Transformers Prime Season 2 Episode 17 Out of the Past

  • 5 months ago
Transformers Prime Season 2 Episode 17 Out of the Past


00:00 [Rumbling]
00:05 [Rumbling]
00:18 They said it couldn't be done.
00:21 The one called RC is too quick, too stealthy to be captured.
00:28 Well, here you are, with a rare opportunity to make history.
00:36 You see, I have intercepted this encrypted Autobot signal.
00:41 And if it's encrypted, it must be important.
00:45 Decode it for me, and I will see to it that you perish quickly.
00:55 Speak up! I can't hear you when you whimper.
00:59 Get... fragged.
01:02 [Chuckles]
01:06 Perhaps you will be more inclined to cooperate when it is not your own well-being at stake.
01:15 [Rumbling]
01:20 RC, been a while.
01:26 [Rumbling]
01:29 [Rumbling]
01:34 [Rumbling]
01:39 [Rumbling]
01:44 [Rumbling]
01:49 [Rumbling]
01:54 [Rumbling]
01:59 [Rumbling]
02:04 [Rumbling]
02:09 [Rumbling]
02:14 [Rumbling]
02:19 [Rumbling]
02:24 Give me the encryption code, or I will add your comrade Cliffjumper to the multitude of fallen Autobots below.
02:32 Scrap him. I barely know the guy.
02:35 Ouch.
02:36 Glad I'm not the sensitive type.
02:44 Cybertron is little more than a graveyard now.
02:49 Give me the code!
02:51 I'm not afraid of you, Starscream.
02:54 You're no Megatron.
02:57 [Screams]
02:59 [Explosion]
03:01 [Groaning]
03:05 Three steps, bulkhead? That's all you can manage?
03:09 I'm sorry, Mako.
03:13 My legs still hurt.
03:16 What did I tell you?
03:27 No excuses.
03:29 Exactly. Try again. Ten steps this time.
03:40 I hope decoding the Iacon database is going more smoothly than bulkhead's recovery.
03:46 Slow but steady, old friend.
03:49 Ugh. Human technology.
03:53 But your expertise in the field should provide any edge we need to beat the Decepticons at this game.
04:01 I fear their access to Cybertronian technology may provide them with equal advantage.
04:08 [Groaning]
04:10 Not good enough. You have to come back stronger than before.
04:14 [Groaning]
04:16 Time for a break, bulkhead.
04:18 A break? You think the Clans are going to give bulkhead a break in the middle of a firefight?
04:24 If you push a patient too far too fast, you risk exacerbating their injuries.
04:31 But--
04:32 Bulkhead needs to rest.
04:34 [Groaning]
04:37 Ugh!
04:39 Out of the way!
05:05 Miko?
05:07 Oh, uh, hey Arcee. I was just--
05:12 Aren't we a little close to the edge?
05:15 Heights don't scare me.
05:17 Bulkhead's coming along just fine. Thanks mostly to your efforts.
05:23 But he needs a friend right now, not a drill sergeant.
05:28 No offense, but I came up here for some privacy.
05:33 I understand what you're going through. If you ever want someone to talk to--
05:38 I'm fine, okay? I'm not the one Hardshell tried to scrap.
05:44 Miko, it's rough when someone you care about gets hurt.
05:49 Closing yourself off from feeling won't help anyone.
05:54 Well, you would know, wouldn't you?
05:59 Yes.
06:03 I would.
06:06 Arcee, I'm sorry. I didn't mean that.
06:16 It's okay. He's been on my mind lately.
06:22 After I lost my first partner, Tailgate,
06:26 I pushed everyone away until Cliffjumper came along.
06:30 What was he like?
06:32 Cliff was... quite the conversationalist.
06:37 Cliffjumper? Are you--
06:47 I... I can't... I can't believe you actually care.
06:55 The only thing I care about is whether you talked just now.
07:01 You always this nice to your rescuers?
07:06 Didn't answer my question.
07:12 I got bored with Starscream's little workout, so I idled my engines and fake shut down.
07:19 Scream bought it.
07:21 How did you wind up here?
07:23 Intercepted some chatter about a Decepticon operation on the old home planet.
07:28 So I followed the trail and find Starscream shipping massive amounts of Energon here to Cybertron.
07:35 What's your story?
07:36 Same.
07:39 You're quite the conversationalist.
07:43 I've tried every interrogation technique and nothing is working.
07:49 I would just eliminate them, but the code they carry is too valuable.
07:54 If only I could break them open and just take it.
07:58 No, I will not take the prisoners to the surface.
08:07 Why should I let him have all the glory?
08:11 The code they carry is too valuable.
08:15 All right, since I must deliver the Energon to him anyway.
08:21 So this is Kaon, huh?
08:33 Love what you Decepticons have done with the place.
08:37 The ruins are especially picturesque.
08:40 Silence!
08:43 [Clock ticking]
08:45 Here we are.
08:56 That's not a good sign.
09:09 Since I could not compel you to surrender the encryption code,
09:13 I'm forced to introduce you to someone whose methods are a little more... persuasive.
09:20 We may be in a little more trouble than I thought.
09:36 Autobots, say hello to Shockwave.
09:41 Delivering a mountain of Energon, intercepting an encrypted Autobot communique,
10:01 and capturing two key prisoners is impressive, I admit.
10:06 But Lord Megatron expects nothing less from his first...
10:11 I should let you work, right?
10:17 No doubt you are trying to concentrate.
10:21 Carry on.
10:23 [Suspenseful music]
10:26 Um, Shockwave, are you certain you can extract the decryption code
10:46 without first nullifying our subject's neural net?
10:50 I invented the cortical psychic patch.
10:54 I am familiar with its idiosyncrasies.
10:58 Of course you are.
11:04 Keep that thing away from me, you one-eyed freak!
11:11 Leave her alone! Use it on me!
11:14 Do not worry. If her mind does not survive the procedure, you will be next.
11:20 Ah, the code.
11:33 Arcee! Arcee!
11:43 I'll scrap you both!
11:45 Shut up! I'm trying to listen!
11:48 This is Optimus Prime.
11:51 To all surviving Autobots who hear this message,
11:54 I ask you to join me in a remote corner of the galaxy,
11:59 on a small planet rich with Energon.
12:03 I have reason to believe this world will soon become
12:07 a new target of Decepticon conquest.
12:11 Our team is small but strong.
12:14 Join me at these coordinates,
12:17 so that we might plan our resistance.
12:21 Safe journeys.
12:24 Ah, brilliant!
12:29 Not only do we know where to find Optimus Prime,
12:33 but he's begging for help.
12:35 Now is the time to strike!
12:39 You are no longer of use.
12:43 Hey, Scream! Curious.
12:47 You always let other cons do your dirty work?
12:50 Shockwave!
12:52 You already disposed of one of my prisoners.
12:56 Cliffjumper is mine.
12:59 Your reasoning is hardly... logical.
13:03 But indulge yourself.
13:06 Indulge yourself.
13:09 What do you think, Cliffjumper?
13:17 Plenty to choose from here.
13:20 Shall we go with precise dissection,
13:24 or blunt force?
13:27 Your choice, Scream.
13:30 Whatever you pick, I'm just gonna end up using it on you.
13:33 Very well.
13:36 Why don't we do this the old-fashioned way?
13:42 No! No!
13:55 Thanks for the save.
14:05 Your turn, Starscream.
14:08 What's with all the energon?
14:10 As if I would tell you.
14:13 Talk, or you're a science experiment.
14:16 I'm not kidding!
14:19 You should probably tell her something.
14:26 I'm not sure how long I can hold her back.
14:28 I'm no expert with this thing,
14:31 but I hear one slip-up can fry a neural net.
14:35 Shockwave! He's the one you want!
14:38 He's building a space bridge beneath Kaeon.
14:41 Impossible.
14:43 Space bridge technology's been lost for megacycles.
14:46 And yet he managed!
14:48 Shockwave never left Cybertron precisely so he could scavenge parts
14:52 and reverse-engineer space bridge mechanics!
14:56 And you just delivered all the energon he needs to power it up.
15:01 While it often pains me, I try to be a team player.
15:06 You going somewhere?
15:12 To take down a space bridge.
15:14 Without me?
15:16 This'll require stealth, not chatter.
15:20 Oh, you mean the chatter that distracted Starscream long enough
15:23 for you to free yourself?
15:26 Just try not to slow me down.
15:29 You know where you're going?
15:35 My unit used these tunnels during the war.
15:37 They're part of old Cybertron.
15:40 The sooner we blow the bridge, the sooner we join up with Optimus Prime.
15:49 Give him my regards.
15:53 Did you not hear Prime's message?
15:56 He needs us.
15:58 Teamwork isn't my thing.
16:00 After we finish this, you and I go our separate ways.
16:03 Whatever you say, partner.
16:05 Let's get one thing straight.
16:07 You are not my partner.
16:10 Arcee, I know it's rough.
16:13 I really do.
16:15 I don't know what you're talking about.
16:18 Tailgate.
16:21 [whoosh]
16:23 Tailgate!
16:30 Closing yourself off from feeling won't help anyone.
16:35 Sounds familiar.
16:41 Good advice is good advice.
16:44 So, I gotta know. What happened next?
16:49 [whirring]
16:52 Shockwave's latest work of art.
17:08 Already fueled and ready to rip.
17:12 Arcee, look familiar?
17:17 The coordinates Optimus provided.
17:20 They're being used to target the space bridge.
17:22 Which means the Khans will ambush Optimus and his team
17:26 before any Autobot reinforcements can get there.
17:30 If the Khans scorch Optimus, the war's as good as over.
17:44 We can fix that.
17:47 No. We don't have the ordnance to blow the bridge.
17:51 I'll have to sabotage the control systems.
17:53 What about access?
17:55 You just gonna walk up and ask for permission?
17:58 No. You are.
18:01 Uh, excuse me.
18:03 I got separated from the tour group.
18:05 Does anyone know where I can find the Decepticon base?
18:09 [whirring]
18:12 Whoa! Didn't Commander Starscream tell ya?
18:15 I'm on your side now!
18:18 That coward Optimus Prime turntail and ran.
18:24 Left the rest of us Autobots to fend for ourselves.
18:28 So much for camaraderie, huh?
18:30 Figured I'd rather be on the winning team,
18:33 so I took Starscream up on his offer.
18:35 Imagine the look on Prime's face when it starts raining Decepticons.
18:40 Me with him.
18:43 Really, I know all about Starscream's plan.
18:48 We can all get along now.
18:51 There's someone behind me, isn't there?
18:59 Only Starscream could fail to dispose of a helpless captive.
19:04 [whirring]
19:08 [whirring]
19:10 Uh, is it supposed to sound like that?
19:14 Interloper!
19:19 You have overridden the Energon containment protocols, haven't you?
19:30 Clever, but not irreversible.
19:34 [grunting]
20:01 [grunting]
20:04 [grunting]
20:12 [grunting]
20:15 [whirring]
20:25 [whirring]
20:28 There is more than one way to nullify a neural net.
20:53 Not this time.
20:56 Cliff?
21:09 I knew you cared.
21:12 It appears Shockwave's arrogance was his undoing.
21:17 Destroy them!
21:20 [whirring]
21:23 Autobots, whatever you did to the Spacebridge, undo it now!
21:31 They should really stop shooting at us if they want our help.
21:36 Seeing as how our exit is blocked, and we have an open Spacebridge portal currently set for Prime's location...
21:44 You with me?
21:50 [whirring]
21:53 The Spacebridge! It's going to blow!
22:06 [whirring]
22:16 [grunting]
22:19 Show her everything you've got!
22:27 [whirring]
22:30 [whirring]
22:56 [grunting]
22:59 Woo! Bullseye!
23:04 [grunting]
23:08 [whirring]
23:13 [grunting]
23:20 [whirring]
23:23 Think Shockwave survived?
23:28 Hope so. I want a rematch.
23:32 [grunting]
23:36 Let's find Optimus.
23:39 Partner.
23:49 [laughs] Rich with Energon, huh?
23:52 Hope the whole rock doesn't look like this.
23:55 Reminds me of the time I was lost in the Sea of Rust, back on Cybertron.
24:00 Except I was separated from my unit with absolutely no one to talk to.
24:05 Talk at.
24:07 Admit it. You loved the company.
24:11 [whirring]
24:14 [laughs] Funny.
24:21 At first I didn't think I'd ever get used to Kliss's constant chatter.
24:26 Now, there's nothing louder to me than the silence.
24:33 [music]
24:39 [music]
24:43 [music]
24:46 [music]
24:52 [music]
24:59 [music]
25:07 [music]
25:10 [music]
25:19 [music]
25:27 [music ends]
