Popeye cartoon selection Popeye Cartoon

  • il y a 5 mois


00:00 *Musique*
00:11 *Musique*
00:41 *Musique*
01:04 *Musique*
01:07 *Musique*
01:10 *Musique*
01:29 Attention tout le monde! Alarme! Abou Hassan le bandit a échappé! La dernière scène est allée par là!
01:35 Par où? Par là!
01:38 Oh! Oh! Oh!
01:40 Oh non! Oh non!
01:42 Attendez un instant! Attendez un instant! Attendez un instant! Attendez un instant!
01:45 Hey, ça ne sert à rien pour les femmes! Nous sommes des bandits!
01:49 Seal at zero! Visica pelagique! Liro!
01:53 *Rire*
01:55 *Bruit de chien*
01:55 Peut-être qu'il vaut mieux que nous essayions de traverser la rue, hein?
01:59 Skip the gutter!
02:01 *Musique*
02:04 Peut-être que je devrais traiter ça!
02:06 *Bruits de tirs*
02:07 Something is definitely wrong! I'm right, it's wrong!
02:10 *Bruits de tirs*
02:12 *Soupir*
02:15 *Musique*
02:40 I wish there was a boardwalk on this beach, huh?
02:44 If I had some bread, I'd make a sandwich, if I had a witch!
02:47 *Musique*
02:52 Food!
02:52 *Musique*
02:55 *Soupir*
02:57 A bit of disappointment!
02:59 A wimpy!
03:01 *Musique*
03:03 Would you care to join us young fella?
03:05 You know, that's just one of those invisible garages that you can't see on the desert, that's all it is!
03:09 *Musique*
03:11 Rest!
03:13 Come on we got the green light with us now.
03:20 You know I can go for a nice, cold chocolate soda right now.
03:23 Popeye, Olive Wall has collapsed completely.
03:26 Whoa!
03:27 Keep your vitality up Olive.
03:29 That's it.
03:30 Come on Olive, we got to save little women and children from bandits.
03:38 I'll get you out of this desert some way.
03:41 I take you all out.
03:43 Oh! Water! Oh boy!
03:51 Come on I'll revise you.
03:53 Here we are.
03:55 Here I'll splotch your face for you.
04:01 This is on the house.
04:09 Oh, that's good.
04:11 I'll ask in here for bandits.
04:14 But first we'll go get a cup of coffee over here.
04:17 Oh!
04:18 Come on in.
04:19 My sir.
04:20 I take you all in.
04:21 Boy this place is wide open.
04:25 Oh!
04:28 I wonder where everybody is.
04:34 Maybe it's close to the window.
04:35 Yes, why don't you come over?
04:36 It's over.
04:37 Yeah, that's what we want.
04:38 Service!
04:39 Service!
04:41 Oh there you are.
04:43 Hey what is this? Double talk or something?
04:45 I didn't send out any laundry.
04:47 I can read reading but I can't read writing.
04:49 This writing is rotten if you happen to ask me.
04:52 Hey this Chinese is Greek to me.
04:56 Haven't you got something to eat?
05:06 Oh that's better huh?
05:08 Bring me some desert without any sand this time.
05:10 Attention everybody!
05:19 Attention everybody!
05:20 Calling all towns and...
05:21 ...
