Shortland Street 7899 15th April 2024

  • 5 months ago
00:00 Previously on Shortland Street
00:02 All I want is a chance to fix this
00:05 To fix us
00:06 I want a divorce
00:07 I'm sorry but it's over
00:09 I heard her crying in the night
00:10 You should go, you should look after Lady
00:12 Madonna, I want to do this thing without hurting each other
00:15 Divorce stuff
00:16 Okay
00:16 Don't beat yourself up
00:17 You're kind to the rest of the world
00:20 Now do you
00:20 Hey, my dad's having another heart attack
00:22 Boyd, what the hell's going on?
00:23 Yeah, I'm really sorry, this is unexpected
00:25 Don't worry Dad, I'll look after you
00:27 Yeah, I want you to know if I don't get
00:31 No, no, no, no, no, no
00:32 We're not doing this
00:33 You're going to sail through
00:34 Hey Boyd, what's going on, what's wrong?
00:35 Congestive heart failure
00:37 What? Since when?
00:38 It's historic, we had no idea
00:40 He's arrested, can you get the defib please?
00:42 Come on, hold in
00:49 Clear
00:52 Thank God
00:56 Oh my God, that was too close
00:57 He's back, he's back
01:01 That never should have happened
01:03 Look, are you sure you should be here?
01:05 Like, wouldn't you feel better being with Stevie Lee or something?
01:07 Yeah, he just died, Mum
01:09 Yeah, I know, I know
01:11 Look, I got Lily to check up on her, okay?
01:12 I need to be here, I need to stay with her
01:14 I can stay, I can watch over him for you
01:17 No, no, I feel like I'm abandoning him
01:19 You can't help, Logan
01:22 I have to stay
01:25 Okay, I'll stay
01:26 Thank you
01:28 Look, you have done everything you can, you know that, right?
01:32 Sure
01:35 Okay, I'm right beside you
01:39 Okay, back to it
01:41 You're doing good
01:45 No, no, no, no, no, no
01:47 No, this is all wrong
01:49 The tissue's too friable, there's no way I can do this
01:52 What do you need?
01:53 Uh, help, another pair of hands
01:56 Right
01:57 Okay, I think they're bringing in another surgeon
02:02 Okay, that's good, dude
02:04 Well, he's not dead, though, obviously
02:06 No, no, he's not dead, but the surgery's just a bit complicated
02:10 Classic Holden
02:11 What?
02:12 Get me in there, Villy
02:12 I'm sorry, I can't, it's not protocol
02:14 Screw protocol, I need to see Holden with my own eyes
02:17 Is everything okay?
02:18 We're all good
02:19 No, no, no, my husband is not kicking the bucket, not today
02:22 If he does, I'll kick his ass
02:23 Madonna, postpone the cholecystectomy till tomorrow
02:26 Where are you going?
02:27 Boyd needs me
02:28 Okay, scrub me in, I'm coming too
02:30 He's good, though, right?
02:34 Hey, why don't you go ask Ihaia what's happening?
02:37 I'll stay here
02:37 No, you're working
02:38 You heard him, my next job is cancelled, it's fine
02:40 And I think Steve Villy would really appreciate it
02:43 Okay, thank you
02:43 No, scrub me in
02:46 I don't give a flying flap about protocol
02:48 I will see what I can do
02:51 Is that just for his benefit or are you really sticking around?
02:54 Of course I am
02:55 Right, I need a chocking mat, would you mind?
02:58 Let's go get it together
03:00 You're really going all out
03:04 Yeah, well, I had some tough competition
03:06 so I have to prove myself worthy of the position
03:08 Ah
03:09 So you'll be there, Molly's, I've booked out the whole bar
03:11 I sure will, I've got a team and everything
03:13 Oh, excellent
03:14 My quiz night simply can't go ahead without you
03:17 Well, what's so special about me?
03:19 Well, if you're there, everyone else will want to come
03:21 Oh, I see, flattery will really get you everywhere
03:23 Even though I've been here slightly longer than you
03:25 if you don't count my, um, sabbatical
03:29 I don't hold quite the same sort of, um
03:31 charm
03:37 Thanks, that is, that's very sweet
03:39 Well, I'll see you tonight
03:41 Hey, work's nearly done
03:43 Ready for the quiz tonight?
03:44 You ready to win?
03:45 We are going to win
03:50 Hey, how's it looking there?
03:52 Bad
03:54 Stopping Z-Cy properly could have caused the degradation
03:57 In just one week?
03:58 It's possible
04:00 He's crashing
04:04 Well, let's do a synthetic valve
04:06 The heart's too damaged
04:07 We've got to try something
04:09 What are you doing here?
04:14 You ordered a paediatric sponsor
04:16 I did
04:17 Hey, um, Thaddeus is hosting a quiz night at Molly's
04:21 Do you, would you, would you want to come?
04:23 I'll check my schedule
04:25 Thanks for making the time to come and see us, Naz
04:27 Yeah, so speedy
04:29 Hey, Monty, I'm Dr. Oshet, I hear you're not feeling too well
04:31 He has shortness of breath and he's been struggling to get out of bed for weeks
04:34 He's missed a lot of school
04:35 BP?
04:36 85 over 60
04:37 Hmm, a bit low
04:38 We need you to do an INR and a PT
04:40 Why?
04:41 INR?
04:42 Don't worry, we won't be needing those, eh?
04:44 Yeah, wait
04:46 What was that?
04:51 That kid has a blood clot
04:52 You don't know that
04:53 Yes I do, I've seen it before
04:54 Monty has the exact same symptoms as Patrick Johnson
04:56 Who?
04:57 PJ, he was in my class in intermediate and up until primary school
05:00 He fell once during the beep test, he was always "why is it she?"
05:03 And then, and then he napped during class and then bam, pulmonary embolism
05:06 OK, Sage, well I'm sorry about your friend, but this isn't-
05:09 PJ's fine now, he's big into crypto and lives in Christchurch
05:11 Classic
05:12 Quite a diagnostic jump
05:14 Just doing my job
05:15 Aww
05:17 What?
05:20 You were trying to impress Naz
05:22 As if
05:25 Be serious
05:27 First of all, I'm not trying to impress Naz
05:30 And second of all, do you think I'll come tonight?
05:34 Oh my god, you're terrible
05:35 But you can't let your crush get in the way of your patient care, I mean that
05:39 I'm not, truly
05:40 I'm saying this with love, Sage
05:42 Naz isn't gay
05:44 OK, wrong tree, barking
05:51 They have to save him, they nearly will
05:56 30 minutes of CPR and he's still in a systole
05:59 We're nearly there
06:01 He's dead, Boyd
06:02 We've done everything we could
06:06 Boyd
06:08 Oh damn it
06:10 Why are they standing back like that?
06:13 Help!
06:15 What?
06:16 Logan
06:18 What?
06:44 So there's a question, has been keeping him alive?
06:46 Well we can't know that, not until a post-mortem's done
06:49 Post-mortem, bloody piker
06:52 So we'll need a few hours, but once he's ready we'll let you know and you can go and see him
06:56 No, I'm not going to see him, stuff that, I am livid
06:59 He does not get to just bung her off like this, no way
07:01 Seriously
07:02 Thanks mate, yep, no, cheers for the choccy milk
07:05 Gonna need something a bit stronger now
07:08 Truly sorry for your loss Mrs Barnes, Logan
07:17 I'll make sure that Holden's taken care of
07:19 Thanks Mum
07:20 Don't worry about that love, throw him in the trash, it's what he deserves, the cheek of it
07:25 Or whatever you need, or whatever is too hard to handle, just pass it on to me
07:28 We don't need anything, he gets what he left us which is absolutely nothing
07:32 Mum, Mum!
07:34 She might need a minute, she needs me
07:36 And what do you need?
07:38 I'm good
07:39 No you're not
07:41 You just lost your Dad mate, I'm good
07:48 Maeve you have to come to Daddy's quiz tonight, it won't be any fun without you
07:52 I'm not the unclear person here you know
07:54 Really? Point me in the direction of someone else because I'm coming up short
07:59 Sorry
08:00 It just doesn't feel right, partying, drinking, anything
08:05 Not when Logan just watched his Dad die
08:07 I know but there's nothing you can do for him, not right now
08:10 I guess
08:12 We have Monty's bloods
08:13 Oh yeah?
08:14 He's anaemic
08:16 Really?
08:17 We'll get him booked in for a transfusion as soon as possible, that should help him feel less lethargic
08:21 I'll get his transfusion booked, will you get him ready for a discharge Sage?
08:24 Yeah sure
08:27 Dammit
08:28 Well you tried
08:30 He's definitely not coming to the party now
08:32 No Sage, you need to focus, don't run before you can walk yeah
08:36 I know I just tried to trust my instincts but I guess they were wrong
08:38 No I think it's more that they were compromised
08:46 I couldn't find her
08:47 Do you want me to go look for her?
08:48 Nah I think she just wants to be alone right now
08:50 What are you needing?
08:53 Oh it's cool
08:57 Hey brother, I got some bad news
08:59 Oh that's hard
09:00 How's he doing?
09:01 Uh, he hasn't even cried yet
09:03 He's probably in shock
09:05 Yeah he's just so worried about his mum
09:07 Does he need anything from home? I'd love to help any way I can
09:10 Thank you, he's really sorting it all
09:12 Right, of course
09:13 Yeah he's at the flat now, anyway I need to go check on him
09:17 Alden was still so young, and Logan?
09:20 We have to rally around him if he's going to get through this
09:24 Maybe pull it back a bit?
09:25 Excuse me?
09:26 I know what you're doing
09:28 You're using Logan's personal tragedy to claw your way back into my brother's good graces
09:33 How can you even say that?
09:35 It won't work, it's a bad idea for the both of you
09:37 You and Vili are over, so let him go
09:56 Chris, hey
09:59 Didn't know you were here
10:02 That's all good though
10:04 Uh, just so you're aware, Logan's dad died today
10:12 In surgery
10:14 It came as a real shock to all of us
10:19 Okay, well yeah, my best friend's dad died today in front of him, can you hear me?
10:25 This is Logan's house, you're squatting it and you can't spare a word for him
10:29 I thought
10:34 You're not the only one Harry left, you know
10:36 Logan was super messed up, he's still messed up
10:39 And what about my sister?
10:41 She stood by you and you just threw her away
10:44 You treated her like trash, why are you even here?
10:50 She's dodging my calls, you know, she might have left the hospital, gone to the bar or the pokies
10:54 Without telling you
10:55 It looks like it
10:56 Okay, I'll try and give her another call
10:58 She is at the bar, look
11:01 Okay, good, good, well at least she's safe then
11:04 She's in denial
11:05 This just might be the way that she grieves
11:07 No she's not, she's not grieving, she's acting like nothing's happened
11:10 Look, she can't be alone right now, she needs me
11:13 Wait, Logan, are you sure you're not the one who needs her?
11:16 No, well yeah, maybe, but not when she's drunk or hiding
11:19 Okay, well her feelings, they might be catching up
11:21 She wasn't there, she didn't get to see Holden go like you did
11:25 Do you think she needs to?
11:28 To see him? Yeah, it could...
11:30 Look, I'm sorry, I've got to go get mum before I lose track of her
11:33 Okay, well I will come, we can have a shot of, I don't know, liquid courage before we see Holden
11:37 I doubt she will, don't think so, but we'll be fine
11:40 Miss Nikolf, I thought you were going to invite more people than this, Sedge
11:50 Well I'm still kind of the new kid, Daddy, give me a minute to sort my oats
11:53 Okay, well I'm sorry we couldn't find a babysitter
11:55 I mean, as for the turnout, people may have been intimidated, knowing that Sedge and I are coming
11:59 Nobody likes to lose
12:02 You're really stressed, aren't you?
12:04 Can you just have a seat, have a lemonade?
12:06 Oh dear, I've bungled up being social club secretary in the first week, haven't I?
12:10 No, you're doing great
12:12 Thank you, um, sorry, I think there's an eyelash, excuse me
12:17 He really needs this to go well
12:20 So let's make sure it does, okay, first things first, we need a team name
12:23 Can't be too specific, it has to be open enough so other people feel like they can join, you know?
12:26 So, Mage is out?
12:28 Hey team, not much of a turnout, is it?
12:33 Can I be on your team?
12:35 Please
12:37 Thank God, if you want to hear
12:39 No, it should be fun, I'll get us some drinks, Moscow Mules?
12:41 Yeah, yum, thank you
12:46 Oh my God, babe, do you know what this means?
12:48 Um, Naz has really great taste
12:50 No, can I be on your team, getting us Moscow Mules, that incredible shirt?
12:56 When have you ever seen him at after work drinks, like socialising or anything?
13:00 He's soft launching his sexuality, I know it
13:04 Oh, it must have been so hard for him all this time, pretending
13:07 I need to text Stella
13:08 No, no, let's not get too ahead of ourselves
13:10 Oh my God, he's coming back
13:12 Oh, cool
13:14 Legion, I think I might stay at mum's tonight
13:20 Good call
13:22 Hey, we've taken good care of him, okay?
13:25 Thank you, boy
13:27 The funeral director needs to see him soon
13:30 You want us to go with you?
13:32 Nah, it's okay, we should do this one ourselves
13:35 Thanks for looking after us, though, sorry I've been all over the place
13:38 Of course, we'll just wait here for you
13:42 Right, mum, let's go
13:44 I'm good, love
13:45 What do you mean?
13:46 You go on without me, say your goodbyes
13:47 Mum, we don't have time for this
13:48 Well then you'd better hurry up then
13:50 This might be the last time you ever see him
13:52 Good riddance
13:54 Mum, I know you're struggling, but you might regret not saying goodbye to dad properly
13:58 Don't worry about me, Logie Bear, go on
14:01 What is wrong with you?
14:03 I don't want to see him like that, sweetheart
14:07 Come on
14:09 How's he doing?
14:15 Who, Logan or Chris?
14:16 Have you said anything about Chris?
14:17 Sorry, it's just been a weird, rough day
14:20 But now that you mention it
14:22 Ringa?
14:23 I'm just asking
14:24 He's a mess, you're so much better off without him
14:27 How much of a mess?
14:28 I just don't want you getting hurt, not again
14:31 Yeah, me too
14:34 Do you think we need to move on?
14:36 Pot, meat, kettle, silly Natoa
14:38 I just asked one question
14:40 You told me to move on from my ex and you're still asking Gus about yours
14:43 Yeah, well Velie's not your husband anymore
14:45 Chris is not your boyfriend
14:47 I told you to leave it with Velie
14:49 You've already put him through so much, okay?
14:51 And I still have to be able to deal with two of you
14:54 And he'll be a mess if you're still sniffing around
14:57 So drop it
14:58 How are you feeling?
15:00 Great
15:01 Should I come in with you?
15:02 Please Mum, I think I need to do this alone actually
15:05 Of course
15:07 You know, I wish Mum could hack it
15:09 And I wish Kuru could be here on time
15:11 But without them, if it's just...
15:13 Look, it might be nice, you know
15:15 This way you can just talk to him, privately
15:19 And you know I'm right out here if you need anything
15:22 Okay
15:23 Hey Dad
15:30 [Music]
15:35 This is so messed up
15:37 [Music]
15:52 Well I can't believe I had a Dad like you
15:55 [Music]
15:59 It was mental
16:00 A lot of the time, if I'm honest
16:02 [Music]
16:07 I was pretty annoyed
16:09 With all those brothers and sisters you left me with
16:11 [Music]
16:14 Constantly just...
16:16 [Music]
16:17 Running into people I didn't know I was related to
16:20 [Music]
16:22 And all those kids you left behind
16:24 I wasn't thrilled
16:26 [Music]
16:28 And you lied
16:30 For so long
16:32 [Music]
16:33 You hid it from us
16:35 So much
16:37 [Music]
16:42 But I...
16:44 [Music]
16:45 Now I keep thinking
16:47 [Music]
16:48 Keep realising that
16:50 [Music]
16:53 There are all these parts of you
16:55 Out there in the world
16:57 Waiting for me
16:59 That I can keep finding wherever I go
17:02 [Music]
17:03 And maybe it's stupid
17:05 But...
17:06 [Music]
17:08 It just kind of helps me feel like you're still here
17:11 [Music]
17:17 Friends, Romans, countrymen and women
17:20 Lend me your ears for tonight we quiz!
17:24 [Applause]
17:26 He's really gone all out
17:27 He's amazing
17:29 We have questions and categories to appeal to everyone
17:33 Pop culture, world events, sports, you name it
17:36 We will quiz you on it
17:38 I'm actually a bit nervous now
17:40 So, without further ado
17:42 And with me as your host, Thad the Lad
17:44 Yes, Thad the Lad
17:46 I hope you're feeling competitive tonight
17:48 Because the team that places first
17:50 Will win brunch for two at Lola's
17:53 With mimosas on the house
17:55 What could be better?
17:56 So, let's get cracking
17:57 First round is general knowledge
18:00 Who is the current mayor of Invercargill?
18:04 Off to a random start
18:06 Not me, Clark!
18:07 He went to high school with my dad
18:09 Thank you for that, Sage
18:11 Maybe just write it on your paper
18:13 Rather than sharing the answer with the whole room
18:15 Sorry
18:16 Great job, though
18:17 Who was the season eight winner of RuPaul's Drag Race?
18:21 Bob!
18:22 Hey, um
18:28 Naz, would you ever want to do this again?
18:31 Do what again?
18:33 Oh, like this
18:34 Like, exactly this
18:35 Except no quiz and no other people
18:38 So, just cocktails?
18:40 Yeah, just cocktails and us
18:43 And Maeve?
18:45 Well, no
18:47 No Maeve
18:48 Oh, so, like a date?
18:50 Yeah, almost exactly like a date
18:53 A date
18:54 Oh, oh, yeah, that would be cool
18:57 But I'm not sure how that would work, Sage
18:59 Because I'm...
19:00 Oh my god, you've got a boyfriend
19:01 Of course you do, that makes sense
19:03 No, no boyfriend
19:04 But that's mainly because I'm straight
19:06 You're straight?
19:10 Yeah
19:11 You're straight?
19:13 Yeah
19:14 But we could still hang out as friends
19:16 That would be cool
19:17 Finish the title of this Mariah Carey track from 2005
19:22 We blank blank
19:23 Belong together
19:25 Okay, team, this round is on me
19:27 Because we are killing it
19:29 Kill me
19:31 Name three Jennifer Lopez films
19:33 And for bonus points, give me the years in which they were released
19:37 Well, enough
19:39 2002, Made in Manhattan was the same year, I believe
19:42 Or am I getting confused with the waiting planner?
19:44 She can't have had all three out in the same year, surely
19:46 Chris, it's me
19:56 I know you're in there, so you might as well open up
20:11 Chris, what are you doing?
20:13 This is childish, you can't just ghost us
20:16 We're all out here just dealing with the fallout and aftermath
20:21 And with everything else
20:25 Because life goes on
20:28 This is not all about you, okay
20:31 And it's not all about you, messed up son
20:33 There are other people that need you
20:36 Grow up
20:40 Oh, Philly
20:41 Hey, sorry, um
20:44 I just needed some space, but I'll get out of your way
20:48 No, no, no, I can find somewhere else
20:51 How's Logan doing?
20:53 He's struggling
20:56 But he's doing fine compared to Stevie Lee
20:58 She is not coping at all
21:00 I'm sure you're not the only one
21:02 I'm sure you're not the only one
21:04 I'm sure you're not the only one
21:06 I'm sure you're not the only one
21:08 I'm sure you're not the only one
21:10 I'm sure you're not the only one
21:12 I'm sure you're not the only one
21:14 I'm sure you're not the only one
21:16 I'm sure you're not the only one
21:18 Stevie Lee, she is not coping at all
21:20 It's so awful
21:22 I've been praying for them
21:25 There's not much else we can do
21:28 It feels so quick
21:32 He was just here
21:36 And now he's gone and
21:39 Logan's life will never be the same
21:43 Life is so short
21:46 It's so short
21:48 And everything is meaningless
21:51 Compared to this
21:53 Why do we spend time
21:55 Making things difficult
21:57 And painful
21:59 When
22:01 When we could just be happy
22:07 [Music]