
05:53 来来来 Come on.
05:54 撞过了 You hit me.
06:20 撞过了 You hit me.
06:21 你小子现在越演越像了 You're getting more and more like a villain now.
06:29 那必须得演得像啊 That's got to be like a villain.
06:31 不然怎么混黑帮啊 Otherwise, how can I get into the gang?
06:34 上次的事情 They didn't suspect you
06:39 他们没怀疑你吧 about what happened last time, did they?
06:41 这件事 They really
06:45 他们还真的怀疑了 are suspicious of this.
06:47 稍微有点棘手 It's a little tricky.
06:50 这次他们损失惨重 They lost a lot this time.
06:52 多注意安全 Be careful.
06:54 这个 This one.
06:58 拿着 Take it.
07:00 必要的时候拿这个连线 Use this to connect when necessary.
07:02 辛苦了兄弟 Thank you, bro.
07:12 天会亮的 The sky will be bright.
07:18 希望吧 I hope so.
07:19 谁啊 Who is it?
07:35 来了 Here.
07:47 我能进来吗 Can I come in?
07:48 我能进来吗 Can I come in?
08:17 那是我姑姑 That's my aunt.
08:18 我这里只有白水 I only have plain water here.
08:30 照片挺好看 The photo is nice.
08:44 谢谢 Thank you.
08:47 谢谢 Thank you.
08:48 等一下 Wait a minute.
08:56 你够得着吗 Can you reach it?
09:05 我都是这么修的 I always fix it like this.
09:07 其实吧 In fact,
09:09 它就是线路有点老坏了 it's just that the line is a little old.
09:11 只要一扭 Just twist it.
09:14 嗯 Um.
09:15 一扭它就好了 Just twist it.
09:27 好了 It's done.
09:33 下来了 It's down.
09:38 嗯 Um.
09:39 谢谢 Thank you.
09:50 嗯 Um.
09:51 桑桑桑桑 Sister-in-law,
10:14 快回电话 Call me.
10:16 嗯 Um.
10:17 坤哥 Brother Kun
10:22 对了对了对了 Ah,
10:24 阿三 Ah San,
10:25 今天忘跟你说了 I forgot to tell you today.
10:26 你让林依来咱们公司上班吧 Let Lin Yi come to our company to work.
10:29 我给弟妹安排一个钱多事少的职位 I'll arrange a position for my sister-in-law.
10:33 怎么 What?
10:38 不乐意啊 You don't like it?
10:39 想进屋藏娇 You want to hide in the room.
10:41 没有 No.
10:43 坤哥 Brother Kun
10:44 开玩笑了吗 Are you kidding me?
10:45 不是哥说你 Brother Wu said you
10:48 你是咱们公司的骨干 You are the backbone of our company.
10:51 让人家姑娘拿这么点薪水 Let a girl live in such a shabby house
10:54 住这么破的房子说不过去 with such a small salary.
10:56 这样子 坤哥 That's it, Brother Kun.
10:58 你等一等 Wait a minute.
11:02 我会处理好的 I'll take care of it.
11:03 嗯 Um.
11:05 好 OK.
11:07 嗯 Um.
11:08 嗯 Um.
11:10 嫂子啊 Sister-in-law
11:28 既然坤哥都说让嫂子去公司上班 Since Brother Kun said he would let my sister-in-law work in the company
11:31 也是替您着想 It's for your own good.
11:32 方便您照顾嫂子 It's convenient for you to take care of my sister-in-law.
11:33 既然大哥都这么说了 Since Brother Kun said so
11:35 要不然让嫂子收拾收拾 why don't you let my sister-in-law clean up?
11:37 不是这样的 It's not like that.
11:45 我很了解我姑姑这个人 I know my sister-in-law very well.
11:46 她不可能自杀的 She wouldn't kill herself.
11:47 我觉得这件事情她一定 I think she must have...
11:48 坤哥 Brother Sun
11:53 我去 I'll go.
11:55 去去去 Go.
11:56 优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
12:00 优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
12:05 优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
12:10 优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
12:14 优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
12:19 业务联系:yoyo_twt@sdim.net
12:22 业务联系:yoyo_twt@sdim.net
12:25 业务联系:yoyo_twt@sdim.net
12:28 业务联系:yoyo_twt@sdim.net
12:31 业务联系:yoyo_twt@sdim.net
12:34 业务联系:yoyo_twt@sdim.net
12:37 (upbeat music)